Gender Queer and its effect on human sexuality

This is hilarious considering how much of a bitch you're being about explaining yourself. 😄

Funny you should say that. Here's more from the author on that very subject.

It’s disingenuous for multiple reasons. There’s this misconception that this book is going to children—they’re using language like, ‘Do you think an eight-year-old should read this?’ And my response is, no, that’s why it’s geared for 14 to 18-year-olds.

We also have to stop pretending like my book is what’s introducing child to sex. It isn’t. A 14-year-old child, by the time they’ve read my book, may have already had sex. So them reading about a sex scene is possibly more about their own experience, in their own life.

You said that he also said he enjoyed it in asking you clarify what point you were making by bring that up to me. It's no sweat off my back when you people are top pussy to make your points clear. 😄

Then why are leftists putting it in elementary school libraries you lying hack....?
An excerpt taken out context according to the author. Dipshit.

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Author: You took out of context my book about children having sex with adults....I meant it to help showing them having sex with adults......

Then why are leftists putting it in elementary school libraries you lying hack....?
Are they?
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Author: You took out of context my book about children having sex with adults....I meant it to help showing them having sex with adults......


The author himself calls it abuse you moron. Keep denying reality. It makes you look sane as does the excess of laughing emojis. 😄
Some do some don't as do some girls.

I'm not uncomfortable with your implication that enjoyment cancels out statutory rape. That seems perfectly in line with deplorable mutant beliefs.
I didnt say it cancels it out. I fully expect her to go to prison. I merely said that it affects boys differently than girls. Im right about that and you will fail if you try to prove me wrong.
I didnt say it cancels it out. I fully expect her to go to prison. I merely said that it affects boys differently than girls. Im right about that and you will fail if you try to prove me wrong.
You're not and it's you who has to prove your claim. Apparently you think women and girls can't and don't enjoy casual sex? 😄
Are they?

The author himself calls it abuse you moron. Keep denying reality. It makes you look sane as does the excess of laughing emojis. 😄

Yeah...he calls it abuse and promotes it in his book...while idiots like you give him cover because he says he is trying to protect children....while he has children having sex with adults in his book....

Are you this stupid in real life, or just when you post?

Why are you protecting this kiddie porn guy?
You're not and it's you who has to prove your claim. Apparently you think women and girls can't and don't enjoy casual sex? 😄
Strawman argument. I said no such thing. You will NEVER prove me wrong that sex affects boys differently than it does with girls. You are dumb as fuck for even trying to.
You said that he also said he enjoyed it in asking you clarify what point you were making by bring that up to me. It's no sweat off my back when you people are top pussy to make your points clear. 😄
Yes... and how you arrived to thinking this is saying abuse is not abuse if they like it is not grounded in reality, but how your brain is poisoned with pre-conceptions that makes you arrive to such an absurd interpretation.
The author choosing to be so graphical, INCLUDING that the victim enjoyed parts of it - THAT is saying that abuse isn't so bad if you enjoy it. Not me saying FFS.
The author is a sick dude. Pure and simple.
Any person writing a book, he himself says is intended for 14 year olds, and contains pornographic, very descriptive sex acts is a sick fuck. It is not necessary to be pornographic to say "gay is ok".
"Oh yeah... his penis is so awesome...mmm... it feels so juicy in my mouth" (paraphrase) - that is pornographic. That belongs in the adult section in an adult bookstore. Not a fucking school library.
This is an EXACT example of why I say progressives want to make it okay to bring underage children into the world of sex and sexual enjoyment.
This is hilarious considering how much of a bitch you're being about explaining yourself. 😄

Funny you should say that. Here's more from the author on that very subject.

It’s disingenuous for multiple reasons. There’s this misconception that this book is going to children—they’re using language like, ‘Do you think an eight-year-old should read this?’ And my response is, no, that’s why it’s geared for 14 to 18-year-olds.

We also have to stop pretending like my book is what’s introducing child to sex. It isn’t. A 14-year-old child, by the time they’ve read my book, may have already had sex. So them reading about a sex scene is possibly more about their own experience, in their own life.

You said that he also said he enjoyed it in asking you clarify what point you were making by bring that up to me. It's no sweat off my back when you people are top pussy to make your points clear. 😄

The author’s justification is anything but that. Do adolescents get exposed to graphic content by the time they are 14? Yes… that has been going on since the beginning of time as this type of graphic content will invariably reach them in discussion with peers and content from in books, media, etc. such as the content put forth by the author.

However, the author has failed to provide why this should be in K-12.
The author’s justification is anything but that. Do adolescents get exposed to graphic content by the time they are 14? Yes… that has been going on since the beginning of time as this type of graphic content will invariably reach them in discussion with peers and content from in books, media, etc. such as the content put forth by the author.

However, the author has failed to provide why this should be in K-12.
It is like saying buying a pack of cigarettes for a 15 year old is ok, because he can get them somewhere else anyway.
It is like saying it is okay to watch porn with an underage child because they can do it themselves, so why not do it with them.
Etc. etc.
Yeah...he calls it abuse and promotes it in his book...while idiots like you give him cover because he says he is trying to protect children....while he has children having sex with adults in his book....

Are you this stupid in real life, or just when you post?

Why are you protecting this kiddie porn guy?
The book is about the things that he experienced in his own life, stupid. He didn't make it up for sensationalism. I actually just bought the book to support the author. Here's the intro where he clearly states what this book is about and what it's purpose is.

In writing this book, I wanted to be as authentic and truthful about my experience as possible. I wanted my story to be told in totality: the good, the bad, and the things I was always too afraid to talk about publicly. This meant going to places and discussing some subjects that are often kept away from teens for fear of them being "too heavy".

But the truth of the matter is, these things happened to me when I was a child, teenager and young adult. So as heavy as these subjects may be, it is necessary that they are not only told, but also read by teens who may have to navigate many of the same experiences in their own lives.

This book will touch on sexual assault (including molestation), loss of virginity, homophobia, racism and anti Blackness. These discussions at times may be a bit graphic, but nonetheless these are experiences many reading this book will encounter or have already encountered. And I want those readers to be seen and heard in these pages.

Within these pages, the word ****** and nigga appears, sometimes in full and sometimes abbreviated as n****. The same is true for fag or faggot, and their abbreviations. I included these slurs in the text in specific ways for specific emotional and intellectual effect. Please use the same thoughtfulness when talking about this book. If you don't identify as Black, African American or queer, don't use these slurs in full, which can be harmful to others. You can use common abbreviations, like n-word or f-word instead.

Please know this book was crafted with care and love, but most importantly to give a voice to so many from marginalized communities whose experiences have not yet been captured between the pages of a book.

I hope this book will make you laugh at moments. I hope this book will make you cry at moments. I hope this book will open you up to understanding the people you may have never spoken to because of their differences from you. We are not as different as you think, and all our stories matter and deserve to be celebrated and told.

With Love,

George M. Johnson
Strawman argument. I said no such thing. You will NEVER prove me wrong that sex affects boys differently than it does with girls. You are dumb as fuck for even trying to.
Sure. Your impotent and angry retort speaks of confidence in your beliefs.... 😄
Yes... and how you arrived to thinking this is saying abuse is not abuse if they like it is not grounded in reality, but how your brain is poisoned with pre-conceptions that makes you arrive to such an absurd interpretation.
Asking you for clarification is the opposite of a preconception you moron. 😄
The author choosing to be so graphical, INCLUDING that the victim enjoyed parts of it - THAT is saying that abuse isn't so bad if you enjoy it. Not me saying FFS.
It's not. In fact he says prey on desire and lust in young people is why they have a hard time coping with abuse or even recognizing that they were abused. You idiot.
The author is a sick dude. Pure and simple.
Any person writing a book, he himself says is intended for 14 year olds, and contains pornographic, very descriptive sex acts is a sick fuck. It is not necessary to be pornographic to say "gay is ok".
First gay is ok, abuse is not you stunted fucktard. Secondly these are things that happened to him. Things that happen to other teens. Those teens aren't done any favors by not talking about these things that happen.
"Oh yeah... his penis is so awesome...mmm... it feels so juicy in my mouth" (paraphrase) - that is pornographic. That belongs in the adult section in an adult bookstore. Not a fucking school library.
Your fantasy reenactment isn't a dig on the author it's a revelation of your own psyche.
This is an EXACT example of why I say progressives want to make it okay to bring underage children into the world of sex and sexual enjoyment.
Teenagers have sex you incel. We shouldn't be afraid to discuss the topic responsibly with them. You know what isn't responsible? Pretending as if girls can't and don't enjoy casual sex like your friend Godboy.
Please post the material that people are actually objecting to instead pretending it is this. You, and everybody else with a triple digit IQ knows you are being dishonest.


From the OP (for those with diminished intellectual honesty):

Another book banned in florida is called "Dave has two Dads" or similar. Again this seems to have educational value. There are kids with two Dads. Should they not be catered for.? Should they not receive reassurance that this is normal
Trying to cancel all mention of alternate lifestyles does a dissrvice to kids. The kids are
notat risk in any way.

From the news, among books being banned:

Just two examples, many more available via google.
The author’s justification is anything but that. Do adolescents get exposed to graphic content by the time they are 14? Yes… that has been going on since the beginning of time as this type of graphic content will invariably reach them in discussion with peers and content from in books, media, etc. such as the content put forth by the author.

However, the author has failed to provide why this should be in K-12.
He hasn't? I doubt you've actually read anything he said. I provided the intro to his book. He explains himself exceptionally and so far all I got from you Bingos is that gay sex is evil and girls can't feel sexual desire like boys. 😄
No, you're being an obvious idiot. People like me and the author aren't going away. You ignorant Bingos are. You're dying out and going extinct because your ignorance isn't a desirable trait in decent society. You can cosplay about the purpose of this book all you like but only trailer park trash who can't read would fall for it. 😄 Here's another excerpt from the anal sex scene read aloud, picking up after the author expressed feeling pleasure and pain. (This scene wasn't a statutory rape scene by the way. The other boy in question was another classmate.)

I can't say I didn't enjoy it, because I did. But it was painful for sure. In those few minutes though, I can say that he was gentle. His aim wasn't to hurt me, and my aim was for him to be pleasured, too. He didn't last long inside of me, thankfully. He gave me a kiss before he pulled out. I didn't stay long, nor did I masturbate after. I was in a state of shock. I just wanted to get back home.

The next morning, me and my line brothers were planning to travel to Jersey for my birthday and I had to drive. But, I was in pain. I told them what I had done before getting on the road, they picked up some Tylenol for me and explained, "It will take time to get used to it." They were proud though. I had earned another gay badge of honor like it was the Boy Scouts or something.

I was in pain for nearly three weeks following that encounter and too afraid to go to the doctor for help because I would have had to tell them I had been having anal sex. So, like most trauma in my life, I sucked it up and dealt with the pain until my body healed. I didn't have sex for several months following that encounter.

But after a while, I got the courage to try it again, but this time I went into it much more prepared. With each time I learned more about my body and the power to say, "No, that hurts." Sex should be pleasurable. And there are safe ways to ensure that. Like they say, Practice makes perfect, and I eventually got a lot of practice.

I often imagine what my first sexual experiences would have been like had I been given the ability to learn about what queer sex was when all my straight friends and classmates got to learn about what it looked like for them. My queer sexuality was one big, risky crash course, much like other aspects of my queer existence.

There is so much danger in not providing proper education about sex to kids, especially for those who are having sex outside of the heteronormative boxes.

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