General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

Nor has the White House... The most screwed-up mess ever hilarious
Only if you are a blind media sucker and gullible mess would you feel as you do. This administration is doing great. If you only watch CNN you would not know it.
ISIS is damn near done in Iraq and our economy is going great.
And like it or not Obama care is over. WIN WIN WIN!!!!
Nor has the White House... The most screwed-up mess ever hilarious
Only if you are a blind media sucker and gullible mess would you feel as you do. This administration is doing great. If you only watch CNN you would not know it.
ISIS is damn near done in Iraq and our economy is going great.
And like it or not Obama care is over. WIN WIN WIN!!!!
Yes continuing Obama's policy in Syria and not passing anything's worked fine... LOL you have to be a total dupe to be against Obamacare. It's actually been working and would work fine without GOP and crony insurer sabotage...
Obamacare. It's actually been working and would work fine without GOP and crony insurer sabotage...
Franco....I'm sorry but you are just wrong. Obamacare is costing people way too much for way too little. The widely expressed view in the healthcare industry today is MEDIOCRE CARE = Obamacare.
Talk to your doctor and get back to me.
Obamacare. It's actually been working and would work fine without GOP and crony insurer sabotage...
Franco....I'm sorry but you are just wrong. Obamacare is costing people way too much for way too little. The widely expressed view in the healthcare industry today is MEDIOCRE CARE = Obamacare.
Talk to your doctor and get back to me.
What's wrong with Obamacare is the cost of Healthcare in the world of GOP scams big health big Pharma Etc... And ObamaCare is actually the beginning of the solution competition and regulation which has to be added to... Surly Medicaid expansion has been a great success despite 20 states or so not having it...
What's wrong with Obamacare is the cost of Healthcare in the world of GOP scams big health big Pharma Etc...
Well Thank you for finally admitting there is something wrong with Obamacare.That's a good lets fix it.
Obamacare. It's actually been working and would work fine without GOP and crony insurer sabotage...
Franco....I'm sorry but you are just wrong. Obamacare is costing people way too much for way too little. The widely expressed view in the healthcare industry today is MEDIOCRE CARE = Obamacare.
Talk to your doctor and get back to me.
Very expensive mediocre care.
Why were Kelly and others listening in? How many others?

Trump invited them to listen. Who invited the lying pig Congress thing?

The family. She was already with them in the car. They were friends. It was the family that put Trump on speakerphone when he called. BTW, what did she lie about? The family backs her up. Kelly never denied what she said that Trump said.
Why were Kelly and others listening in? How many others?

Trump invited them to listen. Who invited the lying pig Congress thing?

The family. She was already with them in the car. They were friends. It was the family that put Trump on speakerphone when he called. BTW, what did she lie about? The family backs her up. Kelly never denied what she said that Trump said.

It appears the family has bad phone manners, because when you put someone on a speaker phone you are supposed to inform them of all the people on your end of the conversation.

If I was Trump and I was told some lying piece of shit Dim Congress thing was in the audience o the other end I would have told them I will call back another time.

The whole thing sounds like a dirty trick.
Y'all need to just stop. Its making you look stupid. Or did you forget Trump is sitting in the WH because he was put there due to NOT having bedside pc manners? we don't need tiskers. We need someone that doesn't pull punches. He stated fact. Deal with it.

So, if you were at a funeral for one of your kids, and someone walked up to you and said, "I'm so sorry for your loss, but they deserved it for driving drunk," you'd think that was appropriate?

At no point did President Trump blame the soldier for his own death.

That is the very fabrication President Trump was referring to, and you just proved his point by spreading what the lying sack of shit Congresswoman falsely claimed.

That's not what I said. He did however say that he knew by signing up for the military he could die.

If you drink and drive you know by doing so you could die.

There is a time and place for making comments like this. Kelly made it VERY clear that he told Trump what to say. Instead of saying the soldier was being heroic, by making the decision to serve despite the chance he could loose his life doing so, Trump made it sound like his death wasn't a big deal because he knew he could die.
That's what that lying pig Frederica Wilson says. Kelly says otherwise.
Speaking of lying pig.

President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Thanks to the crackheads Frederickah and SheLieShia, a President calling Afro Americans and expressing condolences is not a good idea.
Only if the president supports or is a Nazi. Calling them good people equals support. Know anyone like that?
Thanks to the crackheads Frederickah and SheLieShia, a President calling Afro Americans and expressing condolences is not a good idea.
Only if the president supports or is a Nazi. Calling them good people equals support. Know anyone like that?
He didn't call any Nazis, "good people," you fucking dumb ass. Not all the people protesting the removal of Confederate statues are Nazis.

Why do you imagine pretending to be stupid is a winning argument?

Oh yeah . . . . . . I forgot that you aren't pretending.
"He was almost like joking. He said, 'He knew what he was getting into, but I guess it hurts anyway,'" said U.S. Rep. Frederica Wilson, who was riding in a car with Johnson's widow as the call played on speaker phone. Wilson recounted the call on Morning Joe today. "He said it just matter-of-factly, just like anyone who signs up for military duty is signing up to die. It was horrible; it was insensitive; it was absolutely crazy and unnecessary. I was livid."

Johnson's widow, Myesha, who is pregnant, was crushed by the call, Wilson said.

"She was crying the whole time, and when she hung up, she looked at me and said, 'He didn't even remember his name. That's the hurtful part,'" Wilson said."

Fucking insane bitch.

Trump Claims "Proof" That Frederica Wilson Lied About Insulting Call to Soldier's Widow

MSM has covered this bullshit issue more than the Senate Democrat Bob Menendez corruption trial.

It's unconscionable. The media is literally the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.
Menendez will probably be acquitted based on the last SC ruling on quid pro quo with that Republican governor that got off.... the Supreme court set a real high standard for illegal tit for tat.
You would think that the President's scheduler would have made arrangements for the call at a time when Johnson's wife was home and not driving to the airport to receive her husband's dead body and casket.....

Since when do you schedule phone calls?
:rofl: are you serious???

I know you aren't ever serious, that's why we enjoy laughing at you so often!

Hello, Mrs. Johnson?

This is Fakename Secretary, President Trump's phone scheduler. He would like to set up a time to talk to you. I'm sorry. I didn't understand you. Yes, ma'am, I understand that just lost your husband, but would it be too much trouble to give me your schedule for the next three days so that the President may get the opportunity to call you?

Yes ma'am. I know you don't want to atk to anyone right now, but the President is a very busy man, but he wants to extend his condolences.

So, you have no idea what you will be doing? Yes ma'am I do understand, but I really need to nail down a time for the President to call you.

I understand that you voted for Hillary Clinton, but ...


Hello? Hello? Mrs. Johnson?

Too funny! :lol:

Yes admiral, calls like this are scheduled, they are not haphazard or willy nilly ....and they are preserved for the national record.
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff? As far as the mother goes NOW she's claiming Trump not only insulted her son, his widow BUT now the soldier's father was insulted as well. That's just plain crazy.

"She said the president was 'respectful' during the condolence call, then went after Wilson and added: 'To try to create something from that, that the congresswoman is doing, is frankly appalling and disgusting.'

Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.

Sanders indicated that Kelly would vouch for Trump, after Wilson said several people were also monitoring the president's call, which was put on speakerphone in a limo as Johnson's widow, Myeshia, rode to receive his remains."

Read more: White House says there are NO tapes of condolence call | Daily Mail Online
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Seriously, why do you always take the dishonest and ugly side of every issue - and then try to justify it will bullshit?

Isn't that what you do, paid troll?

Have a seat ya tool.
templarkormac is a paid tool, yes. The Congress person is wrong, the President is worse. He deliberately lied

POTUS said Obama did not call dead warriors. General Kelly confirmed it today. No call from Obama for his dead son

Wow, are you serious with that comment? Does your brain tell you that is a good point?

Not sure what you mean. At least our patriotic POTUS called the widow. Obama did not call General Kelly to offer condolences of any kind? Which BTW, is exactly what Mr Trump said and as usual, came to be true.

Obama is a panty waste despicable human

Kelly said he thought the phone call was sacred because the congresswoman heard it...while he and others listened in also.

Did Kelly or anyone else walk out into the Rose Garden and publicize what they heard? Get real. You lost. Another nothing burger to go along with the fairy tale dossier and stiletto gate.

I agree, it was nothing until Trump said Obama didn't call families and then he got exposed.

Then he said he didn't say what the gold star family said but then had Kelly go out and explain that he said it but it was "the best he could do".

You lose.

I agree with Gen Kelly in that it is probably the best our President can do. I think Trump tried to sincerely offer his condolences but his lack of experience in dealing with common people, lack of empathy and his limited vocabulary did him in

Everyone in the family objected to the way Trump phrased it. That is all the President needs to know. All Trump needed to do is immediately say....I'm sorry, I did not mean it that way

Instead, Trump chose to attack those who reported what he said and say they were "fabricating" the conversation. Kelly affirmed that they are not
Trump's supporters continue to fabricate fake news.

Trump said what he said, then lied.
Trump's supporters continue to fabricate fake news.

Trump said what he said, then lied.

The Trump camp seems to straddle both sides of the fence

They deny that he said it
Then say "that is not what he meant"

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