Genius Scientist Stephen Hawking declares that the universe created itself...

It's just a matter of words

some call it Universe

some call it Energy

some call it whatever


So basically you have taken nature and given it a human personality and called it God, but it is still nature!

I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.
- Frank Lloyd Wright
My belief in God is based on the logical conclusion that this universe did not create itself, but must have been created by something outside the universe.
But it is illogical to assume that some THING outside our universe could in any way effect our universe, since by your own definition it is OUTSIDE our universe!!!
Stephen Hawking says universe not created by God

I'm glad he just came out and said it, the universe created itself, because once it is said, it is obvious how stupid that sounds.

But here is a man who has devoted his life to science, but rather than accept the possibility that a force outside the known universe created the universe, he chooses instead to believe in something impossible, that the universe created itself through the law of gravity.

But even if the law of gravity caused THIS universe to spontanously come in being, that doesn't solve Hawking's problem -- where did the law of gravity come from, and all the matter that went into this formation of the universe, where did that come from?

Scientists are not theologians, and it smacks of unprofessionalism when they attempt to answer questions of religion for which they have no training or diplomas.

He didn't "declare" this at all. He said that a God is "not necessary", which, had you read the article you'd have seen.

However I don't think it requires so much scientific knowledge to figure out that there doesn't need to be a God.

The simple fact is that if the Universe is so complex it requires a God to make it, then the God is so complex that the God requires something to make it too.

Therefore something has to have made God, and it'll be so complex that it also requires something so complex to make it, and in turn every single thing that could have made a God, must have been created by something so complex that it required something so complex to make it.

Therefore it's impossible that the Universe was created by a God because it was so complex that it must have been created by a God. It's simple logic.
How did the universe get here?

There are three theories:

1) An outside force created the universe, i.e. God;

2) The universe created itself, and is itself God, i.e. pantheism;


3) The universe was always here, it has no beginning and will have no end.

Of these three theories, I find the first most probable.
I find the first improbable because any force outside our universe can have no effect on our universe otherwise that force would part of our universe!

3 is the most probable to me.
Eternal is not the same as forever. Forever implies the march of time and space. Eternal is a lack of time and space. God is, and always was, and always will be. But to God, there is only here and now. He sees our universe, but the boundaries of time and space are applicable to our universe, having no meaning outside of it.
If God is eternal and lacking time and space then God cannot be in the hear and now which are the very essence of time and space!
Ready access to unlimited Internet porn has lead us to believe that nothing is beyond human comprehension.

I dont blame Hawkings for trying to kill off the Creator
But even if the law of gravity caused THIS universe to spontanously come in being, that doesn't solve Hawking's problem -- where did the law of gravity come from, and all the matter that went into this formation of the universe, where did that come from?
I don't know. Let's invent a god in order to explain it, what do you reckon?
My belief in God is based on the logical conclusion that this universe did not create itself, but must have been created by something outside the universe.

Logic only takes you that far. Were it not for the revelations of the Bible, I would believe in an impersonal God, who created the universe and then walked away, who was indiffferent to mankind and all our struggles. The facts seem to fit that model of God, but the Bible says otherwise.
You haven't progressed beyond cave men who had no understanding of science.
What is your progress then? Do you believe Stephen Hawking's theory that the universe created itself?

That's complete nonsense.

Those like you once believed the world was flat, and the Universe revolved around the Earth, so please let remember how religion has been close minded.

Out of Chaos the Universe was created. Choas was the Greek Titan known as the void and is your God.

Your religion is based on Sumerian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman Mythology and please deny this like the simple minded will do and know Noah story is Sumerian, so your God is Anu or An and is a story and only a story...

I mean God is the Alpha and Omega which again is another connection to Chaos the Titan which is related to Anu\An in Sumerian...

As for Hawkings, who knows but I tend to side with Science when it comes to creation, well except evolution because my ass if I am some tailless monkey!
But even if the law of gravity caused THIS universe to spontanously come in being, that doesn't solve Hawking's problem -- where did the law of gravity come from, and all the matter that went into this formation of the universe, where did that come from?
I don't know. Let's invent a god in order to explain it, what do you reckon?
My belief in God is based on the logical conclusion that this universe did not create itself, but must have been created by something outside the universe.

Logic only takes you that far. Were it not for the revelations of the Bible, I would believe in an impersonal God, who created the universe and then walked away, who was indiffferent to mankind and all our struggles. The facts seem to fit that model of God, but the Bible says otherwise.
You haven't progressed beyond cave men who had no understanding of science.
What is your progress then? Do you believe Stephen Hawking's theory that the universe created itself?

That's complete nonsense.

Those like you once believed the world was flat, and the Universe revolved around the Earth, so please let remember how religion has been close minded.

Out of Chaos the Universe was created. Choas was the Greek Titan known as the void and is your God.

Your religion is based on Sumerian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman Mythology and please deny this like the simple minded will do and know Noah story is Sumerian, so your God is Anu or An and is a story and only a story...

I mean God is the Alpha and Omega which again is another connection to Chaos the Titan which is related to Anu\An in Sumerian...

As for Hawkings, who knows but I tend to side with Science when it comes to creation, well except evolution because my ass if I am some tailless monkey!
So you side with science until science makes you uncomfortable?
But even if the law of gravity caused THIS universe to spontanously come in being, that doesn't solve Hawking's problem -- where did the law of gravity come from, and all the matter that went into this formation of the universe, where did that come from?
I don't know. Let's invent a god in order to explain it, what do you reckon?
My belief in God is based on the logical conclusion that this universe did not create itself, but must have been created by something outside the universe.

Logic only takes you that far. Were it not for the revelations of the Bible, I would believe in an impersonal God, who created the universe and then walked away, who was indiffferent to mankind and all our struggles. The facts seem to fit that model of God, but the Bible says otherwise.

What do you picture God the creator as. Just a mass? a hit of energy? what specifically?
Stephen Hawking says universe not created by God

I'm glad he just came out and said it, the universe created itself, because once it is said, it is obvious how stupid that sounds.

But here is a man who has devoted his life to science, but rather than accept the possibility that a force outside the known universe created the universe, he chooses instead to believe in something impossible, that the universe created itself through the law of gravity.

But even if the law of gravity caused THIS universe to spontanously come in being, that doesn't solve Hawking's problem -- where did the law of gravity come from, and all the matter that went into this formation of the universe, where did that come from?

Scientists are not theologians, and it smacks of unprofessionalism when they attempt to answer questions of religion for which they have no training or diplomas.
So this OP is the God of the gaps argument. Stephen Hawking doesn't have an explanation for where gravity came from so that means God did it? The lack of proof for something does not constitute proof for something else. Hawking didn't say the universe created itself, he said the universe was created by physics, and for some reason that's more unbelievable then an omnipotent all knowing and yet surprisingly human like creature did it in seven days? At least their's a whole slew of evidence supporting physics. Still waiting for the first evidence for a man in the sky. Oh and explain why it's unprofessional for an astronomer to weigh in on the creation of the universe?
Stephen Hawking says universe not created by God

I'm glad he just came out and said it, the universe created itself, because once it is said, it is obvious how stupid that sounds.

But here is a man who has devoted his life to science, but rather than accept the possibility that a force outside the known universe created the universe, he chooses instead to believe in something impossible, that the universe created itself through the law of gravity.

But even if the law of gravity caused THIS universe to spontanously come in being, that doesn't solve Hawking's problem -- where did the law of gravity come from, and all the matter that went into this formation of the universe, where did that come from?

Scientists are not theologians, and it smacks of unprofessionalism when they attempt to answer questions of religion for which they have no training or diplomas.
So this OP is the God of the gaps argument. Stephen Hawking doesn't have an explanation for where gravity came from so that means God did it. The lack of proof for something does not constitute proof for something else. Hawking didn't say the universe created itself, he said the universe was created by physics, and for some reason that's more unbelievable then an omnipotent all knowing and yet surprisingly human like creature did it in seven days? At least their's a whole slew of evidence supporting physics. Still waiting for the first evidence for a man in the sky. Oh and explain why it's unprofessional for an astronomer to weigh in on the creation of the universe?
It's just a matter of words

some call it Universe

some call it Energy

some call it whatever



It's one thing to call on a "First Cause" to explain how the Universe was created. It is something else entirely to prove it was your version of this "First Cause" that was responsible.
Ah, I see the silly 19th century 'Flat Earth' myth is still being peddled, a proof that most 'new atheism' is merely political nonsense and nothing to do with 'science' or 'rationalism', plus they rely heavily on lying; so much for their dedication to facts, eh?
It's just a matter of words

some call it Universe

some call it Energy

some call it whatever



It's one thing to call on a "First Cause" to explain how the Universe was created. It is something else entirely to prove it was your version of this "First Cause" that was responsible.

Yes, it is a matter of definition of terms, which makes it just as logical to believe as it is to disbelieve from a formal logic premise if one defines 'God' correctly.
It's just a matter of words

some call it Universe

some call it Energy

some call it whatever



It's one thing to call on a "First Cause" to explain how the Universe was created. It is something else entirely to prove it was your version of this "First Cause" that was responsible.

Yes, it is a matter of definition of terms, which makes it just as logical to believe as it is to disbelieve from a formal logic premise if one defines 'God' correctly.
But the problem with logic, as useful as it is, is that you can use reason to argue ANYTHING to be true. That's why we use empiricism to gain our knowledge.

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