Genius Scientist Stephen Hawking declares that the universe created itself...

Who created God?
IF God were created we would not need to know who created God. Much like we don't need to know who created the watchmaker.
If we worshipped a god that was created, we would actually not be worshipping the right god. The only God we should worship is the being that was not created, the one who is necessary, the one who came before all else, and was always in existed, uncreated by anyone or anything else.
Eternal is not the same as forever. Forever implies the march of time and space. Eternal is a lack of time and space. God is, and always was, and always will be. But to God, there is only here and now. He sees our universe, but the boundaries of time and space are applicable to our universe, having no meaning outside of it.
I see you want your own definition of words as well as your own understanding of 'science'.
But even if the law of gravity caused THIS universe to spontanously come in being, that doesn't solve Hawking's problem -- where did the law of gravity come from, and all the matter that went into this formation of the universe, where did that come from?
I don't know. Let's invent a god in order to explain it, what do you reckon?
My belief in God is based on the logical conclusion that this universe did not create itself, but must have been created by something outside the universe.

Logic only takes you that far. Were it not for the revelations of the Bible, I would believe in an impersonal God, who created the universe and then walked away, who was indiffferent to mankind and all our struggles. The facts seem to fit that model of God, but the Bible says otherwise.
You haven't progressed beyond cave men who had no understanding of science.
Who created God?
IF God were created we would not need to know who created God. Much like we don't need to know who created the watchmaker.
So this whole thread is pointless?
Not speaking for the OP but I believe his argument is that there was an event, the big bang, all events have a cause, in this case God. Causality is pretty much the basic of science.

The OP is saying God created, Hawkins is saying that it is just a product of the laws of nature, gravity.

Here is an old joke that explains it pretty well.

A scientist tells God that science has advanced to the point where they can create life. God challenges him to a contest to create life. The scientist accepts the challenge and takes up a handful of dirt. God says, oh no, get your own dirt.
But even if the law of gravity caused THIS universe to spontanously come in being, that doesn't solve Hawking's problem -- where did the law of gravity come from, and all the matter that went into this formation of the universe, where did that come from?
I don't know. Let's invent a god in order to explain it, what do you reckon?
My belief in God is based on the logical conclusion that this universe did not create itself, but must have been created by something outside the universe.

Logic only takes you that far. Were it not for the revelations of the Bible, I would believe in an impersonal God, who created the universe and then walked away, who was indiffferent to mankind and all our struggles. The facts seem to fit that model of God, but the Bible says otherwise.
You haven't progressed beyond cave men who had no understanding of science.
What is your progress then? Do you believe Stephen Hawking's theory that the universe created itself?

That's complete nonsense.
I believe Stephen Hawking says he is an atheist in order to be fashionable in lefty circles.

I think he knows God exists. Most astrophysicists have come to that conclusion.
Lets see. Who should I choose to believe. Steven Hawking, who is world renowned, or you, a crazy rwnj keyboard warrior.
Such a hard decision. Can I call a friend?
You don't have to believe me, just think it out for yourself.

How did the universe get here?

There are three theories:

1) An outside force created the universe, i.e. God;

2) The universe created itself, and is itself God, i.e. pantheism;


3) The universe was always here, it has no beginning and will have no end.

Of these three theories, I find the first most probable.

Great, and who created God?


HE Never Was Born

He Will Never Die.
Does the universe know it was born?
Lets see. Who should I choose to believe. Steven Hawking, who is world renowned, or you, a crazy rwnj keyboard warrior.
Such a hard decision. Can I call a friend?

Stephen Hawking IQ = 160
Donald Trump IQ = 156

Actually, pretty close. So, the point is, you should start believing Trump more than you do.

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