Geoffrey Fieger is Going After Oxford School District

I dont want to sue the school district

They will just raise taxes

Better to sue the individual school board members personally
They have insurance for their negligence. Besides, nothing you can do about it He is holding them accountable
I don't hold the school responsible, and neither will a Michigan court, as they took steps, contacted parents when they only had concerns, met in conference, but ultimately went along with the parents wishes, with nobody at the school knowing Mom and Dad Dumbass, bought the little sh#t a Sig 9mm for Christmas and gave it to him on Black Friday, and did not share that handy, important bit of information with the school during the parent teach conference. Some right wing gun nut adults and parents use very little common sense in relation to weapons and their kids. Generally not a good idea to give any 15 year old a 9mm pistol, but if you do, it takes a really stupid, irresponsible asshole parent to not have it locked up in a gun safe, the kid does not have combination for. If you can't afford the safe, you don't buy the weapon and the kid knows never to touch any of your without you being present. They did a lousy job raising the kid, a lousy job with their lives and did not hold up to any responsibilities of and to the community in which they live.
Lot of unproven assumptions there, which the leftists here fully approve
Shouldn’t schools do more to stop bullying? Seems to me that bullying is the source of the problem in this case. If this is true and school personnel did nothing to stop it, they hold some legal responsibility.

He was not bullied.


Realize what we are asking schools to do now. Monitor all social media for threats, home life, mental status, and bullying. In a high school with 1700 students, when students often have Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, TikTok, at least. PER STUDENT.

Honest question. Who can do this, and with what money? How?
He was not bullied.


Realize what we are asking schools to do now. Monitor all social media for threats, home life, mental status, and bullying. In a high school with 1700 students, when students often have Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, TikTok, at least. PER STUDENT.

Honest question. Who can do this, and with what money? How?
I’m not asking schools to do that. However when teachers see bullying they need to take action to stop it. Schools should be teaching children early on that bullying will not be allowed. This needs to be ingrained in school children from kindergarten on.

Do you have any evidence bullying wasn’t why this kid did what he did?
I am defending what I think is right. Education is a human endeavor. It is messy and not black and white. It can NEVER be made black and white. Adding 'policies and procedures' on top of already TOO MANY 'policies and procedures' just makes a fat, hot mess to wade through. So you can stop attempting to insult me with what I care about.

You want an example of education 'policy and procedures'? A few years ago, the Lt. Gov of our state had an autistic child. So his big push was getting "more protection" for autistic children. Result: you cannot touch them now. I mean that literally. You can only "restrain" them in abject emergencies. So, the other day when a child was beating down his classmates, all I could tell them to do was run out of the room. I could not, say, take the child's hand and lead him away. I cannot touch him.

THERE are your great 'policy and procedures'. You want more? Because we can't restrain troubled kids, we are left to LITERALLY chase them when they "elope". That is, run out of the school. That's it. We can't stop them. Chase. This happens at least weekly. AT LEAST.

Now. What do you have to say NOW? More policies and procedures? You want more?
Autistic children is pretty far removed from the topic of this thread

Its worth discussing, but not here, and not now

You still have no solution for gunman who want to murder students when they are at school
So now what do you want, frisking "policies and procedures"?

"I frisked your 14 year old daughter but it's okay. I heard from my daughter's friend that she read on Snapchat last night that she made a threat."

Right. Great going
Sue, you are on tilt
Oh, and when we chase them, often into the street, we then have to write a report--on OURSELVES. Yes, we have to say, "I grabbed Johnny by the arm and pulled him away from a moving vehicle. In the street."

Yes, we have to tattle on ourselves that we touched Johnny, but it's okay. We couldn't prevent him from leaving the school but we only touched him because he was about to be plowed by a car.

You getting this yet, Mac? You want more?
Good Lord, SS92, if it were me I'd get a different job!! This is nuts!!
Here's what I think about the thread topic.

I think the school should not be sued for good-faith decisions they make about the students. The counselors in a meeting with the parents noted that this kid had no, that's NO disciplinary actions on his record. He had TWO white parents married and living in the same household as the son. They were plainly supportive of the son. The counselors asked the parents to take him home and they refused flat out: they had jobs, I'm guessing! The leftwing media does not explain that, trying to make the parents look bad. He hadn't actually done anything (then). The kid acted calm, in control. He had used his imagination, that's all, apparently, and that is what he said, explicitly. Why couldn't the teachers mind their own damn business?? Oh, I know --- because they are worthless leftists. The stories I hear from older men about the pictures THEY drew in high school, the lists they kept of desirable murder victims --- they know that now they'd probably be imprisoned!! But nothing ever happened. Kids DO make angry notes, duh. Hundreds of times, don't nuffin happen, as the black maid kindly said to the weeping white girl.

Okay, I guess we all wish the parents HAD taken him home, but I don't see this as a bad decision on anyone's part, just a bad result. You have to give people SOME freedom to act! I refer to the counselors. Whatever they did, would now be viewed as wrong and bad, and I don't think that's fair.
I'm local. Fieger is a well known sleazeball
Well, when someone sues schools, they are actually suing for tax money people in the local systems are paying to educate minors. A multi million dollar lawsuit will hurt seniors like me who are paying so much local taxes it eats up 75% of their social security money, and it will hurt families who are now seeing $70+ on a roast beef that used to cost under $15.00.
fwiw, and I know not a darn thing. I have been teaching school since 1993. I have not had a more difficult day than yesterday. I'm in MI and local to Oxford. I cried on and off all day hearing of this lawsuit, knowing that my Oxford colleagues are heartbroken and NOW, on top of that, have to be drug through the muck and mire over things they can't possibly have known.

What is the end game here, brain trusts? Do you REALLY want teams of State Personnel pouring over the social media accounts of teenagers for threats?

You want TSA-like agents at the door of school every morning to make everyone "feel safe"? Clear backpacks so everyone can see your daughter's tampons?

No endgame, of course. Just blaming, finger-pointing, recriminations. Meanwhile, I KNOW PEOPLE who are quitting over this right now. Even MI, a high paid teacher state, is **bleeding** teachers. Who will do this now? Who? And why would they?

And the Homeschool Brigade cheers, like clapping seals. Great. What happens to the legions--and I mean legions--of disturbed kids like Ethan Crumbley? Answers? Or just more snorting and clapping?
Thanks for what you do. I understand your concerns. In the end, the kids are the parents responsibilities, not the teachers or the schools, no matter how responsible you are or feel for the kids you deal with and others in similar situations, or feel you as a teacher or school system person feel people may hold you responsible. It just isn't so. Don't let it be a burden, you should not have to carry.
Again, I think the school officials will be fine and that they acted responsibly with the amount of actual knowledge of the kid, they had at times that would make a difference. I am sure, my grandmother would have agreed. She retired and drew separate retirements from teaching in Kalamzoo, MI, as well as Missouri, and of course Tennessee.
Lot of unproven assumptions there, which the leftists here fully approve
Not many unproven assumptions (except in court of law) unless discounting what the school has said and what the major publications reporting have said. That is all I have to base my opinion on. That and the fact I was raised from generation of rural down to earth farm family people, knowing what responsibility is and should be about and handling responsibility for my family and other people most of my life. You should know by now, I don't care what the leftists think or the rightist, either. Mine are the opinions of White 6 and I hold them to be accurate, fair, reasonable, logical and always good enough for me to operate on and stand behind.
How about the solution is not overreacting with Safety Theater? How did that work out for Covid, are you in favor there? "If it saves one life" type of thing?

No one thinks one darn thing through. Just kneejerks from one DO SOMETHING to the next, and the results end up horrid, then they bitch about that. STOP. AND. THINK.
This is different from COVID. Safety is not working for COVID like it should because idiots refuse to take the vaccine. In this case the parents are responsible for this and the school should not be sued.
Since you are defending the educators I guess you are for mind control over the children or some other teachers-know-best solution

But you dont have the wisdom to devine which student is a ticking time bomb and which one is not

No matter how many signals you think you see or dont see
Schools aren't teaching mind control. And teachers are trained to see problem students.
Autistic children is pretty far removed from the topic of this thread

Its worth discussing, but not here, and not now

You still have no solution for gunman who want to murder students when they are at school

Policies and procedures was the point of my post. You want more? This is what you get.
I’m not asking schools to do that. However when teachers see bullying they need to take action to stop it. Schools should be teaching children early on that bullying will not be allowed. This needs to be ingrained in school children from kindergarten on.

Do you have any evidence bullying wasn’t why this kid did what he did?

Yes there's no evidence of it. And of course if teachers SEE bullying they should take steps. But do you realize that much of bullying is online? Are TEACHERS responsible for what teens do online?

Think carefully about that

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