Geoffrey Fieger is Going After Oxford School District

How long has it been since the public teachers establishment/monopoly did not disappoint and even outrage common sense parents?

Yes I think our education as a whole is a total mess in despite our our lavish spending

I dont think we can progress as a nation if we dont fix education
Worst idea ever is for the government to try to fix public education. Now surely that’s not what you’re suggesting Mac7? Any time the government attempts to “fix” an institution, what is their “smart”solution? To add more red tape to delay all actions, even small ones that need final governmental approval, and to increase its tentacled grip to instruct all to be the same, all outcomes needing to be reduced so individualism is silenced once and for all. Just say no people to government expansionism! All layers of government are inept vehicles of political control. No thanks!
It appears that from the school meetings the student was considered to be a low level threat instead of a medium level threat. The FBI distinguishes between 3 levels of risk:

“Levels of Risk
Low Level of Threat: A threat which poses a minimal risk to the victim and public safety.
Threat is vague and indirect.
Information contained within the threat is inconsistent, implausible or lacks detail.
Threat lacks realism.
Content of the threat suggests person is unlikely to carry it out.

Medium Level of Threat: A threat which could be carried out, although it may not appear entirely realistic.
Threat is more direct and more concrete than a low level threat.
Wording in the threat suggests that the threatener has given some thought to how the act will be carried out.
There may be a general indication of a possible place and time (though these signs still fall well short of a detailed plan).
There is no strong indication that the threatener has taken preparatory steps, although there may be some veiled reference or ambiguous or inconclusive evidence pointing to that possibility -- an allusion to a book or movie that shows the planning of a violent act, or a vague, general statement about the availability of weapons.
There may be a specific statement seeking to convey that the threat is not empty: "I'm serious!" or "I really mean this!"

High Level of Threat: A threat that appears to pose an imminent and serious danger to the safety of others.
Threat is direct, specific and plausible.
Threat suggests concrete steps have been taken toward carrying it out, for example, statements indicating that the threatener has acquired or practiced with a weapon or has had the victim under surveillance.”

The sticking point will be about the school’s decision to not call in the officer to conduct a risk assessment. A spokesman from that police department mentioned this to the local media.

I can only go by what I’ve read that there was something set up to assess student risk at the school but it didn’t happen? Even deemed low risk, a proactive policy is to screen any “ low-risk” potential shooters.

The parent's up'ed the level of the threat to "dangerous and deadly", when they allegedly gave this demon a handgun in which he absolutely didn't need, and therefore proved it as such.
Many of the students thought otherwise.
The FBI is no longer considered an authoritative source by a significant percentage of Americans. Many believe the FBI has a political interest in keeping these mass shootings going. They are part of the Democrat controlled Deep State
You know, I hesitated to use that FBI source Death Angel for that exact reason. What I did consider valuable from their school shooter interpretation is how to assess risk. Seems pretty cut and dry on paper, but much harder to know you are 100% right even with an assessment. That risk assessment,btw, would’ve taken about 30 minutes, maybe longer depending on format.
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:laughing0301: public education is government education
Well true for most DA, but thankfully not all public schools are the same. Even within 1 county you’ll find different textbooks being used, different teaching strategies, different dynamics. Within one state the diversity increases, even more so within the country.

I usually stay out of these public school discussions because I’m quite aware that there are horrible schools all over the country, but I’m also aware that there are still some very good schools in existence. A superintendent makes a huge difference within most school systems. The difference between having a bureaucratic type of superintendent versus a top-notch workaholic is like night and day. Same thing with principals and vice-principals. Like with many jobs, it usually comes from the top down how positively or negatively things are run.

I came back to add: here is an example of a twisted psyche in the form of a principal. He scheduled two potential teachers to come in to interview at the same time for the same job. His stated reason for doing so, after I asked him, was to see how the two of us would do to compete for the job. What a twisted mindset that guy! Who knows what other kind of psychological games he devises with his teachers Lol It was a small, private school corporation and I was a bit desperate for the lowly paying job for the experience, but there was no way I would work for that fool! I still need to write him a letter about that experience ha
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Worst idea ever is for the government to try to fix public education. Now surely that’s not what you’re suggesting Mac7?
Government owns public education

If not government then who?

I think private education

Give parents the right to remove their children from bad public schools along with the education dollars allocated to that student

The bottom line for that is that public education will reform itself or disappear
Well true for most DA, but thankfully not all public schools are the same. Even within 1 county you’ll find different textbooks being used, different teaching strategies, different dynamics. Within one state the diversity increases, even more so within the country.

I usually stay out of these public school discussions because I’m quite aware that there are horrible schools all over the country, but I’m also aware that there are still some very good schools in existence. A superintendent makes a huge difference within most school systems. The difference between having a bureaucratic type of superintendent versus a top-notch workaholic is like night and day. Same thing with principals and vice-principals. Like with many jobs, it usually comes from the top down how positively or negatively things are run.

I came back to add: here is an example of a twisted psyche in the form of a principal. He scheduled two potential teachers to come in to interview at the same time for the same job. His stated reason for doing so, after I asked him, was to see how the two of us would do to compete for the job. What a twisted mindset that guy! Who knows what other kind of psychological games he devises with his teachers Lol It was a small, private school corporation and I was a bit desperate for the lowly paying job for the experience, but there was no way I would work for that fool! I still need to write him a letter about that experience ha
The difference between Local government control and increasing federal control.
It’s going to come down to evidence about what went on in the meeting between the parents and school counselor (one article implied there were two counselors while another wrote just one who met with the parents).

Relevant comments from the police station that were reported: why didn’t the school use their safety officer to do a risk evaluation to access the student’s status prior to being released back into the classroom? Reportedly, this was something the school had set up with the local police precinct but they didn’t go that route. I lack detailed knowledge so I’m not blaming the school counselor without knowing what really played out, step by step. She could’ve ask someone else for advice in the office (vice principal or another staffer) idk, and was told to forego the risk assessment without more evidence of a potential safety risk.

One thing is clear, the parents knew their kid had access to a gun and did not relay that during that meeting! Wrong, major fail, what were they thinking? That could have stopped the tragic outcome right there.

Added thought: Had the school contacted the safety officer to conduct a student risk evaluation that action alone would have cleared the school.
The mom sent Ethan a text saying he has to learn not to get caught when he got in trouble for searching for ammo on his phone while in class. He apparently took her at her word dance he claimed the disturbing photos were for a video game he was designing and that he was.planning on pursing a career in designing video games
Were the students who knew the kid was gonna do something, "clairvoyant"?
I heard some saw something he posted on social media, but not many. Kind of suspect the young man didn't have much of a local following.
SweetSue92 elected herself to reject my solution to school shootings

But when challenged to provide an alternate plan she claims the dog ate her homework
Lol okay. If you have a solution, I'm sure we'd all love you hear it, I know I would.

And I apologize for that illiterate post. It's difficult for me to post from my phone for multiple reasons
Were the students who knew the kid was gonna do something, "clairvoyant"?
Did the students who were worried that he was going to carry out the shooting contact the school and send them the postings that alarmed them?

That did happen at my alma mater just last week and the police nabbed the guy as he was leaving his apartment carrying his bag containing a collapsible rifle and over 100 rounds of ammo. At that point they had reviewed his online threats and acted on them, just in time it would appear. And he planned this for the very last day of school when all students were required to be on campus for final exams
Lol okay. If you have a solution, I'm sure we'd all love you hear it, I know I would.

And I apologize for that illiterate post. It's difficult for me to post from my phone for multiple reasons
I post a lot of typing errors also

My solution to school shootings is limited entry to the school with metal detectors and armed security guards

Many people reject that idea but its the same method used to secure other public places
I post a lot of typing errors also

My solution to school shootings is limited entry to the school with metal detectors and armed security guards

Many people reject that idea but its the same method used to secure other public places
Such things never existed when I was growing up-- not anywhere in the country. Technology, and a police state atmosphere is no real solution.

The country need national repentance, followed by national revival and a return to GOD.

Now the libs will chime in (the ones who brought this on the country) with, "WHOSE GOD?"
Such things never existed when I was growing up-- not anywhere in the country. Technology, and a police state atmosphere is no real solution.

The country need national repentance, followed by national revival and a return to GOD.

Now the libs will chime in (the ones who brought this on the country) with, "WHOSE GOD?"
I agree in principle

But pending a national revival I think we need physical security measures

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