Geoffrey Fieger is Going After Oxford School District

Maybe it's time to lock down schools and have one entrance and exit with metal detectors. Apparently our society is not capable anymore of teaching our children morals and values. Very sad.
Exactly. Many schools did this over 20 years ago and switched from multiple entrances open instead of having one or two entrances open, with all other doors locked preventing outside entry during the day. A minor inconvenience for staff having to walk farther from the parking lot to the entrance, and buses timed to stagger drop offs to avoid congested entrance/exit. I am convinced that this monitored tactic reduces crimes of opportunity as well.
Yes, that would help.... Might not stop the gun battle that would ensue at any given point immediately, but it could limit the number of deaths "hopefully", just encase an event takes place.

Wow, the teacher character make up might also need to change, because I can't see some teacher's being the type that would be packing a weapon, and then having the student's aware of that, otherwise for the much needed psychological intimidation purposes in order to be pro-active/preventive if an before an event takes place. Otherwise the student's would need to fear a teacher in order not to see the situation as a challenge if realize the teacher is packing heat.

Concealed, otherwise not knowing the teacher is packing heat would be ok, but the situation would call for total compliance from all teacher's in order to stop an active shooter wherever he might raise his sick mentally disturbed head. Not sure what the poll would read on the idea, otherwise if taken within the school to see what teacher's would be willing to help.
Two different scenarios.
1. Teachers are allowed to be armed in the classroom but no one should know which ones are
2. Teachers are not allowed to be armed in the classroom but some are anyway

If you were a parent and did not like the first option but an armed teacher protected your child from an active shooter, how many do you suspect will STILL be angry that the teacher had a weapon in class, particularly if they are forbidden and that the teacher will be punished by job loss, black listed, etc.
Seems fair to me, if some of you think the parents were negligent, so was the school. They KNEW he was a ticking time bomb and did nothing until 4 students were aborted by a psychopath

I agree, the school should have searched his backpack, they are as culpable as the parents.
schools are considered guardians ad litums ...they are to protect the students...4 dead is a failure to protect
Legally, no. Schools are not liable for the safety of kids, unless they have some sort of known disability.

And many people are, which is exactly my point. And yet, some dunderhead CONSERVATIVES on this thread want MORE "policies and procedures". Right. Great.

You have given me nothing that can save children from a gunman in school

We don't recognize this anymore and have no grace for anyone. We have recriminations, lawsuits, and judgment. That's it.

I have no tolerance for people who *knowingly* abuse children within the school system. It is wretched, they should not be defended and they should get out yesterday. I hope I have been consistent about that.

But that is not the case here. The school personnel did not have nearly the facts most people seem to think they had.

Most of the comments about this incident, IMO, stem from a general lack of knowledge, and the media focusing all attention on this incident, like tragedies have never happened before in this nation, or, indeed, in our state.

We live in a time of mass communication, and mass media, when the STATE has an interest in both disarming the public, and increasing control over the population. Also, with increasing fear porn in the mass media, with the constant drum beat of the imminent end of the world through climate catastrophe, and never ending disease, I don't think it is much surprise we have mysterious mental problems in kids.

What I do think it surprising? The fact that folks believe this is something new, or that we need new strategies to strip citizens of their freedom.

Bath School disaster​

"The Bath School disaster, also known as the Bath School massacre, was a series of violent attacks perpetrated by Andrew Kehoe on May 18, 1927, in Bath Township, Michigan, United States. The attacks killed 38 elementary schoolchildren and 6 adults, and injured at least 58 other people. Prior to his timed explosives detonating at the Bath Consolidated School building, Kehoe had murdered his wife, Nellie Price Kehoe, and firebombed his farm. Arriving at the site of the school explosion, Kehoe died when he detonated explosives concealed in his truck. . . . "

WHY are they loners.

Why does the establishment, (you,) need to ostracize those who are introverts? Why do folks in the dominant paradigm feel the need to make everyone conform?

What the hell is wrong with being a "loner?"


If you make a person feel that they are broken and unwanted in society, then, don't be surprised when this is what you get. I wonder about the police saying he was not bullied, in the same way, that they might say, the Unibomber was not bullied. . . :eusa_think:

. . . and if you don't understand that, it might be instructive to find out a little about what the Unibomber wrote.
Two different scenarios.
1. Teachers are allowed to be armed in the classroom but no one should know which ones are
2. Teachers are not allowed to be armed in the classroom but some are anyway

If you were a parent and did not like the first option but an armed teacher protected your child from an active shooter, how many do you suspect will STILL be angry that the teacher had a weapon in class, particularly if they are forbidden and that the teacher will be punished by job loss, black listed, etc.
The parent's would quickly side with a teacher that saved their children, otherwise if an active shooter raised it's mentally deranged hand's to kill other student's with a weapon of choice.

I don't think that the parent's in unison would allow that teacher to be touched by an evil prosecutor or school board if were the case.
When the danger is as clear as this case was, they should have called the cops, and got the kid into a mental institution ASAP. When the kid is searching for ammo, and writes down "make the voices stop", that is a pretty clear and present danger.

Don't you think?

This. Parents should have clued in as well. :(
That is a really, really, mysterious piece by Fox news. So, they rule out bullying, and say there is another person of interest. . . but they don't give us any other motive? wtf?

I smell a rat.
Yeah I suspect it’s all bull shit. I bet there was bullying and who knows about another suspect. Sounds like misinformation.
This guy is just making up things as he goes along

And he cant back it up

". . .But schools usually aren’t legally responsible if more supervision wouldn’t have prevented the accident, such as when a student:
  • collides with another child during an age-appropriate game while a teacher is watching
  • jumps off a playground swing in full momentum, or
  • wallops another kid without warning. .. ."
Yeah I suspect it’s all bull shit. I bet there was bullying and who knows about another suspect. Sounds like misinformation.
All bullying in school. . in my experience? Always leads back to expectations of the institutions. Kids ALWAYS take their cues, and their social expectation of behavior from the teachers, para-pros, and administration.

The cheerleaders, sports folks and "brain trust," are treated like the royalty of the school, and then? The kids can pretty much sort themselves out into the caste system, given how the adults react to, and talk to the kids.

ALL bullying starts with how the schools treats the kids. . . this is the unspoken rule.

. . . and the ones that don't fit in? A lot of them feel helpless, excluded and lonely. The society we have built is sick to the core.

Bianca, You Animal, Shut Up! Prologue

By John Taylor Gatto
August 23, 2010

"Our problem in understanding forced schooling stems from an inconvenient fact: that the wrong it does from a human perspective is right from a systems perspective. You can see this in the case of six-year-old Bianca, who came to my attention because an assistant principal screamed at her in front of an assembly, "BIANCA, YOU ANIMAL, SHUT UP!" Like the wail of a banshee, this sang the school doom of Bianca. Even though her body continued to shuffle around, the voodoo had poisoned her.. . .. . "


". . . . I picture this animal Bianca grown large and mean, the same Bianca who didn’t go to school for a month after her little friends took to whispering, "Bianca is an animal, Bianca is an animal," while Bianca, only seconds earlier a human being like themselves, sat choking back tears, struggling her way through a reading selection by guessing what the words meant.

In my dream I see Bianca as a fiend manufactured by schooling who now regards Janey as a vehicle for vengeance. In a transport of passion she:

  1. Gives Jane’s car a ticket before the meter runs out.
  2. Throws away Jane’s passport application after Jane leaves the office.
  3. Plays heavy metal music through the thin partition which separates Bianca’s apartment from Jane’s while Jane pounds frantically on the wall for relief.
  4. All the above.
You aren’t compelled to loan your car to anyone who wants it, but you are compelled to surrender your school-age child to strangers who process children for a livelihood, even though one in every nine schoolchildren is terrified of physical harm happening to them in school, terrified with good cause; about thirty-three are murdered there every year. Your great-great-grandmother didn’t have to surrender her children. What happened?

If I demanded you give up your television to an anonymous, itinerant repairman who needed work you’d think I was crazy; if I came with a policeman who forced you to pay that repairman even after he broke your set, you would be outraged. Why are you so docile when you give up your child to a government agent called a schoolteacher?"

The Underground Histor... John Taylor Gatto Best Price: $39.03 Buy New $180.99 (as of 07:40 EST - Details)

This. Parents should have clued in as well. :(

They did. Thats why they didnt want him to come home.

The parents are worthless, that is clear, but the school is culpable as well.
Maybe it's time to lock down schools and have one entrance and exit with metal detectors. Apparently our society is not capable anymore of teaching our children morals and values. Very sad.

I have already said previously you cannot do that. Fire code. Schools have many, many, many exits that *cannot*, by law and code, be locked from the inside. All kids need to beat the metal detectors is to have someone else prop the door or let them in.

People pontificate a lot and simply do not know much.
This guy is just making up things as he goes along

And he cant back it up

The information he gave is 100% correct. If a child who should know better jumps off a desk and breaks her arm, I'm not liable for that. Among many other circumstances for which I am not liable.

It is the very same situation when parents take their kids to the ER and are NOT turned in to CPS: accidents, etc. Accidents happen at school too. Schools are not liable for them.
All bullying in school. . in my experience? Always leads back to expectations of the institutions. Kids ALWAYS take their cues, and their social expectation of behavior from the teachers, para-pros, and administration.

The cheerleaders, sports folks and "brain trust," are treated like the royalty of the school, and then? The kids can pretty much sort themselves out into the caste system, given how the adults react to, and talk to the kids.

ALL bullying starts with how the schools treats the kids. . . this is the unspoken rule.

. . . and the ones that don't fit in? A lot of them feel helpless, excluded and lonely. The society we have built is sick to the core.

Bianca, You Animal, Shut Up! Prologue

By John Taylor Gatto
August 23, 2010

"Our problem in understanding forced schooling stems from an inconvenient fact: that the wrong it does from a human perspective is right from a systems perspective. You can see this in the case of six-year-old Bianca, who came to my attention because an assistant principal screamed at her in front of an assembly, "BIANCA, YOU ANIMAL, SHUT UP!" Like the wail of a banshee, this sang the school doom of Bianca. Even though her body continued to shuffle around, the voodoo had poisoned her.. . .. . "


". . . . I picture this animal Bianca grown large and mean, the same Bianca who didn’t go to school for a month after her little friends took to whispering, "Bianca is an animal, Bianca is an animal," while Bianca, only seconds earlier a human being like themselves, sat choking back tears, struggling her way through a reading selection by guessing what the words meant.

In my dream I see Bianca as a fiend manufactured by schooling who now regards Janey as a vehicle for vengeance. In a transport of passion she:

  1. Gives Jane’s car a ticket before the meter runs out.
  2. Throws away Jane’s passport application after Jane leaves the office.
  3. Plays heavy metal music through the thin partition which separates Bianca’s apartment from Jane’s while Jane pounds frantically on the wall for relief.
  4. All the above.
You aren’t compelled to loan your car to anyone who wants it, but you are compelled to surrender your school-age child to strangers who process children for a livelihood, even though one in every nine schoolchildren is terrified of physical harm happening to them in school, terrified with good cause; about thirty-three are murdered there every year. Your great-great-grandmother didn’t have to surrender her children. What happened?

If I demanded you give up your television to an anonymous, itinerant repairman who needed work you’d think I was crazy; if I came with a policeman who forced you to pay that repairman even after he broke your set, you would be outraged. Why are you so docile when you give up your child to a government agent called a schoolteacher?"

The Underground Histor... John Taylor Gatto Best Price: $39.03 Buy New $180.99 (as of 07:40 EST - Details)

We are on the topic of the lawsuit in Oxford. Pick up the soapbox and take it elsewhere.
I have already said previously you cannot do that. Fire code. Schools have many, many, many exits that *cannot*, by law and code, be locked from the inside. All kids need to beat the metal detectors is to have someone else prop the door or let them in.

People pontificate a lot and simply do not know much.
People are not teaching their kids morals and values. Without morals and values, law enforcement will be predominant and it is far from perfect as you just demonstrated with the 'fire code.'
We are on the topic of the lawsuit in Oxford. Pick up the soapbox and take it elsewhere.
I don't mean to trigger you. . . but gipper and I agree on quite a bit.

If this DOES have to do with the jab, and this kid was being pressured by the establishment, and him and his parents were against it? I could see that being a trigger.
I can also see a cover-up being pushed. . . if that is what this was related to.

I could also see the STATE having a compelling interest to say, of course there was no bullying by the teachers or the kids. If he was simply being pressured, A LOT, by teachers and kids to get the jab? But his parents were against it?

I can't imagine the unbelievable mental anguish and conflicts that would go on in this kid's life. His family telling him one thing, and the community and school pushing some other bullshit on him?

It is extremely topical.

I imagine you might not see or hear what is going on b/c everything is censored in corporate and government media.

So, yeah, I can see the police and administration trying to cover up facts, to avoid discovery in a lawsuit.

It happens. :rolleyes:

In minute 3:00, in the following video, Luke reports that ridicule is being deployed as a tool in schools to get kids in Europe to comply with getting the jab. The first five minutes or so, is a report on how the global police state is using the disease to create a dystopia, which, I suspect, this whole incident, is but a symptom not a cause.


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