Geoffrey Fieger is Going After Oxford School District

I see both my fellow conservatives and liberals betraying, or at least giving up, what should be their core values when it comes to safety. Or maybe, "safety". This isn't new. We saw it after 9/11, and we have certainly seen it in spades in the Covid panic.

This is what happens when people lose their faith to such a degree that the culture no longer has the protective value of faith: your life is your highest ideal, and perhaps the life of your loved ones. That's it. So nothing is too far to "protect" that life, even making the life you're living abjectly miserable. Such as making American schools into East German prisons, or searching the personal effects of students with no disciplinary record and whom school counselors believe to be of sound mind.

I have known we were going to this Security State for some time, but it's sad to see. Having no faith, in the end, makes most people terrified of death. And now we see the bitter fruit of that terror.

PS I am NOT saying we shouldn't take steps to prevent school shootings OR that what happened wasn't tragic. Both are true. I'm talking about the fevered maniacal urge we have to eliminate ALL risk.
You’ve hit on why the powers-that-be will not perform an honest appraisal of school shootings. They do not want to determine the root causes. They have their own narratives to push and solving the problem doesn’t fit the narrative…for example whenever these terrible events occur, we get a heavy push for gun control by the corporate/government controlled media. In addition, they always refuse to evaluate the effects of big pharma’s drugs on these boys because again, that doesn’t fit the narrative. P

The desire for safety results in a greater role by the state, which is why the state wants these events to continue. It causes an increase in surveillance of Americans, in direct contradiction to the Constitution. But of course the constitution has become meaningless, thanks to a criminal oligarchy and a citizenry that has become pacified and frightened.
You dumb fuck

The great majority of the gun crime in this country is by inner city minorities in Democrat (Left Wing) areas. Mostly street thugs, druggies and gang bangers.

There are million of "right wing gun nut" families in this country that practice gun safety and don't commit crimes with their firearm.
These didn't practice gun safety. They externalized the costs of their stupidity on society, the dead and injured. Time for the parents and kid to pay for transgressions that make all gun owners (good and bad) look bad. The school did not do wrong.
These didn't practice gun safety. They externalized the costs of their stupidity on society, the dead and injured. Time for the parents and kid to pay for transgressions that make all gun owners (good and bad) look bad. The school did not do wrong.

You are confused Moon Bat.

There are tens of millions of American families in the US that have literally hundreds of million of firearms and practice gun safety.

The mostly Negroes and Hispanics in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes don't practice gun safety because they go around shooting each other. That is where most of the shootings take place

Here are the stats for just one of these cities (Chicago) :

December to Date

Shot & Killed: 24
Shot & Wounded: 103
Total Shot: 127
Total Homicides: 25

Last Week’s Totals (12/5 – 12/11)

Shot & Killed: 10
Shot & Wounded: 59
Total Shot: 69
Total Homicides: 11

Year to Date

Shot & Killed: 764
Shot & Wounded: 3608
Total Shot: 4372
Total Homicides: 813
You are confused Moon Bat.

There are tens of millions of American families in the US that have literally hundreds of million of firearms and practice gun safety.

The mostly Negroes and Hispanics in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes don't practice gun safety because they go around shooting each other. That is where most of the shootings take place

Here are the stats for just one of these cities (Chicago) :

December to Date

Shot & Killed: 24
Shot & Wounded: 103
Total Shot: 127
Total Homicides: 25

Last Week’s Totals (12/5 – 12/11)

Shot & Killed: 10
Shot & Wounded: 59
Total Shot: 69
Total Homicides: 11

Year to Date

Shot & Killed: 764
Shot & Wounded: 3608
Total Shot: 4372
Total Homicides: 813
Get a grip. I am one of those "tens of millions of American families in the US that have literally hundreds of million of firearms and practice gun safety." I just believe people should be held to the same standards of gun ownership as I hold myself and those around me.
This was not a racial incident. Your racist attitudes have nothing to do with it, unless you are advocating the rest of the gun owners adopt the practices of the irresponsible as the norm and accepted practices and standard, upon which to judge the majority.
Try to stay on topic the thread is about a lawyer that lives there deciding to go after the school for this atrocity of gun ownership maleficence, instead of the kid and his parents, none of your boogeyman inner city people were in any way involved. It is about who should be held responsible in our society at large, when people accepted as part of Our Own mishandle their gun ownership responsibilities, as in go for the people that did it (though the monetization potential be small) or go for the government where the pockets are deep, but actually the only ones that even tried to act in a responsible manner, though the real responsibility is squarely with the kid and his parents. Parents owe it to society to be responsible to society for the actions of their kids, until they become 18, especially regarding destructive acts that occurred due to the permissive nature of the parents and how they raised their kid.
Get a grip. I am one of those "tens of millions of American families in the US that have literally hundreds of million of firearms and practice gun safety." I just believe people should be held to the same standards of gun ownership as I hold myself and those around me.
This was not a racial incident. Your racist attitudes have nothing to do with it, unless you are advocating the rest of the gun owners adopt the practices of the irresponsible as the norm and accepted practices and standard, upon which to judge the majority.
Try to stay on topic the thread is about a lawyer that lives there deciding to go after the school for this atrocity of gun ownership maleficence, instead of the kid and his parents, none of your boogeyman inner city people were in any way involved. It is about who should be held responsible in our society at large, when people accepted as part of Our Own mishandle their gun ownership responsibilities, as in go for the people that did it (though the monetization potential be small) or go for the government where the pockets are deep, but actually the only ones that even tried to act in a responsible manner, though the real responsibility is squarely with the kid and his parents. Parents owe it to society to be responsible to society for the actions of their kids, until they become 18, especially regarding destructive acts that occurred due to the permissive nature of the parents and how they raised their kid.

It is hard to stay on topic when you are so confused.

The US has 330 million people with tens of millions gun owners. We also have the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. With this many people we are bound to have nutcases like this kid and no amount of regulation is ever going to stop that. I sure as hell don't want to be forced to do something by the filthy ass government. They will always require the wrong things and it will never accomplish what they think it will.

The problem is not with responsible gun ownership. The problem is gun crime in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes where gun crime is rampant and the Democrat leadership won't do jackshit about it.

Instead of advocating that the government come into your home and require that you lock up your firearms so that Houdini could get them how about advocating that the Democrat leadership of the big city shitoles start getting tough on the Negroes and Hispanics that commit the great amount of gun crimes? Think you could do that?
It is hard to stay on topic when you are so confused.

The US has 330 million people with tens of millions gun owners. We also have the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. With this many people we are bound to have nutcases like this kid and no amount of regulation is ever going to stop that. I sure as hell don't want to be forced to do something by the filthy ass government. They will always require the wrong things and it will never accomplish what they think it will.

The problem is not with responsible gun ownership. The problem is gun crime in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes where gun crime is rampant and the Democrat leadership won't do jackshit about it.

Instead of advocating that the government come into your home and require that you lock up your firearms so that Houdini could get them how about advocating that the Democrat leadership of the big city shitoles start getting tough on the Negroes and Hispanics that commit the great amount of gun crimes? Think you could do that?
Nobody talking about safeguading from dead magicians. Responsible owners are responsible for securing and safeguarding every weapon they own. Some places have laws, some don't, but the responsibility is the there sometimes under statutes, sometimes just in civil court, as anybody can be sued. Most of us do not let kids access our collection without supervision. I grew up having to tell dad, before every time I went hunting, who I would be hunting and where. Being responsible is what adults do.
I love Road House. I'll have to watch it again with your idea in mind.
It was actually a main role Swayze was to portray in which got him hired to straighten out the bar that had since gotten out of control.
No. I think it's satire of a teenage sort, rebellion. Searching for ammo is obvious: he just got a new gun.

I think if the control freak teacher hadn't sent him to the office there would never have been a problem. There never was before, after all.

This is the wilding of the Left, these awful leftists getting high on their tattle-telling and virtue-signalling ---oooooo! Somebody is interested in guns!!!! How wrong! Punish him, punish him!!

The kid was furious, and he gave them a reason. They didn't have a reason before.
Very interesting post. Yes the leftist tattle tailing folk's could have tripped the levers, but the boy still had mental problem's if that's the way in which he dealt with his anger. Most student's would have threw their hands up in the air, and told them to kiss their ace, I'm outta here.

To react in the way in which this one did, definitely showed that he was a stick of dynamite waiting for the right ones to light the fuse. Why he felt that trapped or cornered is another interesting angle to the equation.
Nobody talking about safeguading from dead magicians. Responsible owners are responsible for securing and safeguarding every weapon they own. Some places have laws, some don't, but the responsibility is the there sometimes under statutes, sometimes just in civil court, as anybody can be sued. Most of us do not let kids access our collection without supervision. I grew up having to tell dad, before every time I went hunting, who I would be hunting and where. Being responsible is what adults do.

You still don't get it, do you?

The gun problem in this country is not firearm safety in law abiding homes. Not by a long shot. It is the rampant crime with firearms among the Negro and Hispanic population in the mostly Democrat control big city shitholes.

How about fostering some of that responsibility to the street thugs, druggies and gang bangers in South Chicago? They don't obey the gun laws now so do you think they will give a shit about locking up guns with some stupid Federal law?
You still don't get it, do you?

The gun problem in this country is not firearm safety in law abiding homes. Not by a long shot. It is the rampant crime with firearms among the Negro and Hispanic population in the mostly Democrat control big city shitholes.

How about fostering some of that responsibility to the street thugs, druggies and gang bangers in South Chicago? They don't obey the gun laws now so do you think they will give a shit about locking up guns with some stupid Federal law?
Brown and black people are not capable of civilized behavior in the eyes of the left. Expecting this is not an option for most white liberals
You still don't get it, do you?

The gun problem in this country is not firearm safety in law abiding homes. Not by a long shot. It is the rampant crime with firearms among the Negro and Hispanic population in the mostly Democrat control big city shitholes.

How about fostering some of that responsibility to the street thugs, druggies and gang bangers in South Chicago? They don't obey the gun laws now so do you think they will give a shit about locking up guns with some stupid Federal law?
Not talking about the gun problem in this country or in my law-abiding home. Talking about the gun problem with a particular pair of gun buying parents, and their complete disregard for safeguarding weapons, failing to keep their eyes open to the thinking patterns of their own kid, failing to control the kid's access to weapons, failure (when informed by the school, there may be a problem, involving weapons, fantasy of shooting people, etc) to inform the school he had just been given a 9 mm for Christmas 30 days early and around the time the school notice the potential problem, reporting it to them in a hasty call parent teacher conference.

None of what you want to talk about in your proposed topic has anything to do with the OP's topic Geoffrey Fieger is Going After Oxford School District started by Death Angel and no to derail his thread.

If you want your topic, go started the Fking thread, I'll try to respond if your thread title and thesis statement are of interest. OK?
Not talking about the gun problem in this country or in my law-abiding home. Talking about the gun problem with a particular pair of gun buying parents, and their complete disregard for safeguarding weapons, failing to keep their eyes open to the thinking patterns of their own kid, failing to control the kid's access to weapons, failure (when informed by the school, there may be a problem, involving weapons, fantasy of shooting people, etc) to inform the school he had just been given a 9 mm for Christmas 30 days early and around the time the school notice the potential problem, reporting it to them in a hasty call parent teacher conference.

None of what you want to talk about in your proposed topic has anything to do with the OP's topic Geoffrey Fieger is Going After Oxford School District started by Death Angel and no to derail his thread.

If you want your topic, go started the Fking thread, I'll try to respond if your thread title and thesis statement are of interest. OK?

You still are confused. You need to pull your head out of your ass. You are really embarrassing yourself.

I will tell you more time since you seem to have peanut butter between your ears.

The overwhelming gun problem in this country are the Negroes and Hispanics committing gun crimes in mostly Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

That is 90%+ of the gun problem.

Until you understand that then anything you complain about is simply not relevant.

Just like you Moon Bats to hide your head in the sand and not give a shit. You want to get on your high horse about something that pales in compassion with the real problem.
You still are confused. You need to pull your head out of your ass. You are really embarrassing yourself.

I will tell you more time since you seem to have peanut butter between your ears.

The overwhelming gun problem in this country are the Negroes and Hispanics committing gun crimes in mostly Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

That is 90%+ of the gun problem.

Until you understand that then anything you complain about is simply not relevant.

Just like you Moon Bats to hide your head in the sand and not give a shit. You want to get on your high horse about something that pales in compassion with the real problem.
Look, you racist Fuck. Put it on another thread, as "The overwhelming gun problem in this country" is not what this thread is about. You're just a radical that doesn't know when to shut his ignorant ass up and stay on thread topic.
No one is suggesting that we can or should try to eliminate all risk, but we damned sure can address a problem, and then solve that problem without going crazy in doing so.

Your emotion's and nostalgia for the old time's is driving you in this debate, and you are grabbing at all sorts of bad analogies or comparison's that wouldn't or shouldn't apply here.... Hopefully we are smarter than that.

Not at all. I am not at all given to nostalgia in this case; I believe that's wholly projection. I HAVE taught through all kinds of public overreactions. See: Zero Tolerance.
I am aware.

I live here too.

I am bombarded with the propaganda every day.

I am also aware there are mask mandates in many of the schools. When you tell me I am on a "soap box," telling you about how public school culture works, and how mass media and mass social media conditions kids? What I am in fact doing, is holding up a mirror, that YOU don't like to look in much. You don't want to hear that you may, in fact, be part of the problem.

I am NOT saying that you necessarily consciously participate in that culture, but you even mentioned something about him being some sort of monster for being, "a loner."

Public school culture, is, a toxic culture, and it is promoted, by the adults. You don't want to hear that, so you tell me that I am on a "soap-box." :rolleyes:

If what I was saying wasn't the truth?


Every kid deals with the bullshit differently.

I think you absolutely have a soap box. You read one book, from 20 years ago, and think you have it all figured out. Meanwhile, 20 years ago, I had already BEEN TEACHING for eight years.

So really.

The system has many, many failures of which I am absolutely aware. If you'd care to start a post and tag me in it, I would be happy to fill you in. However, this was not one of them. The Oxford staff somehow divining from the facts they had at hand that Crumbley had a gun on him....was just not one of them.

PS Oh, sorry. You have movies too. Yeah. Movies.
The shopping for ammo & the pictures he was drawing were all the cause they needed.


1. A different teacher saw him shopping for ammo; parents were contacted and parents dismissed with a lol
2. the student ALTERED the picture and LIED about it. What are you not getting here?
I read his father gave him the gun early for Xmas --- natural to be searching for ammo, it's hard to get right now. I guess I do think that teacher was a control freak, a bad interferer. If he had minded his own business, just said, "Put the phone away," probably nothing would have happened. It is NOT illegal to search for ammo on the Internet.

It's much, much too late now. In public schools, the teacher was right for turning him in. But that's not enough for the Security Freaks on this thread. They love the lawsuits, so now, I have to follow through with a student in my class who made a common object into a "gun" as boys do every single week of the year. Chewing a pop tart into a gun shape is next.

Maybe he'll be suspended. You know, just to be "SAFE".

I am telling the truth, and I hope you are all happy.
I have always understood that for many, perhaps most, the whole POINT of schools is to keep them locked up nearly every day. Exactly so they don't form street urchin gangs. They do anyway, in Baltimore and New York right now, we know: the Baltimore "squeegee kids" who run protection rackets at all red lights, and the New York gangs who go through subway cars "selling candy"----- or else.

There is truth to what you say.

Covid and school shooting has busted wide the American high school model, and I'm not sure that's entirely wrong for many reasons. Remote works really, really well for some (BUT NOT ALL) students, as does "hybrid".

But not for mine. You simply cannot teach the little ones to read online. It's very bad for them.

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