Geoffrey Fieger is Going After Oxford School District

If it's many students, it's plural. Many. No apostrophe necessary. Like this: I have a lot of students. I also have a lot of pencils, books, and sometimes, headaches (ha).

If something BELONGS to the students you need an apostrophe. Like this: The student's pencil is under my desk. The student's book is missing.

Sorry. It hurts me.
I wasn't a great student, but I eeeeked it out somehow.. lol
There is no free spirit when you funnel 1700 kids through metal detectors with armed guards. What are you even saying? That's a prison, or East Germany. It's certainly not America
You make it sound so bad, but infact it would be welcomed by the student's that are fed up with the bull crap of government and politician's kicking the can down the road, and them not working to secure the campuses from known deadly threat's that are definitely in existence in today's societies.
What is needed is an honest analysis to determine what are the ROOT causes of school shootings. Of course, I don’t expect this to occur.
I think we all know, but like you say, it must be an honest analysis. No one's getting that today, because if anything is said then it is feared by most that no one has enough sense to determine where the line is drawn, and therefore to pin point who is guilty, and who is not.
I see both my fellow conservatives and liberals betraying, or at least giving up, what should be their core values when it comes to safety. Or maybe, "safety". This isn't new. We saw it after 9/11, and we have certainly seen it in spades in the Covid panic.

This is what happens when people lose their faith to such a degree that the culture no longer has the protective value of faith: your life is your highest ideal, and perhaps the life of your loved ones. That's it. So nothing is too far to "protect" that life, even making the life you're living abjectly miserable. Such as making American schools into East German prisons, or searching the personal effects of students with no disciplinary record and whom school counselors believe to be of sound mind.

I have known we were going to this Security State for some time, but it's sad to see. Having no faith, in the end, makes most people terrified of death. And now we see the bitter fruit of that terror.

PS I am NOT saying we shouldn't take steps to prevent school shootings OR that what happened wasn't tragic. Both are true. I'm talking about the fevered maniacal urge we have to eliminate ALL risk.
I see both my fellow conservatives and liberals betraying, or at least giving up, what should be their core values when it comes to safety. Or maybe, "safety". This isn't new. We saw it after 9/11, and we have certainly seen it in spades in the Covid panic.

This is what happens when people lose their faith to such a degree that the culture no longer has the protective value of faith: your life is your highest ideal, and perhaps the life of your loved ones. That's it. So nothing is too far to "protect" that life, even making the life you're living abjectly miserable. Such as making American schools into East German prisons, or searching the personal effects of students with no disciplinary record and whom school counselors believe to be of sound mind.

I have known we were going to this Security State for some time, but it's sad to see. Having no faith, in the end, makes most people terrified of death. And now we see the bitter fruit of that terror.

PS I am NOT saying we shouldn't take steps to prevent school shootings OR that what happened wasn't tragic. Both are true. I'm talking about the fevered maniacal urge we have to eliminate ALL risk.
No one is suggesting that we can or should try to eliminate all risk, but we damned sure can address a problem, and then solve that problem without going crazy in doing so.

Your emotion's and nostalgia for the old time's is driving you in this debate, and you are grabbing at all sorts of bad analogies or comparison's that wouldn't or shouldn't apply here.... Hopefully we are smarter than that.
When you send your kid to school, the school is a ward of your child while the child is in attendance. In fact, in some States if your kid misses school, you will be held liable. Therefore the school has, IMO, a duty to protect the children it mandates be with them. IMO, the school shoulders all the liability for tragic incidents like this.
The schools shoulder “all the liability for tragic incidents like this”? How? What non-military institution on earth could guarantee such a level of security?

as an institution, they can’t just unilaterally decide to take drastic steps such as searching every student every day, and installing metal detectors and hiring armed security. And you’d need all of that to even come close to guaranteed security. The schools would have to get all of this approved by the school board, parent associations and voters.

the fact that none of these things currently exists indicates that parents either don’t want them, either because the mesures would be too draconian, too cost prohibitively both.

The schools shoulder “all the liability for tragic incidents like this”? How? What non-military institution on earth could guarantee such a level of security?

as an institution, they can’t just unilaterally decide to take drastic steps such as searching every student every day, and installing metal detectors and hiring armed security. And you’d need all of that to even come close to guaranteed security. The schools would have to get all of this approved by the school board, parent associations and voters.

the fact that none of these things currently exists indicates that parents either don’t want them, either because the mesures would be too draconian, too cost prohibitively both.
Yes, many things can be done that aren't being done, but the school's aren't totally liable I would agree.

". . .But schools usually aren’t legally responsible if more supervision wouldn’t have prevented the accident, such as when a student:
  • collides with another child during an age-appropriate game while a teacher is watching
  • jumps off a playground swing in full momentum, or
  • wallops another kid without warning. .. ."
Your source is legal mumbo jumbo

I quote:
“ When Schools Are Negligent

Schools have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for students. That doesn’t mean they have to guarantee that students won’t get harmed. But it does mean they could be considered negligent if they don’t meet accepted standards of care. And if that negligence caused an otherwise preventable injury, the school might be vulnerable to a personal injury lawsuit—even when the injury was an accident.”

The paragraph leaves the door open for any standard a jury chooses to adopt

Is allowing students to freely bring guns to school reasonable policy or a gross failure to protect students?

If you are tired of burying students who were murdered by a crazy classmate with a gun I think you’d have to blame the school along with the killer himself
This happened in MICHIGAN. My state. Very close to me. I have taught here for over 25 years. There is no vaccine mandate here for **teachers**, let alone children. What on earth are you talking about?
I am aware.

I live here too.

I am bombarded with the propaganda every day.

I am also aware there are mask mandates in many of the schools. When you tell me I am on a "soap box," telling you about how public school culture works, and how mass media and mass social media conditions kids? What I am in fact doing, is holding up a mirror, that YOU don't like to look in much. You don't want to hear that you may, in fact, be part of the problem.

I am NOT saying that you necessarily consciously participate in that culture, but you even mentioned something about him being some sort of monster for being, "a loner."

Public school culture, is, a toxic culture, and it is promoted, by the adults. You don't want to hear that, so you tell me that I am on a "soap-box." :rolleyes:

If what I was saying wasn't the truth?


Every kid deals with the bullshit differently.

Your source is legal mumbo jumbo

I quote:
“ When Schools Are Negligent

Schools have a responsibility to provide a safe environment for students. That doesn’t mean they have to guarantee that students won’t get harmed. But it does mean they could be considered negligent if they don’t meet accepted standards of care. And if that negligence caused an otherwise preventable injury, the school might be vulnerable to a personal injury lawsuit—even when the injury was an accident.”

The paragraph leaves the door open for any standard a jury chooses to adopt

Is allowing students to freely bring guns to school reasonable policy or a gross failure to protect students?

If you are tired of burying students who were murdered by a crazy classmate with a gun I think you’d have to blame the school along with the killer himself
My source is still better than your source.
If it's many students, it's plural. Many. No apostrophe necessary. Like this: I have a lot of students. I also have a lot of pencils, books, and sometimes, headaches (ha).

If something BELONGS to the students you need an apostrophe. Like this: The student's pencil is under my desk. The student's book is missing.

Sorry. It hurts me.
That's your takeaway? No wonder you're arguments are so shallow
Maybe you ought to watch the movie "Road House" with Patrick Swayze.

You could learn a little about what a cooler is. Now of course the movie was a work of art imitating life, but the character was real in regards to the talent that one posseses in reading people.

The problem we are having today is this PC (politically correct) thing going on, where as it hinders the people's ability to have a learned skill in which allows a person to recognize something before it happens, and to stop something by being pro-active before it happens.

We used to be better at this skill, but along came the left with it's politically correct agenda, and it's thinking that there is no such thing as a killer until something makes that killer, and this is where we became reactive instead of pro-active (i.e no longer a cooler).

It all leads back to the leftists taking away the critical thinking skills of the citizen's who kept the country safe, and therefore balanced it out in a balanced way.
I love Road House. I'll have to watch it again with your idea in mind.
You simply do not know the details here. He had no disciplinary record. The day before the shooting, a teacher found him searching ammo and his parents were contacted.
I read his father gave him the gun early for Xmas --- natural to be searching for ammo, it's hard to get right now. I guess I do think that teacher was a control freak, a bad interferer. If he had minded his own business, just said, "Put the phone away," probably nothing would have happened. It is NOT illegal to search for ammo on the Internet.
I guess I'm to glean that yes, these folks would be happy with street urchin gangs? Okay. Don't complain then when they are roving and doing criminal gang things. *shrug*
I have always understood that for many, perhaps most, the whole POINT of schools is to keep them locked up nearly every day. Exactly so they don't form street urchin gangs. They do anyway, in Baltimore and New York right now, we know: the Baltimore "squeegee kids" who run protection rackets at all red lights, and the New York gangs who go through subway cars "selling candy"----- or else.
When the danger is as clear as this case was, they should have called the cops, and got the kid into a mental institution ASAP. When the kid is searching for ammo, and writes down "make the voices stop", that is a pretty clear and present danger.

Don't you think?
No. I think it's satire of a teenage sort, rebellion. Searching for ammo is obvious: he just got a new gun.

I think if the control freak teacher hadn't sent him to the office there would never have been a problem. There never was before, after all.

This is the wilding of the Left, these awful leftists getting high on their tattle-telling and virtue-signalling ---oooooo! Somebody is interested in guns!!!! How wrong! Punish him, punish him!!

The kid was furious, and he gave them a reason. They didn't have a reason before.
I don't hold the school responsible, and neither will a Michigan court, as they took steps, contacted parents when they only had concerns, met in conference, but ultimately went along with the parents wishes, with nobody at the school knowing Mom and Dad Dumbass, bought the little sh#t a Sig 9mm for Christmas and gave it to him on Black Friday, and did not share that handy, important bit of information with the school during the parent teach conference. Some right wing gun nut adults and parents use very little common sense in relation to weapons and their kids. Generally not a good idea to give any 15 year old a 9mm pistol, but if you do, it takes a really stupid, irresponsible asshole parent to not have it locked up in a gun safe, the kid does not have combination for. If you can't afford the safe, you don't buy the weapon and the kid knows never to touch any of your without you being present. They did a lousy job raising the kid, a lousy job with their lives and did not hold up to any responsibilities of and to the community in which they live.
You dumb fuck

The great majority of the gun crime in this country is by inner city minorities in Democrat (Left Wing) areas. Mostly street thugs, druggies and gang bangers.

There are million of "right wing gun nut" families in this country that practice gun safety and don't commit crimes with their firearm.

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