Geoffrey Fieger is Going After Oxford School District

Thank you for this reasonable response. Seriously.

The student was found looking up ammo on his phone or the computer the day before. Okay. Did the counseling office KNOW this? Who knew this? The parents knew, but did the teacher report it to the counselor's office, or contact parents directly?

On the day of the shooting, one of his teachers noticed his disturbing drawings, took pics on her phone and sent him to the counseling office. By the time he was there, he had altered the drawing and said he was interested in video game development and it was a pic of a video game. NO WAY the teacher texted or had any comms with the counseling office; he/she is TEACHING and trusts them to handle it.




The counselor STILL called an "emergency" meeting with the parents. It went so poorly they refused to take their son home, *knowing* they had bought him a gun, *knowing* he had looked up ammo on his phone the day before.

But, somehow, this is still the school's fault and we must forthwith TSA all schools. Say my FELLOW CONSERVATIVES.


This is a very sad time for so many people connected to this atrocity that could have and should have been prevented.

We keyboard warriors always view things according to what information we have at hand, or can find underground when required. LSM enflames the fires when there is zero need to do so. No longer can we compare and contrast various articles and be certain we have the truth. A real sad state of affairs as readers are bombarded with competitive headlines created to gain shock and awe clicks. Something as small as a single quote from one person indirectly involved can sway public opinion, and an altered quote can do the same. The long-running tragedy is mass media influencing the masses with a mere, fiery headline moving misinformation into being intentional disinformation. A true crime that goes unpunished so it has snowballed because it’s become almost commonplace…. but I’ve digressed… admittedly I’m pretty good at that.

The parents’ responsibility definitely trumps the schools, at least according to the information that has been placed out into the public. Their misaligned perception that they were “protecting their son” by not mentioning the recent gun purchase during the 2nd school meeting will likely haunt them forever. Idk. Some people are good at justifying their actions to avoid self-hatred or remorse. I don’t claim to know anything about these two individuals other than there were many opportunities to steer off that course and they blew it.
Not their responsibility, as there was no way to know it was an emergency situation. The contacted the parents, quickly scheduled a conference with them at the school to make them aware of what the kid was writing and drawing, but not as alarmist, just doing their responsibility to make them aware, make recommendation (possibly) and work with the parents for the good of the kid. Parents dropped the ball (again) not sharing, the kid had been given a weapon and certainly not that the weapon was left unsecured. Nothing has been said to indicate, the parents or school officials in that meeting were aware of what the kid had shared on public media. Without that knowledge, no crises was known to exist, nor reason to search the kid's backpack, and having the parents stated belief the boy should stay in school, without further knowledge, the school had no reason to take further action of suspension, as the kid had harmed no one.

Actually it IS their responsibility. They are ethically bound to protect their students. They failed in every meaningful way.
Watch list in WHOSE head? You realize in secondary school he would have 6-8 different teachers per day, possibly changing every semester. How should teachers, who teach 150+ students per day, ALSO potentially rotating every semester, get this "watch list" going?

This is all based on your idea that "people have these talents and skills"? Did you really just get this from a movie
Trying to be cordial with you, but you just laid out some other issues where as the class room sizes are way to congested. We've undoubtedly traded quality of education for the quantity of those trying to just get a smidgen of education under such over populated non-quality circumstances. It screams of school choice, and it screams of charter schools that can customize their education programs in order to fit our children's needs as based upon their levels of intelligence and talents.

So you are defending public education in the current status that it is in, and do you defend against charter schools in favor or clumping our most talented in with those who would want nothing more than to disrupt their education, and to see them fail for a far stretching agenda that is looking to shift the political pendulum forever ??

I can control a class room with a skill that I have in being able to read people, and to work with people, and to know when their is someone who doesn't want to be bothered, and instead keeps other things on their mind. One gauge to look at is grade's, and there are many more gauges to monitor the progress of a student or student's. If the indicators or gauges are off, then we best pay attention.
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Trying to be cordial with you, but you just laid out some other issues where as the class room sizes are way to congested. We've undoubtedly traded quality of education for the quantity of those trying to just get a smidgen of education under such over populated non-quality circumstances. It screams of school choice, and it screams of charter schools that can customize their education programs in order to fit our children's needs as based upon their levels of intelligence and talents.

So you are defending public education in the current status that it is in, and do you defend against charter schools in favor or clumping our most talented in with those who would want nothing more than to disrupt their education, and to see them fail for a far stretching agenda that is looking to shift the political pendulum forever ??

I can control a class room with a skill that I have in being able to read people, and to work with people, and to know when their is someone who doesn't want to be bothered, and instead keeps other things on their mind. One gauge to look at is grade's, and there are many more gauges to monitor the progress of a student or student's. If the indicators or gauges are off, then we best pay attention.

Okay. But if you're going to be this miraculous school teacher, please get a handle on apostrophes, because your misuse of them makes me very sad.

Plural and possessive, for starters.
Actually it IS their responsibility. They are ethically bound to protect their students. They failed in every meaningful way.

How far does this "protection" go?

Should schools be liable to monitor every single social media post of every single student enrolled in their district for any threats?
How far does this "protection" go?

Should schools be liable to monitor every single social media post of every single student enrolled in their district for any threats?

When the danger is as clear as this case was, they should have called the cops, and got the kid into a mental institution ASAP. When the kid is searching for ammo, and writes down "make the voices stop", that is a pretty clear and present danger.

Don't you think?
Okay. But if you're going to be this miraculous school teacher, please get a handle on apostrophes, because your misuse of them makes me very sad.

Plural and possessive, for starters.
Don't need apostrophes to figure them booger's out... ROTFLMBO.... I do understand though... :)

I got an F didn't I ??
Shouldn’t schools do more to stop bullying? Seems to me that bullying is the source of the problem in this case. If this is true and school personnel did nothing to stop it, they hold some legal responsibility.
I've never understood this. The school system and the teachers in particular KNOW when and which students are being bullied. Yet they do NOTHING about it. Kids are expected to put up with what no adult ever would. Kids are continually ASSAULTED in every imaginable way, and schools do nothing. It's always been that way
How far does this "protection" go?

Should schools be liable to monitor every single social media post of every single student enrolled in their district for any threats?
Might be a good idea if possible.

Hell Trucker's (I think), are now some of the most surveillance heavy Ladened citizen's in the country. These are grown men and women, and yet they got camera's on them, tablet's monitoring their speed, their braking, their eye's for distraction etc. They have to pass a physical every two years or less depending on their blood pressures, diabetes (numbers), and their neck size etc.

Are the kid's any less important than a truck driver ?? They are the future of the nation, and yet they are cast into a war zone with no protections. I think Ray can confirm the truck driver stats or rules.
How far does this "protection" go?

Should schools be liable to monitor every single social media post of every single student enrolled in their district for any threats?
You seem to be trying to dismiss the problem, and ANY solutions, by going for the ridiculous.

If ALL the student know about a problem, maybe school officials shouldn't bury their heads up their asses and actually do something
It appears that from the school meetings the student was considered to be a low level threat instead of a medium level threat. The FBI distinguishes between 3 levels of risk:

“Levels of Risk
Low Level of Threat: A threat which poses a minimal risk to the victim and public safety.
Threat is vague and indirect.
Information contained within the threat is inconsistent, implausible or lacks detail.
Threat lacks realism.
Content of the threat suggests person is unlikely to carry it out.

Medium Level of Threat: A threat which could be carried out, although it may not appear entirely realistic.
Threat is more direct and more concrete than a low level threat.
Wording in the threat suggests that the threatener has given some thought to how the act will be carried out.
There may be a general indication of a possible place and time (though these signs still fall well short of a detailed plan).
There is no strong indication that the threatener has taken preparatory steps, although there may be some veiled reference or ambiguous or inconclusive evidence pointing to that possibility -- an allusion to a book or movie that shows the planning of a violent act, or a vague, general statement about the availability of weapons.
There may be a specific statement seeking to convey that the threat is not empty: "I'm serious!" or "I really mean this!"

High Level of Threat: A threat that appears to pose an imminent and serious danger to the safety of others.
Threat is direct, specific and plausible.
Threat suggests concrete steps have been taken toward carrying it out, for example, statements indicating that the threatener has acquired or practiced with a weapon or has had the victim under surveillance.”

The sticking point will be about the school’s decision to not call in the officer to conduct a risk assessment. A spokesman from that police department mentioned this to the local media.

I can only go by what I’ve read that there was something set up to assess student risk at the school but it didn’t happen? Even deemed low risk, a proactive policy is to screen any “ low-risk” potential shooters.

But you NEVER support public schools, even if parents will not homeschool and/or private schools will not accept students. Right?
How long has it been since the public teachers establishment/monopoly did not disappoint and even outrage common sense parents?

Yes I think our education as a whole is a total mess in spite of our lavish spending

I dont think we can progress as a nation if we dont fix education
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Autistic children is pretty far removed from the topic of this thread

Its worth discussing, but not here, and not now

You still have no solution for gunman who want to murder students when they are at school
Why is it on Sue or the teachers to figure out what the administrators, their security detail and law enforcement have yet to figure out, even though some of our teachers have taken u the mantle of being the last line of defense.

If you will recall, Nikolaus (sp) Crz should committed the Parkland shooting and killed 17 students was reported repeatedly to the authorities including the FBI for posting threats online including stating that he wanted to be the next school but it is reported that they failed to act. And the school resource officer they are trying to jail at least tried to get him temporary committed but everyone said no I spite of the police having to respond to the family home more than 30 times
I've never understood this. The school system and the teachers in particular KNOW when and which students are being bullied. Yet they do NOTHING about it. Kids are expected to put up with what no adult ever would. Kids are continually ASSAULTED in every imaginable way, and schools do nothing. It's always been that way
It's as if they say Ahhhhh heck they'll work it out, and then they probably just can't wait to get to the teacher's lounge or I meant to say to the bunker.

Mixing bad and good kids with bad and good culture's together, otherwise that don't mix well because of their either wanting to or not wanting to learn, and doing so by force, has created a cauldron that is as hot as the sun for many kids. Many good kids (black, white or other), become hopeless, and they give up because it's so far from the upbringing in which they were brought up in when they encounter the things that they end up encountering in the open educational systems of today.

It's a challenge to bring these children together, but if our political leader's are crap, then that crap just rolls down hill to cover everyone up.

We can see easily who the problem's are, but we aren't allowed to say it due to their power or their status in life. People of all color's must unite to get back an America that was once on track to becoming a great sustainable nation that is United under certain value's and standard's once again.
It appears that from the school meetings the student was considered to be a low level threat instead of a medium level threat
Many of the students thought otherwise.
The FBI is no longer considered an authoritative source by a significant percentage of Americans. Many believe the FBI has a political interest in keeping these mass shootings going. They are part of the Democrat controlled Deep State
Why is it on Sue or the teachers to figure out what the administrators, their security detail and law enforcement have yet to figure out, even though some of our teachers have taken u the mantle of being the last line of defense.
SweetSue92 elected herself to reject my solution to school shootings

But when challenged to provide an alternate plan she claims the dog ate her homework

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