George Soros or Rupert Murdoch... What's the Difference?

If he was my uncle, I might not mind borrowing one of the yachts now and then though.:www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:

You don't know by now? Soros is the Chuck Norris of USMB.

But seriously... People around the globe don't get rich without hurting other people. The only difference between Murdoch and Soros is what side they support.
So you want to just ignore what your boy Soros did in Great Britain

Once again... and I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand, I'm not ignoring ANYTHING about Soros.

Both can be pieces of shit that got rich off of hurting others... or both can just be smart globalist who made money through survival of the fittest. My point isn't to defend one over the other, it is to show they are one in the same, but only one is vilified on this forum.

If you are a true capitalist and believe in the U.S., you wouldn't give 2 shits if Soros used his large amount of wealth to manipulate a country's currency in order to make MORE money.
A true capitalist wouldn't do what Soros did by bringing down an economy of a first world country.
But, thank you for trying to condone what Soros did, I knew you had it in you. :eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry... does Great Britain no longer exist? Is this something I missed in history class?
Please ask the people of Great Britain what they missed, and yes, I think you did miss something in your history class.
Again, you are condoning what Soros did.....shows a lot.

You are still quite confused. I didn't condone what Soros did, unless you seem to think you condoning what Murdoch has done and projecting your belief on me makes some kind of twisted sense.

I'll save you the trouble, it doesn't. I've not shared my feelings about either man in this thread, but simply stated they are one in the same just on different sides of the political spectrum.
Many times on here Trump supporters scream George Soros is the evil background figure that has helped fund the Democrats... with one of the big reasons he is so horrible is because he is a non-American globalist.

So I have to ask, what's the difference between Soros and Rupert Murdoch who is also non-American and has done the exact same thing for Conservatives? Hell, Murdoch is just as much of a globalist as Soros is.

And this has NOTHING to do with a person's religion, so leave that Soros is an "evil Jew" shit at the door.

Soros wants good government; Murdoch wants NaziCon government.

Conservatives are going to be sorely saddened when Rupert dies, because his son has already said he is going to move everything away from the Republican Party.

Rupert Murdoch’s son 'privately admits he is embarrassed by Fox News'
Many times on here Trump supporters scream George Soros is the evil background figure that has helped fund the Democrats... with one of the big reasons he is so horrible is because he is a non-American globalist.

So I have to ask, what's the difference between Soros and Rupert Murdoch who is also non-American and has done the exact same thing for Conservatives? Hell, Murdoch is just as much of a globalist as Soros is.

And this has NOTHING to do with a person's religion, so leave that Soros is an "evil Jew" shit at the door.

There’s no parallel here. Murdoch is a moderate in the news business, Soro’s is a creepy behind the scenes radical activist.
Actually, super dupes, Rupert Murdoch is a scumbag liar who runs the only newspapers and TV media in the world that agrees with you GOP dupes... George Soros is an American citizen who fights for democracy and transparency, something you would not know about stupid. Breaking for the dupes... Democrats and our law enforcement are honest and fighting for regular people. You are voting for The lying greedy idiot scumbag rich duh....
Murdoch also creates a lot of jobs between all his various companies like News Corp and all their affiliates.
Wonderful, wrecking the world with garbage propaganda is great!
So you want to just ignore what your boy Soros did in Great Britain

Once again... and I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand, I'm not ignoring ANYTHING about Soros.

Both can be pieces of shit that got rich off of hurting others... or both can just be smart globalist who made money through survival of the fittest. My point isn't to defend one over the other, it is to show they are one in the same, but only one is vilified on this forum.

If you are a true capitalist and believe in the U.S., you wouldn't give 2 shits if Soros used his large amount of wealth to manipulate a country's currency in order to make MORE money.
A true capitalist wouldn't do what Soros did by bringing down an economy of a first world country.
But, thank you for trying to condone what Soros did, I knew you had it in you. :eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry... does Great Britain no longer exist? Is this something I missed in history class?
Please ask the people of Great Britain what they missed, and yes, I think you did miss something in your history class.
Again, you are condoning what Soros did.....shows a lot.

You are still quite confused. I didn't condone what Soros did, unless you seem to think you condoning what Murdoch has done and projecting your belief on me makes some kind of twisted sense.

I'll save you the trouble, it doesn't. I've not shared my feelings about either man in this thread, but simply stated they are one in the same just on different sides of the political spectrum.
Yeah, you have shared your feelings in this thread, and I'll leave it at that, anyone that reads your posts knows exactly where you stand.
Wonderful, wrecking the world with garbage propaganda is great!
If you have evidence that Fox News is spreading propaganda any more than CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or anyone else, please show me.
how many phony scandals did they have on Hillary Obama learner holder the FBI now at the CIA, everyone who this degrees, which is the entire world outside your propaganda bubble, GOP dupe. All investigated by our wonderful law enforcement and nothing found but total garbage propaganda. Duh. And never retract a damn thing....
Wonderful, wrecking the world with garbage propaganda is great!
If you have evidence that Fox News is spreading propaganda any more than CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or anyone else, please show me.
how many phony scandals did they have on Hillary Obama learner holder the FBI now at the CIA, everyone who this degrees, which is the entire world outside your propaganda bubble, GOP dupe. All investigated by our wonderful law enforcement and nothing found but total garbage propaganda. Duh. And never retract a damn thing....
And many phony character assassinations of Soros too. Unbelievable crap not reported anywhere but Rupert Murdoch garbage outlets. You people think he's a Nazi ridiculous.... LOL
how many phony scandals did they have on Hillary Obama learner holder the FBI now at the CIA, everyone who this degrees, which is the entire world outside your propaganda bubble, GOP dupe. All investigated by our wonderful law enforcement and nothing found but total garbage propaganda. Duh. And never retract a damn thing....

And what is that supposed to prove, can you read and write? Everything you know about Democrats is garbage. Breaking... We have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever after 35 years of give away to the rich.... Only brainwashed fools like you make it possible...
So you want to just ignore what your boy Soros did in Great Britain

Once again... and I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand, I'm not ignoring ANYTHING about Soros.

Both can be pieces of shit that got rich off of hurting others... or both can just be smart globalist who made money through survival of the fittest. My point isn't to defend one over the other, it is to show they are one in the same, but only one is vilified on this forum.

If you are a true capitalist and believe in the U.S., you wouldn't give 2 shits if Soros used his large amount of wealth to manipulate a country's currency in order to make MORE money.
A true capitalist wouldn't do what Soros did by bringing down an economy of a first world country.
But, thank you for trying to condone what Soros did, I knew you had it in you. :eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry... does Great Britain no longer exist? Is this something I missed in history class?
Please ask the people of Great Britain what they missed, and yes, I think you did miss something in your history class.
Again, you are condoning what Soros did.....shows a lot.

You are still quite confused. I didn't condone what Soros did, unless you seem to think you condoning what Murdoch has done and projecting your belief on me makes some kind of twisted sense.

I'll save you the trouble, it doesn't. I've not shared my feelings about either man in this thread, but simply stated they are one in the same just on different sides of the political spectrum.
Of course he is all misinformed about it....
... Only brainwashed fools like you make it possible...
I voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980 for starters, just so you know who you're talking to. I also voted for Perot in 92 and Green Party since then.
Ronald Reagan was as big a disaster as George W bush..... Jimmy Carter was unlucky. And Teddy messed him up in Congress and in the primaries...
... Only brainwashed fools like you make it possible...
I voted for Jimmy Carter in 1980 for starters, just so you know who you're talking to. I also voted for Perot in 92 and Green Party since then.
Ronald Reagan was as big a disaster as George W bush..... Jimmy Carter was unlucky. And Teddy messed him up in Congress and in the primaries...
of course I would still say that any problems you have with the Democrats are because of garbage GOP propaganda, it's everywhere..
Even MSNBC and CNN throw in the sarcasm about Democrats when confronted with garbage propaganda sometimes....
Another difference: Rupert Murdoch has another problem brewing...

After The New Yorker wrote that Fox News quashed a scoop on Stormy Daniels’ alleged affair with President Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, one of the network’s former stars said there’s a good chance that’s true.

Abby Huntsman, who had co-hosted “Fox & Friends” before moving over to ABC’s “The View,” said Monday that “there are many reasons to believe” the New Yorker report is accurate, adding that it could be a “real problem for Fox.”

Ex-Fox News Host: ‘Many Reasons To Believe’ Network Axed Stormy Daniels Story
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When did you go wrong? Where are you? unless you're in New York or California voting green is dumb...
I should clarify that. I generally try to campaign for the Green party & vote Independent - and either way usually doesn't make any difference here in Arkansas, which has been a red state since Huckabee took over for Clinton as governor. ( they finally legalized medical weed but it's been tied up in legislation for 3 years )'s Twilight Zone- slow down here sometimes.

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