George Soros or Rupert Murdoch... What's the Difference?

Many times on here Trump supporters scream George Soros is the evil background figure that has helped fund the Democrats... with one of the big reasons he is so horrible is because he is a non-American globalist.

So I have to ask, what's the difference between Soros and Rupert Murdoch who is also non-American and has done the exact same thing for Conservatives? Hell, Murdoch is just as much of a globalist as Soros is.

And this has NOTHING to do with a person's religion, so leave that Soros is an "evil Jew" shit at the door.

There’s no parallel here. Murdoch is a moderate in the news business, Soro’s is a creepy behind the scenes radical activist.
Actually, super dupes, Rupert Murdoch is a scumbag liar who runs the only newspapers and TV media in the world that agrees with you GOP dupes... George Soros is an American citizen who fights for democracy and transparency, something you would know about stupid. Breaking for the dupes... Democrats and our law enforcement are honest and fighting for regular people. You are voting for The greedy idiot scumbag rich duh....
George Soros is an enemy of democracy. Democrats fight for limits on free speech overturning free elections and promoting racism because they need a divided America.
Please spare me the fake concern about how "globalists" steal money from old and young people....Here is a guy who ACTUALLY stole 25 million from old people....if you say who is he? That pretty much proves my point that you could care less about how Wall Street loots money from the rest of fact, you will probably call that being a smart businessman or something stupid...

Guess who else wants to steal money from old people...the GOP...which is why they always want to cut Social Security and Medicare over and over again....but we get it, you don't like Jews
dont change the subject,,,theres a long list of thieves in the world,,,

your deflection speaks for itself

Care to show me the list of Soros convictions?

Or are you saying as long as you claim it, it must be true....if so..why is Trump and the DOJ, SEC and whoever else you want to bring up -- why are they so powerless to prosecute Soros?

not all thieves get convicted,,,and his payoffs to poli's is what keeps him out of jail
Do all thieves get to loan money to folks -- and sycophants like you ignore it because the person who was begging that thief for money is your cult leader?

Do all thieves also get to loan money to that cult leader's son in law and you sycophants ignore that too....

Do all thieves get to also start up companies with your cult leaders Treasury secretary and you sycophants ignore that too?

Evidence? Link?
Here is what is going to happen...I am going to post links to everything I say and you will ignore it because you are a sycophant so devoid of reality and facts that you don't even know this is public information....

Jared Kushner didn't disclose business ties to George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans

Steven Mnuchin, an ex-employee of Soros as Treasury Secretary?

Big names back Trump tower
Many times on here Trump supporters scream George Soros is the evil background figure that has helped fund the Democrats... with one of the big reasons he is so horrible is because he is a non-American globalist.

So I have to ask, what's the difference between Soros and Rupert Murdoch who is also non-American and has done the exact same thing for Conservatives? Hell, Murdoch is just as much of a globalist as Soros is.

And this has NOTHING to do with a person's religion, so leave that Soros is an "evil Jew" shit at the door.

There’s no parallel here. Murdoch is a moderate in the news business, Soro’s is a creepy behind the scenes radical activist.
Actually, super dupes, Rupert Murdoch is a scumbag liar who runs the only newspapers and TV media in the world that agrees with you GOP dupes... George Soros is an American citizen who fights for democracy and transparency, something you would know about stupid. Breaking for the dupes... Democrats and our law enforcement are honest and fighting for regular people. You are voting for The greedy idiot scumbag rich duh....
George Soros is an enemy of democracy. Democrats fight for limits on free speech overturning free elections and promoting racism because they need a divided America.
Soros and BLM
My Turn: Clinton's family and friends
Many times on here Trump supporters scream George Soros is the evil background figure that has helped fund the Democrats... with one of the big reasons he is so horrible is because he is a non-American globalist.

So I have to ask, what's the difference between Soros and Rupert Murdoch who is also non-American and has done the exact same thing for Conservatives? Hell, Murdoch is just as much of a globalist as Soros is.

And this has NOTHING to do with a person's religion, so leave that Soros is an "evil Jew" shit at the door.

There’s no parallel here. Murdoch is a moderate in the news business, Soro’s is a creepy behind the scenes radical activist.
Actually, super dupes, Rupert Murdoch is a scumbag liar who runs the only newspapers and TV media in the world that agrees with you GOP dupes... George Soros is an American citizen who fights for democracy and transparency, something you would know about stupid. Breaking for the dupes... Democrats and our law enforcement are honest and fighting for regular people. You are voting for The greedy idiot scumbag rich duh....
George Soros is an enemy of democracy. Democrats fight for limits on free speech overturning free elections and promoting racism because they need a divided America.
dont change the subject,,,theres a long list of thieves in the world,,,

your deflection speaks for itself

Care to show me the list of Soros convictions?

Or are you saying as long as you claim it, it must be true....if so..why is Trump and the DOJ, SEC and whoever else you want to bring up -- why are they so powerless to prosecute Soros?

not all thieves get convicted,,,and his payoffs to poli's is what keeps him out of jail
Do all thieves get to loan money to folks -- and sycophants like you ignore it because the person who was begging that thief for money is your cult leader?

Do all thieves also get to loan money to that cult leader's son in law and you sycophants ignore that too....

Do all thieves get to also start up companies with your cult leaders Treasury secretary and you sycophants ignore that too?

Evidence? Link?
Here is what is going to happen...I am going to post links to everything I say and you will ignore it because you are a sycophant so devoid of reality and facts that you don't even know this is public information....

Jared Kushner didn't disclose business ties to George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans

Steven Mnuchin, an ex-employee of Soros as Treasury Secretary?

Big names back Trump tower
Mnuchin was employed by a LLC. That’s business. What was he supposed to do? Tell his employer “no?”
Many times on here Trump supporters scream George Soros is the evil background figure that has helped fund the Democrats... with one of the big reasons he is so horrible is because he is a non-American globalist.

So I have to ask, what's the difference between Soros and Rupert Murdoch who is also non-American and has done the exact same thing for Conservatives? Hell, Murdoch is just as much of a globalist as Soros is.

And this has NOTHING to do with a person's religion, so leave that Soros is an "evil Jew" shit at the door.

There’s no parallel here. Murdoch is a moderate in the news business, Soro’s is a creepy behind the scenes radical activist.
Actually, super dupes, Rupert Murdoch is a scumbag liar who runs the only newspapers and TV media in the world that agrees with you GOP dupes... George Soros is an American citizen who fights for democracy and transparency, something you would know about stupid. Breaking for the dupes... Democrats and our law enforcement are honest and fighting for regular people. You are voting for The greedy idiot scumbag rich duh....
George Soros is an enemy of democracy. Democrats fight for limits on free speech overturning free elections and promoting racism because they need a divided America.
dont change the subject,,,theres a long list of thieves in the world,,,

your deflection speaks for itself

Care to show me the list of Soros convictions?

Or are you saying as long as you claim it, it must be true....if so..why is Trump and the DOJ, SEC and whoever else you want to bring up -- why are they so powerless to prosecute Soros?

not all thieves get convicted,,,and his payoffs to poli's is what keeps him out of jail
Do all thieves get to loan money to folks -- and sycophants like you ignore it because the person who was begging that thief for money is your cult leader?

Do all thieves also get to loan money to that cult leader's son in law and you sycophants ignore that too....

Do all thieves get to also start up companies with your cult leaders Treasury secretary and you sycophants ignore that too?

Evidence? Link?
Here is what is going to happen...I am going to post links to everything I say and you will ignore it because you are a sycophant so devoid of reality and facts that you don't even know this is public information....

Jared Kushner didn't disclose business ties to George Soros, Peter Thiel, and Goldman Sachs, or that he owes $1 billion in loans

Steven Mnuchin, an ex-employee of Soros as Treasury Secretary?

Big names back Trump tower
Trib article is from 2004. Really? Again, just another business deal. These buccaneers of high finance always set politics aside. Trump would not run for 12 more years and Soros financed Hillary groups and takes Bill sailing on his yacht.
Big names back Trump tower
Many times on here Trump supporters scream George Soros is the evil background figure that has helped fund the Democrats... with one of the big reasons he is so horrible is because he is a non-American globalist.

So I have to ask, what's the difference between Soros and Rupert Murdoch who is also non-American and has done the exact same thing for Conservatives? Hell, Murdoch is just as much of a globalist as Soros is.

And this has NOTHING to do with a person's religion, so leave that Soros is an "evil Jew" shit at the door.

There’s no parallel here. Murdoch is a moderate in the news business, Soro’s is a creepy behind the scenes radical activist.

You don't know shit about Murdoch if you think that is even remotely true.

You should love Murdoch. He’s anti gun

Strawman. I'm not anti-gun. I'm not a Soros supporter either. I just find it ironic how differently Murdoch and Soros are treated on this forum when they are two guys doing the same thing on each side.
The hell they are, Soros supports democracy and transparency, Murdoch runs the world's worst BS character assassination and misinformation propaganda machine our country has ever seen by far. All Trump has to do to get you dupes was repeat the garbage.... Poor America
Why do you think Democrats are pushing for yet more gun control laws? It's not to reduce violence or murder. It is to remove guns from the law abiding so they can be more easily controlled. Soros and Bloomberg are behind a lot of it, yet they have armed guards.
Many times on here Trump supporters scream George Soros is the evil background figure that has helped fund the Democrats... with one of the big reasons he is so horrible is because he is a non-American globalist.

So I have to ask, what's the difference between Soros and Rupert Murdoch who is also non-American and has done the exact same thing for Conservatives? Hell, Murdoch is just as much of a globalist as Soros is.

And this has NOTHING to do with a person's religion, so leave that Soros is an "evil Jew" shit at the door.

There’s no parallel here. Murdoch is a moderate in the news business, Soro’s is a creepy behind the scenes radical activist.
Actually, super dupes, Rupert Murdoch is a scumbag liar who runs the only newspapers and TV media in the world that agrees with you GOP dupes... George Soros is an American citizen who fights for democracy and transparency, something you would not know about stupid. Breaking for the dupes... Democrats and our law enforcement are honest and fighting for regular people. You are voting for The lying greedy idiot scumbag rich duh....
Murdoch also creates a lot of jobs between all his various companies like News Corp and all their affiliates.
Many times on here Trump supporters scream George Soros is the evil background figure that has helped fund the Democrats... with one of the big reasons he is so horrible is because he is a non-American globalist.

So I have to ask, what's the difference between Soros and Rupert Murdoch who is also non-American and has done the exact same thing for Conservatives? Hell, Murdoch is just as much of a globalist as Soros is.

And this has NOTHING to do with a person's religion, so leave that Soros is an "evil Jew" shit at the door.

There’s no parallel here. Murdoch is a moderate in the news business, Soro’s is a creepy behind the scenes radical activist.
Actually, super dupes, Rupert Murdoch is a scumbag liar who runs the only newspapers and TV media in the world that agrees with you GOP dupes... George Soros is an American citizen who fights for democracy and transparency, something you would not know about stupid. Breaking for the dupes... Democrats and our law enforcement are honest and fighting for regular people. You are voting for The lying greedy idiot scumbag rich duh....
Murdoch also creates a lot of jobs between all his various companies like News Corp and all their affiliates.

and soros has never produced a product in his life
Thread closed until I clean up the off topic posts.
Stay on topic going forward
Rupert Murdoch hasn't destroyed the lives of millions, by manipulating currencies and wiping out their savings.
So George manipulated a nation's currency and devalued it all by himself?

You don't know by now? Soros is the Chuck Norris of USMB.

But seriously... People around the globe don't get rich without hurting other people. The only difference between Murdoch and Soros is what side they support.
So you want to just ignore what your boy Soros did in Great Britain

Once again... and I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand, I'm not ignoring ANYTHING about Soros.

Both can be pieces of shit that got rich off of hurting others... or both can just be smart globalist who made money through survival of the fittest. My point isn't to defend one over the other, it is to show they are one in the same, but only one is vilified on this forum.

If you are a true capitalist and believe in the U.S., you wouldn't give 2 shits if Soros used his large amount of wealth to manipulate a country's currency in order to make MORE money.
A true capitalist wouldn't do what Soros did by bringing down an economy of a first world country.
But, thank you for trying to condone what Soros did, I knew you had it in you. :eusa_whistle:
Rupert Murdoch hasn't destroyed the lives of millions, by manipulating currencies and wiping out their savings.
So George manipulated a nation's currency and devalued it all by himself?

You don't know by now? Soros is the Chuck Norris of USMB.

But seriously... People around the globe don't get rich without hurting other people. The only difference between Murdoch and Soros is what side they support.
So you want to just ignore what your boy Soros did in Great Britain

Once again... and I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand, I'm not ignoring ANYTHING about Soros.

Both can be pieces of shit that got rich off of hurting others... or both can just be smart globalist who made money through survival of the fittest. My point isn't to defend one over the other, it is to show they are one in the same, but only one is vilified on this forum.

If you are a true capitalist and believe in the U.S., you wouldn't give 2 shits if Soros used his large amount of wealth to manipulate a country's currency in order to make MORE money.
A true capitalist wouldn't do what Soros did by bringing down an economy of a first world country.
But, thank you for trying to condone what Soros did, I knew you had it in you. :eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry... does Great Britain no longer exist? Is this something I missed in history class?
Rupert Murdoch hasn't destroyed the lives of millions, by manipulating currencies and wiping out their savings.
So George manipulated a nation's currency and devalued it all by himself?

You don't know by now? Soros is the Chuck Norris of USMB.

But seriously... People around the globe don't get rich without hurting other people. The only difference between Murdoch and Soros is what side they support.
So you want to just ignore what your boy Soros did in Great Britain

Once again... and I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand, I'm not ignoring ANYTHING about Soros.

Both can be pieces of shit that got rich off of hurting others... or both can just be smart globalist who made money through survival of the fittest. My point isn't to defend one over the other, it is to show they are one in the same, but only one is vilified on this forum.

If you are a true capitalist and believe in the U.S., you wouldn't give 2 shits if Soros used his large amount of wealth to manipulate a country's currency in order to make MORE money.
A true capitalist wouldn't do what Soros did by bringing down an economy of a first world country.
But, thank you for trying to condone what Soros did, I knew you had it in you. :eusa_whistle:
The Hunt brothers tried to corner the silver market but the govt. intervened and well that was that...They lost their fortune. The British govt. should have intervened.
So George manipulated a nation's currency and devalued it all by himself?

You don't know by now? Soros is the Chuck Norris of USMB.

But seriously... People around the globe don't get rich without hurting other people. The only difference between Murdoch and Soros is what side they support.
So you want to just ignore what your boy Soros did in Great Britain

Once again... and I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand, I'm not ignoring ANYTHING about Soros.

Both can be pieces of shit that got rich off of hurting others... or both can just be smart globalist who made money through survival of the fittest. My point isn't to defend one over the other, it is to show they are one in the same, but only one is vilified on this forum.

If you are a true capitalist and believe in the U.S., you wouldn't give 2 shits if Soros used his large amount of wealth to manipulate a country's currency in order to make MORE money.
A true capitalist wouldn't do what Soros did by bringing down an economy of a first world country.
But, thank you for trying to condone what Soros did, I knew you had it in you. :eusa_whistle:

I'm sorry... does Great Britain no longer exist? Is this something I missed in history class?
Please ask the people of Great Britain what they missed, and yes, I think you did miss something in your history class.
Again, you are condoning what Soros did.....shows a lot.
There’s no parallel here. Murdoch is a moderate in the news business, Soro’s is a creepy behind the scenes radical activist.

You don't know shit about Murdoch if you think that is even remotely true.

You should love Murdoch. He’s anti gun

Strawman. I'm not anti-gun. I'm not a Soros supporter either. I just find it ironic how differently Murdoch and Soros are treated on this forum when they are two guys doing the same thing on each side.

It is never the action people on this forum have an issue with , only which side it is being done by.

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Shut your sanctimonious pie hole up

So George manipulated a nation's currency and devalued it all by himself?

You don't know by now? Soros is the Chuck Norris of USMB.

But seriously... People around the globe don't get rich without hurting other people. The only difference between Murdoch and Soros is what side they support.
So you want to just ignore what your boy Soros did in Great Britain

Once again... and I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand, I'm not ignoring ANYTHING about Soros.

Both can be pieces of shit that got rich off of hurting others... or both can just be smart globalist who made money through survival of the fittest. My point isn't to defend one over the other, it is to show they are one in the same, but only one is vilified on this forum.

If you are a true capitalist and believe in the U.S., you wouldn't give 2 shits if Soros used his large amount of wealth to manipulate a country's currency in order to make MORE money.
A true capitalist wouldn't do what Soros did by bringing down an economy of a first world country.
But, thank you for trying to condone what Soros did, I knew you had it in you. :eusa_whistle:
The Hunt brothers tried to corner the silver market but the govt. intervened and well that was that...They lost their fortune. The British govt. should have intervened.
This was done in one day, and they tried to the tune of 27 billion pounds.
Laws were passed afterwards and what happened couldn't happen today, but in 1992........
Many times on here Trump supporters scream George Soros is the evil background figure that has helped fund the Democrats... with one of the big reasons he is so horrible is because he is a non-American globalist.

So I have to ask, what's the difference between Soros and Rupert Murdoch who is also non-American and has done the exact same thing for Conservatives? Hell, Murdoch is just as much of a globalist as Soros is.

And this has NOTHING to do with a person's religion, so leave that Soros is an "evil Jew" shit at the door.

Soros wants good government; Murdoch wants NaziCon government.

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