George Tiller on fifth anniversary of his death

Very few doctors have been murdered! Just like other liberals you overstate the problem for your own personal agenda.

You also lie about the reaction! Of course some cheered, but most were indifferent. They thought killing him was wrong, but didn't feel bad either!

Tiller was a monster he performed late term abortion regardless of the reason! In the VAST MAJORITY the mother's life wasn't in danger nor were birth defects detected! The only acceptable reasons for a late term abortion! He was evil there is no other way to characterize him! His killing was wrong, but the world is a better place without him

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Let me make myself perfectly clear here. I remember the Tiller case quite well. Kathleen Sebellius was the governor responsible for not prosecuting Tiller some 5 times when he faced charges over and over again for performing illegal late-term abortions. That BITCH allowed him to flaunt the law for several years.

Every time charges were brought against the "man", she made sure that they went nowhere. When I. heard that he had been shot and killed, I said to myself, "This was bound to happen". And it did.

My thought on his death? What goes around comes around. The world is a better place without his worthless Nazi ass.
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So Tiller loved bringing in bus loads of chicks and killed the babies .....and now according to Plas we should honor him.

This willful ignorance and demagoguery also poses a threat to Americans’ civil liberties, where as a fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby,’ as no babies are being ‘killed’ (Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)).

Tiller’s practice was both legal and Constitutional, where the women who sought out his services did so pursuant to their right to privacy prohibiting the state from interfering with the right of women to decide whether to have children or not.

That you and most other conservatives seek to expand the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty comes as no surprise, of course.

Another example of Nazi attorney's (like you) enabling death and destruction.
Most of the leadership of Operation Rescue condemned this murder; peaceful means are always best. If you are pro life, that includes all lives, Support young women who feel there is "no option but abortion". I have good friends that stood beside their daughter when she became pregnant at age 15, gave birth at age 16. As medical science advances this will remain the toughest area "debate". Help young women who do not want an abortion, killing doctors who perform them helps no one. Roeder had a history of mental illness, still,all those who do believe abortion is murder should not be lumped together. I also object to late term abortion except when the mother's life or health is in danger. But my beliefs do not alter laws.
Abortion-rights groups remember George Tiller on fifth anniversary of his death | Wichita Eagle

just some notables:

The clinic’s medical director, Cheryl Chastine, who practices in Illinois, and Burkhart have faced “harassment at our homes,” Burkhart said.

“Although we haven’t had another murder since Dr. Tiller’s assassination, in some ways, we’ve just been lucky,” said Vicki Saporta, president and CEO of the Nation Abortion Federation.

She mentioned Ralph Lang, whose plan to shoot a doctor at a Planned Parenthood clinic was thwarted when he accidentally fired his gun while cleaning it in a hotel room in Madison, Wis. A jury convicted him of attempted first-degree intentional murder last year.

“We’ve had two bomb threats just this year in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and New Orleans, Louisiana,” Saporta added. “And we’ve had two reported death threats in Minnesota.”

Abortion providers have been stepping up reports of trespassing, vandalism and online harassment, she said. She said Roeder had been gluing locks at clinics before he shot Tiller.

Terrorists and hypocrites. I remember at the time of his death a lot of people cheered his killing, even though they stated they didnt agree with him being shot. Which was a lie in order to skirt some rules.

At the end of the day though, these people are terrorists and are basically their own group.

Ah, so if I'm to understand you here.....It's OK for millions of babies to be murdered each year, but if a Nazi abortion Doctor gets his ass shot, those that did it are "terrorists". I see.....

You are out of your damned mind.

Now, before you start your "abortion is legal" bullshit, remember this: Guns are legal too. Yet the Nazi Left wants them outlawed. So be careful with your hypocritical bullshit here.

thats neat....your people used terror methods in order to get what you want. You should be thrown in Gitmo with the rest of the terrorists.

Do you understand that? because you didnt understand the OP.
See? These terrorist sympathizers will say ANYTHING to mitigate the terrorist murder of an American doctor.

Scott Roeder didn't kill an American doctor. He administered justice to a serial killer who enjoyed his work. That this deranged murderer was an American is incidental. That he was nominally a doctor is incidental. It has been said that Jack the Ripper was a doctor too. It didn't mean he wasn't a killer too.

Yet another example of how conservatives, for the most part, have nothing but contempt for Americans’ civil liberties, the rule of law, and the Constitution.

This is also typical of the ignorance of the law exhibited by most conservatives, where abortion is not ‘murder.’

Scott Roeder was a criminal, a murder, he administered no ‘justice,’ as that’s the sole responsibility of the courts.'s simply another example of Katz being a psychopathic nut.
Anyone that takes a life is wrong. That goes for those that kill doctors and it goes for those that abort babies. I see both as morally and criminally wrong and deserve punishment.

I really don't care what the law says in excusing on or the other, they are both morally and criminally wrong.

Life is precious, those that take it are sick SOBs and I have no respect for them.
Abortion-rights groups remember George Tiller on fifth anniversary of his death | Wichita Eagle

just some notables:

Terrorists and hypocrites. I remember at the time of his death a lot of people cheered his killing, even though they stated they didnt agree with him being shot. Which was a lie in order to skirt some rules.

At the end of the day though, these people are terrorists and are basically their own group.

Ah, so if I'm to understand you here.....It's OK for millions of babies to be murdered each year, but if a Nazi abortion Doctor gets his ass shot, those that did it are "terrorists". I see.....

You are out of your damned mind.

Now, before you start your "abortion is legal" bullshit, remember this: Guns are legal too. Yet the Nazi Left wants them outlawed. So be careful with your hypocritical bullshit here.

thats neat....your people used terror methods in order to get what you want. You should be thrown in Gitmo with the rest of the terrorists.

Do you understand that? because you didnt understand the OP.

My only response to your bullshit:

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Are we supposed to shed a tear for a baby murderer? Pft. I shed no tears for that scum.

Honestly, I don't believe the man should have been shot - but do I care one bit? No.

In this world, we ALL get what's coming to us - sooner or later. It took him a while, but now he's in hell where he belongs. Good riddance.
Abortion-rights groups remember George Tiller on fifth anniversary of his death | Wichita Eagle

just some notables:

The clinic’s medical director, Cheryl Chastine, who practices in Illinois, and Burkhart have faced “harassment at our homes,” Burkhart said.

“Although we haven’t had another murder since Dr. Tiller’s assassination, in some ways, we’ve just been lucky,” said Vicki Saporta, president and CEO of the Nation Abortion Federation.

She mentioned Ralph Lang, whose plan to shoot a doctor at a Planned Parenthood clinic was thwarted when he accidentally fired his gun while cleaning it in a hotel room in Madison, Wis. A jury convicted him of attempted first-degree intentional murder last year.

“We’ve had two bomb threats just this year in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and New Orleans, Louisiana,” Saporta added. “And we’ve had two reported death threats in Minnesota.”

Abortion providers have been stepping up reports of trespassing, vandalism and online harassment, she said. She said Roeder had been gluing locks at clinics before he shot Tiller.

Terrorists and hypocrites. I remember at the time of his death a lot of people cheered his killing, even though they stated they didnt agree with him being shot. Which was a lie in order to skirt some rules.

At the end of the day though, these people are terrorists and are basically their own group.

Best day EVER EVAR EVER! We should have had parties. As a matter of fact, any future "terrorist" that takes out an abortion clinic should receive a medal and a beer! He's partying with Ted Kennedy. Don't feel sad.
Ah, so if I'm to understand you here.....It's OK for millions of babies to be murdered each year, but if a Nazi abortion Doctor gets his ass shot, those that did it are "terrorists". I see.....

You are out of your damned mind.

Now, before you start your "abortion is legal" bullshit, remember this: Guns are legal too. Yet the Nazi Left wants them outlawed. So be careful with your hypocritical bullshit here.

thats neat....your people used terror methods in order to get what you want. You should be thrown in Gitmo with the rest of the terrorists.

Do you understand that? because you didnt understand the OP.

My only response to your bullshit:

that a selfie?
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Abortion-rights groups remember George Tiller on fifth anniversary of his death | Wichita Eagle

just some notables:

The clinic’s medical director, Cheryl Chastine, who practices in Illinois, and Burkhart have faced “harassment at our homes,” Burkhart said.

“Although we haven’t had another murder since Dr. Tiller’s assassination, in some ways, we’ve just been lucky,” said Vicki Saporta, president and CEO of the Nation Abortion Federation.

She mentioned Ralph Lang, whose plan to shoot a doctor at a Planned Parenthood clinic was thwarted when he accidentally fired his gun while cleaning it in a hotel room in Madison, Wis. A jury convicted him of attempted first-degree intentional murder last year.

“We’ve had two bomb threats just this year in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and New Orleans, Louisiana,” Saporta added. “And we’ve had two reported death threats in Minnesota.”

Abortion providers have been stepping up reports of trespassing, vandalism and online harassment, she said. She said Roeder had been gluing locks at clinics before he shot Tiller.

Terrorists and hypocrites. I remember at the time of his death a lot of people cheered his killing, even though they stated they didnt agree with him being shot. Which was a lie in order to skirt some rules.

At the end of the day though, these people are terrorists and are basically their own group.

Best day EVER EVAR EVER! We should have had parties. As a matter of fact, any future "terrorist" that takes out an abortion clinic should receive a medal and a beer! He's partying with Ted Kennedy. Don't feel sad.

you realize im not buying this as real and its just sarcasm
Very few doctors have been murdered! Just like other liberals you overstate the problem for your own personal agenda.

You also lie about the reaction! Of course some cheered, but most were indifferent. They thought killing him was wrong, but didn't feel bad either!

Tiller was a monster he performed late term abortion regardless of the reason! In the VAST MAJORITY the mother's life wasn't in danger nor were birth defects detected! The only acceptable reasons for a late term abortion! He was evil there is no other way to characterize him! His killing was wrong, but the world is a better place without him

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Let me make myself perfectly clear here. I remember the Tiller case quite well. Kathleen Sebellius was the governor responsible for not prosecuting Tiller some 5 times when he faced charges over and over again for performing illegal late-term abortions. That BITCH allowed him to flaunt the law for several years.

Every time charges were brought against the "man", she made sure that they went nowhere. When I. heard that he had been shot and killed, I said to myself, "This was bound to happen". And it did.

My thought on his death? What goes around comes around. The world is a better place without his worthless Nazi ass.

I am pro-choice in the 1st trimester, but I think it should be severely limited after that. Tiller was evil, but I don't think killing him was the answer.
I really don't care what the law says...

Yes, which is typical of most on the right, and comes as no surprise.

But regardless your ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution and its case law, abortion is in fact not ‘murder,’ nor ‘criminal,’ where the state is appropriately and thankfully prohibited from interfering in the private lives of citizens.

That you and others on the right seek to expand the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty also comes as no surprise.
Vigilante justice is never an acceptable solution...but it's difficult to work up sympathy for a victim the likes of Tiller.
Are we supposed to shed a tear for a baby murderer? Pft. I shed no tears for that scum.

No, you’re supposed to come to terms with your own ignorance and accept the fact that an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby’ and abortion is not ‘murder,’ as well as your blatant contempt for the rule of law.

And blacks are property, not people.

Dred Scott was not a free man.

Separate but equal.

All in the name of the rule of law...

Not to mention as wrong as humanly possible...just like abortion.

Come to terms with that.
Are we supposed to shed a tear for a baby murderer? Pft. I shed no tears for that scum.

No, you’re supposed to come to terms with your own ignorance and accept the fact that an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby’ and abortion is not ‘murder,’ as well as your blatant contempt for the rule of law.

And you need to come to terms with the difference between the sanctity of life and your secular humanism bullshit. People like YOU are destroying this country. One day, my friend, you WILL answer for it.

Oh, and I have nothing but contempt for your "rule of law" bullshit, you Nazi. You only believe in that "rule of law" crap when it suits your purposes. Again, why doesn't that half breed in the White House follow your "rule of law"???

You are a disgraceful human being. day.
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I'm against murder, even if the victim is a murderer. I would have favored dismemberment of Tiller instead. Let him feel the same kind of pain he inflicted on countless babies who could not defend themselves. The man was pure scum, as are the ghouls on this thread who think he was some kind of hero.

I don't hold with murder, for any reason, and that includes abortion providers. Attempting to justify such an action is just as sick as attempting to make a martyr of a dead abortion doctor.

It's as sick as blowing yourself up in a crowd after hollering "Jesus loves you!!!" or allah ackbar.

Civilized people don't kill each other unless they're defending themselves.

The "defense of others" argument doesn't wash here either.

I hate to be in any sort of agreement with a bed wetter, but killing abortion providers is not honorable.

Besides, they're not killing Christian conservative babies, they're killing bed wetting liberal babies. The fewer bed wetters in the world, the better off humanity will be.

I can see why someone who thinks critically can think that.

Critical thinking is a good, healthy thing that sadly, seems to be dying in the brain-dead USA.

It needs to be peppered with morality, though, critical thinking. Otherwise, it can easily traipse into the realm of evil.

A child is a child is a chilld.
He's ok with that.. less competition for the free shit.

less people on welfare, you should be happy

So, every aborted baby was going to be on welfare?

How colossally small minded and ignorant you statists are...

Of course not all of them would have been on welfare, but quite a few would, and you would be bitching about them and the fact that your tax dollars go to support them. That you cannot deny.

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