George Will, Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh Escuriates Mitt Romney

Oh, a far right reactionary shrew spittling.

We are going to lose the WH to Obama because of the far right, and if that happens, you folks can go start your own party, because you are no longer going to be welcomed with the real Americans.

They're telling him to get tough DUMBO. Like you nasty ass libs do but not to sink in to the slimey sewer with you.. You've been properly educated on conservative speak.. Stop making a fool of yourself.
Oh, a far right reactionary shrew spittling.

We are going to lose the WH to Obama because of the far right, and if that happens, you folks can go start your own party, because you are no longer going to be welcomed with the real Americans.

They're telling him to get tough DUMBO. Like you nasty ass libs do but not to sink in to the slimey sewer with you.. You've been properly educated on conservative speak.. Stop making a fool of yourself.

Fuck off
Romney lost the election for sure today. His statements on the violence in Libya and Egypt show him to be totally unfit to be President.
Even before this foreign policy fiasco of yesterday and today Mitt Romney has been getting HAMMERED by Conservatives and conservatives alike for his DISMAL handling of the run for Presidency thus far.

Rush Limbaugh led the charge with a rather fatalist comment about the future of the party...
Rush Limbaugh said:
If Obama wins, let me tell you what it’s the end of: The Republican Party. There’s gonna be a third party that’s gonna be oriented toward conservatism. I know Rand Paul thinks libertarianism. And I know if Obama wins, the Republican Party is gonna try to maneuver things so conservatives get blamed.

Laura Ingraham joined in...
Laura Ingraham said:
“If you can’t beat Barack Obama with this record, then shut down the party. Shut it down, start new, with new people. Because this is a gimme election, or at least it should be.”

Bill Kristol wrote...

And even the more sane and moderate Republican George Will said...
George Will said:
Mitt Romney does not have the feeling, the visceral, philosophically sound feeling for what’s wrong with the progressive movement in this country… But he doesn’t — what I’ve said before about him is conservatism is a second language for him. And he is still learning it. And it’s hard to learn this thing in the midst of a high-stakes presidential campaign.

The Daily Banter » The Death of the Republican Party?

In the video in the following article you can see George Will saying...
George Will said:
If the Republican Party cannot win in this environment, it has to get out of politics and find another business
Nervous About Romney Strategy in a ‘Gimme Election’ - ABC News

His comment begins at about 1:40.

I mean, and this is from HIS OWN party. We already know that the Republicans hated Romney's guts over the Primaries, with the constant meme of "Anybody but Romney" but now even AFTER the RNC, the dislike of the flip-flopper Romney has risen to fatal levels.

Face it RWers...Mitt Romney, and the Republicans, at least THIS current iteration of The toast...TOAST I said.

The only question you folks should be concentrating now is where do you turn next? Do you vamp up the hard RW fringe rhetoric and swing even HARDER right, or do you get some sense and stability about you and return to the middle and be the true conservatives you constantly profess to be?

What do you do? What. do. you. do?

I can't stand Romney.

I can't stand Obama.

But what I REALLY can't stand is a pseudo-intellectual poseur like you that can't even spell 'excoriates'.
Truth. We will drive the extremists into the banished lands.

Oh, a far right reactionary shrew spittling.

We are going to lose the WH to Obama because of the far right, and if that happens, you folks can go start your own party, because you are no longer going to be welcomed with the real Americans.

They're telling him to get tough DUMBO. Like you nasty ass libs do but not to sink in to the slimey sewer with you.. You've been properly educated on conservative speak.. Stop making a fool of yourself.

Fuck off
Nope. Sounds to me like they're saying that he doesn't have what it takes to beat Obama; that he's a "conservative" only by necessity.

They’re also preparing conservatives for Romney’s inevitable loss, and trying to make themselves look ‘wise’ in the process.

It reminds me of October 1992 when Limbaugh figured out that Clinton was going to win.
LOL...I wonder how that sounded. :lol:

Pretty pathetic, actually.

I used to listen to Rush back in those days. It was actually kind of sad. The worst one was when he announced he was supporting Clinton, then said he never said that, just to prove how bad "lying" was. And his listeners on the show were too dense to get the joke.

I do think they are all trying to get their story straight- that Conservativism/the GOP wasn't defeated, Romney was.

The old adage- Victory has many fathers, Failure is an Orphan.
I was Minneapolis, and Rush was not "pathetic" as I remember on seeing what was going to happen. "Frustrated" I believe is the more appropriate word. But I remember that broadcast clearly.

They’re also preparing conservatives for Romney’s inevitable loss, and trying to make themselves look ‘wise’ in the process.

It reminds me of October 1992 when Limbaugh figured out that Clinton was going to win.
LOL...I wonder how that sounded. :lol:

Pretty pathetic, actually.

I used to listen to Rush back in those days. It was actually kind of sad. The worst one was when he announced he was supporting Clinton, then said he never said that, just to prove how bad "lying" was. And his listeners on the show were too dense to get the joke.

I do think they are all trying to get their story straight- that Conservativism/the GOP wasn't defeated, Romney was.

The old adage- Victory has many fathers, Failure is an Orphan.

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