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George Will quits the Republican party

Just when he's needed the most....George Will quits.

Well don't let the door hit you in the ass, buddy.

June 29, 2016
Good riddance to George Will
By James Lewis
I like and respect George Will, and over the years I've been one of his fans. With the rise of Donald Trump, Will has decided to resign from the GOP, along with Mitt Romney and the other folks we might call "decorative conservatives" -- the people who look good on the outside, but who have none of the fire in the belly that marked Teddy Roosevelt or Lincoln -- not to mention the Founders, who were pretty robust and argumentative.


I believe Mr. Will has a genuine distaste for what may become Trump Conservatism. Trump represents a kind of happy warrior style of American politician, similar to Harry Truman and Rough Rider Teddy Roosevelt. It's obviously too low-class for Will, Romney and Jeb Bush, who are all too delicate for the political blood sport that the Left has imposed on our politics. Nothing is too low for the Left. Literally nothing.

The national GOP has been in decline for years, running decrepit candidates like Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney -- who actually did flinch in the last debate with Obama, as Trump points out. Candidates like Dole and McCain were picked for their seniority, which is what made them weak and doddering candidates.

On the other side, the hard Left is back in charge of the Democrats, and they are killers. Their purpose is to destroy their opponents. In response, the GOP has run certain losers.

But then we see the killer thugs of the Washington Post and New York Times hiring a decorative conservative like George Will for "balance." Balance, my foot. George Will is protective coloration for the WaPo's inner mafia. The WaPo doesn't play by any rules except its own. You may not see the glint of the daggers they all carry into the fight, but come election time, every honest conservative gets the shaft.

This is going to be a nasty, vicious election, and winners have to give as good as they get. I'm sorry. Reality.

The WaPo has carried off the complete myth of Watergate to destroy a Republican President who was no worse than LBJ or Robert Kennedy, or Carter, Clinton and Obama. American journalism is now based on a deliberate lie, the false mythology of Watergate -- actually a power struggle between the Permanent Government in DC and an elected President, Richard Nixon. Watergate's Deep Throat (Mark Felt, the Assistant Director of the FBI) plotted with the Washington Post to destroy Richard Nixon. That's all there was to it. Everything else is lies.

Nixon was destroyed because he was an anti-Communist, and today, the Democrats have racialized Communism just like Dixiecrat Huey Long did long ago. They have placed one of their own in the White House, and the policy results are disastrous. People are dying in Syria and Libya because Barack Obama is still steeped in the phony socialism of Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya. But Kenyatta was too practical to be a Marxist in an underdeveloped country like Kenya. Obama Sr., Barack's father he never knew, preached radicalism and world revolution, so Kenyatta threw him out. Barack Obama is therefore playing out a childhood drama in his mind, a drama that lost any practical relevance half a century ago.

It's strange how the Left always repeats the past, time after time after time, all in the cause of "Progressivism."

Now George Will knows all that. If he is as smart as he seems, he understands perfectly well that Obama is a total fraud who has been immensely harmful to the United States and the world. George Will understands the merry ride of Bonny and Clyde Clinton, who introduced lethal transnational corruption into the capital, which is now riven with Muslim Brotherhood money and a morally compromised establishment. George Will knows all that, but when a clean broom like Trump comes along Mr. Will can't tolerate it.

It's not Trump's substance that bothers Mr. Will. It's his lowbrow style. (But Trump's everyday style is his ace in the hole -- it shocks the establishments, and draws the media to Donald Trump like flies to horse droppings. The media can't stay away. He holds 'em by the nose and kicks 'em in the rear.)

Anglo-American conservatism has never been a single thing. That was the whole point about conservatism, beginning with the British Glorious Revolution of 1699, which helped to define English rights and liberties against a power-grabbing royal house.

This is the drama we just saw play out again in Europe when the Brits revolted against the absurd new Juncker Class, trying to exert Franco-German power over Britain. That Sovietized political machine is not going to give up its drive to dictate the size of cherry tomatoes in Scotland: That is its only mission in life. Without those forty thousand regulations from Brussels, the Euro Soviets would have no function at all.

They are parasites. They do not produce anything useful, anymore than the Soviet Apparat did before the crumbling of the State. Vladimir Putin just pointed out the eerie similarities between the end of Soviet dominance and the end of the EU. That similarity is not an accident. It represents the eternal fight between self-serving power freaks and ordinary people trying to live their lives.

Ordinary Europe has wandered into the ancient trap of deceptive political con artists talking people into giving up their rights and powers. Obama has tried to do the same thing to us.

But Mr. Will and his fellow pundits can't see the obvious.

The Clinton-Obama years have turned DC politics into piracy, but for the first time in years there is a convincing alternative. Nobody knows whether Trump will justify those glowing embers of hope, or whether he will turn out to be a big disappointed. Nobody knows. But Trump looks like the real thing.

Well, Will, Romney and Paul Ryan can't stand it. Trump drives them nuts, and you can see it on their faces. Their hollowness has been exposed, which is already a win as far as I'm concerned. The convenient back-scratching game between the GOP-e and Marxist-e has been exposed, and no sane American will ever believe them again. They are the enemy.

Mr. Will's outraged decision to walk out helps to clarify the real drama going in DC. Trump has been winning by telling truths that have been lied about for far too long. Trump talks the truth about Jihad while Hillary just sells out her country. Trump is already undermining the Left's narrative, and the chattering classes are only chattering.

Obama's sly effort to sexualize the military -- and school children's bathrooms -- are not going to survive if Trump takes over. Obama's betrayal of our moral values to ISIS and Saudi Arabia will not last, if Trump takes over. There is a good chance for our judiciary to correct its shameful abandonment of principle if Trump wins. Apparently Mr. Will cannot see that. Articles: Good riddance to George Will
It's not only trump he doesn't like. You don't leave a party just because of 1 guy
So you're calling him a liar. That's pretty much the reason he gave. But it isn't the real reason.

BTW, did you even read the article?
No. What did I miss?
Amazing how many of the people, how many of the examples, in my long list you managed to "not see".

Including President Obama.

I don't even know if you realize how dishonest you are.

This is why I no longer burn much energy on zealots. You're in your own little world.

You took one paragraph Obama said in a statemetn where he denounced racism and misogyny and used that as 'evidence" there were a PC Police somewhere. In Context, Obama was not agreeing with you.

There are no PC Police. There is an attitude that you can't say racist, homophobic and misogynistic things anymore and expect that minorities, gays and women will keep putting up with that shit.

I'm sorry being a white male isn't as much fun as it was when our father could go around dropping N-words and C-words with abandon...
I'm sorry being a white male isn't as much fun as it was when our father could go around dropping N-words and C-words with abandon...
Well, I'm half white.

And the fact remains, I'm so far up the skin of the Regressive Left/PC Police that I can make you bark like dogs on command.

No doubt that mirror is a nasty place for you.
I think it's funny the way you people try to pretend that I mean "police" literally.

Y'know, like uniforms and jails 'n stuff.

You're so naturally dishonest that you're even dishonest with yourselves.

I'll remain in agreement with the honest liberals below.

You mean the whiny, snivelly bitches who got upset when they said something over the line and someone called them on it.

I'm still waiting for you to tell us what very important thing you aren't allowed to say because the PC Police are going to get you!
I think it's funny the way you people try to pretend that I mean "police" literally.

Y'know, like uniforms and jails 'n stuff.

You're so naturally dishonest that you're even dishonest with yourselves.

I'll remain in agreement with the honest liberals below.

You mean the whiny, snivelly bitches who got upset when they said something over the line and someone called them on it.

I'm still waiting for you to tell us what very important thing you aren't allowed to say because the PC Police are going to get you!
It's all nice and clear in that list I've provided you so many times. You know, the one you refuse to read.

What it does to our culture, our society, our young people, fixing problems, healing wounds, progressing.

And you keep playing this game.

Under your skin, big time. Good.
Well, I'm half white.

And the fact remains, I'm so far up the skin of the Regressive Left/PC Police that I can make you bark like dogs on command.

No doubt that mirror is a nasty place for you.

Only after an all-night bender...

But that wasn't the point, guy. You STILL haven't told us what very important point you want to make that you can't make because the mean old PC Police are going to get you.

Yes, you can't blurt out misogynistic and racist shit at work anymore, or if you do, you have to whisper.

So what?

the fact that someone as openly racist as Trump has gotten as far as he has screaming about "Mexicans" tells me that the "PC Police" haven't gone far enough.
It's all nice and clear in that list I've provided you so many times. You know, the one you refuse to read.

I read three of them and realized it was crap. The quality of them was Jerry Seinfeld whining he can't tell jokes at universities because College kids are just so sensitive. (Heck, they were that way back in the 1980's when I went to college. I suspect they were like that before then, too.)

What it does to our culture, our society, our young people, fixing problems, healing wounds, progressing.

You mean those young people who cringe when they hear their parents spout the "N-word".

You see, when Obama got elected in 2008, I really thought that showed how far we progressed in my lifetime from a period when we had race riots when i was growing up (I still remember in 1968, my Dad took the whole family and got us out of the city for the summer, and showed my mom how to use a gun.)

Then I saw how much you guys completely and utterly lost your shit after he became President and realized how far we have yet to go.

If the PC Police are shaming the racists, misogynists and homophobes into silence, more power to them. If they actually existed, that is.
Well, I'm half white.

And the fact remains, I'm so far up the skin of the Regressive Left/PC Police that I can make you bark like dogs on command.

No doubt that mirror is a nasty place for you.

Only after an all-night bender...

But that wasn't the point, guy. You STILL haven't told us what very important point you want to make that you can't make because the mean old PC Police are going to get you.

Yes, you can't blurt out misogynistic and racist shit at work anymore, or if you do, you have to whisper.

So what?

Well, that hints at the real problem, and the hypocrisy, swirling around this issue. PCism becomes a problem when statists try to make these social and moral issues matters of law, laws that require real police with real guns to enforce. ("Bake the cake!")
George Will left the Republican party and the world did not end. For the record yes I'm white no I'm not uneducated and yes I know who George Will is and no I don't care that he left the party nor do I care when someone leaves the Democratic party because I think for myself and don't base my views on the opinions of others.

Pretentious and phony hypocrites like George Will can't seem to realize that the party that they pretended to support is NOT Conservative Party. They also seem to be unaware of the meaning of the word "Republican".

At any rate, good riddance to bad rubbish.

At least he did not try to paraphrase Ronald Reagan saying that he did not leave the Republican Party. the Republican Party left him.
Actually, I believe he DID say that.

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Well, that hints at the real problem, and the hypocrisy, swirling around this issue. PCism becomes a problem when statists try to make these social and moral issues matters of law, laws that require real police with real guns to enforce. ("Bake the cake!")

That wasn't an issue of "PC-ism". That was an issue of laws that had already been on the books for decades. If the bakers had said, 'We ain't baking no cakes for no N****rs", no one would be complaining about them getting slapped silly by the state.

Except for Libertarian Weirdos... but never mind, they are a fringe.

It was the fact they tried to wrap their bigotry up in religion that everyone whines about PC, but the case law was pretty clear. They invited these people to use their service, refused them service, and then engaged in a hate campaign against them when they complained.
I think maybe what has Will so upset is the sad fact that democracy is a game of manipulating idiots.
Well, that hints at the real problem, and the hypocrisy, swirling around this issue. PCism becomes a problem when statists try to make these social and moral issues matters of law, laws that require real police with real guns to enforce. ("Bake the cake!")

That wasn't an issue of "PC-ism". That was an issue of laws that had already been on the books for decades. If the bakers had said, 'We ain't baking no cakes for no N****rs", no one would be complaining about them getting slapped silly by the state.

Except for Libertarian Weirdos... but never mind, they are a fringe.

Yeah. Calling both Democrats and Republicans on their hypocrisy and bullshit does leave us on the margins.
Yeah. Calling both Democrats and Republicans on their hypocrisy and bullshit does leave us on the margins.

No, what leaves you on the margins is that you want the benefits of living in an orderly civilization without all the downsides like paying taxes and obeying laws.

Well, you make a good point. Stupid misconceptions like this don't help. But hey, fear sells. Trump has proven that, if nothing else.
Just when he's needed the most....George Will quits.

Well don't let the door hit you in the ass, buddy.

June 29, 2016
Good riddance to George Will
By James Lewis
I like and respect George Will, and over the years I've been one of his fans. With the rise of Donald Trump, Will has decided to resign from the GOP, along with Mitt Romney and the other folks we might call "decorative conservatives" -- the people who look good on the outside, but who have none of the fire in the belly that marked Teddy Roosevelt or Lincoln -- not to mention the Founders, who were pretty robust and argumentative.


I believe Mr. Will has a genuine distaste for what may become Trump Conservatism. Trump represents a kind of happy warrior style of American politician, similar to Harry Truman and Rough Rider Teddy Roosevelt. It's obviously too low-class for Will, Romney and Jeb Bush, who are all too delicate for the political blood sport that the Left has imposed on our politics. Nothing is too low for the Left. Literally nothing.

The national GOP has been in decline for years, running decrepit candidates like Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney -- who actually did flinch in the last debate with Obama, as Trump points out. Candidates like Dole and McCain were picked for their seniority, which is what made them weak and doddering candidates.

On the other side, the hard Left is back in charge of the Democrats, and they are killers. Their purpose is to destroy their opponents. In response, the GOP has run certain losers.

But then we see the killer thugs of the Washington Post and New York Times hiring a decorative conservative like George Will for "balance." Balance, my foot. George Will is protective coloration for the WaPo's inner mafia. The WaPo doesn't play by any rules except its own. You may not see the glint of the daggers they all carry into the fight, but come election time, every honest conservative gets the shaft.

This is going to be a nasty, vicious election, and winners have to give as good as they get. I'm sorry. Reality.

The WaPo has carried off the complete myth of Watergate to destroy a Republican President who was no worse than LBJ or Robert Kennedy, or Carter, Clinton and Obama. American journalism is now based on a deliberate lie, the false mythology of Watergate -- actually a power struggle between the Permanent Government in DC and an elected President, Richard Nixon. Watergate's Deep Throat (Mark Felt, the Assistant Director of the FBI) plotted with the Washington Post to destroy Richard Nixon. That's all there was to it. Everything else is lies.

Nixon was destroyed because he was an anti-Communist, and today, the Democrats have racialized Communism just like Dixiecrat Huey Long did long ago. They have placed one of their own in the White House, and the policy results are disastrous. People are dying in Syria and Libya because Barack Obama is still steeped in the phony socialism of Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya. But Kenyatta was too practical to be a Marxist in an underdeveloped country like Kenya. Obama Sr., Barack's father he never knew, preached radicalism and world revolution, so Kenyatta threw him out. Barack Obama is therefore playing out a childhood drama in his mind, a drama that lost any practical relevance half a century ago.

It's strange how the Left always repeats the past, time after time after time, all in the cause of "Progressivism."

Now George Will knows all that. If he is as smart as he seems, he understands perfectly well that Obama is a total fraud who has been immensely harmful to the United States and the world. George Will understands the merry ride of Bonny and Clyde Clinton, who introduced lethal transnational corruption into the capital, which is now riven with Muslim Brotherhood money and a morally compromised establishment. George Will knows all that, but when a clean broom like Trump comes along Mr. Will can't tolerate it.

It's not Trump's substance that bothers Mr. Will. It's his lowbrow style. (But Trump's everyday style is his ace in the hole -- it shocks the establishments, and draws the media to Donald Trump like flies to horse droppings. The media can't stay away. He holds 'em by the nose and kicks 'em in the rear.)

Anglo-American conservatism has never been a single thing. That was the whole point about conservatism, beginning with the British Glorious Revolution of 1699, which helped to define English rights and liberties against a power-grabbing royal house.

This is the drama we just saw play out again in Europe when the Brits revolted against the absurd new Juncker Class, trying to exert Franco-German power over Britain. That Sovietized political machine is not going to give up its drive to dictate the size of cherry tomatoes in Scotland: That is its only mission in life. Without those forty thousand regulations from Brussels, the Euro Soviets would have no function at all.

They are parasites. They do not produce anything useful, anymore than the Soviet Apparat did before the crumbling of the State. Vladimir Putin just pointed out the eerie similarities between the end of Soviet dominance and the end of the EU. That similarity is not an accident. It represents the eternal fight between self-serving power freaks and ordinary people trying to live their lives.

Ordinary Europe has wandered into the ancient trap of deceptive political con artists talking people into giving up their rights and powers. Obama has tried to do the same thing to us.

But Mr. Will and his fellow pundits can't see the obvious.

The Clinton-Obama years have turned DC politics into piracy, but for the first time in years there is a convincing alternative. Nobody knows whether Trump will justify those glowing embers of hope, or whether he will turn out to be a big disappointed. Nobody knows. But Trump looks like the real thing.

Well, Will, Romney and Paul Ryan can't stand it. Trump drives them nuts, and you can see it on their faces. Their hollowness has been exposed, which is already a win as far as I'm concerned. The convenient back-scratching game between the GOP-e and Marxist-e has been exposed, and no sane American will ever believe them again. They are the enemy.

Mr. Will's outraged decision to walk out helps to clarify the real drama going in DC. Trump has been winning by telling truths that have been lied about for far too long. Trump talks the truth about Jihad while Hillary just sells out her country. Trump is already undermining the Left's narrative, and the chattering classes are only chattering.

Obama's sly effort to sexualize the military -- and school children's bathrooms -- are not going to survive if Trump takes over. Obama's betrayal of our moral values to ISIS and Saudi Arabia will not last, if Trump takes over. There is a good chance for our judiciary to correct its shameful abandonment of principle if Trump wins. Apparently Mr. Will cannot see that. Articles: Good riddance to George Will
It's not only trump he doesn't like. You don't leave a party just because of 1 guy
So you're calling him a liar. That's pretty much the reason he gave. But it isn't the real reason.

BTW, did you even read the article?
No. What did I miss?
Try reading it.

I don't feel the need to rub your face in something if you refuse to be informed.
George Will, conservative intellect, columnist, has quit the Republican party because of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has taken the Republican party away from conservative values.

The new "Republicans" probably do not know who George Will or William F Buckley are.

The new "Republican" is an uneducated white person who has no idea about true conservatism.

conservative intellect?? then why didnt he quit the party when bush was elected in 2000 or mccain or romney were the nominees? My guess is he quit the party because he is no longer relevant
Except the case in question didn't involve immigration. It was about whether or not Trump cheated the poor schlubs who signed up for his fake university.
Trump's stance on building a wall between the USA and the Latinos in Mexico may bias the judge to punish him in an unrelated case.

Which they all understand.


They don't WANT Trump to have a fair trial, they just want him to lose.

Trump's civil rights be damned.
Why hasn't Drumpf's lawyers filed to have a different judge?

For the obvious reasons that any moron could figure out.

That you pretend to not know shows me that this is not a serious question.
You're obviously a moron and a troll.

Stop by again the next time you want your ass kicked.

I'm completely serious. The reasons are painfully obvious.

YOu haven't thought of them because you have actively been NOT thinking of them, because it serves your partisan purpose.

If you can TRY FOR A SINGLE SECOND, you can probably think of them yourself.

Give it a try.

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