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George Will quits the Republican party

You still don't understand my point about PC, after all my efforts. Okay. I know when I'm wasting my time.

Believe what you will. Hopefully your personal attacks provide some kind of helpful catharsis for you, but I don't have to enable them.

Yes, you can go off an lick your wounds...

I understand your point perfectly well. It's just fucking retarded.

Oh, wait, can I say "retarded"? that's not very PC. I'd better say, "developmentally challenged".

Okay, your point about PC is "Developmentally challenged". See. Just changed the wording, and it still got the point across.
"Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said Wednesday he has serious concerns about presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and won’t vote for him without assurances “that he’s not somebody who’s going to abuse” the Constitution." from the quote above by the very conservative Senator Mike Lee.

Lee has the hunting instincts of a crook, who would run away in a heartbeat if he thought association with Trump would hurt his chances for re-election.
You are indecent and racist, Correll, a correct estimation of your worthlessness, just an angry little right wing elephant.

Says the man that cannot and has publicly stated that he will not ever even try to back up his vile slander. You are a piece of shit.
You are lying and libeling.

Read a month's worth of Correll's posting to see if he is a racist?

And yet you have never been able to back up your claims with a racist post from me.

THe one time you tried, you posted a quote from me that not only wasn't racist, but was discussing whites.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
You still don't understand my point about PC, after all my efforts. Okay. I know when I'm wasting my time.

Believe what you will. Hopefully your personal attacks provide some kind of helpful catharsis for you, but I don't have to enable them.

Yes, you can go off an lick your wounds...

I understand your point perfectly well. It's just fucking retarded.

Oh, wait, can I say "retarded"? that's not very PC. I'd better say, "developmentally challenged".

Okay, your point about PC is "Developmentally challenged". See. Just changed the wording, and it still got the point across.

You say you understand his point, but you continually misrepresent his point.

PC is not wording. YOur pretense that it is is fucking dishonest.

I've recall now how I have linked you to articles on the Rotherham Child Rape/sex slavery scandal, and how PC led directly to the rape and slavery of over 1,000 children.

I can't recall how you responded though...
"Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) said Wednesday he has serious concerns about presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and won’t vote for him without assurances “that he’s not somebody who’s going to abuse” the Constitution." from the quote above by the very conservative Senator Mike Lee.

Lee has the hunting instincts of a crook, who would run away in a heartbeat if he thought association with Trump would hurt his chances for re-election.

Lee, is a fucking moron who thinks that he can curry favor with the Mob.

The only way to deal with the Left is to stand against them.

Appeasement will not work.
Says the man that cannot and has publicly stated that he will not ever even try to back up his vile slander.

You are a piece of shit.
IT is a libtard; why do you think he cares about being a reasonable person?

I don't. But he keeps posting, and if I don't call him on his bullshit, it can create the allusion of Proof by Ad Nauseam. I think on some level he knows that and that he is WHY he is such a dishonest prick.
Mac1958, the regressive right of center poster, describes himself well.

His posts are "here to attack and insult and mock and lie."

He obviously feels he can "get something out of this behavior, some kind of temporary self-esteem boost . . .".

So Mac's posting history enables his opponents to accurately ridicule and make fun of him.

You say you understand his point, but you continually misrepresent his point.

PC is not wording. YOur pretense that it is is fucking dishonest.

I've recall now how I have linked you to articles on the Rotherham Child Rape/sex slavery scandal, and how PC led directly to the rape and slavery of over 1,000 children.

I can't recall how you responded though...

I don't even recall discussing that topic, so if you diverted another thread into a discussion on that, I probably lost interest in it.
Calling out a shitty judge for being a biased judge, is not racist. George Will is being a fool.

Trump is dead wrong on this, as are his supporters who parrot his argument.

Saying that an American-born judge cannot be unbiased because he is of Mexican descent is no different than saying a white American-born judge cannot be unbiased because he's white like Trump.

It's absolutely idiotic and offensive.

George Will is correct. Trump is being appalling.

Except he didn't say that "an American-born judge cannot be unbiased because he is of Mexican descent."

He said THIS American born judge is biased.

It is NOT idiotic or offensive.

Whoever told you he said that other thing was lying to you.

George Will is letting the Left define the Boundaries of Polite Discussion.

The problem with that is, that the Left is a bunch of hypocritical assholes, who will, and HAVE, set up a double standard where they are allowed to make statements that are celebrated, and when someone from the Right makes the same or similar statement they are lynched.

Hence, the way the Left has been screaming and gloating for a year about how HIspanics hate Trump and that is why he will lose the election, (and that's super duper cool)

and now that Trump has said that ONE SPECIFIC hispanic hates him and that is why he is losing his case,

(and that's super duper evul)

If we let the Left set the rules we are choosing to lose, all the time, forever.
You say you understand his point, but you continually misrepresent his point.

PC is not wording. YOur pretense that it is is fucking dishonest.

I've recall now how I have linked you to articles on the Rotherham Child Rape/sex slavery scandal, and how PC led directly to the rape and slavery of over 1,000 children.

I can't recall how you responded though...

I don't even recall discussing that topic, so if you diverted another thread into a discussion on that, I probably lost interest in it.

Mass child rape allowed to continue for years because of political correctness? You found that uninteresting?
Except that that is not even close to what he put up.

And I've pointed out stuff to you too, though I don't have a standard piece I post on the subject.

Your need to be dishonest on this is an obvious defense mechanism to avoid the Truth.

He made a bunch of weak comments that just plain old didn't impress anyone. Bill Maher's racism isn't a defense of political correctness.

Obama's comments on the subject are not weak.

He is correct in describing the problem. (They are lies in the sense that he is pretending to be against pc, but that is another point)

And he describes it almost exactly as Mac does.

Either Obama is, like you accuse Mac of being, a racist who is upset that he can't tell racist jokes at the watercooler,

OR like Mac, he believes that PC is something other and more important than that.
It is incredible to me how they seem to have no problem being such unpleasant people.

Why come here just to be assholes?

Is this really their hobby?

I want to talk about stuff, not just be a dick to people.

But guy, most of what you talk about is your racism, that's the problem.

Asshole libs calling something they don't like and can't counter honestly, "racism" doesn't make it racism. It makes them liars and dicks.

Sorry if that offends you. And by sorry, I mean not sorry, you dick.

1. People who are losing jobs to immigrants are not ignorant to be concerned about that.

Guy, if your are doing a job that an immigrant fresh of the boat can do better for less, that's on you, man. Maybe if you stopped showing up to work drunk.

Your contempt and lack of concern for your fellow working class and Middle Class Americans is noted.

That being said, nothing in your point countered or challenged my point.

All you said what that you don't give a shit about your fellow Americans who are losing their jobs to immigrants.

2. People who are losing jobs due to outsourcing are not ignorant to be concerned about that.

3. People who are losing jobs due to unfair Trade Agreements are not ignorant to be concerned about that.

Except those same people will go down to the Walmart and buy a Sony instead of a Zenith, a Toyota instead of a Ford, or whatever. You see, the problem is, we've created the "outsourcing" problem ourselves by rewarding it.

It is not the job of consumers to set Trade Policy. That is a government function.

My points stand. THose who are losing jobs to outsourcing and imports are not ignorant. Their concerns are valid and their interests should be considered in American policy.

4, People who worry about Muslim immigrants killing people, like they have been doing, are not ignorant to worry about that.

Guy, we have 16,000 homicides a year in this country. How many of those are committed by "Muslim Immigrants"?

I should take this moment to remind you that Omar Mateen (Orlando) and Syed Farook (San Bernadino) were both born here.

Here's the thing. YOu are just as dead if you are killed by an American Born nut who thinks he's The Joker as you are by a Muslim who thinks he's going to get 72 virgins in the afterlife. So why are you only pissing your pants over the latter?

1. If you go back to pre-election threads on this site you can find me going on quite a bit about our Homicide rate, and causes and solutions, to that.

2. ANd that is nothing but a distraction.

Would you care to explain to me how the our high murderer rate makes it useless to try to avoid importing terrorists?

3. Second generation immigrants, who should never have been here. Why haven't had a shortage of unskilled labor since WWII.

4. Your pretense that I only care about one, if based on nothing but you projecting your inability to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Calling out a shitty judge for being a biased judge, is not racist.
What makes him a shitty judge?

Why do you pretend to care?
Answer the question, bitch.

Fine. Releasing the sealed court documents to Trump's ideological enemies for political purposes.
Is the general public Trump's ideological enemy?

A judge can unseal documents. They do it all the time. There was nothing unusual or punitive about it.

Tell me: why is there a need for the documents to be sealed in the first place? Who sealed them? A judge who is partial to Trump?

There were not released to the "general public". They were released to a lefty media organization, for political purposes.

That is what makes him a shitty judge.

Calling out a shitty judge for being shitty is not racist.
Except that none of what he says is actually racist. That is bullshit lies from the left.

Guy, everything he says is racist. If you weren't a racist, you'd realize this.

But you go fly your Confederate Flag and hate on the Mexicans and "third world" people and pretend you aren't racist at all... poor little white trash so put upon.

You know what would have REALLY made your point there?

Quoting him saying something racist.

But you didn't. DId you go looking and not find something? And decided to try to bluster you way though?

Speaking of the Confederate Flag, for you.

One would like to think that a society matures as it racks up the years.

Add to that the fact that minority voices were not heard then like they are heard today, with social media, the internet, and 1000 TV channels.

Perhaps you are too young to remember the 80s. Minority voices got plenty of hearing.

American society of the 80s was not "immature".

The internet? LOL! speaking of the internet, try goggling the term "grasping at straws".

Mac1958, the regressive right of center poster, describes himself well.

His posts are "here to attack and insult and mock and lie."

He obviously feels he can "get something out of this behavior, some kind of temporary self-esteem boost . . .".

So Mac's posting history enables his opponents to accurately ridicule and make fun of him.
Can anyone guess why Jake doesn't quote me or tag me when he posts about me? I wonder why these people behave like children..
Your whining, yes, is childish, very childish.

I am addressing the points made, not your silliness.

Calling opinions you disagree with "whining" or "childish" is not a valid challenge.

It is just you being a dick.

But you know that already.

You just don't care.
So, it's cool for Jake to call me vile and racist and I'm supposed to not respond in kind?

Dangerous if you have no guardian angel.

You're worried I be banned for responding in kind to Jake and other incredibly rude lefties?

It could happen.

Lefties have managed to create the perception that the vile terms THEY call people, ie racist, bigots, sexist, incompetent, whiny, ect,

AND/OR the way they just act like complete trolls by just repeating those same insults and lies over and over and over again without change,

is just fine.

WHile the response of cons, who might call people behaving like complete fucking assholes, complete fucking assholes is unacceptable.
1. People who are losing jobs to immigrants are not ignorant to be concerned about that.

2. People who are losing jobs due to outsourcing are not ignorant to be concerned about that.

3. People who are losing jobs due to unfair Trade Agreements are not ignorant to be concerned about that.
No, they are ignorant to believe that Drumpf will or even can do anything about any of that.

Tell me what power he will have to correct any of these?

No they are not ignorant. He hopefully will be the President of the United States.

ANd your childish making fun of his name is noted.

Just an interesting contrast where your are tying to dismiss the opinions of tens of millions of people as "ignorant" while making fun of a Presidential Candidate's name.
Tell me, all you folks worried about Political Correctness: is it a bad thing that these album covers probably couldn't be released today?




I've never seen those before. Just how old are those and where did they come from?

Are you trying to imply they were major releases by a mainstream institution?
"Some of my best friends are darkies", Joe? It's my family. Myself. My life. My existence.


Look how angry my little posts about PC make you. Look how you're always attacking.


And yet you get on here every day defending the right of rude frat boys and lame comedians to mock them.

Yes, someone defending bigotry generally makes me angry.

Even if you truly believe that that is what political correctness is about,

it is not credible that you have not picked up that Mac does not believe that.

It could be credible for you to believe that he is WRONG about what PC is. And to argue and debate that point.

But you insist on pretending that he agrees with you on what it is, and thus you attack him as though his motive is just a desire to be allowed to be openly racist.

That type of behavior makes you a complete asshole.

YOu are trolling and more than trolling.

It ALSO, indicates that at some level you know that you cannot honestly defend your position, and that you know Mac is right.

Which raises the question, why do you hold to a position that you know is wrong?
You still don't understand my point about PC, after all my efforts. Okay. I know when I'm wasting my time.

Believe what you will. Hopefully your personal attacks provide some kind of helpful catharsis for you, but I don't have to enable them.

Yes, you can go off an lick your wounds...

I understand your point perfectly well. It's just fucking retarded.

Oh, wait, can I say "retarded"? that's not very PC. I'd better say, "developmentally challenged".

Okay, your point about PC is "Developmentally challenged". See. Just changed the wording, and it still got the point across.

And yet, you continue to pretend that he agrees with you on what pc is.

That is what is fucking retarded.

Your refusal to honestly address his position.

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