George Zimmerman arrested in Florida

Zim has slipped past the jewsmedia's persecution efforts several times now, but I imagine it's wearing him out. Perhaps it's time he passed out a few lead skittles to selected members of the jewsmedia. Such an act of charity might prove relaxing for him.
Oh look, the resident racist likes Mexicans as long as they murder Black kids.
More evidence that Zimmerman was probably drunk when he murdered Trayvon.
Murdered? Did the jury's decision get overturned somehow?

It's kinda like how OJ murdered Nicole.
Was OJ convicted of murder? Zimmerman or OJ both were accused both had there day in court and both were found not guilty people may not like and agree with those verdicts but that's not going to change them people can call them murders if they wish in the eyes of the law they aren't.

OJ had lots of money for a high-dollar lawyers.
Zimmerman's dad was a retired judge who was connected to the Sanford Police Department.
Money and influence counts in court.
Sorry I have to explain such simple things to such simple minds like yours.

Do you have any details about how Zimmerman's dad was "connected" to the Sanford Police Department? This ought to be good.

Are you sure he is a retired judge?
I do have to admit the media taught me something. Never heard of a white Hispanic. Kinda like calling Obama a white negro.
Zim has slipped past the jewsmedia's persecution efforts several times now, but I imagine it's wearing him out. Perhaps it's time he passed out a few lead skittles to selected members of the jewsmedia. Such an act of charity might prove relaxing for him.
Oh look, the resident racist likes Mexicans as long as they murder Black kids.
Zimmerman never murdered anyone.
No one is obsessing......just letting Republican/conservatives know that their saintly hero is at it again.....:)
Reagan's dead. You're just making some poor schmuck who had his 15 minutes a legend with your obsession.
A legend now? You all throw labels like that on just about any old fat pig.

You act like a spoiled teenager. always nasty
Reagan is a legend. He won 49 out of 50 states for his second term. So he must of IMPRESSED a lot people in this country. Sorry if you can't deal with that. Another thing was back when Reagan was President the citizens in this country seemed to have more damn SENSE
Yet another thread where an ignorant and butt hurt lefty thinks that GZ's arrest actually means something.

The worthless thug Trayvon Martin is taking a dirt nap, all is right with the world.

lol, the rightwing myth of the colorblind post racial society takes another hit from another shit.
The world is a better place without Martin.

I completely disagree, he was a kid and he made a stupid mistake, but that doesn't mean he was worthless.
You gotta love how it's now 'George who??' with the RWnuts as if months of their worship of him never happened.
Nobody worshipped him, but after the media edited the 911 call to make him look like a racist. Posting pictures of Martin when he was a kid. Was an injustice.

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