George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue

Because he likes to kill children.

Trayvon was no child. He was a feral savage.

And all "feral savages" walk to the store to buy "Skittles and Ice Tea" before a game. It's what they do. It's what makes them "feral". Course, being black is part of it, right?

Here's what the innocent little thug was up to with the Skittles and the Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice...(it wasn't Iced Tea)

Trayvon Autopsy: (Skittles+Arizona Watermelon Juice+Robitussin=?Lean") Causes Aggression & Liver Damage | Peace . Gold . Liberty

The Conservative Treehouse (aka “CTH” and “The Last Refuge”) earned Zimmerman’s grateful acknowledgement because of its extraordinary investigative work undertaken throughout the saga, particularly in obtaining through Freedom of Information Act and publishing public records that revealed the corruption and racism connected to the charges and the trial itself, naming who was involved regardless of how high up the political food chain it went, in what the investigative bloggers called “The Zimmerman Railroading.”

Among its reports, Trayvon Martin’s drug use, explaining how the Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail drink he carried that night are ingredients that, when mixed with dextromethorphan (DXM) cough syrup, create “Lean”, a concocted high which can cause psychosis and aggression over the longer term. According to the autopsy report, Martin’s liver showed damage consistent with DXM abuse.
I know the liberals and race baiters will defend the little thug from now on without any acknowledgement of his drug use, his cell phone records, his Facebook posts...all of which contribute evidence of his being anything but an innocent child. It doesn't matter now. Obama has spoken, Holder has spoken, Sharpton has spoken...all the head race pimps have spoken. The die is cast...Zimmerman is evil and Trayvon was a sweet child simply coming home from the store with Skittles and Iced Tea.....NOT!

Trayvon was a punk thug and Zimmerman has been railroaded into hiding to appease the mob that was incited and encouraged by our black President, his black AG, the black Rev Sharpton and all the media that started the whole racial thing by doctoring tapes and presenting a lop-sided dishonest version of what they pass off as "news"!

...and now the mob wants to boycott products from states that have "Stand Your Ground" laws when that law in Florida was NOT used by the defense in this case.

Give Sharpton a goddamned soapbox and he'll bitch and moan about anything he can use to garner attention and work the crowd into a frenzy. What a useless piece of dung. I think he fancies himself close to the stature of Martin Luther King Jr. That is really, really delusional. He could not hold a candle to MLKJr. (Neither can that race baiting son of his MLK III)

You liberal punk worshipers need to learn the difference between evidence and following the crowd.
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It says something about people that support crime, idiocy and defenselessness. Victimhood tried to destroy a good man and it is poison to everyone that takes part in such stupidity.

Zimmerman is hated as he stands against all that.
So the people who've decided, with absolutely no evidence to support it, that it was all Trayvon Martin's fault that he got shot,

want to accuse everyone who disagrees with them as hating George Zimmerman?

lol, only in rightwing America.

No evidence? HELLO He was on top of Zimmerman beating him. On what planet is that no evidence?

The planet where there is no evidence proving that Trayvon Martin STARTED the fight.

aka Earth.

Sure there is.

Zimmerman had started returning to his vehicle, Martin followed, asked him if he had a problem, then proclaimed that he did now.

Trayvon was known for fighting, particularly for busting up a person's nose because he knew that caused a lot of bleeding and he liked seeing people bleed.
Even with all the hell he's been through, Zimmerman's natural desire and instinct to help others comes through.

This is the man the Liberals hate and want to see destroyed.

George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue - ABC News

George Zimmerman, who has been in hiding since he was acquitted of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, emerged to help rescue someone who was trapped in an overturned truck, police said today.

Sanford Police Department Capt. Jim McAuliffe told ABC News that Zimmerman "pulled an individual from a truck that had rolled over" at the intersection of a Florida highway last week. Florida Highway Patrol is now handling the case, McAuliffe said.

The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route 417, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from where he shot Martin.

It's the first known sighting of Zimmerman since he left the courtroom following his acquittal last week on murder charges for the death of Martin. Zimmerman, 29, shot and killed Martin, 17, in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012. The jury determined that Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense.

Why would, how could the left hate a man such as this?

He shot an unarmed man, that's why.

He shot a man who was beating the crap out of him.
Even with all the hell he's been through, Zimmerman's natural desire and instinct to help others comes through.

This is the man the Liberals hate and want to see destroyed.

Why would, how could the left hate a man such as this?

He shot an unarmed man, that's why.

He shot a man who was beating the crap out of him.

So Velvtacheeze..... what about the black man in New York that shot a White 17 year old twice even when he had not actually even touched him. Was that wrong? A Jury there found him not guilty.
He shot an unarmed man, that's why.

He shot a man who was beating the crap out of him.

So Velvtacheeze..... what about the black man in New York that shot a White 17 year old twice even when he had not actually even touched him. Was that wrong? A Jury there found him not guilty.

These people don't give a tinker's damn about black on white crime. To them, it's justifiable vengeance for what happened centuries ago.
Oh that AWFUL George Zimmerman. He volunteers for his neighborhood watch to look out for burglars...and now he rescues a family from a burning truck.

When will the horrors ever stop?!?!?!?!

He's still estranged from his family.
Well Zimmerman said he believed God had a plan that he survive and his being there to save these people is part of that plan.
Even with all the hell he's been through, Zimmerman's natural desire and instinct to help others comes through.

This is the man the Liberals hate and want to see destroyed.

George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue - ABC News

George Zimmerman, who has been in hiding since he was acquitted of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, emerged to help rescue someone who was trapped in an overturned truck, police said today.

Sanford Police Department Capt. Jim McAuliffe told ABC News that Zimmerman "pulled an individual from a truck that had rolled over" at the intersection of a Florida highway last week. Florida Highway Patrol is now handling the case, McAuliffe said.

The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route 417, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from where he shot Martin.

It's the first known sighting of Zimmerman since he left the courtroom following his acquittal last week on murder charges for the death of Martin. Zimmerman, 29, shot and killed Martin, 17, in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012. The jury determined that Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense.

Why would, how could the left hate a man such as this?

Because it's not about him.

It's about an agenda.

Almost. It's about people like him who buy a gun and violate HOA rules because they have an agenda. His agenda cost his HOA over $1,000,000.

He's like a fat Barney Fife and the jury was "Ange".....

Maybe The Z jimmied the brakes on that vehicle, then made sure he was conveniently nearby...

How 'bout it, Lib-o's.
Almost. It's about people like him who buy a gun and violate HOA rules because they have an agenda. His agenda cost his HOA over $1,000,000.

He's like a fat Barney Fife and the jury was "Ange".....

The fact that the Insurance Company came to an agreement and paid before the trial occurred means only that they looked at what MIGHT happen and what they MIGHT have to pay if he had been convicted and decided that it was cheaper to settle for a mere $1,000,000.

It was a business decision, not an indication of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence.
Should the people he saved now get death thrests because liberals really are that stupiid?

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