George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue


Did anyone go to hospital -- just to get checked over?

It would seem to be a dereliction of parental duty if they did not take the children to a hospital.

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It's also "amazing" that a truck flips over and no one was hurt.

Thanks to the speedy interventtion of George. There is no truth to the rumor that he ignored the 911 operator when she told him to stay in his vehicle and not try to help the people stuck in their SUV... and he was carrying a fully loaded fire extinguisher.

Come on Sallow... if it was staged then the people rescued would have been black.
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Doesn't it ?


It kinda does.

It's also "amazing" that a truck flips over and no one was hurt.

glad you could join the chief...

face south...


It was god's plan.
Wouldn't it be wild if Zimmerman really is a super hero? You know, like Superman or Batman? He shows up when people need his help which is why he ends up in these kinds of places. Now, I live in a pretty rural area so I don't run into people who need rescuing very often, but Florida must be different.
Americans definitely watch too much television and see too many movies.

George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue

Gee, seems like quite a coincidence...

I am sure Obama & Holder have the FBI already investigating it. Just like when they had the FBI so busy investigating Zimmerman & finding nothing that they missed the "Boston Bombers"

The Associated Press April 11, 2012: Attorney General Eric Holder said the Justice Department will act on Trayvon Martin case if evidence of civil rights crime. The Attorney General tells Rev. Al Sharpton group fighting youth violence is a top priority!

Orlando FBI agents were so busy searching for dirt on George Zimmerman that they missed leads pointing to Khusn Taramiv and Ibragim Todashev in Orlando who are MMA (mixed martial arts) fighters associated with Tsarnaev. FBI agent shot & killed the Florida man because he was reportedly going in to attack after he was questioned for hours regarding a possible link to the Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Ibragim Todashev
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It's also "amazing" that a truck flips over and no one was hurt.

Thanks to the speedy interventtion of George. There is no truth to the rumor that he ignored the 911 operator when she told him to stay in his vehicle and not try to help the people stuck in their SUV... and he was carrying a fully loaded fire extinguisher.

Come on Sallow... if it was staged then the people rescued would have been black.

Gonna give this one a little more time to shake out.

Zimmerman's got a lot of bizzaro people around him.

You remember his "black friend" that made the rounds on the talk show circuit?

[ame=]Lawrence O'Donnell EVISCERATES George Zimmerman 'friend' Joe Oliver. Part I. - YouTube[/ame]
Gee, seems like quite a coincidence...

I am sure Obama & Holder have the FBI already investigating it. Just like when they had the FBI so busy investigating Zimmerman & finding nothing that they missed the "Boston Bombers"

The Associated Press April 11, 2012: Attorney General Eric Holder said the Justice Department will act on Trayvon Martin case if evidence of civil rights crime. The Attorney General tells Rev. Al Sharpton group fighting youth violence is a top priority!

Orlando FBI agents were so busy searching for dirt on George Zimmerman that they missed leads pointing to Khusn Taramiv and Ibragim Todashev in Orlando who are MMA (mixed martial arts) fighters associated with Tsarnaev. FBI agent shot & killed the Florida man because he was reportedly going in to attack after he was questioned for hours regarding a possible link to the Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Ibragim Todashev

And BINGO was his name oooooooooo
It kinda does.

It's also "amazing" that a truck flips over and no one was hurt.

glad you could join the chief...

face south...


It was god's plan.

It's also "amazing" that a truck flips over and no one was hurt.

Thanks to the speedy interventtion of George. There is no truth to the rumor that he ignored the 911 operator when she told him to stay in his vehicle and not try to help the people stuck in their SUV... and he was carrying a fully loaded fire extinguisher.

Come on Sallow... if it was staged then the people rescued would have been black.

Gonna give this one a little more time to shake out.

Zimmerman's got a lot of bizzaro people around him.

You remember his "black friend" that made the rounds on the talk show circuit?

[ame=]Lawrence O'Donnell EVISCERATES George Zimmerman 'friend' Joe Oliver. Part I. - YouTube[/ame]

glad you could join the chief...

face south...


It was god's plan.

Thanks to the speedy interventtion of George. There is no truth to the rumor that he ignored the 911 operator when she told him to stay in his vehicle and not try to help the people stuck in their SUV... and he was carrying a fully loaded fire extinguisher.

Come on Sallow... if it was staged then the people rescued would have been black.

Gonna give this one a little more time to shake out.

Zimmerman's got a lot of bizzaro people around him.

You remember his "black friend" that made the rounds on the talk show circuit?

[ame=]Lawrence O'Donnell EVISCERATES George Zimmerman 'friend' Joe Oliver. Part I. - YouTube[/ame]


^Now THAT'S what I picture you look like!
It's also "amazing" that a truck flips over and no one was hurt.

Thanks to the speedy interventtion of George. There is no truth to the rumor that he ignored the 911 operator when she told him to stay in his vehicle and not try to help the people stuck in their SUV... and he was carrying a fully loaded fire extinguisher.

Come on Sallow... if it was staged then the people rescued would have been black.

Gonna give this one a little more time to shake out.

Zimmerman's got a lot of bizzaro people around him.

You remember his "black friend" that made the rounds on the talk show circuit?

[ame=]Lawrence O'Donnell EVISCERATES George Zimmerman 'friend' Joe Oliver. Part I. - YouTube[/ame]

Zimmerman has bizarre people around him? You people think a family volunteered to have them in a freaking accident!

Seriously?, you folks are just too easy!

Must have had a lot of 20 minute "dates" in high school!
I would think an intelligent person would find out exactly what the details were before he or she jumped to a conclusion.

But then, I'm so unamerican.


Um, psssssst, their were eye witnesses

But then, lets get a jury to decide and not believe them!

Maybe POTUS can then show pity to the wrecked SUV

"If I were a car, I'd look just like an SUV"

Wouldn't it be wild if Zimmerman really is a super hero? You know, like Superman or Batman? He shows up when people need his help which is why he ends up in these kinds of places. Now, I live in a pretty rural area so I don't run into people who need rescuing very often, but Florida must be different. Does anyone live in a more congested area and see people who need help frequently? I know when I lived in CA and was an emergency responder it felt like trouble happened wherever I went. Okay, well with that in mind, Zimmerman should take some advanced first aid and CPR classes. He'd be an even greater benefit to society. I think I know what his next job will be - paramedic. What was his job anyway?

Look up in the sky! Is it a bird or a plane? It's Super White Hispanicman!
Gee, seems like quite a coincidence...

I am sure Obama & Holder have the FBI already investigating it. Just like when they had the FBI so busy investigating Zimmerman & finding nothing that they missed the "Boston Bombers"

The Associated Press April 11, 2012: Attorney General Eric Holder said the Justice Department will act on Trayvon Martin case if evidence of civil rights crime. The Attorney General tells Rev. Al Sharpton group fighting youth violence is a top priority!

Orlando FBI agents were so busy searching for dirt on George Zimmerman that they missed leads pointing to Khusn Taramiv and Ibragim Todashev in Orlando who are MMA (mixed martial arts) fighters associated with Tsarnaev. FBI agent shot & killed the Florida man because he was reportedly going in to attack after he was questioned for hours regarding a possible link to the Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Ibragim Todashev

The FBI is all up in Zimmermans shit!

George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue

Most impressive -- if it wasn't a staged event.


How many friends do you have who would wreck their car and set it on fire while they are trapped in it to help you out with the media?

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