George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

Yeah, the robberies stopping after TMs death was entirely a coincidence.

you are hilarious

It's no coincidence you are an idiot. Robberies continue to occur in that neighborhood.

From what I have read robberies are way down, not extinct, Einstein.


You said they stopped.

You read robberies were down, so you come on this forum and lie, claiming they stopped?

What a pathetic liar you are. :eusa_liar:
You have no idea what you're talking about. The Martins can't sue Zimmerman.

Cause GZ is innocent by law.
Moron... U.S. law doesn't determine a defendant is innocent. Zimmerman was found not guilty. And Florida law provides immunity from civil suits gor those who have proven they acted in self defense.

U.S. law doesn't determine a defendant is innocent.

US law determines that the defendant is presumed innocent

in the zimmerman case he remains innocent
The day Georgie was on the beach the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition models were doing a volleyball photo shoot:

Sun Sentinel

As if any straight male would chase Georgie when THIS is going on. And the gays are too fabulous to be chasing Pudgy Georgie.

Zimmerman is a pathological liar.

Regards from Rosie

Or it's just more proof that liberals love their self righteousness more than anything else, up to and including watching supermodels in swimsuits.........

IT's also poof that they cant grasp the idea that some people just might have done BOTH, lol.
Cause GZ is innocent by law.
Moron... U.S. law doesn't determine a defendant is innocent. Zimmerman was found not guilty. And Florida law provides immunity from civil suits gor those who have proven they acted in self defense.

U.S. law doesn't determine a defendant is innocent.

US law determines that the defendant is presumed innocent

in the zimmerman case he remains innocent

Thanks for taking care of that light work, lol.

It's no coincidence you are an idiot. Robberies continue to occur in that neighborhood.

From what I have read robberies are way down, not extinct, Einstein.


You said they stopped.

You read robberies were down, so you come on this forum and lie, claiming they stopped?

What a pathetic liar you are. :eusa_liar:

The SPREEE stopped, shit-for-brains.

Lol, you are such a fucking waste of time. Between your natural stupidity and your pretending to be too dense to understand what is stated to you, you try to get people to waste all their time responding to your bullshit.

Fuck you and welcome to my ignore list, retarded bitch.
The day Georgie was on the beach the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition models were doing a volleyball photo shoot:

Sun Sentinel

As if any straight male would chase Georgie when THIS is going on. And the gays are too fabulous to be chasing Pudgy Georgie.

Zimmerman is a pathological liar.

Regards from Rosie

Wanting to collect the $10,000 bounty might have had something to do with it.
Cause GZ is innocent by law.
Moron... U.S. law doesn't determine a defendant is innocent. Zimmerman was found not guilty. And Florida law provides immunity from civil suits gor those who have proven they acted in self defense.

U.S. law doesn't determine a defendant is innocent.

That's because he isn't.

US law determines that the defendant is presumed innocent

in the zimmerman case he remains innocent
U.S. law determines no such thing. Presumption of innocence nothing but legal theory. All it means is that the state must prove he's guilty in order to convict him and that he can't be compelled to help the state prosecute him.

In the eyes of the law, he is not guilty.
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Moron... U.S. law doesn't determine a defendant is innocent. Zimmerman was found not guilty. And Florida law provides immunity from civil suits gor those who have proven they acted in self defense.

U.S. law doesn't determine a defendant is innocent.

That's because he isn't.

US law determines that the defendant is presumed innocent

in the zimmerman case he remains innocent
U.S. law determines no such thing. Presumption of innocence nothing but legal theory. All it means is that the state must prove he's guilty in order to convict him and that he can't be compelled to help the state prosecute him.

In the eyes of the law, he is not guilty.

'Not guilty' = innocent, you stupid semantic baboon.
From what I have read robberies are way down, not extinct, Einstein.


You said they stopped.

You read robberies were down, so you come on this forum and lie, claiming they stopped?

What a pathetic liar you are. :eusa_liar:

The SPREEE stopped, shit-for-brains.

Lol, you are such a fucking waste of time. Between your natural stupidity and your pretending to be too dense to understand what is stated to you, you try to get people to waste all their time responding to your bullshit.

Fuck you and welcome to my ignore list, retarded bitch.
Dumbfuck... words have meaning ...

"Yeah, the robberies stopping after TMs death was entirely a*coincidence." - a dumbfucking rightard

... you should learn them.
U.S. law doesn't determine a defendant is innocent.

That's because he isn't.

US law determines that the defendant is presumed innocent

in the zimmerman case he remains innocent
U.S. law determines no such thing. Presumption of innocence nothing but legal theory. All it means is that the state must prove he's guilty in order to convict him and that he can't be compelled to help the state prosecute him.

In the eyes of the law, he is not guilty.

'Not guilty' = innocent, you stupid semantic baboon.
Two things ...

1) after getting caught lying about the robberies stopping (which they didn't) , you're now caught telling another lie. You said, "welcome to my ignore list." If that were true, you wouldn't have seen my last post. :ack-1: Not only are you a liar -- you're a really bad liar. :lmao:

2) "not guilty" does not equal "innocent," you dumbfucking knuckle-dragging brain-dead backwards-thinking rightard.


... according to your rightarded logic -- OJ Simpson is innocent of killing Nicole! :ack-1:


By the way, if you're telling the truth (and you're already a confirmed liar), you shouldn't even see this post since according to you, I'm on your ignore list. :cool:
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Unlike you left wing racist nut jobs, the jury saw all the evidence, and heard all the testimony. They determined that it was self defense. You liberal morons are just verbally masturbating.

Bunch of dumbasses.
Unlike you left wing racist nut jobs, the jury saw all the evidence, and heard all the testimony. They determined that it was self defense. You liberal morons are just verbally masturbating.

Bunch of dumbasses.
Dumbfuck ... who said otherwise?
Zimmerman was presumed innocent from jump street (except by blowhard lolberals of course).

The State Persecutors (which is not the same thing as actual legitimate State Prosecutors) failed to overcome that Presumption of Innocence. Therefore, Zimmerman continues to be innocent in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of all manner of clear-thinking and fair-minded people who followed the evidence.
Zimmerman was presumed innocent from jump street (except by blowhard lolberals of course).

The State Persecutors (which is not the same thing as actual legitimate State Prosecutors) failed to overcome that Presumption of Innocence. Therefore, Zimmerman continues to be innocent in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of all manner of clear-thinking and fair-minded people who followed the evidence.

Go bitch to the state of Florida then, since they did not find him innocent ...

"We, the jury, find George Zimmerman not guilty."
Zimmerman was presumed innocent from jump street (except by blowhard lolberals of course).

The State Persecutors (which is not the same thing as actual legitimate State Prosecutors) failed to overcome that Presumption of Innocence. Therefore, Zimmerman continues to be innocent in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of all manner of clear-thinking and fair-minded people who followed the evidence.

Go bitch to the state of Florida then, since they did not find him innocent ...

"We, the jury, find George Zimmerman not guilty."

Your lack of comprehension is noted. Again.

Zimmerman STARTED off with a presumption of innocence. The determination by the jury sealed it. The presumption was NEVER overcome by the State. (The evidence and logic would not have permitted such a sordid finding.)

SINCE the PRESUMPTION of INNOCENCE was never overcome, the DETERMINATION of "not guilty" translates into the proposition that his presumption of innocence REMAINS FULLY INTACT and it always will.

You can quibble all you want. But you can't change that, Fauny.

Zimmerman was presumed innocent from jump street (except by blowhard lolberals of course).

The State Persecutors (which is not the same thing as actual legitimate State Prosecutors) failed to overcome that Presumption of Innocence. Therefore, Zimmerman continues to be innocent in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of all manner of clear-thinking and fair-minded people who followed the evidence.

Go bitch to the state of Florida then, since they did not find him innocent ...

"We, the jury, find George Zimmerman not guilty."

Your lack of comprehension is noted. Again.

Zimmerman STARTED off with a presumption of innocence. The determination by the jury sealed it. The presumption was NEVER overcome by the State. (The evidence and logic would not have permitted such a sordid finding.)

SINCE the PRESUMPTION of INNOCENCE was never overcome, the DETERMINATION of "not guilty" translates into the proposition that his presumption of innocence REMAINS FULLY INTACT and it always will.

You can quibble all you want. But you can't change that, Fauny.

Here's how the law in Florida actually sees Zimmerman ...

"We, the jury, find George Zimmerman not guilty."

... we know this since they said so. So whom do we believe ... ? The state of Florida? Or some raving lunatic fringe in a chatroom who can't accept reality? :dunno:

That's a tough call to make. :lmao:

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