George Zimmerman Opens Website To Tell His Story


VIP Member
Mar 18, 2012
Trayvon Martin case: George Zimmerman website tells his story -
George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in Florida, has created a website to communicate to his supporters and solicit funds for his legal defense and living expenses, now that he has been forced into hiding and thus unable to work.
The homepage of the website,, features an American flag background, and an introductory essay that begins:
"On Sunday February 26th, I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage. As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life. This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries."
He's not going to speak on the case unless he is not charged.

Good.... but its time he gets is current face out there and not some old crap.....

this whole thing is about PR and the "story"

Sadly it is... much to our national shame.

I know..... this is about who can spin the best story. Its about who can play on what sympathies....and not on evidence.

What his whole thing is about is votes in the next election....and THAT is what is the saddest.
Cool, a website asking for money. I read he's also contacted Hannity, I wonder how much Hannity will pay to interview him.

I think it would be good of him to put up some current pictures of himself so we can see if he's a martial arts kind of guy or not.
Cool, a website asking for money. I read he's also contacted Hannity, I wonder how much Hannity will pay to interview him.

I think it would be good of him to put up some current pictures of himself so we can see if he's a martial arts kind of guy or not.

I doubt he was since he got his ass handed to him by a 17 year old. No, posting recent photos would be a stupid idea and you know this.

Well I learned something new today. On HLN news his ex-attorneys (I assume) said more was cut from the 9-11 tapes and According to Zimmerman, Martin apparently wasn't just happily strolling along the street out in the open but was creeping along suspiciously behind the buildings when he spotted him.

The reporter tried to cut the lawyer off asking how could Zimmerman see behind the building from his car and the lawyer proceeded to answer that question and shut her up. Then the question of why Trayvon was lying face down came up.. The reason was because he was on top of Zimmerman and fell face down after the shot. Who knows what else we don't know? All I know for sure is the media botched this up pretty bad and should be held accountable.
Cool, a website asking for money. I read he's also contacted Hannity, I wonder how much Hannity will pay to interview him.

I think it would be good of him to put up some current pictures of himself so we can see if he's a martial arts kind of guy or not.

I doubt he was since he got his ass handed to him by a 17 year old. No, posting recent photos would be a stupid idea and you know this.

Well I learned something new today. On HLN news his ex-attorneys (I assume) said more was cut from the 9-11 tapes and According to Zimmerman, Martin apparently wasn't just happily strolling along the street out in the open but was creeping along suspiciously behind the buildings when he spotted him.

The reporter tried to cut the lawyer off asking how could Zimmerman see behind the building from his car and the lawyer proceeded to answer that question and shut her up. Then the question of why Trayvon was lying face down came up.. The reason was because he was on top of Zimmerman and fell face down after the shot. Who knows what else we don't know? All I know for sure is the media botched this up pretty bad and should be held accountable.

We don't know that Zimmerman got his ass handed to him. In fact, the perp walk video says he didn't.

As to walking behind buildings, if you look at the layout of the community you'll find there is a walking path that runs behind two sets of buildings and that is the direction Martin would normally walk to get to his destination.

Not to mention, if he was on top of Zimmerman and fell face down, he would have fallen on top of Zimmerman.
A very basic layout; but a shrewd move, nonetheless.

Staying silent completely doesn't help him any.

Actually, I think he would be better off if he stayed silent for as long as possible. Anything he says or does will only infuriate the people who loved and support Trayvon Martin. That opening quote is bad enough. A young man lost his life that night and Zimmerman sounds like he's bemoaning his own bad luck. Sounds like? Hell, that is exactly what he is doing.

Even a heart-felt apology will not sound right.

He should STFU and pray this blows over soon.

A very basic layout; but a shrewd move, nonetheless.

Staying silent completely doesn't help him any.

Actually, I think he would be better off if he stayed silent for as long as possible. Anything he says or does will only infuriate the people who loved and support Trayvon Martin. That opening quote is bad enough. A young man lost his life that night and Zimmerman sounds like he's bemoaning his own bad luck. Sounds like? Hell, that is exactly what he is doing.

Even a heart-felt apology will not sound right.

He should STFU and pray this blows over soon.


I think you correct; his comments appear to be a pleas for sympathy. He also he admits killing Martin. Shhhhh is his best option.
Trayvon Martin case: George Zimmerman website tells his story -
George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in Florida, has created a website to communicate to his supporters and solicit funds for his legal defense and living expenses, now that he has been forced into hiding and thus unable to work.
The homepage of the website,, features an American flag background, and an introductory essay that begins:
"On Sunday February 26th, I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage. As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life. This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries."
Talk about a DUNCE move.

Zimmerman's wrote and rewrote the book.


Trayvon Martin case: George Zimmerman website tells his story -
George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager in Florida, has created a website to communicate to his supporters and solicit funds for his legal defense and living expenses, now that he has been forced into hiding and thus unable to work.
The homepage of the website,, features an American flag background, and an introductory essay that begins:
"On Sunday February 26th, I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage. As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life. This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries."
Talk about a DUNCE move.

Zimmerman's wrote and rewrote the book.


Sometimes people defy conventional wisdom. When I was younger I was charged with something my brother had done, and decided to represent myself(which got me interested in law). I was told the usual "only a fool would have himself as his lawyer" blah blah blah. When the court seemingly refused to believe my brother who told them they needed to be charging him, I sure believed it. Long story short, I received a hung jury twice before winning my third run. The prosecutor was pissed I got a hung jury twice, at the time I was 18 years old with only a high school diploma. By the 3rd trial I was a monster. There was no stopping me from proving my innocence, I knew this vindictive bitch couldnt railroad me.

I chose to have my case heard before the judge and it was a cake walk. The judge told me afterwards I should become a lawyer. Just recently took that advice.
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