George Zimmerman Will Walk

1. Zimmerman lived in a bad neighborhood that had suffered a series of well-documented break-ins and crimes.

2. Zimmerman was angry at the young black punks who he perceived were destroying his neighborhood.

3. Seeing Trayvon triggered the rage Zimmerman had for young black punks.

4. Zimmerman called 911 to report suspicious activity - but all he could say was that the kid looked suspicious.

5. The 911 operator asked if he was following Trayvon and Zimmerman said "yes". Zimmerman had profiled this young black teen.

6. The 911 operator said "do not follow him".

7. Zimmerman ignored the operator. He was determined to confront Trayvon. He was sick of seeing all the crime in his neighborhood and he finally found an easy target that would allow him to vent his rage.

8. He confronted Trayvon and it lead to a fight.

9. The fight escalated. Zimmerman suffered injuries, then he murdered Trayvon.

10. The Rightwing media is protecting Zimmerman because this conflict symbolizes a very familiar fear of blacks that reached its apex in the 70s. In the 70s, America's inner cities were besieged by ghettos, crime, garbage, crumbling infrastructure, de-industrialization, etc. This accelerated the "white flight " to the suburbs. Reagan campaigned for president on the promise to be tough on crime and clean up the inner cities. He was determined to unwind many of the welfare programs that inner city blacks depended upon, making the situation even more combustible. His strategy was to use the War on Drugs to beef up law enforcement in our crumbling cities. The War on Drugs was designed to give law enforcement better tools to move black kids from inner cities to cages (prison). But the fact remains, Reagan promised to save white people from the fabricated demons that were destroying our great cities. Fear of (and hatred of) "black punks" is very real for white Republicans, who are manipulated to fear blacks, homosexuals, muslims, mexicans, etc., etc. Of course the Rightwing voter is going to protect Zimmerman; he acted on the very fears which breathes life and purpose into their party.
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Zimmerman profiled, stalked and murdered Martin. Zimmerman ignored police dispatch not to follow. Zimmerman never made any attempt to tell Martin who he was. If Zimmerman had simply waited on police to arrive and/or told Martin who he was - Martin would still be alive.

That's easy manslaughter.

Left out that tiny important part where Martin attacked Zimmerman....I think what sealed it was the fact that Martin did have drugs in his system and Zimmerman saying to the dispatcher that he looked like he was on drugs.

"Drugs in his system"? You mean a little marijuana? So what? Wow, are you suggesting Martin had some sort of pot rage? Martin had his hood up, plus it was dark and raining - so how the hell could Zimmerman see well enough to think that Martin "looked like he was on drugs"? Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Martin "attacked Zimmerman"? Holy shit...
AnCapAtheist How do difinitevly know Martin attacked Zimmerman? Damn. OH and Martin smoked some weed. So does a lot of people in here. Are they killers? Oh and what drugs was zimmerman on? We dont know because those keystone cop idiots didnt have him tested. Seriously, he just shot and killed an unarmed kid and he doesnt get tested? They tested the damn victim though.

Fuck Florida.
"Drugs in his system"? You mean a little marijuana? So what? Wow, are you suggesting Martin had some sort of pot rage? Martin had his hood up, plus it was dark and raining - so how the hell could Zimmerman see well enough to think that Martin "looked like he was on drugs"? Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Martin "attacked Zimmerman"? Holy shit...

Just going by the evidence as presented in court...oh and actually nothing Zimmerman did was wrong..he was attacked and defended himself....I guess you think he just tripped and fell and broke his nose and then tripped and fell again and cracked his head open.

We can only hope the jury analysis is more logical than yours.

No logical person can reach any other conclusion.
1. Zimmerman lived in a bad neighborhood that had suffered a series of well-documented break-ins and crimes.

2. Zimmerman was angry at the young black punks who he perceived were destroying his neighborhood.

3. Seeing Trayvon triggered the rage Zimmerman had for young black punks.

4. Zimmerman called 911 to report suspicious activity - but all he could say was that the kid looked suspicious.

5. The 911 operator asked if he was following Trayvon and Zimmerman said "yes". Zimmerman had profiled this young black teen.

6. The 911 operator said "do not follow him".

7. Zimmerman ignored the operator. He was determined to confront Trayvon. He was sick of seeing all the crime in his neighborhood and he finally found an easy target that would allow him to vent his rage.

8. He confronted Trayvon and it lead to a fight.

9. The fight escalated. Zimmerman suffered injuries, then he murdered Trayvon.

10. The Rightwing media is protecting Zimmerman because this conflict symbolizes a very familiar fear of blacks that reached its apex in the 70s. In the 70s, America's inner cities were besieged by ghettos, crime, garbage, crumbling infrastructure, de-industrialization, etc. This accelerated the "white flight " to the suburbs. Reagan campaigned for president on the promise to be tough on crime and clean up the inner cities. He was determined to unwind many of the welfare programs that inner city blacks depended upon, making the situation even more combustible. His strategy was to use the War on Drugs to beef up law enforcement in our crumbling cities. The War on Drugs was designed to give law enforcement better tools to move black kids from inner cities to cages (prison). But the fact remains, Reagan promised to save white people from the fabricated demons that were destroying our great cities. Fear of (and hatred of) "black punks" is very real for white Republicans, who are manipulated to fear blacks, homosexuals, muslims, mexicans, etc., etc. Of course the Rightwing voter is going to protect Zimmerman; he acted on the very fears which breathes life and purpose into their party.

Wow. :clap2::clap2:
Hey lakhota do ya think Trayvon Martin was on top of George beating on him?

That doesn't really matter. It's the events leading up to contact - and the fatal gunshot that matter. Zimmerman was the perpetrator.

That's just dumb... In FL you have the right to use deadly force if you believe your life to be in danger. Given your reasoning, if you stuck a gun in my face, I'd just have to sit back and take a bullet.

What a dumbass.

Zimmermans father said this..

Congressional Black Caucus. “[A] pathetic, self-serving group of racists… advancing their purely racist agenda.” He later adds that “all members of Congress should be ashamed of the Congressional Black Caucus, as should be their constituents.” And finally: “They are truly a disgrace to all Americans.”

The NAACP. “imply promotes racism and hatred for their own, primarily finical, interests” and “without prejudice and racial divide, the NAACP would simply cease to exist.”

NAACP President Benjamin Jealous. “[W]hat I would expect of a racist.”

Trayvon Martin’s funeral director. A “racial activist and former head of the local NAACP.”

Benjamin Crump, Natialie Jackson and Darrly Parks, attorneys for Travyon Martin’s family. “The scheme team.”

The National Basketball Players Association.

Black Chamber of Commerce.

National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers.

National Black United Fund.

United Negro College Fund.

The NBA is racist people. Damn. Didn't fall too far from the tree, did he.
Hey lakhota do ya think Trayvon Martin was on top of George beating on him?

That doesn't really matter. It's the events leading up to contact - and the fatal gunshot that matter. Zimmerman was the perpetrator.

Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Zimmerman was the perpetrator? Holy shit...

Remove Zimmerman from the equation and Martin would have gone home to the game, tea and Skittles. Martin obviously thought HIS life was in danger. It ain't rocket science.
Left out that tiny important part where Martin attacked Zimmerman....I think what sealed it was the fact that Martin did have drugs in his system and Zimmerman saying to the dispatcher that he looked like he was on drugs.

"Drugs in his system"? You mean a little marijuana? So what? Wow, are you suggesting Martin had some sort of pot rage? Martin had his hood up, plus it was dark and raining - so how the hell could Zimmerman see well enough to think that Martin "looked like he was on drugs"? Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Martin "attacked Zimmerman"? Holy shit...
AnCapAtheist How do difinitevly know Martin attacked Zimmerman? Damn. OH and Martin smoked some weed. So does a lot of people in here. Are they killers? Oh and what drugs was zimmerman on? We dont know because those keystone cop idiots didnt have him tested. Seriously, he just shot and killed an unarmed kid and he doesnt get tested? They tested the damn victim though.

Fuck Florida.
Witness on the stand today said he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman...I guess Zimmerman did that damage to himself...
That doesn't really matter. It's the events leading up to contact - and the fatal gunshot that matter. Zimmerman was the perpetrator.

Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Zimmerman was the perpetrator? Holy shit...

Remove Zimmerman from the equation and Martin would have gone home to the game, tea and Skittles. Martin obviously thought HIS life was in danger. It ain't rocket science.

sorry dude--this isn't a kindergarten game--you don't get any do over's or pretends. It's very possible from evidence that is being presented that Martin LOVED to fight.
Left out that tiny important part where Martin attacked Zimmerman....I think what sealed it was the fact that Martin did have drugs in his system and Zimmerman saying to the dispatcher that he looked like he was on drugs.

"Drugs in his system"? You mean a little marijuana? So what? Wow, are you suggesting Martin had some sort of pot rage? Martin had his hood up, plus it was dark and raining - so how the hell could Zimmerman see well enough to think that Martin "looked like he was on drugs"? Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Martin "attacked Zimmerman"? Holy shit...

Just going by the evidence as presented in court...oh and actually nothing Zimmerman did was wrong..he was attacked and defended himself....I guess you think he just tripped and fell and broke his nose and then tripped and fell again and cracked his head open.

HOW DO YOU KNOW ZIMMERMAN WAS ATTACKED. Zimmerman recieved those injuries because he got his ass kicked.
Witness on the stand today said he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman...I guess Zimmerman did that damage to himself...

Clearly Martin tripped and fell on top of Zimmerman and as he tried to get up his fists just repeatedly hit him.
Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Zimmerman was the perpetrator? Holy shit...

Remove Zimmerman from the equation and Martin would have gone home to the game, tea and Skittles. Martin obviously thought HIS life was in danger. It ain't rocket science.

sorry dude--this isn't a kindergarten game--you don't get any do over's or pretends. It's very possible from evidence that is being presented that Martin LOVED to fight.

You mean, Martin took MMA classes? You mean Martin had a restraining order against him?

You mean martin had a scuffle with cops?

Nope, that was all Zimmerman. He was the one with anger/violence issues. And that nut carried a gun!

He is the last one I want near my kids playing in my fron yard. Fuck him and his cop wanna be ass.
"Drugs in his system"? You mean a little marijuana? So what? Wow, are you suggesting Martin had some sort of pot rage? Martin had his hood up, plus it was dark and raining - so how the hell could Zimmerman see well enough to think that Martin "looked like he was on drugs"? Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Martin "attacked Zimmerman"? Holy shit...

Just going by the evidence as presented in court...oh and actually nothing Zimmerman did was wrong..he was attacked and defended himself....I guess you think he just tripped and fell and broke his nose and then tripped and fell again and cracked his head open.

HOW DO YOU KNOW ZIMMERMAN WAS ATTACKED. Zimmerman recieved those injuries because he got his ass kicked.

How do you know he wasn't ?
That doesn't really matter. It's the events leading up to contact - and the fatal gunshot that matter. Zimmerman was the perpetrator.

Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Zimmerman was the perpetrator? Holy shit...

Remove Zimmerman from the equation and Martin would have gone home to the game, tea and Skittles. Martin obviously thought HIS life was in danger. It ain't rocket science.

How on Earth could he have thought his life was in danger if you remove Zimmerman from the equation?

"Drugs in his system"? You mean a little marijuana? So what? Wow, are you suggesting Martin had some sort of pot rage? Martin had his hood up, plus it was dark and raining - so how the hell could Zimmerman see well enough to think that Martin "looked like he was on drugs"? Oh, and how do we know for a fact that Martin "attacked Zimmerman"? Holy shit...

Just going by the evidence as presented in court...oh and actually nothing Zimmerman did was wrong..he was attacked and defended himself....I guess you think he just tripped and fell and broke his nose and then tripped and fell again and cracked his head open.

HOW DO YOU KNOW ZIMMERMAN WAS ATTACKED. Zimmerman recieved those injuries because he got his ass kicked.

Yeah. People who get their asses kicked are attacked. Do you somehow think someone gets their ass kicked by people just walking by?

BTW The burden is on the prosecution to show that Zimmerman was the attacker. They couldn't do that. That alone creates reasonable doubt.
Remove Zimmerman from the equation and Martin would have gone home to the game, tea and Skittles. Martin obviously thought HIS life was in danger. It ain't rocket science.

sorry dude--this isn't a kindergarten game--you don't get any do over's or pretends. It's very possible from evidence that is being presented that Martin LOVED to fight.

You mean, Martin took MMA classes? You mean Martin had a restraining order against him?

You mean martin had a scuffle with cops?

Nope, that was all Zimmerman. He was the one with anger/violence issues. And that nut carried a gun!

He is the last one I want near my kids playing in my fron yard. Fuck him and his cop wanna be ass.

right--only nuts carry guns. Did you get a chance to hear about all the stuff on Trayvon's phone? Check it out. Baby Trayvon loved fighting.
Zimmerman profiled, stalked and murdered Martin. Zimmerman ignored police dispatch not to follow. Zimmerman never made any attempt to tell Martin who he was. If Zimmerman had simply waited on police to arrive and/or told Martin who he was - Martin would still be alive.

That's easy manslaughter.

Left out that tiny important part where Martin attacked Zimmerman....I think what sealed it was the fact that Martin did have drugs in his system and Zimmerman saying to the dispatcher that he looked like he was on drugs.

Left out that tiny important part where Martin attacked Zimmerman....

no one knows that for sure but as a statement made by a pathological liar, George Zimmerman.

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