George Zimmerman's wife: 'I have doubts' about his innocence

A soon to be ex-wife saying something bad about her husband... how surprising. Fortunately our judicial system uses judges and juries, rather than jilted wives.

She knows him better than anyone else - don't you think she might know who he really is, and what he is really like?
I think you know what Zimmerman is like more then anyone
A soon to be ex-wife saying something bad about her husband... how surprising. Fortunately our judicial system uses judges and juries, rather than jilted wives.

She knows him better than anyone else - don't you think she might know who he really is, and what he is really like?
I think you know what Zimmerman is like more then anyone

I believe him to a be a racist, violent thug.
Let's review....according to the 911 call, the Explorer was "smoking" were Cheech & Chong in the back seat or a couple of kids? Where there's smoke there's....well, you know. When Zimmy arrived they hadn't "assisted" themselves out of the Explorer. You said earlier it was a "minor accident" when the truth is it had rolled, possibly more than once, and may have landed upside down. Ever tried to "assist" yourself out of an upside-down vehicle? You say "no one was injured" yet provide no proof of my experience of rolling cars, everybody slams up against something, dashboard, door panels, front seat...unless they were wearing rubber suits, there were injuries. So you're either a liar or a man-hater or both....please choose one for us. :doubt:

Really? Do you know the difference between a smoke alarm and a fire alarm.

There were variations in the earliest reports: goes to the poor reporting of the media. The later reports, when all the information was in and verified, said that it was a MINOR accident. That there was NO FIRE. That the occupents were ASSISTED out of the vehicle, not pulled. That there were NO INJURIES. Do some research instead of speculating.

So I guess it doesn't matter what the man does good for people. No matter what the situation, he will always be that 'racist' who shot a poor black boy, who had nothing but a bag of skittles and iced tea. You will think of him in political-racial terms and slander him until the end of his days. That is truly puerile and pathetic. You are hopelessly stereotypical.
Really? Do you know the difference between a smoke alarm and a fire alarm.

There were variations in the earliest reports: goes to the poor reporting of the media. The later reports, when all the information was in and verified, said that it was a MINOR accident. That there was NO FIRE. That the occupents were ASSISTED out of the vehicle, not pulled. That there were NO INJURIES. Do some research instead of speculating.

So I guess it doesn't matter what the man does good for people. No matter what the situation, he will always be that 'racist' who shot a poor black boy, who had nothing but a bag of skittles and iced tea. You will think of him in political-racial terms and slander him until the end of his days. That is truly puerile and pathetic. You are hopelessly stereotypical.

To me he'll always be the ass who was too stupid to stay in the truck.
There were variations in the earliest reports: goes to the poor reporting of the media. The later reports, when all the information was in and verified, said that it was a MINOR accident. That there was NO FIRE. That the occupents were ASSISTED out of the vehicle, not pulled. That there were NO INJURIES. Do some research instead of speculating.

Bullshit. You want "equality with men" learn how to take your ass-whippin but keep your pride like you expect from us, ya sniveling weasel. Nobody gets out a vehicle that rolls without injuries and if that vehicle was smoking like the call to 911 verified, there was an electrical fire. End of story. :eusa_eh:
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There were variations in the earliest reports: goes to the poor reporting of the media. The later reports, when all the information was in and verified, said that it was a MINOR accident. That there was NO FIRE. That the occupents were ASSISTED out of the vehicle, not pulled. That there were NO INJURIES. Do some research instead of speculating.

Bullshit. You want "equality with men" learn how to take your ass-whippin but keep your pride like you expect from us, ya sniveling weasel. Nobody gets out a vehicle that rolls without injuries and if that vehicle was smoking like the call to 911 verified, there was an electrical fire. End of story. :eusa_eh:

Listen, you bullying fucking idiot. You alleging on the internet that you are the male of the species does not perforce mean that you are a better or stronger person than any woman on this board, so shut the fuck up with all the alpha posturing ffs.
There were variations in the earliest reports: goes to the poor reporting of the media. The later reports, when all the information was in and verified, said that it was a MINOR accident. That there was NO FIRE. That the occupents were ASSISTED out of the vehicle, not pulled. That there were NO INJURIES. Do some research instead of speculating.

Bullshit. You want "equality with men" learn how to take your ass-whippin but keep your pride like you expect from us, ya sniveling weasel. Nobody gets out a vehicle that rolls without injuries and if that vehicle was smoking like the call to 911 verified, there was an electrical fire. End of story. :eusa_eh:

Listen, you bullying fucking idiot. You alleging on the internet that you are the male of the species does not perforce mean that you are a better or stronger person than any woman on this board, so shut the fuck up with all the alpha posturing ffs.

Or WHAT skank, you gonna neg me again? :lol: Being stupid and ugly doesn't get you any sympathy from put on your headphones and stop stealing your employer's money.....
Neg whining? Poor little girl. Obviously you're not a man, nor even a boy. But you're obviously a blast from the past - so whose sock are you.

I'm the ghost of wanna be mah Becky ho, go fetch me some tea 'n skittles, beyotch. :lol:
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Neg whining? Poor little girl. Obviously you're not a man, nor even a boy. But you're obviously a blast from the past - so whose sock are you.

I'm the ghost of wanna be mah Becky ho, go fetch me some tea 'n skittles, beyotch. :lol:

Nope. You got angry, you fucked up, and you threw shit at me from well over a year ago.

Dumb fuck. :rofl:
Bullshit. You want "equality with men" learn how to take your ass-whippin but keep your pride like you expect from us, ya sniveling weasel. Nobody gets out a vehicle that rolls without injuries and if that vehicle was smoking like the call to 911 verified, there was an electrical fire. End of story. :eusa_eh:

Listen, you bullying fucking idiot. You alleging on the internet that you are the male of the species does not perforce mean that you are a better or stronger person than any woman on this board, so shut the fuck up with all the alpha posturing ffs.

Or WHAT skank, you gonna neg me again? :lol: Being stupid and ugly doesn't get you any sympathy from put on your headphones and stop stealing your employer's money.....


An intelligent person would have deleted it. ;)
It isn't over for Zimmerman because he keeps putting himself in the public eye. And each time he does, he makes it more and more obvious what a piece of filth he is.

And, one day, gz will swagger and posture and threaten the wrong person and his ass handed to him. One day, he will stalk someone who fights back and hopefully, get his worthless head shot off.

But of course, since he is the KKK poster child, the shooter had better be able to disappear.

But you ain't man enough to walk up to him and do it so STFU ya yellow prick.

So, you seem to be saying that only a real man can murder other people?

That's more than just sick.

And, you're quite right that if gz were to stalk me with a gun, I probably would end up just as dead as Trayvon.
And, one day, gz will swagger and posture and threaten the wrong person and his ass handed to him. One day, he will stalk someone who fights back and hopefully, get his worthless head shot off.

But of course, since he is the KKK poster child, the shooter had better be able to disappear.

But you ain't man enough to walk up to him and do it so STFU ya yellow prick.

So, you seem to be saying that only a real man can murder other people?

That's more than just sick.

And, you're quite right that if gz were to stalk me with a gun, I probably would end up just as dead as Trayvon.

You wished death on a total stranger for defending himself. My advice to you is if you're being "stalked", get to safety, call the cops, and when they do nothing, hide in the attic. :eusa_angel:
But you ain't man enough to walk up to him and do it so STFU ya yellow prick.

So, you seem to be saying that only a real man can murder other people?

That's more than just sick.

And, you're quite right that if gz were to stalk me with a gun, I probably would end up just as dead as Trayvon.

You wished death on a total stranger for defending himself. My advice to you is if you're being "stalked", get to safety, call the cops, and when they do nothing, hide in the attic. :eusa_angel:

No, I did not. I never wished death on Trayvon and IMO, he had every right to stand his ground and defend himself from his stalker. BUT, the fact that it got him killed would indicate that it wasn't a very good idea.

BDBoop is right about the posturing on this board. All this silly bluster from a bunch of losers hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.
I would bet she is doing all this for two reasons; money and to distance herself from GZ so she doesn't have to fear for her life from those that want to kill GZ.

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