George Zimmerman's wife: 'I have doubts' about his innocence

He's dangerous if you're a thug

He's hated by the "A Punk Is a Hunk" crowd because he eliminated a potential boyfriend.

You have indeed achieved the motivating force. It's the same Punk is a Hunk sentiment that made a hero of Dhrokhar Tsarnaev. Women wanted Trayvon, weak men wanted to be Trayvon. Except Trayvon did not expect his victim to fight back or be able to fight back.

Trayvon lives in their masturbation fantasies.
Or he is just an idiot and wanna be hero, a scenario which fits in very snugly with his past actions.

Bottom line here is I was right and yet you tried to trash me for what I said. Where I come from, that calls for an apology.....

You were not right. There was no fire. He didn't pull anyone from a burning car. The people were "assisted" out of the car by Georgie and another motorist. There was no fire. No one was injured. And the people in the car could have easily exited the vehicle themselves. There was nothing heroic about what Georgie did.

Let's review....according to the 911 call, the Explorer was "smoking" were Cheech & Chong in the back seat or a couple of kids? Where there's smoke there's....well, you know. When Zimmy arrived they hadn't "assisted" themselves out of the Explorer. You said earlier it was a "minor accident" when the truth is it had rolled, possibly more than once, and may have landed upside down. Ever tried to "assist" yourself out of an upside-down vehicle? You say "no one was injured" yet provide no proof of my experience of rolling cars, everybody slams up against something, dashboard, door panels, front seat...unless they were wearing rubber suits, there were injuries. So you're either a liar or a man-hater or both....please choose one for us. :doubt:
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It isn't over for Zimmerman because he keeps putting himself in the public eye. And each time he does, he makes it more and more obvious what a piece of filth he is.

And, one day, gz will swagger and posture and threaten the wrong person and his ass handed to him. One day, he will stalk someone who fights back and hopefully, get his worthless head shot off.

But of course, since he is the KKK poster child, the shooter had better be able to disappear.

But you ain't man enough to walk up to him and do it so STFU ya yellow prick.
What absolute BS. It does look, however, like Zimmerman's future may be a lifetime of crime.

Indeed....he stopped to pull a total stranger out of a burning car.....what a MONSTER! :blahblah:

LMAO The car was not burning. It was a minor accident. Holy shit! Where do you get your information?

Where do you derive yours?

Such as:

1) Zimmerman is racist

2) Zimmerman stalked Martin

3) Zimmerman referred to Martin as a "fucking coon"

4) Zimmerman was on top

5) What happens when you experience a car crash where your car flips over and traps you inside.
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It isn't over for Zimmerman because he keeps putting himself in the public eye. And each time he does, he makes it more and more obvious what a piece of filth he is.

And, one day, gz will swagger and posture and threaten the wrong person and his ass handed to him. One day, he will stalk someone who fights back and hopefully, get his worthless head shot off.

But of course, since he is the KKK poster child, the shooter had better be able to disappear.

an hispanic is the KKK poster child


She agrees with the majority of vindictive psychotic wifes who get dumped for something better. Now Z-Top doesn't have to be stuck with this lying pig.

She's dumping him, not the other way around.

Oh, but that cannot be. For I read that he saved the entire crew of the USS Enterprise, DESPITE the fact he was wearing a red shirt at the time!!!
Bottom line here is I was right and yet you tried to trash me for what I said. Where I come from, that calls for an apology.....

You were not right. There was no fire. He didn't pull anyone from a burning car. The people were "assisted" out of the car by Georgie and another motorist. There was no fire. No one was injured. And the people in the car could have easily exited the vehicle themselves. There was nothing heroic about what Georgie did.

Let's review....according to the 911 call, the Explorer was "smoking" were Cheech & Chong in the back seat or a couple of kids? Where there's smoke there's....well, you know. When Zimmy arrived they hadn't "assisted" themselves out of the Explorer. You said earlier it was a "minor accident" when the truth is it had rolled, possibly more than once, and may have landed upside down. Ever tried to "assist" yourself out of an upside-down vehicle? You say "no one was injured" yet provide no proof of my experience of rolling cars, everybody slams up against something, dashboard, door panels, front seat...unless they were wearing rubber suits, there were injuries. So you're either a liar or a man-hater or both....please choose one for us. :doubt:

Really? Do you know the difference between a smoke alarm and a fire alarm.
You were not right. There was no fire. He didn't pull anyone from a burning car. The people were "assisted" out of the car by Georgie and another motorist. There was no fire. No one was injured. And the people in the car could have easily exited the vehicle themselves. There was nothing heroic about what Georgie did.

Let's review....according to the 911 call, the Explorer was "smoking" were Cheech & Chong in the back seat or a couple of kids? Where there's smoke there's....well, you know. When Zimmy arrived they hadn't "assisted" themselves out of the Explorer. You said earlier it was a "minor accident" when the truth is it had rolled, possibly more than once, and may have landed upside down. Ever tried to "assist" yourself out of an upside-down vehicle? You say "no one was injured" yet provide no proof of my experience of rolling cars, everybody slams up against something, dashboard, door panels, front seat...unless they were wearing rubber suits, there were injuries. So you're either a liar or a man-hater or both....please choose one for us. :doubt:

Really? Do you know the difference between a smoke alarm and a fire alarm.

There were variations in the earliest reports: goes to the poor reporting of the media. The later reports, when all the information was in and verified, said that it was a MINOR accident. That there was NO FIRE. That the occupents were ASSISTED out of the vehicle, not pulled. That there were NO INJURIES. Do some research instead of speculating.
Zimmerman didn't die like all the others who have been beaten to death by black thugs. That was his real crime. He was supposed to die like Delbert Belton, Jeffrey Babbit, Kristian Thanapalan, Michael Daniels, Erick Santiago and all the others. George Zimmerman needs to be made an example of what will happen to you if you fight back. That's what his continued demonization is all about. He fought back when he had an obligation to die. He's not black. His obligation is to die when, where and how the thugs like Trayvon Martin choose to deliver that death.

there are companies that provides

CCW insurance these days
He did not pull four people out of the van. There was another man who also stopped and he also helped people out of the overturned van. There were not 'pulled' out of the van, they were assisted. There were various scenarios reported by various mainstream media, most of which did not mention smoke, and there definitely was no fire. The bottom line is that he is no hero. He stopped at an accident. So did another motorist. They assisted people out of an overturned van. There was no fire, and it was a minor accident with no injuries. Why you people want to make this guy into a hero is baffling. .

According to Neighborhood Watch rules, both he and the other wannabe paramedic should have called an ambulance, stayed in their cars, and let four people burn to death.

LOL Except that the people were not trapped in the car and could have, would have, gotten out easily by themselves, and, of course, as there was no fire, they would be unlikely to burn to death.

they dont call em ford exploders for nothin
George Zimmerman's wife: 'I have doubts' about his innocence

George Zimmerman's wife: 'I have doubts' about his innocence -

She now agrees with the majority of the country

What she thinks about him is neither here nor there. She is looking for her own 15 minutes of fame,a talk show or a book deal. That's all this is and nothing more.

Obviously, she had been having an affair with Trayvon Martin. That's why Zimmerman stalked him and murdered him.
Liberals need to brush up on the concept of reasonable doubt. No, we can't take peoples' lives away from them because you don't like them and think they're just the kind of person who would do the crime.

No, first you label them terrorists, then you take their lives away.

Get with the program.
It all becomes clear now. The inconvenient truth is that the driver of the Explorer was having an affair with Shellie Zimmerman. That's why the wannabe cop ran the car off the road. When it didn't explode and burn everybody to death, Georgie saw his chance to play fake superhero and rescue the passengers. With this new evidence, Eric Holder should prosecute him as a terrorist and send him to Guantanomo.
So, has any of this supposed ratting-out of Zimmerman by 'The Wife' changed anything?

Last I looked...

Martin was still dead...

Zimmerman was still 'Not Guilty'...

Wake me up when something changes...
A soon to be ex-wife saying something bad about her husband... how surprising. Fortunately our judicial system uses judges and juries, rather than jilted wives.

She knows him better than anyone else - don't you think she might know who he really is, and what he is really like?

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