George Zimmerman's wife: 'I have doubts' about his innocence

Zimmerman stopped a criminal who's future was a lifetime of crime

What absolute BS. It does look, however, like Zimmerman's future may be a lifetime of crime.
Zimmerman has never been convicted of a crime, but Trayvon has

This thead is not about Trayvon Martin. Your post is off topic. However, Trayvon had no criminal record.

Zimmerman had been arrested 3 times before the killing and had a restraining order against him by an ex-girlfriend
Neither, but you're the one transmogrifying them both into demon spawn. Not me. You must be scared of them. Such a sissy you are.

An old simpleton and a fat guy? Why would that be scary?

Transmogrify... snort :laugh:

I see my prodigious skill with the English language surpasses your ability to comprehend. See you're demonizing them as you speak.

Sit down before you hurt yourself.

Uh oh, Templar, better look up the definition of "demonizing." Calling someone an old simpleton or a fat guy is hardly demonizing them.

Better watch out if you're going to start bragging about command of the English language. I'm a teacher's kid.
Looks like you need a dose of reality, hon.


Yup! He got away with it! :clap2:

He was stopped again by the police, for another driving violation. He's a total nut job. That's the guy these people support. The dark side of Barny Fife.

He got pulled over by some Texas cops, and wasn't cited for anything. I've been pulled over for numerous bullshit reasons in Texas, like doing 85 in an 80 zone, or not having a front licence plate (a $15 offense). I've always just been given a warning or had the charges thrown out in court because they were total bullshit. Texas highway patrol are a bunch of overreaching Nazis.
Yup! He got away with it! :clap2:

He was stopped again by the police, for another driving violation. He's a total nut job. That's the guy these people support. The dark side of Barny Fife.

He got pulled over by some Texas cops, and wasn't cited for anything. I've been pulled over for numerous bullshit reasons in Texas, like doing 85 in an 80 zone, or not having a front licence plate (a $15 offense). I've always just been given a warning or had the charges thrown out in court because they were total bullshit. Texas highway patrol are a bunch of overreaching Nazis.

He was pulled over again in another state. It's in the article I cited in the opening post. "If recent history is a guide, the public could learn where George Zimmerman is if police spot him on the roads again: The Orlando Sentinel reported Thursday that Zimmerman had been stopped by police yet again after his acquittal -- this time by the Florida Highway Patrol in Brevard County on Aug. 19. Zimmerman was stopped "for window tint that was too dark, as well as a tag cover that was placed over his tag," and was issued a warning but not ticketed, patrol spokeswoman Kim Montes told the Sentinel"
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He was stopped again by the police, for another driving violation. He's a total nut job. That's the guy these people support. The dark side of Barny Fife.

He got pulled over by some Texas cops, and wasn't cited for anything. I've been pulled over for numerous bullshit reasons in Texas, like doing 85 in an 80 zone, or not having a front licence plate (a $15 offense). I've always just been given a warning or had the charges thrown out in court because they were total bullshit. Texas highway patrol are a bunch of overreaching Nazis.

He was pulled over again in another state. It's in the article I cited in the opening post. "If recent history is a guide, the public could learn where George Zimmerman is if police spot him on the roads again: The Orlando Sentinel reported Thursday that Zimmerman had been stopped by police yet again after his acquittal -- this time by the Florida Highway Patrol in Brevard County on Aug. 19. Zimmerman was stopped "for window tint that was too dark, as well as a tag cover that was placed over his tag," and was issued a warning but not ticketed, patrol spokeswoman Kim Montes told the Sentinel"

Thanks for proving my point. He was pulled over for bullshit reasons. I think someone who gets death threats from obessed liberals has a right to tint his fucking windows. But in your book that makes him a "thug" because tinting is illegal in some places.
He got pulled over by some Texas cops, and wasn't cited for anything. I've been pulled over for numerous bullshit reasons in Texas, like doing 85 in an 80 zone, or not having a front licence plate (a $15 offense). I've always just been given a warning or had the charges thrown out in court because they were total bullshit. Texas highway patrol are a bunch of overreaching Nazis.

He was pulled over again in another state. It's in the article I cited in the opening post. "If recent history is a guide, the public could learn where George Zimmerman is if police spot him on the roads again: The Orlando Sentinel reported Thursday that Zimmerman had been stopped by police yet again after his acquittal -- this time by the Florida Highway Patrol in Brevard County on Aug. 19. Zimmerman was stopped "for window tint that was too dark, as well as a tag cover that was placed over his tag," and was issued a warning but not ticketed, patrol spokeswoman Kim Montes told the Sentinel"

Thanks for proving my point. He was pulled over for bullshit reasons. I think someone who gets death threats from obessed liberals has a right to tint his fucking windows. But in your book that makes him a "thug" because tinting is illegal in some places.

Don't put words in my mouth. I never used the word thug. I do think he is a dangerous, narcissistic sociopath though.
I'd rather have Zimmerman as my neighbor then Trayvon
It's interesting how these "doubts" coincide with the big check from NBC, helps them in their lawsuit by Zimmerman longterm.

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