George Zimmerman's wife: 'I have doubts' about his innocence

Zimmerman didn't die like all the others who have been beaten to death by black thugs. That was his real crime. He was supposed to die like Delbert Belton, Jeffrey Babbit, Kristian Thanapalan, Michael Daniels, Erick Santiago and all the others. George Zimmerman needs to be made an example of what will happen to you if you fight back. That's what his continued demonization is all about. He fought back when he had an obligation to die. He's not black. His obligation is to die when, where and how the thugs like Trayvon Martin choose to deliver that death.
Liberals will rewrite not only history, but current events too.

Zimmerman helps family out of overturned SUV -

Callers to 911 described a dramatic scene: An SUV lost control in the area of Interstate 4 and State Road 46, flipping on its side and sliding into a median.
George Zimmerman helps rescue family O'Mara: Family was too afraid to talk
Several callers said they saw people helping a family trapped inside the overturned SUV, according to audio recordings released by the sheriff's office.
"There was tons of smoke ... people were starting to rush towards the vehicle," one caller said.
"They got everyone out of the car," another caller reported. About a minute later, the caller said, it looked like the vehicle was catching fire.
By the time a deputy arrived, Zimmerman and another man already had helped the two adults and two children out of the vehicle, Smith said.
It isn't over for Zimmerman because he keeps putting himself in the public eye. And each time he does, he makes it more and more obvious what a piece of filth he is.
It isn't over for Zimmerman because he keeps putting himself in the public eye. And each time he does, he makes it more and more obvious what a piece of filth he is.

Yes, because everyone who gets pulled over for speeding and having tinted windows is a "piece of filth". :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
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LMAO The car was not burning. It was a minor accident. Holy shit! Where do you get your information?

I stand corrected....He pulled FOUR people out of the wreck not one, both parents and two kids. The "minor accident" you describe was an overturned Ford deepest apologies. :eusa_shifty:

Zimmerman Helps Save Family Of Four From Overturned Vehicle « CBS Tampa

He did not pull four people out of the van. There was another man who also stopped and he also helped people out of the overturned van. There were not 'pulled' out of the van, they were assisted. There were various scenarios reported by various mainstream media, most of which did not mention smoke, and there definitely was no fire. The bottom line is that he is no hero. He stopped at an accident. So did another motorist. They assisted people out of an overturned van. There was no fire, and it was a minor accident with no injuries. Why you people want to make this guy into a hero is baffling. I guess just because it supports your support for him murdering an unarmed civilian. If anyone knows him, it is his wife, and she questions just how innocent he is in regards to the shooting of Martin.
LMAO The car was not burning. It was a minor accident. Holy shit! Where do you get your information?

I stand corrected....He pulled FOUR people out of the wreck not one, both parents and two kids. The "minor accident" you describe was an overturned Ford deepest apologies. :eusa_shifty:

Zimmerman Helps Save Family Of Four From Overturned Vehicle « CBS Tampa

He did not pull four people out of the van. There was another man who also stopped and he also helped people out of the overturned van. There were not 'pulled' out of the van, they were assisted. There were various scenarios reported by various mainstream media, most of which did not mention smoke, and there definitely was no fire. The bottom line is that he is no hero. He stopped at an accident. So did another motorist. They assisted people out of an overturned van. There was no fire, and it was a minor accident with no injuries. Why you people want to make this guy into a hero is baffling. I guess just because it supports your support for him murdering an unarmed civilian. If anyone knows him, it is his wife, and she questions just how innocent he is in regards to the shooting of Martin.

The fact that you have to get into such quibbling details to somehow find a way to minimize the fact that he ran out and tried to help people who had just been involved in a bad accident makes you look like the vindictive bitch you really are.

Kudos for being a tribute to progressives everywhere.
It isn't over for Zimmerman because he keeps putting himself in the public eye. And each time he does, he makes it more and more obvious what a piece of filth he is.

Yes, because everyone who gets pulled over for speeding and having tinted windows is a "piece of filth". :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

First off, murderers are filth, and he is a murderer. Also, people who are repeatedly in trouble with the police in one way or another, from regularly getting stopped for traffic violations to being arrested for battling with their spouses or partners or with police officers to attacking family members, this is not the behavior of an upright citizen who deserves respect. And someone who kills another person with a gun and then goes to the factory that makes the gun to laugh and smile about it, that person is definitely a piece of filth.

Also not to be admired, Marty, are people who negative rep others simply because that person holds a view different from their own. Only wimps and losers do pathetic shit like that.
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LMAO The car was not burning. It was a minor accident. Holy shit! Where do you get your information?

I stand corrected....He pulled FOUR people out of the wreck not one, both parents and two kids. The "minor accident" you describe was an overturned Ford deepest apologies. :eusa_shifty:

Zimmerman Helps Save Family Of Four From Overturned Vehicle « CBS Tampa

He did not pull four people out of the van. There was another man who also stopped and he also helped people out of the overturned van. There were not 'pulled' out of the van, they were assisted. There were various scenarios reported by various mainstream media, most of which did not mention smoke, and there definitely was no fire. The bottom line is that he is no hero. He stopped at an accident. So did another motorist. They assisted people out of an overturned van. There was no fire, and it was a minor accident with no injuries. Why you people want to make this guy into a hero is baffling. I guess just because it supports your support for him murdering an unarmed civilian. If anyone knows him, it is his wife, and she questions just how innocent he is in regards to the shooting of Martin.

"I heard it was a bus ... yeah, that's right; a 72-passenger bus. There were 144 passengers in there, all of 'em in wheelchairs and on fire. George pulled 'em all out singlehandedly. I mean that literally. He had one hand tied behind his back. This was during a snow tornado. The drifts were up to his ass, and he had to drag people up hill ... Both ways ... The man's a hero, that's all I'm sayin."

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