Georgia Governor Calls for a Complete Audit of Signatures

This is just sucking up to Trump after he signed off on certifying the election...if it's true. I can't find any mention of it on legitimate media. It would just be to avoid Trump's tweet wrath.
The source of the this news article is Newsweek, you dummy. Independent Sentinel is just passing it on. IS does not claim to be a news source.

All you had to do was click on the link in the IS article. But you're all to anxious to attack the source rather than address the content.

Yes. It is about a check audit in preparation for the two upcoming Senate run offs. Not for the Presidential election.
Someone pointed out it was legit. I didn't feel like responding. My point still holds. Kemp did this as an attempt to hold off Trump's tweet rage because he signed off on the election results.

I don't know, he will supposedly try to toss out votes in the senate race. I don't put it pass a republican.
All Democrats do is keep "Counting" until they "Find" enough votes. Crooked skunks.
Kemp better enjoy his single term as Governor, he has lost MILLIONS of Georgians votes with his spineless actions or lack thereof.
This is just sucking up to Trump after he signed off on certifying the election...if it's true. I can't find any mention of it on legitimate media. It would just be to avoid Trump's tweet wrath.
It's legit--but what got left out was that the audit is to be part of an attempt to avoid issues in the runoff for Senate--it is not about changing the tally in Georgia at all..that cannot be the the certification is over.

If the investigation into voter fraud from the federal level gains traction, then the certification is null and void. It will rise to the supreme court, and then it might end up going to the legislator's.
Your first sentence in unproven and likely untrue.

The SCOTUS must have a case to rule on...if Trump’s suits keep getting tossed because they are false on the face....SCOTUS will never see them. Nor do they want to get involved in this shitshow.
Rotflmbo..... What do you think the scotus is for numbskull ? It's when the lower courts can't deal with a case of great magnitude or that rises to a certain level, and they lose direction due to local biases and such and/or activism being present on the bench, then the case is lifted to the highest court in the land (the scotus).

The scotus hears cases that can't be settled in the lower court system, and it has the merit's to be heard at the highest level court in order to exhaust all avenues of justice properly. We must protect the constitution or we no longer have a nation.

Joe Biden will throw the nation into civil war. People have just about had enough probably. His rejuvenation of those who lost the people's confidence and vote, is a huge slap in the face to this nation. He will be the agitator and race baiting chief, and he will be way worse than Trump ever was thought to be about dividing a nation. You'll see. It's already started.
Whatever dude--there has to BE a case first..for it to advance.
They have a case, heading to federal appeals court now. Trump's team is citing equal protection.

If you're talking about the 3rd circuit court of appeals, don't get your hopes up. :)

"To be clear, the Third Circuit has only agreed to consider briefs. The court has neither said it will necessarily want oral argument, nor done anything to stay or otherwise delay the commonwealth’s certification of the counties’ tabulations, which is taking place today, and which was one of Judge Brann’s reasons for declining to allow the Trump campaign to file a second amended complaint".

Only one place to go from there if it's rejected. Seeing as it's a direct Constitutional matter, SCOTUS won't ignore it.
Oh yes..yes they's called..Letting the lower court ruling stand..without comment. They do it every day. i have a feeling that you don't know a lot about SCOTUS history and tradition. The court stays out of much as it can. This not one of is not one of Constitutional import..unless you twist the approach almost out of recognition. The Court does not take cases because they are 'important' the court takes cases of import. The SCOTUS, like any other court..wants evidence, not argument.

I do admit..the sight of Rudy pleading before the highest court..would be worth the show..LOL! Daniel Webster would roll over in his grave!

You just don't get it..everyone of any real power and circumstance wants this over. The simply is no there there. We, as a nation, are not going to give infinite whacks at the pinata to Trump.
I'll say this, and you can take it to the bank and cash it.... Biden and his circus will be a serious national security threat to this nation, and to our work over sea's.

To allow these crazies to take power in this country after all we've seen and heard, will make us the laughing stock of the world.

This race baiting identity politic's nutcase, who will do anything, and say anything to gain power as is or was proven, will create division in this country like no one has ever seen before....He is possibly going to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world ??? You have got to be kidding me right ??

Watched Pompeo on Bret Baire this evening, and Mike Pompeo was absolutely spot on, and his push back against the deep staters and sell out's was definitely appropriate.

To turn this nation over to those who are not qualified to run a lemonade stand on the side of the road, uhhh definitely speaks volumes of this nations ways of doing things... And this every four years is big time flawed. What else is proven IMO is that 4 years is not enough to do or complete the great works put in motion by great leadership when we get it, and especially when the ones trying to gain the control are some super bad people.

How blacks and latino's etc, are falling for this corrupt individual, just shows how non-confident they are in themselves, otherwise that they need a race hustler to lift their boats not because he gives a crap about them, but because he thinks it's securing his power to rule over them and others by way of them without any resistance.

Otherwise they've bitten the apple, because they are desperate to take that route instead of knowing that they could have done it just as good if not better than anyone else without Biden holding their hand.

Biden is busy trying to insulate himself, and he is not truly hoisting these people into power because he gives a crap about them, but only that he can use them. It's sad, but it's true.
Your disdain for Democracy is noted.

It's been said that Authoritarian forms of Govt. are like a ship..they go great distances...they keep everyone dry...until they founder..and everyone dies.

Democracy is like a raft..your feet are always wet...but you're very hard to sink. I'll stick to my raft...the ship thing has proven fatal flaws.

BTW...not qualified is what we've had for 4 years now. Amateur hour is over.
My disdain for democracy stems from the fact I live in a republic and despise mob rule. Not sure where you and your draft are floating about.

A republic is a democratic form of govt.--just in case no one informed you. We don't have mob rule in this country..or anything really all that close to it.
But i get it..still butt-hurt..and you will be for a while. I suppose.
This is just sucking up to Trump after he signed off on certifying the election...if it's true. I can't find any mention of it on legitimate media. It would just be to avoid Trump's tweet wrath.

[i canATTACH=full]419474[/ATTACH]
...and Joe Biden is still not an inch closer to being installed than two weeks ago.
Well..yes he fact he is two weeks closer--and every day that passes is is one day closer.

What the hell are you going to do when he is sworn in?

No, Joe is not an inch closer to anything. You speak of dates, I speak of his being fully, legally, officially the president. Joe has a long way to go no matter what the media says.

If Trump loses everything and Biden is sworn in? I don't need to do anything. Biden will be the president and I'll know that our votes don't mean anything and that America's elections have been exposed as a total sham.

That's the day I give up on this country totally.

I dont think all of these naysayers really believe the media that they echo...but many of them do.

Either they have the shortest attention spans imaginable short of being eligible for occupational therapy services....or they deliberately pretend they dont notice the mostly-iberal media never corroborates half of what it claims and just dont care about right vs wrong.
The same as the right-wing media. Pundit..and all the others..don't even pretend to fairness and truth--it's all just spin. Yeah..just like MSNBC....

I can literally tell the exact phrases that Rush and Alex and Hannity they are echoed here within moments of their airing.

These days..even-handed and nuanced reportage is a rare thing indeed..and is instantly drowned by the shit. But you can find it..truth is, most aren't even looking.

None of the opinionators you mention has anywhere near the power and influence networks like CNN have. Networks like that are extensions of an even larger globalist supernetwork which owns and simultaneously controls media all over the world in different languages, systematically injecting their leftist liberal quasi-communist crap into every culture who will listen. It's largely owned by international collective investors in tech, pharmaceutical and energy sectors. All the things that Big Media tries to get us addicted to every day. And they like to spike the philosophical and educational Kool Aid too. Common Core math and political correctness are a product of that.
I don't buy into the above..while i acknowledge the influence of media, I don't believe in that overweening liberal conspiracy crap.
This is just sucking up to Trump after he signed off on certifying the election...if it's true. I can't find any mention of it on legitimate media. It would just be to avoid Trump's tweet wrath.

[i canATTACH=full]419474[/ATTACH]
...and Joe Biden is still not an inch closer to being installed than two weeks ago.
Well..yes he fact he is two weeks closer--and every day that passes is is one day closer.

What the hell are you going to do when he is sworn in?

No, Joe is not an inch closer to anything. You speak of dates, I speak of his being fully, legally, officially the president. Joe has a long way to go no matter what the media says.

If Trump loses everything and Biden is sworn in? I don't need to do anything. Biden will be the president and I'll know that our votes don't mean anything and that America's elections have been exposed as a total sham.

That's the day I give up on this country totally.

I dont think all of these naysayers really believe the media that they echo...but many of them do.

Either they have the shortest attention spans imaginable short of being eligible for occupational therapy services....or they deliberately pretend they dont notice the mostly-iberal media never corroborates half of what it claims and just dont care about right vs wrong.
The same as the right-wing media. Pundit..and all the others..don't even pretend to fairness and truth--it's all just spin. Yeah..just like MSNBC....

I can literally tell the exact phrases that Rush and Alex and Hannity they are echoed here within moments of their airing.

These days..even-handed and nuanced reportage is a rare thing indeed..and is instantly drowned by the shit. But you can find it..truth is, most aren't even looking.

None of the opinionators you mention has anywhere near the power and influence networks like CNN have. Networks like that are extensions of an even larger globalist supernetwork which owns and simultaneously controls media all over the world in different languages, systematically injecting their leftist liberal quasi-communist crap into every culture who will listen. It's largely owned by international collective investors in tech, pharmaceutical and energy sectors. All the things that Big Media tries to get us addicted to every day. And they like to spike the philosophical and educational Kool Aid too. Common Core math and political correctness are a product of that.

Its too bad we live in the world.
This is just sucking up to Trump after he signed off on certifying the election...if it's true. I can't find any mention of it on legitimate media. It would just be to avoid Trump's tweet wrath.
The source of the this news article is Newsweek, you dummy. Independent Sentinel is just passing it on. IS does not claim to be a news source.

All you had to do was click on the link in the IS article. But you're all to anxious to attack the source rather than address the content.

Yes. It is about a check audit in preparation for the two upcoming Senate run offs. Not for the Presidential election.
Someone pointed out it was legit. I didn't feel like responding. My point still holds. Kemp did this as an attempt to hold off Trump's tweet rage because he signed off on the election results.

I don't know, he will supposedly try to toss out votes in the senate race. I don't put it pass a republican.
All Democrats do is keep "Counting" until they "Find" enough votes. Crooked skunks.

No , tramp wants to toss out citizen's votes.
This is just sucking up to Trump after he signed off on certifying the election...if it's true. I can't find any mention of it on legitimate media. It would just be to avoid Trump's tweet wrath.
It's legit--but what got left out was that the audit is to be part of an attempt to avoid issues in the runoff for Senate--it is not about changing the tally in Georgia at all..that cannot be the the certification is over.

If the investigation into voter fraud from the federal level gains traction, then the certification is null and void. It will rise to the supreme court, and then it might end up going to the legislator's.
Your first sentence in unproven and likely untrue.

The SCOTUS must have a case to rule on...if Trump’s suits keep getting tossed because they are false on the face....SCOTUS will never see them. Nor do they want to get involved in this shitshow.
Rotflmbo..... What do you think the scotus is for numbskull ? It's when the lower courts can't deal with a case of great magnitude or that rises to a certain level, and they lose direction due to local biases and such and/or activism being present on the bench, then the case is lifted to the highest court in the land (the scotus).

The scotus hears cases that can't be settled in the lower court system, and it has the merit's to be heard at the highest level court in order to exhaust all avenues of justice properly. We must protect the constitution or we no longer have a nation.

Joe Biden will throw the nation into civil war. People have just about had enough probably. His rejuvenation of those who lost the people's confidence and vote, is a huge slap in the face to this nation. He will be the agitator and race baiting chief, and he will be way worse than Trump ever was thought to be about dividing a nation. You'll see. It's already started.
Whatever dude--there has to BE a case first..for it to advance.
They have a case, heading to federal appeals court now. Trump's team is citing equal protection.

If you're talking about the 3rd circuit court of appeals, don't get your hopes up. :)

"To be clear, the Third Circuit has only agreed to consider briefs. The court has neither said it will necessarily want oral argument, nor done anything to stay or otherwise delay the commonwealth’s certification of the counties’ tabulations, which is taking place today, and which was one of Judge Brann’s reasons for declining to allow the Trump campaign to file a second amended complaint".

Only one place to go from there if it's rejected. Seeing as it's a direct Constitutional matter, SCOTUS won't ignore it.
Oh yes..yes they's called..Letting the lower court ruling stand..without comment. They do it every day. i have a feeling that you don't know a lot about SCOTUS history and tradition. The court stays out of much as it can. This not one of is not one of Constitutional import..unless you twist the approach almost out of recognition. The Court does not take cases because they are 'important' the court takes cases of import. The SCOTUS, like any other court..wants evidence, not argument.

I do admit..the sight of Rudy pleading before the highest court..would be worth the show..LOL! Daniel Webster would roll over in his grave!

You just don't get it..everyone of any real power and circumstance wants this over. The simply is no there there. We, as a nation, are not going to give infinite whacks at the pinata to Trump.
I'll say this, and you can take it to the bank and cash it.... Biden and his circus will be a serious national security threat to this nation, and to our work over sea's.

To allow these crazies to take power in this country after all we've seen and heard, will make us the laughing stock of the world.

This race baiting identity politic's nutcase, who will do anything, and say anything to gain power as is or was proven, will create division in this country like no one has ever seen before....He is possibly going to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world ??? You have got to be kidding me right ??

Watched Pompeo on Bret Baire this evening, and Mike Pompeo was absolutely spot on, and his push back against the deep staters and sell out's was definitely appropriate.

To turn this nation over to those who are not qualified to run a lemonade stand on the side of the road, uhhh definitely speaks volumes of this nations ways of doing things... And this every four years is big time flawed. What else is proven IMO is that 4 years is not enough to do or complete the great works put in motion by great leadership when we get it, and especially when the ones trying to gain the control are some super bad people.

How blacks and latino's etc, are falling for this corrupt individual, just shows how non-confident they are in themselves, otherwise that they need a race hustler to lift their boats not because he gives a crap about them, but because he thinks it's securing his power to rule over them and others by way of them without any resistance.

Otherwise they've bitten the apple, because they are desperate to take that route instead of knowing that they could have done it just as good if not better than anyone else without Biden holding their hand.

Biden is busy trying to insulate himself, and he is not truly hoisting these people into power because he gives a crap about them, but only that he can use them. It's sad, but it's true.
Your disdain for Democracy is noted.

It's been said that Authoritarian forms of Govt. are like a ship..they go great distances...they keep everyone dry...until they founder..and everyone dies.

Democracy is like a raft..your feet are always wet...but you're very hard to sink. I'll stick to my raft...the ship thing has proven fatal flaws.

BTW...not qualified is what we've had for 4 years now. Amateur hour is over.
My disdain for democracy stems from the fact I live in a republic and despise mob rule. Not sure where you and your draft are floating about.

What is the basic meaning of democracy?
1a : government by the people especially : rule of the majority. b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
Democracy | Definition of Democracy by Merriam-Webster
So you want a minority rule?

That would change everything we do.
This is just sucking up to Trump after he signed off on certifying the election...if it's true. I can't find any mention of it on legitimate media. It would just be to avoid Trump's tweet wrath.
It's legit--but what got left out was that the audit is to be part of an attempt to avoid issues in the runoff for Senate--it is not about changing the tally in Georgia at all..that cannot be the the certification is over.

If the investigation into voter fraud from the federal level gains traction, then the certification is null and void. It will rise to the supreme court, and then it might end up going to the legislator's.
Your first sentence in unproven and likely untrue.

The SCOTUS must have a case to rule on...if Trump’s suits keep getting tossed because they are false on the face....SCOTUS will never see them. Nor do they want to get involved in this shitshow.
Rotflmbo..... What do you think the scotus is for numbskull ? It's when the lower courts can't deal with a case of great magnitude or that rises to a certain level, and they lose direction due to local biases and such and/or activism being present on the bench, then the case is lifted to the highest court in the land (the scotus).

The scotus hears cases that can't be settled in the lower court system, and it has the merit's to be heard at the highest level court in order to exhaust all avenues of justice properly. We must protect the constitution or we no longer have a nation.

Joe Biden will throw the nation into civil war. People have just about had enough probably. His rejuvenation of those who lost the people's confidence and vote, is a huge slap in the face to this nation. He will be the agitator and race baiting chief, and he will be way worse than Trump ever was thought to be about dividing a nation. You'll see. It's already started.
Whatever dude--there has to BE a case first..for it to advance.
They have a case, heading to federal appeals court now. Trump's team is citing equal protection.

If you're talking about the 3rd circuit court of appeals, don't get your hopes up. :)

"To be clear, the Third Circuit has only agreed to consider briefs. The court has neither said it will necessarily want oral argument, nor done anything to stay or otherwise delay the commonwealth’s certification of the counties’ tabulations, which is taking place today, and which was one of Judge Brann’s reasons for declining to allow the Trump campaign to file a second amended complaint".

Only one place to go from there if it's rejected. Seeing as it's a direct Constitutional matter, SCOTUS won't ignore it.
Oh yes..yes they's called..Letting the lower court ruling stand..without comment. They do it every day. i have a feeling that you don't know a lot about SCOTUS history and tradition. The court stays out of much as it can. This not one of is not one of Constitutional import..unless you twist the approach almost out of recognition. The Court does not take cases because they are 'important' the court takes cases of import. The SCOTUS, like any other court..wants evidence, not argument.

I do admit..the sight of Rudy pleading before the highest court..would be worth the show..LOL! Daniel Webster would roll over in his grave!

You just don't get it..everyone of any real power and circumstance wants this over. The simply is no there there. We, as a nation, are not going to give infinite whacks at the pinata to Trump.
I'll say this, and you can take it to the bank and cash it.... Biden and his circus will be a serious national security threat to this nation, and to our work over sea's.

To allow these crazies to take power in this country after all we've seen and heard, will make us the laughing stock of the world.

This race baiting identity politic's nutcase, who will do anything, and say anything to gain power as is or was proven, will create division in this country like no one has ever seen before....He is possibly going to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world ??? You have got to be kidding me right ??

Watched Pompeo on Bret Baire this evening, and Mike Pompeo was absolutely spot on, and his push back against the deep staters and sell out's was definitely appropriate.

To turn this nation over to those who are not qualified to run a lemonade stand on the side of the road, uhhh definitely speaks volumes of this nations ways of doing things... And this every four years is big time flawed. What else is proven IMO is that 4 years is not enough to do or complete the great works put in motion by great leadership when we get it, and especially when the ones trying to gain the control are some super bad people.

How blacks and latino's etc, are falling for this corrupt individual, just shows how non-confident they are in themselves, otherwise that they need a race hustler to lift their boats not because he gives a crap about them, but because he thinks it's securing his power to rule over them and others by way of them without any resistance.

Otherwise they've bitten the apple, because they are desperate to take that route instead of knowing that they could have done it just as good if not better than anyone else without Biden holding their hand.

Biden is busy trying to insulate himself, and he is not truly hoisting these people into power because he gives a crap about them, but only that he can use them. It's sad, but it's true.
Your disdain for Democracy is noted.

It's been said that Authoritarian forms of Govt. are like a ship..they go great distances...they keep everyone dry...until they founder..and everyone dies.

Democracy is like a raft..your feet are always wet...but you're very hard to sink. I'll stick to my raft...the ship thing has proven fatal flaws.

BTW...not qualified is what we've had for 4 years now. Amateur hour is over.
My disdain for democracy stems from the fact I live in a republic and despise mob rule. Not sure where you and your draft are floating about.

A republic is a democratic form of govt.--just in case no one informed you. We don't have mob rule in this country..or anything really all that close to it.
But i get it..still butt-hurt..and you will be for a while. I suppose.
That's all the Democrats have is mob rule, and it's shown in everything they do. They can't freely gain support, so they have to brainwash the young, and governmentally force the old into submission. They are pure evil.
This is just sucking up to Trump after he signed off on certifying the election...if it's true. I can't find any mention of it on legitimate media. It would just be to avoid Trump's tweet wrath.
It's legit--but what got left out was that the audit is to be part of an attempt to avoid issues in the runoff for Senate--it is not about changing the tally in Georgia at all..that cannot be the the certification is over.

If the investigation into voter fraud from the federal level gains traction, then the certification is null and void. It will rise to the supreme court, and then it might end up going to the legislator's.
Your first sentence in unproven and likely untrue.

The SCOTUS must have a case to rule on...if Trump’s suits keep getting tossed because they are false on the face....SCOTUS will never see them. Nor do they want to get involved in this shitshow.
Rotflmbo..... What do you think the scotus is for numbskull ? It's when the lower courts can't deal with a case of great magnitude or that rises to a certain level, and they lose direction due to local biases and such and/or activism being present on the bench, then the case is lifted to the highest court in the land (the scotus).

The scotus hears cases that can't be settled in the lower court system, and it has the merit's to be heard at the highest level court in order to exhaust all avenues of justice properly. We must protect the constitution or we no longer have a nation.

Joe Biden will throw the nation into civil war. People have just about had enough probably. His rejuvenation of those who lost the people's confidence and vote, is a huge slap in the face to this nation. He will be the agitator and race baiting chief, and he will be way worse than Trump ever was thought to be about dividing a nation. You'll see. It's already started.
Whatever dude--there has to BE a case first..for it to advance.
They have a case, heading to federal appeals court now. Trump's team is citing equal protection.

If you're talking about the 3rd circuit court of appeals, don't get your hopes up. :)

"To be clear, the Third Circuit has only agreed to consider briefs. The court has neither said it will necessarily want oral argument, nor done anything to stay or otherwise delay the commonwealth’s certification of the counties’ tabulations, which is taking place today, and which was one of Judge Brann’s reasons for declining to allow the Trump campaign to file a second amended complaint".

Only one place to go from there if it's rejected. Seeing as it's a direct Constitutional matter, SCOTUS won't ignore it.
Oh yes..yes they's called..Letting the lower court ruling stand..without comment. They do it every day. i have a feeling that you don't know a lot about SCOTUS history and tradition. The court stays out of much as it can. This not one of is not one of Constitutional import..unless you twist the approach almost out of recognition. The Court does not take cases because they are 'important' the court takes cases of import. The SCOTUS, like any other court..wants evidence, not argument.

I do admit..the sight of Rudy pleading before the highest court..would be worth the show..LOL! Daniel Webster would roll over in his grave!

You just don't get it..everyone of any real power and circumstance wants this over. The simply is no there there. We, as a nation, are not going to give infinite whacks at the pinata to Trump.
I'll say this, and you can take it to the bank and cash it.... Biden and his circus will be a serious national security threat to this nation, and to our work over sea's.

To allow these crazies to take power in this country after all we've seen and heard, will make us the laughing stock of the world.

This race baiting identity politic's nutcase, who will do anything, and say anything to gain power as is or was proven, will create division in this country like no one has ever seen before....He is possibly going to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world ??? You have got to be kidding me right ??

Watched Pompeo on Bret Baire this evening, and Mike Pompeo was absolutely spot on, and his push back against the deep staters and sell out's was definitely appropriate.

To turn this nation over to those who are not qualified to run a lemonade stand on the side of the road, uhhh definitely speaks volumes of this nations ways of doing things... And this every four years is big time flawed. What else is proven IMO is that 4 years is not enough to do or complete the great works put in motion by great leadership when we get it, and especially when the ones trying to gain the control are some super bad people.

How blacks and latino's etc, are falling for this corrupt individual, just shows how non-confident they are in themselves, otherwise that they need a race hustler to lift their boats not because he gives a crap about them, but because he thinks it's securing his power to rule over them and others by way of them without any resistance.

Otherwise they've bitten the apple, because they are desperate to take that route instead of knowing that they could have done it just as good if not better than anyone else without Biden holding their hand.

Biden is busy trying to insulate himself, and he is not truly hoisting these people into power because he gives a crap about them, but only that he can use them. It's sad, but it's true.
Your disdain for Democracy is noted.

It's been said that Authoritarian forms of Govt. are like a ship..they go great distances...they keep everyone dry...until they founder..and everyone dies.

Democracy is like a raft..your feet are always wet...but you're very hard to sink. I'll stick to my raft...the ship thing has proven fatal flaws.

BTW...not qualified is what we've had for 4 years now. Amateur hour is over.
My disdain for democracy stems from the fact I live in a republic and despise mob rule. Not sure where you and your draft are floating about.

What is the basic meaning of democracy?
1a : government by the people especially : rule of the majority. b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
Democracy | Definition of Democracy by Merriam-Webster
So you want a minority rule?

That would change everything we do.
The Democrats have become a minority ruling class through the power of government, in which they fraudulently take control of. There is no democracy beneath the thin surface of this thing, and most are becoming aware of this unfortunate fact now.
The Democrats have become a minority ruling class through the power of government, in which they fraudulently take control of. There is no democracy beneath the thin surface of this thing, and most are becoming aware of this unfortunate fact now.

Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight elections. Yet because of the Electoral College, they've won the Presidency three times, including in 2016.

The Republicans control the Senate because each state gets two Senators, even though the Democrats win more of the popular vote within each state.

Also, because the GOP controls most state legislatures, they can gerrymander the districts such that they can control the House with a minority vote.

So it is the Republican Party who are the minority ruling class through the power of government.
The Democrats have become a minority ruling class through the power of government, in which they fraudulently take control of. There is no democracy beneath the thin surface of this thing, and most are becoming aware of this unfortunate fact now.

Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight elections. Yet because of the Electoral College, they've won the Presidency three times, including in 2016.

The Republicans control the Senate because each state gets two Senators, even though the Democrats win more of the popular vote within each state.

Also, because the GOP controls most state legislatures, they can gerrymander the districts such that they can control the House with a minority vote.

So it is the Republican Party who are the minority ruling class through the power of government.
Ok, so let's entertain your bullcrap for a second, but what does one do with the government once empowered over it or by it ??? Big difference eh ? I would rather have the republican minority in charge of the government any day of the year over and above the alledged majority new Democrats, because the Demoncrats philosophy and ideologies are badly flawed, and are terribly evil.
The Democrats have become a minority ruling class through the power of government, in which they fraudulently take control of. There is no democracy beneath the thin surface of this thing, and most are becoming aware of this unfortunate fact now.

Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight elections. Yet because of the Electoral College, they've won the Presidency three times, including in 2016.

The Republicans control the Senate because each state gets two Senators, even though the Democrats win more of the popular vote within each state.

Also, because the GOP controls most state legislatures, they can gerrymander the districts such that they can control the House with a minority vote.

So it is the Republican Party who are the minority ruling class through the power of government.
Ok, so let's entertain your bullcrap for a second, but what does one do with the government once empowered over it or by it ??? Big difference eh ? I would rather have the republican minority in charge of the government any day of the year over and above the alledged majority new Democrats, because the Demoncrats philosophy and ideologies are badly flawed, and are terribly evil.
Your personal preference is got your vote...and you lost. That's the way it works..this incessant whining is un-American.
This is just sucking up to Trump after he signed off on certifying the election...if it's true. I can't find any mention of it on legitimate media. It would just be to avoid Trump's tweet wrath.
It's legit--but what got left out was that the audit is to be part of an attempt to avoid issues in the runoff for Senate--it is not about changing the tally in Georgia at all..that cannot be the the certification is over.

If the investigation into voter fraud from the federal level gains traction, then the certification is null and void. It will rise to the supreme court, and then it might end up going to the legislator's.
Your first sentence in unproven and likely untrue.

The SCOTUS must have a case to rule on...if Trump’s suits keep getting tossed because they are false on the face....SCOTUS will never see them. Nor do they want to get involved in this shitshow.
Rotflmbo..... What do you think the scotus is for numbskull ? It's when the lower courts can't deal with a case of great magnitude or that rises to a certain level, and they lose direction due to local biases and such and/or activism being present on the bench, then the case is lifted to the highest court in the land (the scotus).

The scotus hears cases that can't be settled in the lower court system, and it has the merit's to be heard at the highest level court in order to exhaust all avenues of justice properly. We must protect the constitution or we no longer have a nation.

Joe Biden will throw the nation into civil war. People have just about had enough probably. His rejuvenation of those who lost the people's confidence and vote, is a huge slap in the face to this nation. He will be the agitator and race baiting chief, and he will be way worse than Trump ever was thought to be about dividing a nation. You'll see. It's already started.
Whatever dude--there has to BE a case first..for it to advance.
They have a case, heading to federal appeals court now. Trump's team is citing equal protection.

If you're talking about the 3rd circuit court of appeals, don't get your hopes up. :)

"To be clear, the Third Circuit has only agreed to consider briefs. The court has neither said it will necessarily want oral argument, nor done anything to stay or otherwise delay the commonwealth’s certification of the counties’ tabulations, which is taking place today, and which was one of Judge Brann’s reasons for declining to allow the Trump campaign to file a second amended complaint".

Only one place to go from there if it's rejected. Seeing as it's a direct Constitutional matter, SCOTUS won't ignore it.
Oh yes..yes they's called..Letting the lower court ruling stand..without comment. They do it every day. i have a feeling that you don't know a lot about SCOTUS history and tradition. The court stays out of much as it can. This not one of is not one of Constitutional import..unless you twist the approach almost out of recognition. The Court does not take cases because they are 'important' the court takes cases of import. The SCOTUS, like any other court..wants evidence, not argument.

I do admit..the sight of Rudy pleading before the highest court..would be worth the show..LOL! Daniel Webster would roll over in his grave!

You just don't get it..everyone of any real power and circumstance wants this over. The simply is no there there. We, as a nation, are not going to give infinite whacks at the pinata to Trump.
I'll say this, and you can take it to the bank and cash it.... Biden and his circus will be a serious national security threat to this nation, and to our work over sea's.

To allow these crazies to take power in this country after all we've seen and heard, will make us the laughing stock of the world.

This race baiting identity politic's nutcase, who will do anything, and say anything to gain power as is or was proven, will create division in this country like no one has ever seen before....He is possibly going to be the leader of the most powerful country in the world ??? You have got to be kidding me right ??

Watched Pompeo on Bret Baire this evening, and Mike Pompeo was absolutely spot on, and his push back against the deep staters and sell out's was definitely appropriate.

To turn this nation over to those who are not qualified to run a lemonade stand on the side of the road, uhhh definitely speaks volumes of this nations ways of doing things... And this every four years is big time flawed. What else is proven IMO is that 4 years is not enough to do or complete the great works put in motion by great leadership when we get it, and especially when the ones trying to gain the control are some super bad people.

How blacks and latino's etc, are falling for this corrupt individual, just shows how non-confident they are in themselves, otherwise that they need a race hustler to lift their boats not because he gives a crap about them, but because he thinks it's securing his power to rule over them and others by way of them without any resistance.

Otherwise they've bitten the apple, because they are desperate to take that route instead of knowing that they could have done it just as good if not better than anyone else without Biden holding their hand.

Biden is busy trying to insulate himself, and he is not truly hoisting these people into power because he gives a crap about them, but only that he can use them. It's sad, but it's true.
Your disdain for Democracy is noted.

It's been said that Authoritarian forms of Govt. are like a ship..they go great distances...they keep everyone dry...until they founder..and everyone dies.

Democracy is like a raft..your feet are always wet...but you're very hard to sink. I'll stick to my raft...the ship thing has proven fatal flaws.

BTW...not qualified is what we've had for 4 years now. Amateur hour is over.
My disdain for democracy stems from the fact I live in a republic and despise mob rule. Not sure where you and your draft are floating about.

A republic is a democratic form of govt.--just in case no one informed you. We don't have mob rule in this country..or anything really all that close to it.
But i get it..still butt-hurt..and you will be for a while. I suppose.
Then why is only the left out rioting in mobs and beating people up to get their way?
The Democrats have become a minority ruling class through the power of government, in which they fraudulently take control of. There is no democracy beneath the thin surface of this thing, and most are becoming aware of this unfortunate fact now.

Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven of the last eight elections. Yet because of the Electoral College, they've won the Presidency three times, including in 2016.

The Republicans control the Senate because each state gets two Senators, even though the Democrats win more of the popular vote within each state.

Also, because the GOP controls most state legislatures, they can gerrymander the districts such that they can control the House with a minority vote.

So it is the Republican Party who are the minority ruling class through the power of government.
Ok, so let's entertain your bullcrap for a second, but what does one do with the government once empowered over it or by it ??? Big difference eh ? I would rather have the republican minority in charge of the government any day of the year over and above the alledged majority new Democrats, because the Demoncrats philosophy and ideologies are badly flawed, and are terribly evil.
Your personal preference is got your vote...and you lost. That's the way it works..this incessant whining is un-American.

heh, the left OWNS whining.

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