Georgia Recount Finished -- Results: Biden Still Won

So why didn't they program democrat winners in the Senate?

when the polls close and the clock is ticking the corrupt dem poll works took out them most important target

do you think democrats are smart?

they arent too bright

one example occured in florida 2000

the dems swept up voters from dem voter habitats and bussed them to the polls.

there the hapless dems were told to “vote every page”

unfortunately the presidential choices spilled over from one page to another and the dems did what they were told

they voted for AlGore on one page and Pat buchanon on the next page which nullified both votes
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

I can't name any lies and efforts by Trump to mislead the public? You are either very dumb, ignorant or out touch with reality - likely all of these.

Last edited:
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

I can't name any lies and efforts by Trump to mislead the public? You are either very dumb, ignorant or out touch with reality - likely all of these.

...and where do your quotes and facts come from??? Your own propaganda machine.....exactly my point.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

Really? spend more time lying about the President lying than he actually spends lying.

No one has to lie about Trump, his lies are well noted. Only Trump Humpers believe his lies.
Till the end of time people will believe you cheated. You have done it before and you will do it again. I trust my government very little now. I am not the only one.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

Really? spend more time lying about the President lying than he actually spends lying.

No one has to lie about Trump, his lies are well noted. Only Trump Humpers believe his lies.
And only brainless libbers believe their propaganda.

We know Biden won election, unlike Trump Humpers who are being bamboozled.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

Really? spend more time lying about the President lying than he actually spends lying.

No one has to lie about Trump, his lies are well noted. Only Trump Humpers believe his lies.
And only brainless libbers believe their propaganda.

We know Biden won election, unlike Trump Humpers who are being bamboozled.

It seems Trump is seeking the money of Dittoheads and other Trumpsters to pay off his bills. And these biddable fools are sending him money under his false intentions.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

Really? spend more time lying about the President lying than he actually spends lying.

No one has to lie about Trump, his lies are well noted. Only Trump Humpers believe his lies.
And only brainless libbers believe their propaganda.

We know Biden won election, unlike Trump Humpers who are being bamboozled.
We stood in line and nothing to be bamboozled sent in coronaballots by the droves.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

Really? spend more time lying about the President lying than he actually spends lying.

No one has to lie about Trump, his lies are well noted. Only Trump Humpers believe his lies.
And only brainless libbers believe their propaganda.

We know Biden won election, unlike Trump Humpers who are being bamboozled.

It seems Trump is seeking the money of Dittoheads and other Trumpsters to pay off his bills. And these biddable fools are sending him money under his false intentions.
Not me, saving mine up to pay for the dregs when Diaper Joe raises my taxes.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

Really? spend more time lying about the President lying than he actually spends lying.

No one has to lie about Trump, his lies are well noted. Only Trump Humpers believe his lies.
Till the end of time people will believe you cheated. You have done it before and you will do it again. I trust my government very little now. I am not the only one.

A Trump Humper accusing someone of cheating is comical, you worship a man who has cheated his whole life.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

Really? spend more time lying about the President lying than he actually spends lying.

No one has to lie about Trump, his lies are well noted. Only Trump Humpers believe his lies.
And only brainless libbers believe their propaganda.

We know Biden won election, unlike Trump Humpers who are being bamboozled.
We stood in line and nothing to be bamboozled sent in coronaballots by the droves.

Which was totally legal, I voted by mail when I was stationed overseas as well.
Can't wait to see Trumpy Bear and his senile sidekick Rudy mansplain their NEW path to victory in today's noon presser! :laugh2:
We all know what it is. They're going to ask the state legislatures to ignore the voters and elect Trump on their own.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

I can't name any lies and efforts by Trump to mislead the public? You are either very dumb, ignorant or out touch with reality - likely all of these.

...and where do your quotes and facts come from??? Your own propaganda machine.....exactly my point.

Your point is in some other universe. All one needs to understand about Trump's dishonesty and efforts to mislead the public is to listen to and/or read his own words, uttered in context.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

Trusting the cia over donal trump,what a stupid fuck,trump told the truth what I have known for 2 decades that the msm media is fake news and being the first president to have the balls to tell the truth that wars are always started so defense contracters can profit. Yeah you asshoies hate amerIca same as that evil organization the cia does so of course you evil monsters would believe the cia over
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12:
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....

And if they opened up the voting machines and found nothing, you'd demand some other bizarre conspiracy theory.
/----/ This from the Progs who screeched RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA for 4 years. And now by magic - all elections are legitimate.
idiot award.jpg
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

Trusting the cia over donal trump,what a stupid fuck,trump told the truth what I have known for 2 decades that the msm media is fake news and being the first president to have the balls to tell the truth that wars are always started so defense contracters can profit. Yeah you asshoies hate amerIca same as that evil organization the cia does so of course you evil monsters would believe the cia over

What sources do you read, watch or absorb from radio waves? Given your comment above, it appears you are a dittohead, and everything you believe came from the mouths of Limbaugh, Hannity and other radical conservatives on the AM Radio and the talking heads on Fox News.

Anyone who claims the MSM is fake news is biddable, brainwashed and out of touch with reality.
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

Really? spend more time lying about the President lying than he actually spends lying.

No one has to lie about Trump, his lies are well noted. Only Trump Humpers believe his lies.
And only brainless libbers believe their propaganda.

We know Biden won election, unlike Trump Humpers who are being bamboozled.
We stood in line and nothing to be bamboozled sent in coronaballots by the droves.

Which was totally legal, I voted by mail when I was stationed overseas as well.
Not with a fake virus hoax code that added millions of mail ins
No he didn' is being up the voting machine software....
Manual, hand recount showed no significant counting errors by the voting machines. The election was not stolen by Dominion switching votes. This is proof. count same as the original observers allowed.

Colfax......You can't use evidence to convince people that don't use evidence.
Like we do when talking to you about the leftyflu, correct.

And what, pray tell, is the 'Lefty Flu'.

I'm not really versed in the venacular of the the right wing echo chamber, so you're going to have to translate that into English for me.
Oh easy, its in actuality what you libbers call the Trump virus. You know, when Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election....the leftyflu. L-e-f-t-y-f-l-u, less dangerous than the regular flu but you wear a facediaper for it.

So you're one of those 'plandemic' conspiracy theorists?

Don't worry, I don't bunch your ilk into one big blob. I like to know the exact variety of batshit I'm dealing with.
No goofus.....just lamenting the fact that when all your other attempts to discredit the President work blowing a silly little flu all out of proportion was enough to get all the fake mail in ballots you needed...over nothing. So worry about your own Gestapo ilk now who will try to control the masses in their big power grab.
250,000 deaths and counting isn't 'blowing it out of proportion'. Our hospitals are filling. We lost 1600 people YESTERDAY.

We're averaging a 1000 a day. That more than two 911s every week.

And Trump hasn't atteded a COVID task force meeting in 5 months.

Oh, and tell us more about 'Obammy and Sleepy contributed to its research in China and then it came over to help Diaperman win the election' ......but how you're NOT one of those plandemic conspiracy theorists.
1600 people in a total case count of 161,645 for a 1% mortality rate, still coming down every day and now at 2.1% in total for US. That is wonderful considering Killer Cuomo started us off at 8%. Severe case rate at .049% now down from 10% before. You see when you run 172 million tests at a falling 6.4%(it was over 10%) positivity rate, you get more cases and fewer deaths in total. You libbers do look at actual facts once in a while don't you??

You know the 1600 people that died yesterday didn't catch it yesterday, right?

And again quarter of million dead Americans and COUNTING....and you're just shrugging it off?

That's almost 5 times what we lost in Vietnam. That's more than 80 times what we lost on 911. And its still happening.

More than WWI, Korea and Vietnam combined have died from Covid. We are closing in on WWII very quickly. Maybe we can go for the record for the Civil War at over 600K. Covid is just doing it faster.

And remember....once we hit critical mass in the hospitals (which has already happened in many locations) then they don't have beds for all the medical cases that arise from say, car accidents, or birth complications, or heart attacks.

And Trump's solution for this? Rage tweeting how he won an election he lost.

If only pouting was a suitable replacement for leadership.
Critical case rate now at .49% way down from earlier. Its not happenning.

Yesterday, over 1600 people died from Covid complications. At this rate, move over Civil War, we have a new loser.
Keep believing eveything the cia media tells you like the good little sheep you are.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

I'd trust the CIA before Donald Trump. For every lie issued by the CIA, I can name 20 of trump's lies, and then some.
You can't name any lies, you can only quote your propaganda.

I can't name any lies and efforts by Trump to mislead the public? You are either very dumb, ignorant or out touch with reality - likely all of these.

...and where do your quotes and facts come from??? Your own propaganda machine.....exactly my point.

Your point is in some other universe. All one needs to understand about Trump's dishonesty and efforts to mislead the public is to listen to and/or read his own words, uttered in context.
You poor brainless lemmings are prisoners of your propaganda machine they dont even try to verify their baloney.

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