Georgia Voting Bungled: Hand Recount Drops Democrat Winner to 3rd Place

One chapter on Joe will deal with the many pedophilia encounters.
Haha, no, just another cult fantasy.

The bizarre fantasies of the cult will likely be mentioned as a whole, though. Like stolen elections, pizzagate, etc.

Maybe, if you keep shilling hard enough for your orange God, they will include a picture of you.
The ”orange pile of shit” as you chose to describe Trump was a vast improvement over the corrup, demented fool we now have as PresIdent.

If you I could redo the election today Trump would beat Biden and while you will not admit it you know that’s true.

Haha, no. Your orange God will be recorded as an example of what a president should not and cannot be. The educated, moral people of society will make sure our future generations are at least informed of this, to help keep it from happening again.
Haha, no, just another cult fantasy.

The bizarre fantasies of the cult will likely be mentioned as a whole, though. Like stolen elections, pizzagate, etc.

Maybe, if you keep shilling hard enough for your orange God, they will include a picture of you.
Poverty has a way of enraging people. A lot of people are living well. Vacations and sporting events and other things. A lot are struggling, and the numbers are growing. They will show pictures of them as this economic storm gets worse. Like the Great Depression photos. The smiles gone from a memory that slowly fades into the abyss.
Poverty has a way of enraging people. A lot of people are living well. Vacations and sporting events and other things. A lot are struggling, and the numbers are growing. They will show pictures of them as this economic storm gets worse. Like the Great Depression photos. The smiles gone from a memory that slowly fades into the abyss.
And if their minds aren't warped by two bit conmen like yours, they will vote against the party suppressing their wages and taking away their services.
And if their minds aren't warped by two bit conmen like yours, they will vote against the party suppressing their wages and taking away their services.
There will be long lines for food. Bread and Cheese trucks all over. With a picture of Joe on the sides with the words ..".I did that" on them. "My magnificence of empathy provides sustenance for the downtrodden that I did not cause". "For you my adoring peasants". And Joe is not without heart..."An extra loaf of bread if the parent of that little girl is loaned out to me for an hour".
Then why can't you show us that evidence? We keep asking for it, over and over. In response, Trump cult sore-loser traitors can only whimper and run.

Seeing that, normal people conclude that you're lying, very badly at that. That conclusion is correct.

Watch the 2000 Mules movie. It's all there. And it wasn't made up data, they paid for the geo-tracking data and the videos were gov't surveillance of the drop boxes. The same cell phone is tracked at 4 am going from drop box to drop box and videos show somebody stuffing the drop boxes with several mail-in ballots.
Actually nobody has shown any government (or private) video showing the same guy (or gal) at several mail-in ballot drop boxes.

That's a claim that 2,000 mules didn't actually provide any video evidence to substantiate.
Yes, they did. the movie shows the same guy in the same car driving to a drop box and stuffing ballots in there, then another drop box on the same night. Watch the movie.
Haha, no. Your orange God will be recorded as an example of what a president should not and cannot be. The educated, moral people of society will make sure our future generations are at least informed of this, to help keep it from happening again.
In other words the unethical and totally corrupt Democratic Party will cheat and continue to rig elections every chance they get.

Many people honestly believe your President, Joe Biden, who is well past his “use by date” is the worst President in modern times if not all times.

Try to imagine a President doing a worse job than Joe Biden. Think about how that would even be possible. Would they have to set the White House on fire while vomiting on Boris Johnson? Maybe a President in a Nyquil-induced stupor trying to start a nuclear war with Canada? Jimmy Carter on his worst day couldn’t hold a candle Joe Biden on his best, provided Biden ends up having a best day.

WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 10 – It’s official. You know it. I know it. And apparently, the rest of the country knows it: 54% of voters surveyed by Rasmussen pollsters recently said President Joe Biden is one of the worst, if not the worst, American presidents ever. And if that isn’t enough of an insult, the same poll found that 41% of voters who participated in the poll agreed that President Trump was one of the country’s best Commanders-in Chief compared to only 15% who would say that of Mr. Biden.…emphasis added

A surprisingly high percentage of members of his own Democratic Party who participated in the survey – 28% percent – agreed with the majority who tagged President Biden as one of the worst in history to hold the office. He just can’t win for losing. But, then again, he’s got himself and his administration to blame.

Not only has Mr. Biden botched critical tasks since his inauguration last year, but he has also underestimated the popularity of the establishment of a new, socialist-based government to replace 244 years of American freedom. Surely his mishandling of crisis after crisis during the past 12 months has had a lot to do with it. But, perhaps, it has something to do with his relatively new focus on efforts to swap our successful, capitalist American way of life. He started out as a mild-mannered loyalist Democrat, but during his tenure, he has slipped and slid into just another progressive socialist. In less than a year in office, he seems to have decided to join the ranks of the Marxist revolutionaries who have infiltrated our government. One look at his megabuck Build Back Better spending plan shows just how far to the left Mr. Biden has become.
In other words the unethical and totally corrupt Democratic Party will cheat and continue to rig elections every chance they get.
I, of course, didn't state or imply anything resembling that, and this is a fine example of what cultism has done to your brain. And an example of you inventing a strawman to make life easier for yourself, because you are of low ethical character and low intellectual ability.

You can't even help yourself. You are no longer an autonomous actor. Just a cult robot.
Watch the 2000 Mules movie. It's all there. And it wasn't made up data, they paid for the geo-tracking data and the videos were gov't surveillance of the drop boxes. The same cell phone is tracked at 4 am going from drop box to drop box and videos show somebody stuffing the drop boxes with several mail-in ballots.
Unfortunately everything you just gave as evidence of wrongdoing, doesn't actually show any wrongdoing. First when they show somebody mailing several ballots, that's perfectly legal, since Georgia allows mailing of ballots of immediate family members. (strike one).
And going from drop box to drop box, when a phone can only be tracked to an accuracy of 100 feet, means you don't have to be close to a drop box, to return GPS data putting you a quarter of a block from your actual location.
Yes, they did. the movie shows the same guy in the same car driving to a drop box and stuffing ballots in there, then another drop box on the same night. Watch the movie.
Really? Did they arrest the guy yet? You say they have him on video proving he broke the law.
According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the Democratic primary for a county in Georgia has been called into question after a hand count revealed that voting machines were off by thousands of ballots.

Don't worry nothing to see here.
There is an ABUNDANCE of proof from multiple states that Dominion voting machines were connected to the internet.

In VIOLATION of state and federal election laws.

That IN AND OF ITSELF justifies a serious nation wide investigation.
Well, well, well, well, well, well.......

For an honest vote count the below criteria needs to be followed.

1) Replace online voting machines with the previous "punch card" type of voting system like no electronics @ all with the previous voting machines. Just punch away on the voting card then drop the punch card into the ole collection receptacle.

2) Accepted I.D. must be presented & recorded by the recording officials @ the location one will be voting at.

3) No mail in ballots.

If one desires an accurate voting system the above is what it takes to achieve that goal.
For an honest vote count the below criteria needs to be followed.

1) Replace online voting machines with the previous "punch card" type of voting system like no electronics @ all with the previous voting machines. Just punch away on the voting card then drop the punch card into the ole collection receptacle.

2) Accepted I.D. must be presented & recorded by the recording officials @ the location one will be voting at.

3) No mail in ballots.

If one desires an accurate voting system the above is what it takes to achieve that goal.
No mail in ballots?

The folks in the military get left out huh?

Newsflash...hand recounts here identified the problem

Second newsflash...hand recounts in 2020 showed that there was no problem then

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