Georgia why isn't Stacey Abrams in prison?

As you just admitted, "each party" selects their electors. Which means there are always 2 sets.
The one selected by the votes goes to DC, and the alternate electors stay home.
There always are "alternates".

Who else would select the parties electors? A partisan legislature?

They do choose alternative electors in case they need to replace one or two. It's like having an extra jurist during trials.

You're just making it up as you go along aren't you?
Who else would select the parties electors? A partisan legislature?

They do choose alternative electors in case they need to replace one or two. It's like having an extra jurist during trials.

You're just making it up as you go along aren't you?
Our Kremlin stooge always does just that
Sorry Zippy, that is a direct quote from the indictment. My guess is that Smith has evidence of the request. While it is a ridiculous request to send to the States, since it was all a lie, that doesn't mean the Trumpyberra request it.
And that's what jack smith has gotten in trouble in the past making shit up.
Two things would have to be met before that. First SB92 would have to survive the georgia courts, and next Fani would have to do something impeachable, which is highly unlikely given her work experience in this field.
Abuse of power is all that's needed
And that's what jack smith has gotten in trouble in the past making shit up.
Rosen and Donoghue also resisted pressure from Trump to announce the DOJ had found election fraud; attorney general Bill Barr had resigned days earlier after announcing that no election fraud of consequence had been found, telling Trump that allegations he and his associates espoused were "bullshit." Rosen and Donoghue declined Trump's request to "Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen," according to notes Donoghue took during a phone call with the president. The continuing resistance culminated in an Oval Office meeting during which Trump proposed replacing Rosen with Clark, which was abandoned when Rosen advised the president that the proposal would trigger mass resignations at the DOJ.
Rosen and Donoghue also resisted pressure from Trump to announce the DOJ had found election fraud; attorney general Bill Barr had resigned days earlier after announcing that no election fraud of consequence had been found, telling Trump that allegations he and his associates espoused were "bullshit." Rosen and Donoghue declined Trump's request to "Just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen," according to notes Donoghue took during a phone call with the president. The continuing resistance culminated in an Oval Office meeting during which Trump proposed replacing Rosen with Clark, which was abandoned when Rosen advised the president that the proposal would trigger mass resignations at the DOJ.
Pressure is opinionated.
You think anything you don't like is pressure.
Me pressure is someone forcing you to do something and you do it.
Pressure is opinionated.
You think anything you don't like is pressure.
Me pressure is someone forcing you to do something and you do it.
Leverage is not opinion. Barr, the GOP's point man for cover ups for decades, opted out. The Trumpyberra got out leveraged when he was faced with mass resignations and had to back down from his phony letter scheme.
Joey carried out the wishes of the USA, the EU, and the IMF when he demanded a corrupt and Russian aligned prosecutor be removed from office before any loan guarantees were given by the West.
Unbelievable that you would continue to peddle this outright lie, after it has been long debunked...

"Newly obtained memos have revealed that Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had been receiving positive feedback on his anti-corruption plan from the US State Department, despite House Democrats alleging that Shokin had been fired in March of 2016 because State officials were displeased with his anti-corruption efforts."

I doubt there is a dictionary on this earth that defines "pressure" this way.
Well snowflake pressure is opinionated
A leftist such as yourself can feel youre pressured from anything
Me as I stated earlier
. to force (someone) toward a particular end; influence. They pressured him into accepting the contract.

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