Georgia why isn't Stacey Abrams in prison?

91 felony counts backed by solid evidence is not 'political'.

I'll be prouder when America sends Trump to prison.
Funny shit you see in a banana republic. Numbnuts the secret services will never allow it's agents to go and be security in prison for trump.
Damn stupid think for once.
But of course you're an ignorant leftists
No one conspired to over turn the election.
You leftists have been lied to continually and you can't help yourself. You're just that mentally stupid.

Tons of evidence says he did just that. The fake elector scam, the 'greenbay sweep' the 'eastman memos' the attempt to get Pence to violate his oath of office. Trump's many crimes, most of which he has never been charged. He's gotten away with too much.

Sorry, he's going down.

I cant help it that you are totally ignorant.
Tons of evidence says he did just that. The fake elector scam, the 'greenbay sweep' the 'eastman memos' the attempt to get Pence to violate his oath of office. Trump's many crimes, most of which he has never been charged. He's gotten away with too much.

Sorry, he's going down.

I cant help it that you are totally ignorant.
Bullshit tons of twisted laws to manipulate the crime. But only a retard would think like you do.
Funny shit you see in a banana republic. Numbnuts the secret services will never allow it's agents to go and be security in prison for trump.
Damn stupid think for once.

Think? I'm not seeing you using your brain.

Do you see any banana republics in this list of western developed (or well developed) nations that have prosecuted their leaders? Do your fucking homework next time before you stick your foot in your mouth.

  1. United States
    • Richard Nixon (President, 1969-1974): Involved in the Watergate scandal, which led to his resignation. He was pardoned by his successor, Gerald Ford, and was not prosecuted.
    • Bill Clinton (President, 1993-2001): Impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice during the Monica Lewinsky scandal but was acquitted by the Senate.
  2. France
    • Jacques Chirac (President, 1995-2007): Convicted in 2011 for embezzlement and breach of trust during his tenure as Mayor of Paris (1977-1995).
  3. Italy
    • Silvio Berlusconi (Prime Minister, non-consecutive terms): Faced various charges including tax fraud, bribery, and corruption. He was convicted of tax fraud in 2013 but was acquitted or had other charges dropped in several other cases.
  4. Israel
    • Ehud Olmert (Prime Minister, 2006-2009): Convicted of bribery in 2014 and began serving a prison sentence in 2017.
  5. South Korea (Though not a Western nation, it is a developed nation with a notable case)
    • Park Geun-hye (President, 2013-2017): Impeached and removed from office in 2017, later convicted of corruption and abuse of power.
  6. Brazil (Also not a Western nation, but a notable case in a developed country)
    • Dilma Rousseff (President, 2011-2016): Impeached and removed from office for fiscal mismanagement.
    • Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (President, 2003-2011): Convicted of corruption and money laundering in 2017.
  7. Iceland
    • Geir H. Haarde (Prime Minister, 2006-2009): Tried for negligence in handling the 2008 financial crisis but was largely acquitted, with a minor charge upheld.
Yes it does dumbass. The capitol police commission oversees the capitol security. The Sargent of arms is one of three voting members. And the Sargent of arms answers to the speaker of the house. Therefore the speaker of the house dictates how the Sargent of arms votes.

I quoted your very own link that under-Pelosi Sargent at Arms REQUESTED AND WAS DENIED by Trump's Pentagon for National Guard to be present on Jan 6th.

This is your evidence that Pelosi was supposedly blocking National Guard deployment?

How fucking stupid can you be?
Think? I'm not seeing you using your brain.

Do you see any banana republics in this list of western developed (or well developed) nations that have prosecuted their leaders? Do your fucking homework next time before you stick your foot in your mouth.

  1. United States
    • Richard Nixon (President, 1969-1974): Involved in the Watergate scandal, which led to his resignation. He was pardoned by his successor, Gerald Ford, and was not prosecuted.
    • Bill Clinton (President, 1993-2001): Impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice during the Monica Lewinsky scandal but was acquitted by the Senate.
  2. France
    • Jacques Chirac (President, 1995-2007): Convicted in 2011 for embezzlement and breach of trust during his tenure as Mayor of Paris (1977-1995).
  3. Italy
    • Silvio Berlusconi (Prime Minister, non-consecutive terms): Faced various charges including tax fraud, bribery, and corruption. He was convicted of tax fraud in 2013 but was acquitted or had other charges dropped in several other cases.
  4. Israel
    • Ehud Olmert (Prime Minister, 2006-2009): Convicted of bribery in 2014 and began serving a prison sentence in 2017.
  5. South Korea(Though not a Western nation, it is a developed nation with a notable case)
    • Park Geun-hye (President, 2013-2017): Impeached and removed from office in 2017, later convicted of corruption and abuse of power.
  6. Brazil(Also not a Western nation, but a notable case in a developed country)
    • Dilma Rousseff (President, 2011-2016): Impeached and removed from office for fiscal mismanagement.
    • Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (President, 2003-2011): Convicted of corruption and money laundering in 2017.
  7. Iceland
    • Geir H. Haarde (Prime Minister, 2006-2009): Tried for negligence in handling the 2008 financial crisis but was largely acquitted, with a minor charge upheld.
Dumbass all those indictments were manipulated to go after the political opposition. Jack smith has been bitch slapped for doing the same shit by the supreme court.
I quoted your very own link that under-Pelosi Sargent at Arms REQUESTED AND WAS DENIED by Trump's Pentagon for National Guard to be present on Jan 6th.

This is your evidence that Pelosi was supposedly blocking National Guard deployment?

How fucking stupid can you be?
Trump never denied the national guard Biden supporter you'll believe any lie the democrat media tells you. Just like you believed the lie when Trump was supposed to have grabbed the steering wheel of his secret service limo. Biden supporters are the most ignorant being on the earth.
Trump never denied the national guard Biden supporter you'll believe any lie the democrat media tells you. Just like you believed the lie when Trump was supposed to have grabbed the steering wheel of his secret service limo. Biden supporters are the most ignorant being on the earth. your argument about Pelosi supposedly blocking National Guard is down to arguing that Trump was not blocking National Guard.

Concession accepted. :slap:

And I didn't make that claim dumbass, I don't know that.

But it also wasn't Trump who called National Guard in while his Trumptards were sacking the Congress. WHICH IS WHY HE WAS IMPEACHED. your argument about Pelosi supposedly blocking National Guard is down to arguing that Trump was not blocking National Guard.

Concession accepted. :slap:

And I didn't make that claim dumbass, I don't know that.

But it also wasn't Trump who called National Guard in while his Trumptards were sacking the Congress. WHICH IS WHY HE WAS IMPEACHED.
Biden cultists are to stupid to have a discussion. So it's best to mock them
Yes it does dumbass. The capitol police commission oversees the capitol security. The Sargent of arms is one of three voting members. And the Sargent of arms answers to the speaker of the house. Therefore the speaker of the house dictates how the Sargent of arms votes.

By that logic the constituents direct the elected speaker therefor the people in San Francisco, in one small district control the national guard.

The Speaker can’t issue orders. Period. At most the Speaker can request.
Biden cultists are to stupid to have a discussion. So it's best to mock them

So we are done with Pelosi.

Done with Trump.

Down to "Biden cultists".

Get real, you mock yourself here everyday by posting all the stupid nonsense you do.
You're a fucking idiot. You ignorant leftist
This is the kind of low effort insulting I would expect from your IQ level. "Leftist" hah if I were actually a leftist do you think I would be insulted by you calling me a leftist? I'm not sure which is funnier, your (repeated) knee jerk political sides response or that you think it would be an insult.

Are you one of those abortions that survived by any chance?
This is the kind of low effort insulting I would expect from your IQ level. "Leftist" hah if I were actually a leftist do you think I would be insulted by you calling me a leftist? I'm not sure which is funnier, your (repeated) knee jerk political sides response or that you think it would be an insult.

Are you one of those abortions that survived by any chance?
He will not answer questions. And he will run after attempting to insult you.
That's why I call him the Dumbest Poster on This Board.

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