German Foreign Minister excludes US from the West, US no longer important

you should pay up simply because you AGREED to pay BPreister !!
We agreed somehow to the two percent. But this is not a contract clause. We would need to spend some more in the future to rebuild our army. Any future relation cannot be based on our WWII defeat.
That's what they said after WW1 too. Islam is going to slap the fat German around and take his lunch money.
So you don´t know about the limitations set by the Versailles Treaty? They tried to bypass it for example with tanks being tractors.
as Correl says . Plus , just let the germans pay up . If they want to leave nato its fine . USA , Japan , Canada , England and others will be just fine without the germans and the 'eu' i think . Also keep the next few wars in europe and the middle east is ok with me BPreister .
We will see if and what happens. And why should we pay up? Just to be dragged into pointless wars, that are unnecessary? Come on.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok with me , and the wars might stay in europe the way that it was before the USA and nato BPreister .
You had your own wars. Mexico, Southern Federation. Not to mention: Everywhere and always.
------------------------------------------------ wars everywhere and always , well the best way for the USA to fight wars is on foreign soil . Besides that , the war in vietnam never affected the USA or you euros , same for the current wars in the middle east . Course you are getting muslims by the boatload but thats the fault of your 'merkels' . As contrast see 'Viktor Orban ' and Poland who say that they won't accept muslim refugees BPreister ,
That´s not a criteria.
as Correl says . Plus , just let the germans pay up . If they want to leave nato its fine . USA , Japan , Canada , England and others will be just fine without the germans and the 'eu' i think . Also keep the next few wars in europe and the middle east is ok with me BPreister .
We will see if and what happens. And why should we pay up? Just to be dragged into pointless wars, that are unnecessary? Come on.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok with me , and the wars might stay in europe the way that it was before the USA and nato BPreister .
You had your own wars. Mexico, Southern Federation. Not to mention: Everywhere and always.
---------------------------------------- except for the civil war the usa is pretty free of war . What is it , the American Revolution , War of 1812 , mexican - American war and the Civil War and thats it . The only big war was the Civil War , ---------------- But you guys had WW1 where millions and civilians were killed and then WW2 where millions and civilians were killed and both times the entire europe and England were the battle ground . Plus how many other wars in europe before ww1 . Spell it out if i am incorrect please .
I count 106 wars involving the US.
----------------------------------------------------------------- list them if you like , i just listed you euros war and your next war and capitulation to islam is just around the corner BPreister . Doesn't matter though , branch out on your own or pay up . The Russians will be happy to see you branching out on your own BPreister !!
106 wars , i don't know . Musta been fought on foreign soil and how many of those 106 were Indian Wars BPreister ??
you should pay up simply because you AGREED to pay BPreister !!
We agreed somehow to the two percent. But this is not a contract clause. We would need to spend some more in the future to rebuild our army. Any future relation cannot be based on our WWII defeat.
That's what they said after WW1 too. Islam is going to slap the fat German around and take his lunch money.
So you don´t know about the limitations set by the Versailles Treaty? They tried to bypass it for example with tanks being tractors.
---------------------------------------------------- i don't care about silly treaties and neither do the Russians or your muslim invaders . Just pay your nato arrearages BPreister !!
from what i hear the USA has been a stabilising force at least since the early 1900s . [is my guess]
most likely the germans not paying their bills is partly a result of them coddling their muslim refugee invaders . It costs money to cater and coddle to the muslim refugee invaders .
you should pay up simply because you AGREED to pay BPreister !!
We agreed somehow to the two percent. But this is not a contract clause. We would need to spend some more in the future to rebuild our army. Any future relation cannot be based on our WWII defeat.
That's what they said after WW1 too. Islam is going to slap the fat German around and take his lunch money.
So you don´t know about the limitations set by the Versailles Treaty? They tried to bypass it for example with tanks being tractors.
---------------------------------------------------- i don't care about silly treaties and neither do the Russians or your muslim invaders . Just pay your nato arrearages BPreister !!
Trump hates Germany, he gets no protection money. He hates Germany because we have a foreign trade surplus and the US doesn´t.
from what i hear the USA has been a stabilising force at least since the early 1900s . [is my guess]
Yes, your guess.

you should pay up simply because you AGREED to pay BPreister !!
We agreed somehow to the two percent. But this is not a contract clause. We would need to spend some more in the future to rebuild our army. Any future relation cannot be based on our WWII defeat.
That's what they said after WW1 too. Islam is going to slap the fat German around and take his lunch money.
So you don´t know about the limitations set by the Versailles Treaty? They tried to bypass it for example with tanks being tractors.
---------------------------------------------------- i don't care about silly treaties and neither do the Russians or your muslim invaders . Just pay your nato arrearages BPreister !!
Trump hates Germany, he gets no protection money. He hates Germany because we have a foreign trade surplus and the US doesn´t.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRUMP thinks correctly that Germany doesn't properly fund its AGREED to responsibilities so what good are they . Plus watch as the 'merkel' allows her country to be flooded by age old muslim enemies BPreister !!
At most, Germany just has to wait 4 years before the U.S. rejoins the west again. Probably sooner, as the FBI gets deeper into the Russia investigation.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

However, your opinion was Hillary the Hag would win easy so ....

Will consequences follow this signals? Gabriel implyed that the US is responsible for the situation in the Middle East and now he stresses that its foreign policy will just cause more people to seek refuge in Europe. This means the US is fueling the war. There must be major changes in terms of sovereignty and peace. How much longer will the EU be Washingtons clown that can be dragged into conflicts and wars even against its partners? How much longer will they support agendas targeting themselves? This must end. Brave words, Frau Merkel, Herr Gabriel. Now come the deeds.

"With the “breakdown of the US as an important nation” he said, “the west is becoming a bit smaller”. He also delivered an interpretation of why this development described by him was occuring: “This is unfortunately a signal of changes in the world’s balance of power”."
German Foreign Minister excludes US from the West
/----- maybe if we pick up their NATO bill for them they will be our friends again. Payoff are the only way libs can make friends.
Will consequences follow this signals? Gabriel implyed that the US is responsible for the situation in the Middle East and now he stresses that its foreign policy will just cause more people to seek refuge in Europe. This means the US is fueling the war. There must be major changes in terms of sovereignty and peace. How much longer will the EU be Washingtons clown that can be dragged into conflicts and wars even against its partners? How much longer will they support agendas targeting themselves? This must end. Brave words, Frau Merkel, Herr Gabriel. Now come the deeds.

"With the “breakdown of the US as an important nation” he said, “the west is becoming a bit smaller”. He also delivered an interpretation of why this development described by him was occuring: “This is unfortunately a signal of changes in the world’s balance of power”."
German Foreign Minister excludes US from the West
/----- maybe if we pick up their NATO bill for them they will be our friends again. Payoff are the only way libs can make friends.

Like the Bankster Bailouts
106 wars , i don't know . Musta been fought on foreign soil and how many of those 106 were Indian Wars BPreister ??
No Indian wars.

List of wars involving the United States - Wikipedia
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of course you list lots of INDIAN Wars , who do you think the 'choctaws' and 'mohawk' and Iriqouis were other than Indians . And the 'barbary wars' were our first wars other than the American Revolution and Shays Rebellion was hardly a war . No matter , i'll approve you list but YOU guys have had the majority of wars in recorded history on Gods good green earth . Lets see what happens after your old communist 'merkel' leaves nato BPresister.
At most, Germany just has to wait 4 years before the U.S. rejoins the west again. Probably sooner, as the FBI gets deeper into the Russia investigation.

That is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

However, your opinion was Hillary the Hag would win easy so ....

She won the popular vote easily. Nobody could have predicted Russian and FBI sabotage though.

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