German Foreign Minister excludes US from the West, US no longer important

Who? The non issue Syrian dictator who does whatever he wants and ignored a US military strike on one of their airfields that did little damage? Where is Assad? Dead? Or did he continue on the next day as if nothing happened.

Trump knows as much about the military as he knows about foregin relations with our allies. Nothing at all.

I take it you supported Obama's desire to overthrow the secular Assad in order to replace him with a jihadist regime. Perhaps you also believe we should go to war with Russia in order to overthrow Assad because that's about what it would take, just so we could get another lunatic in charge in Damascus. Brilliant.

I have a prediction. Assad won't use chemical weapons again, as he did repeatedly when Obama was in office.
No, he didn´t.

Well that's good then. Did he criticize Obama for his policy to fund terrorists in Syria to wage war against the Syrian government and the Russians? Or are his policy criticisms reserved for Republican presidents?
You think he makes a difference?

I've simply noticed that, after 8 years of silence, liberals are suddenly again ardently for or against one thing or another, now that there is a guy in the White House with an "R" by his name.
Damascus initially welcomed Trump´s election, now knowing that he´s a trojan as wicked as Hillary or worse.
106 wars , i don't know . Musta been fought on foreign soil and how many of those 106 were Indian Wars BPreister ??
No Indian wars.

List of wars involving the United States - Wikipedia
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of course you list lots of INDIAN Wars , who do you think the 'choctaws' and 'mohawk' and Iriqouis were other than Indians . And the 'barbary wars' were our first wars other than the American Revolution and Shays Rebellion was hardly a war . No matter , i'll approve you list but YOU guys have had the majority of wars in recorded history on Gods good green earth . Lets see what happens after your old communist 'merkel' leaves nato BPresister.
Then, with your approval, I remove the wars involving Germany that were fought inside or outside of Germany from my list, too. See: 0 wars.
========================================= i don't want to remove the indian wars , just saying that they were indian wars . Besides that you say that the USA has had 106 wars while i note that you euros have been fighting and killing each other on euro soil for hundreds of years . And now , your 'merkel' is bringing in your next Master Race of muslim bosses BPreister !!
Only few of them involved Germany. Note, by the way, that America was made by immigrants from Europe.
------------------------------------------------- as i said , euros have had many wars in europ over hundreds of years .
concerning the USA and immigrants. The USA was founded and the foundations of America were laid including laws , the Constitution , Bill of Rights and all the rest by a select group of people from the British Isles and not Europe . For proof of what i say , checkout the names of the WHITE MEN that signed the formative documents of America and you will not find any 'germans' or 'muslims' BPreister !!
and YES , euros were imported to America to provide unskilled labor , sausage and some beer BPreister !!
I take it you supported Obama's desire to overthrow the secular Assad in order to replace him with a jihadist regime. Perhaps you also believe we should go to war with Russia in order to overthrow Assad because that's about what it would take, just so we could get another lunatic in charge in Damascus. Brilliant.

I have a prediction. Assad won't use chemical weapons again, as he did repeatedly when Obama was in office.
No, he didn´t.

Well that's good then. Did he criticize Obama for his policy to fund terrorists in Syria to wage war against the Syrian government and the Russians? Or are his policy criticisms reserved for Republican presidents?
You think he makes a difference?

I've simply noticed that, after 8 years of silence, liberals are suddenly again ardently for or against one thing or another, now that there is a guy in the White House with an "R" by his name.
Damascus initially welcomed Trump´s election, now knowing that he´s a trojan as wicked as Hillary or worse.
---------------------------------------------------------------- ' damascus' who cares about 'damascus' eh ?? Anyway , feck ' damascus ' BPreister !!
concerning the USA and immigrants. The USA was founded and the foundations of America were laid including laws , the Constitution , Bill of Rights and all the rest by a select group of people from the British Isles and not Europe . For proof of what i say , checkout the names of the WHITE MEN that signed the formative documents of America and you will not find any 'germans' or 'muslims' BPreister !!
Of course, the British Isles belong to Europe. By the way: The term England refers to the Germanic Angelsachsen that firstly populated the British Isles. They are as "German" as we are.
Moreover, it was the Brits who tried to prevent a sovereign America. The founding fathers surely did not feel "British".
concerning the USA and immigrants. The USA was founded and the foundations of America were laid including laws , the Constitution , Bill of Rights and all the rest by a select group of people from the British Isles and not Europe . For proof of what i say , checkout the names of the WHITE MEN that signed the formative documents of America and you will not find any 'germans' or 'muslims' BPreister !!
Of course, the British Isles belong to Europe. By the way: The term England refers to the Germanic Angelsachsen that firstly populated the British Isles. They are as "German" as we are.
Moreover, it was the Brits who tried to prevent a sovereign America. The founding fathers surely did not feel "British".
------------------------------------------- agreed , i'm simply pointing out WHO the Founders were . And the British Isles are not Europe !! Anyway , concerning war in Europe , erdogen wants it as well as his muslim refugee type muslims BPreister , --- Fearing Radicalisation, Turkish Migrants Foresee 'Civil War' in Europe ---
No, he didn´t.

Well that's good then. Did he criticize Obama for his policy to fund terrorists in Syria to wage war against the Syrian government and the Russians? Or are his policy criticisms reserved for Republican presidents?
You think he makes a difference?

I've simply noticed that, after 8 years of silence, liberals are suddenly again ardently for or against one thing or another, now that there is a guy in the White House with an "R" by his name.
Damascus initially welcomed Trump´s election, now knowing that he´s a trojan as wicked as Hillary or worse.
---------------------------------------------------------------- ' damascus' who cares about 'damascus' eh ?? Anyway , feck ' damascus ' BPreister !!
I don´t see your problem.
Well that's good then. Did he criticize Obama for his policy to fund terrorists in Syria to wage war against the Syrian government and the Russians? Or are his policy criticisms reserved for Republican presidents?
You think he makes a difference?

I've simply noticed that, after 8 years of silence, liberals are suddenly again ardently for or against one thing or another, now that there is a guy in the White House with an "R" by his name.
Damascus initially welcomed Trump´s election, now knowing that he´s a trojan as wicked as Hillary or worse.
---------------------------------------------------------------- ' damascus' who cares about 'damascus' eh ?? Anyway , feck ' damascus ' BPreister !!
I don´t see your problem.
----------------------------------------- i have no problem BPreister .
concerning the USA and immigrants. The USA was founded and the foundations of America were laid including laws , the Constitution , Bill of Rights and all the rest by a select group of people from the British Isles and not Europe . For proof of what i say , checkout the names of the WHITE MEN that signed the formative documents of America and you will not find any 'germans' or 'muslims' BPreister !!
Of course, the British Isles belong to Europe. By the way: The term England refers to the Germanic Angelsachsen that firstly populated the British Isles. They are as "German" as we are.
Moreover, it was the Brits who tried to prevent a sovereign America. The founding fathers surely did not feel "British".
------------------------------------------- agreed , i'm simply pointing out WHO the Founders were . And the British Isles are not Europe !! Anyway , concerning war in Europe , erdogen wants it as well as his muslim refugee type muslims BPreister , --- Fearing Radicalisation, Turkish Migrants Foresee 'Civil War' in Europe ---
The British islands belong to Europe, pimo. And yes, there might be trouble but I guess that most migrants like it like it is. Free stuff and all.
Wining the popular vote and losing the election is like winning the Special Olympics. At the end of the day you're still a retard.

Figures that you'd be shameless enough to insult people born with a disability. Anyways, as Trump's disasters mount I suspect there will be more and more support for a national popular vote in the future.

'Cause you hear so much talk about it now right?
Just 6 days ago another state passed the National Popular Vote bill.
/----- Again Libtards reach for the meaningless gestures. If several states passed a bill legalizing slavery what would you say about it's chance of amending the Constitution?
Wining the popular vote and losing the election is like winning the Special Olympics. At the end of the day you're still a retard.

Figures that you'd be shameless enough to insult people born with a disability. Anyways, as Trump's disasters mount I suspect there will be more and more support for a national popular vote in the future.

'Cause you hear so much talk about it now right?
Just 6 days ago another state passed the National Popular Vote bill.
/----- Again Libtards reach for the meaningless gestures. If several states passed a bill legalizing slavery what would you say about it's chance of amending the Constitution?
^ retard compares popular vote to slavery :rolleyes:
Wining the popular vote and losing the election is like winning the Special Olympics. At the end of the day you're still a retard.

Figures that you'd be shameless enough to insult people born with a disability. Anyways, as Trump's disasters mount I suspect there will be more and more support for a national popular vote in the future.

'Cause you hear so much talk about it now right?
Just 6 days ago another state passed the National Popular Vote bill.
/----- Again Libtards reach for the meaningless gestures. If several states passed a bill legalizing slavery what would you say about it's chance of amending the Constitution?
^ retard compares popular vote to slavery :rolleyes:

^ cup cake misses Hillary the Hag
Wining the popular vote and losing the election is like winning the Special Olympics. At the end of the day you're still a retard.

Figures that you'd be shameless enough to insult people born with a disability. Anyways, as Trump's disasters mount I suspect there will be more and more support for a national popular vote in the future.

'Cause you hear so much talk about it now right?
Just 6 days ago another state passed the National Popular Vote bill.
/----- Again Libtards reach for the meaningless gestures. If several states passed a bill legalizing slavery what would you say about it's chance of amending the Constitution?
^ retard compares popular vote to slavery :rolleyes:
/----- In a true Democracy the popular vote can allow slavery with 51% approval. Our Representative Republic prevents this from happening. On election day you don't vote for president, you vote for the person who votes for the president. If 10,000,000 vote for one elector then that elector registers only one vote in the EC not 10,000,000. The Electoral College selects the president.
Figures that you'd be shameless enough to insult people born with a disability. Anyways, as Trump's disasters mount I suspect there will be more and more support for a national popular vote in the future.

'Cause you hear so much talk about it now right?
Just 6 days ago another state passed the National Popular Vote bill.
/----- Again Libtards reach for the meaningless gestures. If several states passed a bill legalizing slavery what would you say about it's chance of amending the Constitution?
^ retard compares popular vote to slavery :rolleyes:
/----- In a true Democracy the popular vote can allow slavery with 51% approval. Our Representative Republic prevents this from happening. On election day you don't vote for president, you vote for the person who votes for the president. If 10,000,000 vote for one elector then that elector registers only one vote in the EC not 10,000,000. The Electoral College selects the president.

The Butt Hurt Leftists SnowFlakes want to change the rules after they lose.
'Cause you hear so much talk about it now right?
Just 6 days ago another state passed the National Popular Vote bill.
/----- Again Libtards reach for the meaningless gestures. If several states passed a bill legalizing slavery what would you say about it's chance of amending the Constitution?
^ retard compares popular vote to slavery :rolleyes:
/----- In a true Democracy the popular vote can allow slavery with 51% approval. Our Representative Republic prevents this from happening. On election day you don't vote for president, you vote for the person who votes for the president. If 10,000,000 vote for one elector then that elector registers only one vote in the EC not 10,000,000. The Electoral College selects the president.

The Butt Hurt Leftists SnowFlakes want to change the rules after they lose.
concerning the USA and immigrants. The USA was founded and the foundations of America were laid including laws , the Constitution , Bill of Rights and all the rest by a select group of people from the British Isles and not Europe . For proof of what i say , checkout the names of the WHITE MEN that signed the formative documents of America and you will not find any 'germans' or 'muslims' BPreister !!
Of course, the British Isles belong to Europe. By the way: The term England refers to the Germanic Angelsachsen that firstly populated the British Isles. They are as "German" as we are.
Moreover, it was the Brits who tried to prevent a sovereign America. The founding fathers surely did not feel "British".
------------------------------------------- agreed , i'm simply pointing out WHO the Founders were . And the British Isles are not Europe !! Anyway , concerning war in Europe , erdogen wants it as well as his muslim refugee type muslims BPreister , --- Fearing Radicalisation, Turkish Migrants Foresee 'Civil War' in Europe ---
The British islands belong to Europe, pimo. And yes, there might be trouble but I guess that most migrants like it like it is. Free stuff and all.
--------------------------------------- your 'merkel' is setting up a terrible society for your native children and women and females in particular simply so that you oldies can retire at a young age with . And if you don't understand that your muslim invaders don't despise you oldies you are sadly mistaken BPreister.
Japan sells a ton more cars in the US than Germany does. Why no orange-turd outrage at them? It doesn't help Putin. Only putting NATO and our closest allies in the world helps Putin. So Japan is ignored.

Your tinfoil hat is too tight.

When you use something out of context it looks vacuous and juvenile. Best to wait for a moment when it actually makes sense. Glad to help.

Vacuous and juvenile alright...
concerning the USA and immigrants. The USA was founded and the foundations of America were laid including laws , the Constitution , Bill of Rights and all the rest by a select group of people from the British Isles and not Europe . For proof of what i say , checkout the names of the WHITE MEN that signed the formative documents of America and you will not find any 'germans' or 'muslims' BPreister !!
Of course, the British Isles belong to Europe. By the way: The term England refers to the Germanic Angelsachsen that firstly populated the British Isles. They are as "German" as we are.
Moreover, it was the Brits who tried to prevent a sovereign America. The founding fathers surely did not feel "British".
------------------------------------------- agreed , i'm simply pointing out WHO the Founders were . And the British Isles are not Europe !! Anyway , concerning war in Europe , erdogen wants it as well as his muslim refugee type muslims BPreister , --- Fearing Radicalisation, Turkish Migrants Foresee 'Civil War' in Europe ---
The British islands belong to Europe, pimo. And yes, there might be trouble but I guess that most migrants like it like it is. Free stuff and all.
--------------------------------------- your 'merkel' is setting up a terrible society for your native children and women and females in particular simply so that you oldies can retire at a young age with . And if you don't understand that your muslim invaders don't despise you oldies you are sadly mistaken BPreister.
Your concerns are justified and it is true that many abuse Merkel´s invitation and do terrible things. But you make not the slightest difference between legit refugees and Islamists sneaking in. The open borders were a big mistake and they were not even prepared for the masses that have arrived. However, no EU partner agreed to Merkel´s demand that the refugees must be distributed across the EU.

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