Zone1 German Synodal Way approves same-sex blessings, kicks off with Satanic Ritual


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
German Synodal Way began with a Satanic ritual and performance, desecrating the Frankfurt Cathedral in the Sanctuary and on the Altar! The Most Holy Sacrament was present!
The Catholic Church in Germany has entered into full schism with the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

German Synodal Way began with a Satanic ritual and performance, desecrating the Frankfurt Cathedral in the Sanctuary and on the Altar! The Most Holy Sacrament was present!
The Catholic Church in Germany has entered into full schism with the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

What's the difference between Satan and God anyway? Seems like Satan is a God to me.
What's the difference between Satan and God anyway? Seems like Satan is a God to me.

For Satanists, Satan and Baal, and Bathometh are their "God" or "Gods". Some say they worship "Bathometh". But for me Satan is not God. He is a Demon, and less then God eventhough he is a supernatural being, a fallen angel, but not God. Just like angels are not God, but less then God.
Satan up there in heaven said he could do anything to Job, do not kill him.

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