Germans Hate Us, This We Know! And From More Than Just One Poll!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Soon more calls will again renew! End The Electoral College Too! "Yes, all factions hate us! Then there are the intelligence leaks(?)."

France is not above a snub. The U. S. Senate Republicans seem outright hostile!
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her political rival united against Trump

CBS is among a number of sources, reporting the hint of a Dump Trump echo!

Closer to home, Deuteronomy 23:19-20, does admonish anyone Jewish to not charge usury among one another, but instead to go out and blindly screw the world(?)! "How could that come up in a Trump White House?" no one seems to ask?

Famously, Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, called, "Oh Christ!" was a bit on board with the founder Moses--even claiming title to the throne of Herod(?), according to the Roman executioners. Herod would also be said to be on board with the founder, Moses. The outcome of usury is shown in Matthew 25:14-30, The subjugation-education of the story of Moses, a Prince of Egypt, is shown to apply, in all its cruelty, as a theology. Some could say that outside the Household, maybe there are even trains to the ovens(?)! There is a certain, "New Influence," in the White House. Jesus called it, "The Kingdom of Heaven." Acts 7 reports that Moses was skilled in all the Egyptian, royal household arts.

For now we can say that mostly the Holy Father seems on board with that(?). It is not entirely clear if Her Majesty's Anglicans now much about it. . . .as in anything about it. Her Highness did consent to be taxed, possibly to stave off- - -being cast into Outer Darkness(?). President Trump is behind his Son-in-Law, probably 1000% or more!

In the near term, mostly it is called, "No more German cars!" The boxcars matter, Alt-right maybe noted, does not seem to be included.

Holiness is in the eyes of the beholders.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Acting his age, post the 1960's, after all!
Oh, so now the Germans hate us.....because they allowed our clown to disrespect them and are now speaking out about it and now they hate us? You sick motherfuckers need to get with some fuckin reality and get off this bitch boat of Trumps. The man is a hated bitch, nobody and I mean nobody gives a fuck about Trump, you poor white bitches or conservatives.
White Supremacist Site Defends Alleged Portland Train Stabber
The two slain men hailed as heroes were probably the attackers, according to Andrew Anglin.
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He tweeted our trade deficit with Germany despite it being substantially smaller than our trade deficit with China.

It's one thing to alienate our enemies, it's another to alienate our allies. That's just the latest of an infinite number of reasons this joke is the disaster I knew he would be.
Oh, so now the Germans hate us.....because they allowed our clown to disrespect them and are now speaking out about it and now they hate us? You sick motherfuckers need to get with some fuckin reality and get off this bitch boat of Trumps. The man is a hated bitch, nobody and I mean nobody gives a fuck about Trump, you poor white bitches or conservatives.
And if there is a God, I hope they drop their trade with us and let the south die a slow death, cause they're manufactoring plants are there
He tweeted our trade deficit with Germany despite it being substantially smaller than our trade deficit with China.

It's one thing to alienate our enemies, it's another to alienate our allies. That's just the latest of an infinite number of reasons this joke is the disaster I knew he would be.
The south is talking all this shit.....I hope they pull their cars base out of it and leave these sorry mf to Trump
So "America First" tends to mean "De-stabilize The World!" According to the Leader, minutes after denigrating the NATO allied contributions--a lot of it in blood and horror--then it was off to tell the troops that the money was suddenly, now pouring in, funding NATO(?)! Better than, "AbraKaDabra" is the Word of Donald Trump--in Fantasy World!

The only credible report of the recent few days may have been the sinkhole, at the Florida Real Estate deal.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Following along the Moses Brand, like the people of the Holy Father: Does seem to be getting noted: Even at the U. S. Executive Branch!)
Germans don't hate Americans, they just hate Donald Trump.

Besides that, they're a well mannered people, especially at formal functions. "W" and Trump both act like clowns sometimes, and they don't find any humor in that.

They LOVED Obama
Merkel's gonna look real silly in a burqa.

But, on the plus side, the face mask will cover her

Oh noe! The Germans hate us?! Whatever will we do?

The Germans are going to get us. The Germans are going to get us
The White House is spinning the Republicans on board with the "Strong" new trip of the recent nine days. That would be called, "GOP Fawning Over The Leader," in the usual context. The absence of diplomacy is generally not regarded a mastery of a nuclear arsenal, for example.

Some of the European leaders themselves have access to an arsenal.

Still, normal is something new, now, at the White House!

"Screw 'em!" is thought something new, in all of history, at the White House(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Senator McCain does wonder if (1), all U. S. private citizens should be on-boarding into the inner circle of the Trump Executive Branch, and (2), if all such personnel should be opening private communication links to the Kremlin--especially in the name of personal business, as executive officials(?)!)
Come on, Trumph thinks that deficit is where the National debt came from.

They don't hate us, they think Mister Handy is an idiot with power. They know how bad that can get.
He tweeted our trade deficit with Germany despite it being substantially smaller than our trade deficit with China.

It's one thing to alienate our enemies, it's another to alienate our allies. That's just the latest of an infinite number of reasons this joke is the disaster I knew he would be.

He wants our "ally" to pay their fair share and to not fuck us on trade.

If that is all it takes to "alienate" someone, they were not our allies to begin with.
Damn, snowflakes become 'triggered' so easy....

Yes Merkel is pissed because President Trump called out Merkel / Germany in front of the whole world, demanding they honor their word / commitment to NATO, which they have not done. Of course snowflakes are pissed at Trump because since the election of Obama in 2008 they have been totally against holding anyone accountable for anything.

Yet another triggered butt-hurt snowflake thread...nothing more, nothing less.
So the country that played a major role in starting two world wars and gave the world Adolph Hitler hates us. I will certainly give there opinion all the consideration it deserves.
It's WORLD WAR III as other countries mass against us to DUMP the TRUMP. Can nukes be far off? It's regime change!
Germans don't hate Americans, they just hate Donald Trump.

Besides that, they're a well mannered people, especially at formal functions. "W" and Trump both act like clowns sometimes, and they don't find any humor in that.

They LOVED Obama

Of course they did. He told them how awful Americans are and went on his apology tour showing the world what black ass REALLY looks like!

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