Germany: Level of education lowering massively


Nov 14, 2012
In Germany, the level of education is lowering for two major govt-official reasons, a new study finds:

1.) Immigration policy
Since 2011, the share of foreign students in the forth session has massively increased by a third to now 34 %.
The indiscriminately imported foreigners with few or no German practice at home and a different, unique culture are put together with normal Germans and lower also their education prospects. That although the study only enlisted students that were taught at a German school for at least a year.

2.) Education policy
On one hand there is the destructive policy of "inclusion" that forces normal children to be taught with educationally impaired students. On the other hand there is a shortage of teachers.

We can see, they do everything to lower the level of education. Students are unable to learn because disabled and non-German speaking children make it impossible and teachers are rare. Because teachers are rare they are going to hire unskilled staff. That will generate a fantastic new generation of teachers, I guess.
Overall, the students´ performance has decreased by about 5 % in five years.

The study was executed by:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen

Its result were published at:
A press conference in the Kultusministerkonferenz

IQB-Bildungstrend 2016: Veränderte Schülerschaft stellt Grundschulen vor große Herausforderungen
IQB - Bericht
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With all those illiterate immigrants, Merkel is letting in....who hardly know how to cleanse their bottoms...

you honestly think they will understand Schopenhauer ???????????????

bwahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa too funny for words.

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