Germany's energy from Russia.

Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
Republicans will jump on this as Democrats defending Russia; truth is, as long as Russia doesn’t sabotage our nation (as they did to elect Trump) or invade our allies, I don’t care what they do. I’d be fine with big punishments until Russia leaves Crimea; but these days I see Trump as a greater threat to the west than Russia. So if Germany has to do what it has to do to stay strong, I don’t have a problem with this.

Where’s your proof Russia elected Trump?

The US Senate said Russia helped Trump win.
Trump has called out Germany, big-time and NATO leaders believe
he is going to offer NATO an "either-or" proposition.

The United States or Germany...who do you want to stay?

In reality, he's going after Merkel. She already has taken a hit
in German elections and forced to compromise on Muslim immigration
into that country. Her acceptance in Germany is way down and she is
ripe for having public opinion really shift against her.

Trump is 100% correct on this entire issue. We pay billions to defend
Europe against the Russians and the Europeans pay Russia billions
for energy. If the Russians didn't have those billions coming in, they
would be nothing.

The Europeans are keeping the Russians afloat. And then they want us
to defend them against the Russians.

NATO and the entire EU just isn't used to an American President calling
them out like this. Clinton, W, Zero all made speeches about NATO
not contributing enough, and nothing would come of those speeches.

Not now. Now they have to put up.

They know Trump means business and he will follow up on any promises
they attempt to make.

Or what? Trump will get all red faced & scream more lies?

If Russia needs that money so bad, isn't Germany them controlling Russia?
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.

You just made Trump's argument for him.

Based on your "brilliant" observation, we can just abolish NATO and set up free trade across the globe.

mental midget comes to mind.
Nobody has benefited more from NATO than the U.S. Trump wants to disband it. Mental midget indeed.

The only people benefiting from NATO is the Socialist losers across the pond.

They fund their Socialist society with the money they should be paying us to defend their sorry lazy asses.

Trump has you people so duped that you want to alienate our allies, destroy our alliances & actually think that is better for America,

This is how fucking stupid you people are.
FakeDave fucks it up again.

You are the child that is all good with the Russia deal. Russia is still bad, correct?
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
Germany is already f*ed up from letting a flood of illegal Muslims into the country, only to have them rape, grope, and stab women, break laws, etc. Trump was right to call out the moochers in NATO who aren't honoring their commitment.

And is it Germany you are standing up for...or Russia? Or is it that you are just trying to find any way to attack Trump?

Trump meets with Putin - he's in league with Russia. Trump condemns NATO allies for un-necessarily supporting Russia's economy, and you tell him to back off Russia making money.

Ever since he kicked Hillary's ass he ust can't do anything to make snowflakes happy. :p
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
How is germany an ally of they are funding the Russian military with oil purchases

So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
How is germany an ally of they are funding the Russian military with oil purchases

So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
Are you this dumb in real life? Do you need help getting dressed each day?
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
How is germany an ally of they are funding the Russian military with oil purchases

So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
Are you really dumb enough to compare Russia and Canada?

Yup you just did
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
How is germany an ally of they are funding the Russian military with oil purchases

So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
Are you this dumb in real life? Do you need help getting dressed each day?
lol we said the same thing seconds apart
Imagine if Obama had fought in favor of Russia and Assad. Man, you guys would have.... hmmm... actually you voted for just that in 2016
Stop posting when you are drunk. No one voted for Assad or Russia. Fuck, you are stupid.
Yes you did. For years you all supported the Syrian army against the anti-Assad rebels and wanted Obama to back off of Crimea. I can’t believe you have the gall to pretend otherwise.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.

So, the US did nothing in Syria under Obama.


Are you always this fucking stupid or what?
Stop posting when you are drunk. No one voted for Assad or Russia. Fuck, you are stupid.
Yes you did. For years you all supported the Syrian army against the anti-Assad rebels and wanted Obama to back off of Crimea. I can’t believe you have the gall to pretend otherwise.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.

So, the US did nothing in Syria under Obama.


Are you always this fucking stupid or what?
Trump did more in Syria in one night then obooba did in 8 years
Stop posting when you are drunk. No one voted for Assad or Russia. Fuck, you are stupid.
Yes you did. For years you all supported the Syrian army against the anti-Assad rebels and wanted Obama to back off of Crimea. I can’t believe you have the gall to pretend otherwise.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.

So, the US did nothing in Syria under Obama.


Are you always this fucking stupid or what?

We did something in Syria. We armed terrorists. We sat around and watched people get gassed. Then we ran to Obama's Boss, Putin, and begged him to fix everything. Not a good policy run in Syria.
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
How is germany an ally of they are funding the Russian military with oil purchases

So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
Are you really dumb enough to compare Russia and Canada?

Yup you just did

Two countries selling energy & two countries buying energy.

I compared deals not countries.

According to Trump, both Canada & Russia are national security concerns.
Yes you did. For years you all supported the Syrian army against the anti-Assad rebels and wanted Obama to back off of Crimea. I can’t believe you have the gall to pretend otherwise.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.

So, the US did nothing in Syria under Obama.


Are you always this fucking stupid or what?
Trump did more in Syria in one night then obooba did in 8 years
Bombing a deserted airfield is nothing to brag about.
Stop posting when you are drunk. No one voted for Assad or Russia. Fuck, you are stupid.
Yes you did. For years you all supported the Syrian army against the anti-Assad rebels and wanted Obama to back off of Crimea. I can’t believe you have the gall to pretend otherwise.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?
Stop posting when you are drunk. No one voted for Assad or Russia. Fuck, you are stupid.
Yes you did. For years you all supported the Syrian army against the anti-Assad rebels and wanted Obama to back off of Crimea. I can’t believe you have the gall to pretend otherwise.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.

So, the US did nothing in Syria under Obama.


Are you always this fucking stupid or what?
What did he do?
When Assad gassed his people and crossed the red line, what did Obama do?

the answer is nothing. He did nothing
Trump is basically doing nothing as well, but he was honest about it and didn't create the problem in the first place.
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
How is germany an ally of they are funding the Russian military with oil purchases

So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
Are you really dumb enough to compare Russia and Canada?

Yup you just did

Two countries selling energy & two countries buying energy.

I compared deals not countries.

According to Trump, both Canada & Russia are national security concerns.
Lol we have radar outpost in Canada but in your world they pose a risk to the USA

take your pills
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
How is germany an ally of they are funding the Russian military with oil purchases

So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
Are you really dumb enough to compare Russia and Canada?

Yup you just did

Two countries selling energy & two countries buying energy.

I compared deals not countries.

According to Trump, both Canada & Russia are national security concerns.
For FakeDave's next trick, he will tell us Canada made him vote for Trump. It wasn't the Russians after all.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.

So, the US did nothing in Syria under Obama.


Are you always this fucking stupid or what?
Trump did more in Syria in one night then obooba did in 8 years
Bombing a deserted airfield is nothing to brag about.
The airfield was fully operational
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
How is germany an ally of they are funding the Russian military with oil purchases

So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
See you fail to see the big picture. Canada won't deny us that. Because we could easily take it if we wanted to. they know it. Sure we argue on trade and it will get fixed, but the pipeline is secure, they can't stop us.
Yes you did. For years you all supported the Syrian army against the anti-Assad rebels and wanted Obama to back off of Crimea. I can’t believe you have the gall to pretend otherwise.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?
sure we could imitate you

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