Germany's energy from Russia.

"How’d that work out for Ukraine?"

Well, thanks to Obamakov, not too fucking good. Putin kicked sand in that pussy's face for eight years and knew damn well he wouldn't do a damn thing just like the red line in Syria.

Syria... Another Obama failure. He believed the Russians would help by removing chemical weapons. Damn, Obama was stupid. Every country took advantage of his pathetic ass.
Imagine if Obama had fought in favor of Russia and Assad. Man, you guys would have.... hmmm... actually you voted for just that in 2016
How did he fight in favor of either of those?
Trump abandoned anti-Assad rebels, continues to fight to lift sanctions on Russia, and has abandoned Ukraine. You can argue the merits of doing that or the opposite, but you can't deny that he did it.
Remove sanctions, we've imposed some.

US imposes sanctions against Russian oligarchs and government officials - CNNPolitics

As for Assad, again what did Obama do, nothing....same as what Trump is doing. Going for the devil they know, rather than the one they don't know.
Congress had to vote unanimously to force Trump to enact sanctions. And even then, Trump postponed it as long as possible. Don't bring that weak shit, you dumbass.
Imagine if Obama had fought in favor of Russia and Assad. Man, you guys would have.... hmmm... actually you voted for just that in 2016
Stop posting when you are drunk. No one voted for Assad or Russia. Fuck, you are stupid.
Yes you did. For years you all supported the Syrian army against the anti-Assad rebels and wanted Obama to back off of Crimea. I can’t believe you have the gall to pretend otherwise.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Syria... Another Obama failure. He believed the Russians would help by removing chemical weapons. Damn, Obama was stupid. Every country took advantage of his pathetic ass.
Imagine if Obama had fought in favor of Russia and Assad. Man, you guys would have.... hmmm... actually you voted for just that in 2016
How did he fight in favor of either of those?
Trump abandoned anti-Assad rebels, continues to fight to lift sanctions on Russia, and has abandoned Ukraine. You can argue the merits of doing that or the opposite, but you can't deny that he did it.
Remove sanctions, we've imposed some.

US imposes sanctions against Russian oligarchs and government officials - CNNPolitics

As for Assad, again what did Obama do, nothing....same as what Trump is doing. Going for the devil they know, rather than the one they don't know.
Congress had to vote unanimously to force Trump to enact sanctions. And even then, Trump postponed it as long as possible. Don't bring that weak shit, you dumbass.

It happened, deal with it. Show me where he reduced sanctions......
Syria... Another Obama failure. He believed the Russians would help by removing chemical weapons. Damn, Obama was stupid. Every country took advantage of his pathetic ass.
Imagine if Obama had fought in favor of Russia and Assad. Man, you guys would have.... hmmm... actually you voted for just that in 2016
How did he fight in favor of either of those?
Trump abandoned anti-Assad rebels, continues to fight to lift sanctions on Russia, and has abandoned Ukraine. You can argue the merits of doing that or the opposite, but you can't deny that he did it.
Remove sanctions, we've imposed some.

US imposes sanctions against Russian oligarchs and government officials - CNNPolitics

As for Assad, again what did Obama do, nothing....same as what Trump is doing. Going for the devil they know, rather than the one they don't know.
Congress had to vote unanimously to force Trump to enact sanctions. And even then, Trump postponed it as long as possible. Don't bring that weak shit, you dumbass.

Priceless projection from OldFool. Obambi started Syria and Libya. Obambi stood by and watched Pootie take the Crimea. You're just a doddering old fool pop.
Stop posting when you are drunk. No one voted for Assad or Russia. Fuck, you are stupid.
Yes you did. For years you all supported the Syrian army against the anti-Assad rebels and wanted Obama to back off of Crimea. I can’t believe you have the gall to pretend otherwise.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Remember Dubya obliterating our alliances, forcing Obama to mend them? Next time, no apology will be enough. The rest of the world would be retarded to ever look to the U.S. again.
Imagine if Obama had fought in favor of Russia and Assad. Man, you guys would have.... hmmm... actually you voted for just that in 2016
How did he fight in favor of either of those?
Trump abandoned anti-Assad rebels, continues to fight to lift sanctions on Russia, and has abandoned Ukraine. You can argue the merits of doing that or the opposite, but you can't deny that he did it.
Remove sanctions, we've imposed some.

US imposes sanctions against Russian oligarchs and government officials - CNNPolitics

As for Assad, again what did Obama do, nothing....same as what Trump is doing. Going for the devil they know, rather than the one they don't know.
Congress had to vote unanimously to force Trump to enact sanctions. And even then, Trump postponed it as long as possible. Don't bring that weak shit, you dumbass.

It happened, deal with it. Show me where he reduced sanctions......
It's not my job to defend Trump's failures, snowflake.
Merkel just said she does what's best for Germany. She apparently feels buying oil from Russia benefits her nation. And good on her for that. All nations' leaders should do what's best for their People. Merkel unwittingly, just supported rolling back the awful damage Globalists have done in Europe.

Many nations in Europe are now beginning to demand their independence and sovereignty be restored. Even a Globalist zealot like Merkel, is now getting it. NATO is a Globalist relic of a distant past. Europe can defend itself properly now. NATO can be disbanded. It's served its purpose.
Yes you did. For years you all supported the Syrian army against the anti-Assad rebels and wanted Obama to back off of Crimea. I can’t believe you have the gall to pretend otherwise.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Remember Dubya obliterating our alliances, forcing Obama to mend them? Next time, no apology will be enough. The rest of the world would be retarded to ever look to the U.S. again.
Oh no, they cant suck us dry anymore......The fact is we're the hot chick, we now know it and we're using it.......they wont' go to the ugly chicks.
How did he fight in favor of either of those?
Trump abandoned anti-Assad rebels, continues to fight to lift sanctions on Russia, and has abandoned Ukraine. You can argue the merits of doing that or the opposite, but you can't deny that he did it.
Remove sanctions, we've imposed some.

US imposes sanctions against Russian oligarchs and government officials - CNNPolitics

As for Assad, again what did Obama do, nothing....same as what Trump is doing. Going for the devil they know, rather than the one they don't know.
Congress had to vote unanimously to force Trump to enact sanctions. And even then, Trump postponed it as long as possible. Don't bring that weak shit, you dumbass.

It happened, deal with it. Show me where he reduced sanctions......
It's not my job to defend Trump's failures, snowflake.
no it's your job to provide evidence of your claims, which you can't do. you lie, I'll call you out.....
The left is fucked. First Russia was great. Nothing to worry about. Flexibility, etc.

A couple years later Russia is evil again.

Then the libs think it is great that an alleged ally is now getting 70% of its energy needs from Russia.

Obama was stupid and refused to authorize LGN ports to be built so we could export energy. He screwed the EU and the US at the same time. Double win for the liberals.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Remember Dubya obliterating our alliances, forcing Obama to mend them? Next time, no apology will be enough. The rest of the world would be retarded to ever look to the U.S. again.
Oh no, they cant suck us dry anymore......The fact is we're the hot chick, we now know it and we're using it.......they wont' go to the ugly chicks.
Libs have suffered irreparable brain damage. Just this week they forgot how to breastfeed kids. They needed a damn manual from the UN. They are just dumb.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Remember Dubya obliterating our alliances, forcing Obama to mend them? Next time, no apology will be enough. The rest of the world would be retarded to ever look to the U.S. again.
Oh no, they cant suck us dry anymore......The fact is we're the hot chick, we now know it and we're using it.......they wont' go to the ugly chicks.
Libs have suffered irreparable brain damage. Just this week they forgot how to breastfeed kids. They needed a damn manual from the UN. They are just dumb.

Yeah, the world just can't survive without that UN 'Breastfeeding Resolution.' It's another prime example of why i think UN-funding should be on a voluntary basis. No US Taxpayer should be forced to fund such a corrupt farce.
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
You seem a bit triggered.

Let me help you out since you seem a bit on the uninformed side.

Germany's energy deal with Russia is LINNING THE POCKETS of German political figures. The people who run the company that pockets the profits from the deal are German political heads.
Now don't get me wrong, I think Germany should be able to conduct this underhanded nonsense as it is their country. Having said that they can shove their political hypocrisy right up their ass when it comes to lecturing America about their dealings with Russia.

Now consider yourself thankful for the ACCURATE NEWS and stop watching the fake news channels. They make you look stupid when you parrot their bullshit.
The U.S. is a net energy exporter, and if our pipeline infrastructure is allowed to grow, that will also increase. Europe could be buying the energy from us instead of the Russians.
You guys lack the ability to stay on ANY topic. LOL
What do you want to chat about?
How about Obama refusing to permit new LNG facilities so we could export energy to our allies instead of making them dependent on Russia. Russia is bad this week, right? The left flips around so often, it is hard to keep up.
Good on Merkel. She's doing what's best for Germany. All nations should have the ability to do what's best for themselves. It's time to restore European nations' independence and sovereignty.

Merkel is a Globalist zealot, yet she feels she has to do what's best for her nation. Too bad she's a hypocrite and supports EU bullying against other nations that try to do that. Maybe it's time to end both NATO and the EU?
Good on Merkel. She's doing what's best for Germany. All nations should have the ability to do what's best for themselves. It's time to restore European nations' independence and sovereignty.

Merkel is a Globalist zealot, yet she feels she has to do what's best for her nation. Too bad she's a hypocrite and supports EU bullying against other nations that try to do that. Maybe it's time to end both NATO and the EU?
I was curious about that aspect. What happened to EU negotiated trade agreements? Why is Germany the exception?
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You guys lack the ability to stay on ANY topic. LOL
What do you want to chat about?
How about Obama refusing to permit new LNG facilities so we could export energy to our allies instead of making them dependent on Russia. Russia is bad this week, right? The left flips around so often, it is hard to keep up.
Maybe the OP, but feel free to start new threads. LOL

Part of Trump's bluster may be just to try and garner a bigger market for US gas.

Trump Gives Merkel An Ultimatum: Drop Russian Gas Pipeline Or Trade War Begins

Although Germany's take is that the econ sanctions on Russia were not about destroying that economy. And although I haven't seen a german state it, in an "oblast" or administrative region with 40% plus Russian speaking inhabitants, Ukrainian discrimination is likely

So a political solution continues to be elusive.

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