Germany's energy from Russia.

If Russia is the 'Evil Boogeyman' many are claiming it to be, then scrap the oil deal and buy from the US instead. Merkel and the EU are being very dishonest and hypocritical on this. They're all for punishing Russia with sanctions, yet they try to get around them every chance they get. It's dirty-dealing for sure. So, if they wanna make amends, they should scrap this deal and buy from the US instead.
What, allow Trump to control them. They ain't as fucking stupid as you Trumpettes are.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?

Yeah we know, you are such a band fag you thought Obama was on a winner tour..

BTW how many wedge's did you get in high school anyways?
I love it,. You assholes equate intelligence with weakness.
If Russia is the 'Evil Boogeyman' many are claiming it to be, then scrap the oil deal and buy from the US instead. Merkel and the EU are being very dishonest and hypocritical on this. They're all for punishing Russia with sanctions, yet they try to get around them every chance they get. It's dirty-dealing for sure. So, if they wanna make amends, they should scrap this deal and buy from the US instead.
What, allow Trump to control them. They ain't as fucking stupid as you Trumpettes are.

If they hate Russia so much, scrap the deal. The US will be happy to step in and sell them oil.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?
sure we could imitate you

Doubt bit. It would take thinking, educastion & brains & you;'d have to quit Rush Limbaugh.

Here it is, you can put the tour dates on a t-shirt
Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
The Heritage Foundation.,, You listen to those assdholes & wonder why you are so stupid & misinformed.

I understand that your ilk is trying to erase the slaughter of the Native Americans & Slavery from our history but you can't. I also realizre that you & your ilk are proud of those things.
If Russia is the 'Evil Boogeyman' many are claiming it to be, then scrap the oil deal and buy from the US instead. Merkel and the EU are being very dishonest and hypocritical on this. They're all for punishing Russia with sanctions, yet they try to get around them every chance they get. It's dirty-dealing for sure. So, if they wanna make amends, they should scrap this deal and buy from the US instead.
What, allow Trump to control them. They ain't as fucking stupid as you Trumpettes are.

If they hate Russia so much, scrap the deal. The US will be happy to step in and sell them oil.

So, you don't know the deal & pipeline is for natural gas?
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?

Yeah we know, you are such a band fag you thought Obama was on a winner tour..

BTW how many wedge's did you get in high school anyways?
I love it,. You assholes equate intelligence with weakness.
Not really, but we do equate you with stupidity, FakeDave.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?
sure we could imitate you

Doubt bit. It would take thinking, educastion & brains & you;'d have to quit Rush Limbaugh.

Here it is, you can put the tour dates on a t-shirt
Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
The Heritage Foundation.,, You listen to those assdholes & wonder why you are so stupid & misinformed.

I understand that your ilk is trying to erase the slaughter of the Native Americans & Slavery from our history but you can't. I also realizre that you & your ilk are proud of those things.
LOL, you are a moron, you don't disagree with the findings, just the source, typical lefty, I gave you proof......not shut the fuck up.
If Russia is the 'Evil Boogeyman' many are claiming it to be, then scrap the oil deal and buy from the US instead. Merkel and the EU are being very dishonest and hypocritical on this. They're all for punishing Russia with sanctions, yet they try to get around them every chance they get. It's dirty-dealing for sure. So, if they wanna make amends, they should scrap this deal and buy from the US instead.
What, allow Trump to control them. They ain't as fucking stupid as you Trumpettes are.
What Trump is saying is actually "we pay xdollars to protect you from Russia so you should buy your gas from us, and not Russia."

The reason people like John Kelly roll their eyes is they spent a lifetime working with Nato, and have even seen family members die in wars, and the purpose of Nato has never been to create a closed economic market. THAT is what Puttin wants with his defense and economic alliances. Nato exists to protect free markets in which every player is free to follow the path they see in their self interest. And economic interdependence is a reason to avoid war. Our ulitimate goal is for Russia to join in free trade.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?

Yeah we know, you are such a band fag you thought Obama was on a winner tour..

BTW how many wedge's did you get in high school anyways?
I love it,. You assholes equate intelligence with weakness.
no you equate elitism and snobbery for's not.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?
sure we could imitate you

Doubt bit. It would take thinking, educastion & brains & you;'d have to quit Rush Limbaugh.

Here it is, you can put the tour dates on a t-shirt
Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
The Heritage Foundation.,, You listen to those assdholes & wonder why you are so stupid & misinformed.

I understand that your ilk is trying to erase the slaughter of the Native Americans & Slavery from our history but you can't. I also realizre that you & your ilk are proud of those things.
FakeDave posting more fake history. We went to war to free your slaves. Unfortunately you rebuilt your plantations in the large cities.
If Russia is the 'Evil Boogeyman' many are claiming it to be, then scrap the oil deal and buy from the US instead. Merkel and the EU are being very dishonest and hypocritical on this. They're all for punishing Russia with sanctions, yet they try to get around them every chance they get. It's dirty-dealing for sure. So, if they wanna make amends, they should scrap this deal and buy from the US instead.
What, allow Trump to control them. They ain't as fucking stupid as you Trumpettes are.

If they hate Russia so much, scrap the deal. The US will be happy to step in and sell them oil.

So, you don't know the deal & pipeline is for natural gas?

But but, i thought Russia was an Evil Boogeyman? Why is Merkel making it rich?
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?
sure we could imitate you

Doubt bit. It would take thinking, educastion & brains & you;'d have to quit Rush Limbaugh.

Here it is, you can put the tour dates on a t-shirt
Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
The Heritage Foundation.,, You listen to those assdholes & wonder why you are so stupid & misinformed.

I understand that your ilk is trying to erase the slaughter of the Native Americans & Slavery from our history but you can't. I also realizre that you & your ilk are proud of those things.
FakeDave posting more fake history. We went to war to free your slaves. Unfortunately you rebuilt your plantations in the large cities.
BINGO!!!!!! those crafty democrats......and they always hate one race or another.
If Russia is the 'Evil Boogeyman' many are claiming it to be, then scrap the oil deal and buy from the US instead. Merkel and the EU are being very dishonest and hypocritical on this. They're all for punishing Russia with sanctions, yet they try to get around them every chance they get. It's dirty-dealing for sure. So, if they wanna make amends, they should scrap this deal and buy from the US instead.
What, allow Trump to control them. They ain't as fucking stupid as you Trumpettes are.
What Trump is saying is actually "we pay xdollars to protect you from Russia so you should buy your gas from us, and not Russia."

The reason people like John Kelly roll their eyes is they spent a lifetime working with Nato, and have even seen family members die in wars, and the purpose of Nato has never been to create a closed economic market. THAT is what Puttin wants with his defense and economic alliances. Nato exists to protect free markets in which every player is free to follow the path they see in their self interest. And economic interdependence is a reason to avoid war. Our ulitimate goal is for Russia to join in free trade.

That's not why NATO was created. You should look into history a bit more. NATO is no longer a defensive entity. It's an aggressor now. It's all around the world bombing nations that are absolutely no threat to Europe and the US. It's no longer adhering to its original charter. But regardless, US Taxpayers rebuilt Europe. Isn't that enough? Let's ditch NATO and come home.
sure we could imitate you

Doubt bit. It would take thinking, educastion & brains & you;'d have to quit Rush Limbaugh.

Here it is, you can put the tour dates on a t-shirt
Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
The Heritage Foundation.,, You listen to those assdholes & wonder why you are so stupid & misinformed.

I understand that your ilk is trying to erase the slaughter of the Native Americans & Slavery from our history but you can't. I also realizre that you & your ilk are proud of those things.
FakeDave posting more fake history. We went to war to free your slaves. Unfortunately you rebuilt your plantations in the large cities.
BINGO!!!!!! those crafty democrats......and they always hate one race or another.
For liberal asshats it is all about control. If they lost the ability to buy votes with other people's money, the plantation uprisings and enlightenment would begin.
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
How is germany an ally of they are funding the Russian military with oil purchases

So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
Are you really dumb enough to compare Russia and Canada?

Yup you just did

Two countries selling energy & two countries buying energy.

I compared deals not countries.

According to Trump, both Canada & Russia are national security concerns.
Lol we have radar outpost in Canada but in your world they pose a risk to the USA

take your pills

If we put a 25% Tariff on Chinese steel and do not put the same tariff on Canada and Mexico, what would prevent China from transshipping its steel through Canada and/or Mexico and completely evade the tariff?

Steel and aluminum are national security industries, and we need to ensure we have the production capability and the expertise to produce those products.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?

Yeah we know, you are such a band fag you thought Obama was on a winner tour..

BTW how many wedge's did you get in high school anyways?
I love it,. You assholes equate intelligence with weakness.

Remind us again what legacy didn't Trump destroy of Obama's?

Yes little one Obama went on an apology tour ...for America"s greatest

How is germany an ally of they are funding the Russian military with oil purchases

So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
Are you really dumb enough to compare Russia and Canada?

Yup you just did

Two countries selling energy & two countries buying energy.

I compared deals not countries.

According to Trump, both Canada & Russia are national security concerns.
Lol we have radar outpost in Canada but in your world they pose a risk to the USA

take your pills

If we put a 25% Tariff on Chinese steel and do not put the same tariff on Canada and Mexico, what would prevent China from transshipping its steel through Canada and/or Mexico and completely evade the tariff?

Steel and aluminum are national security industries, and we need to ensure we have the production capability and the expertise to produce those products.
good point! That is one of the things Trump spoke with Trudeau on.

Trump was concerned that Chinese steel was entering United States through Canada: source | CBC News
How is germany an ally of they are funding the Russian military with oil purchases

So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
Are you really dumb enough to compare Russia and Canada?

Yup you just did

Two countries selling energy & two countries buying energy.

I compared deals not countries.

According to Trump, both Canada & Russia are national security concerns.
Lol we have radar outpost in Canada but in your world they pose a risk to the USA

take your pills

If we put a 25% Tariff on Chinese steel and do not put the same tariff on Canada and Mexico, what would prevent China from transshipping its steel through Canada and/or Mexico and completely evade the tariff?

Steel and aluminum are national security industries, and we need to ensure we have the production capability and the expertise to produce those products.
Nope steel cost too much to transport, shipping it to another country might increase the cost 50 percent for the shipper

try again
If Russia is the 'Evil Boogeyman' many are claiming it to be, then scrap the oil deal and buy from the US instead. Merkel and the EU are being very dishonest and hypocritical on this. They're all for punishing Russia with sanctions, yet they try to get around them every chance they get. It's dirty-dealing for sure. So, if they wanna make amends, they should scrap this deal and buy from the US instead.
What, allow Trump to control them. They ain't as fucking stupid as you Trumpettes are.

If they hate Russia so much, scrap the deal. The US will be happy to step in and sell them oil.

So, you don't know the deal & pipeline is for natural gas?

But but, i thought Russia was an Evil Boogeyman? Why is Merkel making it rich?

But Russia spends more for German products so your argument is just stupid.
So, the Keystone XL is making us dependent on Canada on whom we put tariffs because of national security?
Are you really dumb enough to compare Russia and Canada?

Yup you just did

Two countries selling energy & two countries buying energy.

I compared deals not countries.

According to Trump, both Canada & Russia are national security concerns.
Lol we have radar outpost in Canada but in your world they pose a risk to the USA

take your pills

If we put a 25% Tariff on Chinese steel and do not put the same tariff on Canada and Mexico, what would prevent China from transshipping its steel through Canada and/or Mexico and completely evade the tariff?

Steel and aluminum are national security industries, and we need to ensure we have the production capability and the expertise to produce those products.
Nope steel cost too much to transport, shipping it to another country might increase the cost 50 percent for the shipper

try again

I can send a truckload of steel products to Vietnam cheaper than I can ship it across country.

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