Germany's energy from Russia.

Yes you did. For years you all supported the Syrian army against the anti-Assad rebels and wanted Obama to back off of Crimea. I can’t believe you have the gall to pretend otherwise.
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?

Yeah we know, you are such a band fag you thought Obama was on a winner tour..

BTW how many wedge's did you get in high school anyways?
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Remember Dubya obliterating our alliances, forcing Obama to mend them? Next time, no apology will be enough. The rest of the world would be retarded to ever look to the U.S. again.
Oh no, they cant suck us dry anymore......The fact is we're the hot chick, we now know it and we're using it.......they wont' go to the ugly chicks.
Libs have suffered irreparable brain damage. Just this week they forgot how to breastfeed kids. They needed a damn manual from the UN. They are just dumb.
Wow, Twist that strory around much?

I know you assholes are too fucking inbred to know it, but breastfeeding is best for infants. But that concept should not be advertised to developing countrties so corporations can sell baby formula.

First you put children in cages & now you vote against making infants healthier.
'Is there anything you asswipes won't do to defend that giant orange POS you chose to run this great country?
Pure fantasy on your part. Obama was a pussy and everyone knew it. He pussed out in Syria and Crimea. Now he did send a lot of money and weapons to the ME, but that was used to fund ISIS and other terror groups.

Obama did whatever Russia told him to do. He was their bitch.

Send Billions to Iran
Ignore Crimea
Allow Syria to retain WMD's

He used the flexibility he bragged about to benefit his boss.
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?
sure we could imitate you

Doubt bit. It would take thinking, educastion & brains & you;'d have to quit Rush Limbaugh.
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.

You just made Trump's argument for him.

Based on your "brilliant" observation, we can just abolish NATO and set up free trade across the globe.

mental midget comes to mind.
Nobody has benefited more from NATO than the U.S. Trump wants to disband it. Mental midget indeed.

Exactly how has America benefitted from NATO?
Explain yourself.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Remember Dubya obliterating our alliances, forcing Obama to mend them? Next time, no apology will be enough. The rest of the world would be retarded to ever look to the U.S. again.
Oh no, they cant suck us dry anymore......The fact is we're the hot chick, we now know it and we're using it.......they wont' go to the ugly chicks.
Libs have suffered irreparable brain damage. Just this week they forgot how to breastfeed kids. They needed a damn manual from the UN. They are just dumb.
Wow, Twist that strory around much?

I know you assholes are too fucking inbred to know it, but breastfeeding is best for infants. But that concept should not be advertised to developing countrties so corporations can sell baby formula.

First you put children in cages & now you vote against making infants healthier.
'Is there anything you asswipes won't do to defend that giant orange POS you chose to run this great country?
Obama put people in cages, you didn't give a fuck, so spare us with your talking points. Good to know that NOW you want kids in prison with their parents. The Menendez boys were separated from their parents, but it was because they killed them. It happens, don't send your kids to America by themselves. And don't come here unless we told you it was's not hard.

And you guys need a manual for breastfeeding? First sex ed, now breastfeeding, how do you guys function without a manual?
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?
sure we could imitate you

Doubt bit. It would take thinking, educastion & brains & you;'d have to quit Rush Limbaugh.

Here it is, you can put the tour dates on a t-shirt
Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
What did you want Obama to do instead? You voted for Assad to retain power, for Crimea to be cemented as Russian, and for Iran to keep their benefits from the deal while not having to adhere to it. So I don't really think you have any place to say a single fucking thing.
Was Obama going to kick Assad out? He had 8 years, they gassed people, Obama did nothing about it. Talk more shit.
Remember the Obama apology tour? Guy was a fucking disaster.
Yet another stupid fuck with this apology tour bullshit. Can you people get any dumber?
sure we could imitate you

Doubt bit. It would take thinking, educastion & brains & you;'d have to quit Rush Limbaugh.
your IQ is 95 at best, but you do not know because no one test retards
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Trump has called out Germany, big-time and NATO leaders believe
he is going to offer NATO an "either-or" proposition.

The United States or Germany...who do you want to stay?

In reality, he's going after Merkel. She already has taken a hit
in German elections and forced to compromise on Muslim immigration
into that country. Her acceptance in Germany is way down and she is
ripe for having public opinion really shift against her.

Trump is 100% correct on this entire issue. We pay billions to defend
Europe against the Russians and the Europeans pay Russia billions
for energy. If the Russians didn't have those billions coming in, they
would be nothing.

The Europeans are keeping the Russians afloat. And then they want us
to defend them against the Russians.

NATO and the entire EU just isn't used to an American President calling
them out like this. Clinton, W, Zero all made speeches about NATO
not contributing enough, and nothing would come of those speeches.

Not now. Now they have to put up.

They know Trump means business and he will follow up on any promises
they attempt to make.

Or what? Trump will get all red faced & scream more lies?

If Russia needs that money so bad, isn't Germany them controlling Russia?

Huh? How fucking stupid are you?

Russia can turn off more than 2/3's of Germany's electric grid.

Russia is calling on the shots on that one.

But Merkel understands. Remember she was raised in East Germany.
Hell, she's one of them.
Merkel Took too many concussions during her NFL days. She lost her fucking mind, and seems intent upon destroying Germany.
HUH?????? For the last two years, you guys have been saying that Russia is an evil country led by the devil, but, oh, now you say it's okay for Germany to pump over $100 billion into Russia's economy with a natural gas pipeline deal. Of course, you're only saying that because Trump is (rightly) attacking the pipeline deal, and you can't allow yourself to agree with Trump on anything.

Tell me: Would you be okay with Germany buying tens of billions of dollars of natural gas from Iran and Syria too?
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
Republicans will jump on this as Democrats defending Russia; truth is, as long as Russia doesn’t sabotage our nation (as they did to elect Trump) or invade our allies, I don’t care what they do. I’d be fine with big punishments until Russia leaves Crimea; but these days I see Trump as a greater threat to the west than Russia. So if Germany has to do what it has to do to stay strong, I don’t have a problem with this.

Where’s your proof Russia elected Trump?
Unanimous agreement from investigations by the Senate and all of our intelligence agencies. Now sit the FUCK down you dumb bitch.

You must be a misogynist like that man you so loathe. LOL
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
Republicans will jump on this as Democrats defending Russia; truth is, as long as Russia doesn’t sabotage our nation (as they did to elect Trump) or invade our allies, I don’t care what they do. I’d be fine with big punishments until Russia leaves Crimea; but these days I see Trump as a greater threat to the west than Russia. So if Germany has to do what it has to do to stay strong, I don’t have a problem with this.

Where’s your proof Russia elected Trump?
Unanimous agreement from investigations by the Senate and all of our intelligence agencies. Now sit the FUCK down you dumb bitch.

Then why is there still an investigation going on, hmm? Has Mueller wrapped things up and I missed the headlines? Or are you just going to name-call again to convince me of how smart you are? Funny how the only people who ever call me dumb are total strangers on the internet. I’d LOVE for you to say that to my face.
Well, our dumbass President keeps spouting crap & insulting our allies & the American people.

This idea that Germany's buying Russian energy is such a horrible thing as it sends money to Russia is really stupid. The important number is trade balance.

Who cares if Germany sends billions to Russia if it gets it back when Russia spends billions for German goods?

Russia imports more from Germany than Germany buys from Russia.

The US imports more from Russia than Russia buys from the US, so Trump should be explaining to Germany why we are supporting the country that we are bitching at Germany for not investing enough in defense from.

So who has gained more control in this energy business between Germany & Russia? Who needs it more?

Certain, if Russia cut off the energy, Germany would face turmoil until other sources are arranged. But Russia also needs that sale & they would be hurt economically if Germany quit buying.

The gist is this: Trump is a bloviating fool who is embarrassing us & thereby insulting our intelligence. when he made this remark yesterday.
Republicans will jump on this as Democrats defending Russia; truth is, as long as Russia doesn’t sabotage our nation (as they did to elect Trump) or invade our allies, I don’t care what they do. I’d be fine with big punishments until Russia leaves Crimea; but these days I see Trump as a greater threat to the west than Russia. So if Germany has to do what it has to do to stay strong, I don’t have a problem with this.

Where’s your proof Russia elected Trump?

The US Senate said Russia helped Trump win.

Doesn’t mean shit. I’ll wait for Mueller’s diagnosis... if he ever gets there, that is.
Good on Merkel. She's doing what's best for Germany. All nations should have the ability to do what's best for themselves. It's time to restore European nations' independence and sovereignty.

Merkel is a Globalist zealot, yet she feels she has to do what's best for her nation. Too bad she's a hypocrite and supports EU bullying against other nations that try to do that. Maybe it's time to end both NATO and the EU?
Agreed except for the part "Merkel is doing what's the best for Germany". It obviously isn't so, you can see she's a traitor to her nation after she has flooded EU (including Germany) with Muslim refugees/terrorists. Her positions have been shaky lately, so she's doing what's good for her, not Germany.

Also I'd like to stress that all that anti-Russian hysteria only benefits Deep State and their puppets all over the world. No need to help them unless we want them to keep flourishing.

Yeah, she represents the worst of the worst as far as NWO Globalist Elites go. You made some great points. It's time to scrap both the EU and NATO.
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You guys lack the ability to stay on ANY topic. LOL
What do you want to chat about?
How about Obama refusing to permit new LNG facilities so we could export energy to our allies instead of making them dependent on Russia. Russia is bad this week, right? The left flips around so often, it is hard to keep up.
Maybe the OP, but feel free to start new threads. LOL

Part of Trump's bluster may be just to try and garner a bigger market for US gas.

Trump Gives Merkel An Ultimatum: Drop Russian Gas Pipeline Or Trade War Begins

Although Germany's take is that the econ sanctions on Russia were not about destroying that economy. And although I haven't seen a german state it, in an "oblast" or administrative region with 40% plus Russian speaking inhabitants, Ukrainian discrimination is likely

So a political solution continues to be elusive.

So do you support Germany buying all that oil from Russia?
It's actually the EU countries and not "Germany."

But I think my post was clear. The pro-Putin folks would complain Nato was about destabilization. I'd argue that the newly independent E. European counties had good reason to see Putin as a threat to their post-soviet independence, and given events in Georgia and Modova and the Baltics that's proven out.

But, I'm not sure even die hard neocons wanted to destabilize Russia to the point of economic and political collapse. Putin is not the worst case scenario in a society where Stalin is still seen positively.

It's not really our call where Europe gets natl gas. The US proposal of shipping it over there from us in ships is nonsensical, and that may be Trump's proposal. There are two other options. 1. A pipeline from the Persian Gulf (or somewhere east) across several possible ME countries and the med, or 2) Russia. Obviously both paths have geopolitical dangers.

But EU gas imports are already down something like 20% because of alternatives.

So, I don't think some Russian blackmail ultimatum forcing Europe to do something is really in the offing. It's sort of mutually assured destruction.

Rather, I think the issue is more about finding a way for Russian speakers in former Soviet areas to be given an alternative of full integration into the non-Russian countries. And making Russia see that as their best deal and being able to live with the consequences.

Sounds like a lot of desperate excuses to me. Scrap the Russian deal, and buy from the US. I'm sure that's what Trump's working on over there. There's more to his rippin Merkel a new one, than most think. If Russia's such an 'Evil Boogeyman', scrap the deal and buy from the US instead.
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Good on Merkel. She's doing what's best for Germany. All nations should have the ability to do what's best for themselves. It's time to restore European nations' independence and sovereignty.

Merkel is a Globalist zealot, yet she feels she has to do what's best for her nation. Too bad she's a hypocrite and supports EU bullying against other nations that try to do that. Maybe it's time to end both NATO and the EU?
Agreed except for the part "Merkel is doing what's the best for Germany". It obviously isn't so, you can see she's a traitor to her nation after she has flooded EU (including Germany) with Muslim refugees/terrorists. Her positions have been shaky lately, so she's doing what's good for her, not Germany.

Also I'd like to stress that all that anti-Russian hysteria only benefits Deep State and their puppets all over the world. No need to help them unless we want them to keep flourishing.
How is allowing refugees good for Merkel?

It's good for her NWO Masters, like George Soros. Destroying sovereignty and identity, is a big part of the Globalist Agenda. But hopefully the end of her reign of terror is near.
Good on Merkel. She's doing what's best for Germany. All nations should have the ability to do what's best for themselves. It's time to restore European nations' independence and sovereignty.

Merkel is a Globalist zealot, yet she feels she has to do what's best for her nation. Too bad she's a hypocrite and supports EU bullying against other nations that try to do that. Maybe it's time to end both NATO and the EU?
Agreed except for the part "Merkel is doing what's the best for Germany". It obviously isn't so, you can see she's a traitor to her nation after she has flooded EU (including Germany) with Muslim refugees/terrorists. Her positions have been shaky lately, so she's doing what's good for her, not Germany.

Also I'd like to stress that all that anti-Russian hysteria only benefits Deep State and their puppets all over the world. No need to help them unless we want them to keep flourishing.
How is allowing refugees good for Merkel?

It's good for her NWO Masters, like George Soros. Destroying sovereignty and identity, is a big part of the Globalist Agenda. But hopefully the end of her reign of terror is near.
Soros needs to be prosecuted first as a war criminal. And after that whole bunch of his puppets/EU "leaders" will fall automatically.
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If Russia is the 'Evil Boogeyman' many are claiming it to be, then scrap the oil deal and buy from the US instead. Merkel and the EU are being very dishonest and hypocritical on this. They're all for punishing Russia with sanctions, yet they try to get around them every chance they get. It's dirty-dealing for sure. So, if they wanna make amends, they should scrap this deal and buy from the US instead.
Good on Merkel. She's doing what's best for Germany. All nations should have the ability to do what's best for themselves. It's time to restore European nations' independence and sovereignty.

Merkel is a Globalist zealot, yet she feels she has to do what's best for her nation. Too bad she's a hypocrite and supports EU bullying against other nations that try to do that. Maybe it's time to end both NATO and the EU?
Agreed except for the part "Merkel is doing what's the best for Germany". It obviously isn't so, you can see she's a traitor to her nation after she has flooded EU (including Germany) with Muslim refugees/terrorists. Her positions have been shaky lately, so she's doing what's good for her, not Germany.

Also I'd like to stress that all that anti-Russian hysteria only benefits Deep State and their puppets all over the world. No need to help them unless we want them to keep flourishing.
How is allowing refugees good for Merkel?

It's good for her NWO Masters, like George Soros. Destroying sovereignty and identity, is a big part of the Globalist Agenda. But hopefully the end of her reign of terror is near.
Soros needs to be prosecuted first as a war criminal. And after that whole bunch of his puppets/EU "leaders" will fall.

I agree 100%. And he owns the US Democratic Party. He's brought his NWO Globalist nightmare to the US. Our nation is in grave danger. He has to be stopped.
Good on Merkel. She's doing what's best for Germany. All nations should have the ability to do what's best for themselves. It's time to restore European nations' independence and sovereignty.

Merkel is a Globalist zealot, yet she feels she has to do what's best for her nation. Too bad she's a hypocrite and supports EU bullying against other nations that try to do that. Maybe it's time to end both NATO and the EU?
Agreed except for the part "Merkel is doing what's the best for Germany". It obviously isn't so, you can see she's a traitor to her nation after she has flooded EU (including Germany) with Muslim refugees/terrorists. Her positions have been shaky lately, so she's doing what's good for her, not Germany.

Also I'd like to stress that all that anti-Russian hysteria only benefits Deep State and their puppets all over the world. No need to help them unless we want them to keep flourishing.
How is allowing refugees good for Merkel?

It's good for her NWO Masters, like George Soros. Destroying sovereignty and identity, is a big part of the Globalist Agenda. But hopefully the end of her reign of terror is near.
Soros needs to be prosecuted first as a war criminal. And after that whole bunch of his puppets/EU "leaders" will fall.

I agree 100%. And he owns the US Democratic Party. He's brought his NWO Globalist nightmare to the US. Our nation is in grave danger. He has to be stopped.
Because the world does not exist & we can ignore it.

Our nation was doing good before you shitbags elected a fraud & business cheat who thinks he just knows everything.

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