Get Our Troops Out of Syria, Mr. President


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
This is one of the few areas I agree with the blob. Bring the troops home from the Middle East.

Why are they still there?
War profiteering is not beholden to any one party. When push comes to shove it’s a rare area of bipartisanship...
This is one of the few areas I agree with the blob. Bring the troops home from the Middle East.

Why are they still there?
Because it takes time to disengage from the illegal war the Kenyan Faggot got us into after he bypassed Congress...
The zionist lobby wants them there which is one reason the neocon democrats are perpetrating the ridiculous coup attempt. prob>


This is one of the few areas I agree with the blob. Bring the troops home from the Middle East.

Why are they still there?
They’re there because the idiot Bush destabilized the entire Region with his unnecessary, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ISIS was in essence Sunni Muslims seeking to retake control of Iraq from the Shiite majority who took power the consequence of overthrowing Saddam.
This is one of the few areas I agree with the blob. Bring the troops home from the Middle East.

Why are they still there?
They’re there because the idiot Bush destabilized the entire Region with his unnecessary, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ISIS was in essence Sunni Muslims seeking to retake control of Iraq from the Shiite majority who took power the consequence of overthrowing Saddam.
But don't forget that your "Magic Negro" shipped arms to ISIS in an attempt to facilitate another "Arab Spring" in Syria...
This is one of the few areas I agree with the blob. Bring the troops home from the Middle East.

Why are they still there?
They’re there because the idiot Bush destabilized the entire Region with his unnecessary, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ISIS was in essence Sunni Muslims seeking to retake control of Iraq from the Shiite majority who took power the consequence of overthrowing Saddam.

who cares?

there is no win to be had over there. We have a presidential blob who doesn’t want troops there.

just give the order and bring them home.
Pull them out.
Dont send troops to SA.
Bring many of our troops home.
How much war and death does it take to satisfy you people?
You would think that the EU and NATO would be more involved in the ME tamping down ISIS and keeping Syria safe so that fleeing migrants wouldn't invade the EU. But no, NATO bailed on Syria, Turkey invades, the Kurds get slaughtered, and Trump wisely is getting the US troops out of the way. If NATO can't deal with Syria, the US needs to disengage too. The ME has always been a puss case, no sense wasting any more US lives or treasure on it.
Trump is about to have Pence and Pompeo threaten Turkey now that Turkey has proven themselves to be just another Muslim terrorist nation.
This is one of the few areas I agree with the blob. Bring the troops home from the Middle East.

Why are they still there?
They’re there because the idiot Bush destabilized the entire Region with his unnecessary, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ISIS was in essence Sunni Muslims seeking to retake control of Iraq from the Shiite majority who took power the consequence of overthrowing Saddam.
Who sent the troops there, jackass?
This is one of the few areas I agree with the blob. Bring the troops home from the Middle East.

Why are they still there?
They’re there because the idiot Bush destabilized the entire Region with his unnecessary, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ISIS was in essence Sunni Muslims seeking to retake control of Iraq from the Shiite majority who took power the consequence of overthrowing Saddam.
Who sent the troops there, jackass?
That's where ISIS was, fuckwit.
This is one of the few areas I agree with the blob. Bring the troops home from the Middle East.

Why are they still there?
They’re there because the idiot Bush destabilized the entire Region with his unnecessary, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ISIS was in essence Sunni Muslims seeking to retake control of Iraq from the Shiite majority who took power the consequence of overthrowing Saddam.
But don't forget that your "Magic Negro" shipped arms to ISIS in an attempt to facilitate another "Arab Spring" in Syria...

The arm sales were approved by Congress and went to our supposed allies. Senator McCain was seen in a picture with our pals over there. To say the USA shipped arms to ISIS is a flat out lie.
This is one of the few areas I agree with the blob. Bring the troops home from the Middle East.

Why are they still there?
They’re there because the idiot Bush destabilized the entire Region with his unnecessary, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

ISIS was in essence Sunni Muslims seeking to retake control of Iraq from the Shiite majority who took power the consequence of overthrowing Saddam.
Who sent the troops there, jackass?

They were there supporting the groups who retook the land ISIS was controlling. You remember ISIS right? Turkey didn't get rid of them. Syria didn't get rid of them. We didn't launch an invasion like we did in Iraq. Obama (Generals) formed a coalition of people who had skin in the game. Trumpybear continues that coalition (probably because the military would mutiny if he try to let ISIS go). Trumpybear just betrayed the coalition.

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