Get ready for the "gun control" narrative and "but but Christians"

Any other fundamental rights you wish to deny citizens because they're "on a list"? Or shall we simply do away with due process all together?

I'm all for well-regulated militias. You know, you can't join a well-regulated militia if you are a communist, a nazi or a Jihadist.

Still obfuscating I see. You support denying fundamental rights without due process. Defend it.
Thank you for acknowledging that the constitution contains language giving congress legislative authority to restrict the acquisition or possession of arms by the people of the several states.

Which was point point from the start.

Guy, guns were restricted between 1933 and 2008, until Scalia had his bizarre interpretation.

Now that guy is dead and we will get sanity again.

Guy, guns were restricted between 1933 and 2008, until Scalia had his bizarre interpretation.

Now that guy is dead and we will get sanity again.


I see that you still haven't found the legislative power to restrict the acquisition and possession of arms. You can stop looking. There is no such power in the constitution.
I see that you still haven't found the legislative power to restrict the acquisition and possession of arms. You can stop looking. There is no such power in the constitution.

The constitution is what SCOTUS says it is. After we stack it, it will say that.
The constitution is what SCOTUS says it is.

Your statement is a logical impossibility. The constitution existed and was ratified prior to the existence of the supreme court. So obviously it was what it was PRIOR TO the existence of the supreme court.

And if you look in article I, section 8 where congress's legislative powers are listed, you won't find any power to restrict the acquisition or possession of arms by the people of the states.
These Libtards cannot explain how stricter gun control laws could have stopped the Radical Muslim attacks in very strict gun control law California or the Muslim attack yesterday.

They always have a very hard time explaining how more gun control laws can curtail the crime in Chicago, that has the strictest gun control laws in the country.

June to Date
Shot & Killed: 23
Shot & Wounded: 126
Total Shot: 149
Total Homicides: 25

2016 Stats Shortlink
Last Week’s Totals (6/5 – 6/11)
Shot & Killed: 10
Shot & Wounded: 71
Total Shot: 81
Total Homicides: 11

2016 Stats Shortlink
Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 254
Shot & Wounded: 1424
Total Shot: 1678
Total Homicides: 285

Liberals are clueless. The problem is not a lack of gun control as President Shit for Brains and Crooked Hillary have been saying. It is the lack of courage to deal with crime in the Black community and to deal with Radical Islam terrorism.

The Moon Bats elected a politically correct coward when they elected Obama and they are so stupid as to vote for Crooked Hillary, who is just as bad.
Your statement is a logical impossibility. The constitution existed and was ratified prior to the existence of the supreme court. So obviously it was what it was PRIOR TO the existence of the supreme court.

And if you look in article I, section 8 where congress's legislative powers are listed, you won't find any power to restrict the acquisition or possession of arms by the people of the states.

Guy, you are going into pure Corky Mode, and we are going to have to put your helmet on when you start banging your head against the wall

Fact is, the courts HAVE upheld the right of Congress and the States and Cities to pass gun restrictions. This is not even an issue for discussion.

see US v. Miller, to start with.
These Libtards cannot explain how stricter gun control laws could have stopped the Radical Muslim attacks in very strict gun control law California or the Muslim attack yesterday.

They always have a very hard time explaining how more gun control laws can curtail the crime in Chicago, that has the strictest gun control laws in the country.

Well, for starters,t he gun laws in Chicago were all nullified in 2010. After which the murder rate shot up.

second, no gun laws in this country are specifically that strict or that well-enforced.

Here's the thing. Other countries DO have strict gun laws and they don't have incidents like this.
It is comical to see the confused Libtards advocating taking Constitutional rights away from law abiding Americans with draconian gun control laws (that never work) but they don't want to confront radical Muslims in this country. Hell, their stupid President and that idiot they are planning on voting for in November don't even have the courage to say the words "radical Islam".

If the Libtards would be a concerned about the Muslims as they are hateful towards law abiding Americans enjoying Constitutional rights then we would be better off.
Guy, you are going into pure Corky Mode, and we are going to have to put your helmet on when you start banging your head against the wall

Fact is, the courts HAVE upheld the right of Congress and the States and Cities to pass gun restrictions. This is not even an issue for discussion.

see US v. Miller, to start with.

Again, more hand waving without addressing my statement. Get back to me when you find congress's power to restrict the acquisition and possession of arms by the people of the states.
Still obfuscating I see. You support denying fundamental rights without due process. Defend it.

Sure. I don't want to see anyone I care about killed by ISIS.

Why do you support ISIS?

Thank's for proving once and for all your support of tyranny.

Next up, let's incarcerate people that make dumb ass comments online. No due process required.
Yes, that is all we are going to hear from the left.

Get ready. They are such losers.

Even in a tragedy, never pass up a chance to DIVIDE the country, right moron?

Yep, Obama is right on that with his speech writers. Stay tuned!
And another rightwing scumbag chimes in proving conservatives wish only to divide the American people and exploit a tragic event for some perceived partisan gain and ‘justify’ their bigotry and hate.

Is that why we have the tragedy at San Bernardino being used as a platform for gun control over concerns surrounding weaknesses in our national security terrorism efforts?

Incidentally, why is Obama the only president in recent history to be specifically told not to attend the site of a tragedy, if such tragedies were not used as more a political tool inciting division than genuine honest remorse towards the victims?

Tell us what law you want brought in that would have stopped this? This is a US Citizen killing other US Citizens...
Yes, that is all we are going to hear from the left.

Get ready. They are such losers.

Even in a tragedy, never pass up a chance to DIVIDE the country, right moron?

Yep, Obama is right on that with his speech writers. Stay tuned!
And another rightwing scumbag chimes in proving conservatives wish only to divide the American people and exploit a tragic event for some perceived partisan gain and ‘justify’ their bigotry and hate.

Is that why we have the tragedy at San Bernardino being used as a platform for gun control over concerns surrounding weaknesses in our national security terrorism efforts?

Incidentally, why is Obama the only president in recent history to be specifically told not to attend the site of a tragedy, if such tragedies were not used as more a political tool inciting division than genuine honest remorse towards the victims?

Tell us what law you want brought in that would have stopped this? This is a US Citizen killing other US Citizens...

This is a known Radical Islamist killing US Citizens.

Communism. Fascism. Islamism. All three are authoritarian political ideologies in which non-believers are deserving of death. Anyone who embraces one of these has ideologically rejected his American citizenship. The Gay Night Club Shooter puts Sharia law above The Constitution. That is treason.
It is comical to see the confused Libtards advocating taking Constitutional rights away from law abiding Americans with draconian gun control laws (that never work) but they don't want to confront radical Muslims in this country. Hell, their stupid President and that idiot they are planning on voting for in November don't even have the courage to say the words "radical Islam".

If the Libtards would be a concerned about the Muslims as they are hateful towards law abiding Americans enjoying Constitutional rights then we would be better off.

I'm curious how saying the words "Radical Islam" would stop mentally ill people from doing something crazy.

Especially since Holmes, Lanza, Loughner, Cho weren't Muslims, but still did crazy stuff with guns.

Oh, gun control works just fine in Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, Italy, Australia.
Thank's for proving once and for all your support of tyranny.

Next up, let's incarcerate people that make dumb ass comments online. No due process required.

When dumb shit said on line leaves 50 dead bodies on the floor, I'll seriously consider it.

33,000 gun deaths a year because you guys have a fetish. Enough is enough.
Yes, that is all we are going to hear from the left.

Get ready. They are such losers.

Even in a tragedy, never pass up a chance to DIVIDE the country, right moron?

Yep, Obama is right on that with his speech writers. Stay tuned!
And another rightwing scumbag chimes in proving conservatives wish only to divide the American people and exploit a tragic event for some perceived partisan gain and ‘justify’ their bigotry and hate.

Is that why we have the tragedy at San Bernardino being used as a platform for gun control over concerns surrounding weaknesses in our national security terrorism efforts?

Incidentally, why is Obama the only president in recent history to be specifically told not to attend the site of a tragedy, if such tragedies were not used as more a political tool inciting division than genuine honest remorse towards the victims?

Tell us what law you want brought in that would have stopped this? This is a US Citizen killing other US Citizens...

For one thing, if our government wants to advertise at locations, such as airports, "if you see something say something" ... then don't go after those who report suspicious or inappropriate acts by trying to label them as being racists. You certainly don't want to be embracing a student who thought it was cute to create a timer associated with a briefcase, simply because he happens to follow a Muslim faith, that was a huge mistake for this president to choose to personally get himself involved in.

We are a nation of MANY faiths, and we should not be overlooking the appropriate choice to simulate [even closely] the appearance of a suitcase bomb after the recent school shootings that are still fresh in everyone's mind. That was done in poor judgment and bad taste. If President Obama is indeed "serious" about the possiblity of violence that could erupt in our schools, and not just a manipulated platform to check gun control off his liberal agenda list, then he shouldn't be congratulating the student while we find news of kids being suspended for simply shaping food into the shape of a gun. Let's allow citizens to do what the government SEEMS to be asking of us, and investigate those matters rather than looking to an excuse to be more politically correct.
Thank's for proving once and for all your support of tyranny.

Next up, let's incarcerate people that make dumb ass comments online. No due process required.

When dumb shit said on line leaves 50 dead bodies on the floor, I'll seriously consider it.

33,000 gun deaths a year because you guys have a fetish. Enough is enough.

How about we begin by the left providing some evidence of a gun shop receipt on the suspect, or video survelence where the gun was obtained by the killer "legally".
Liberals Quick To Blame Guns, Not The Killer, In Orlando Terrorist Attack
Progressives Democrats were quick to blame guns and the National Rifle Association, not the killer or Islamic terrorism, in the Orlando attack which has claimed 50 lives and left more than 50 wounded at a popular LGBT nightclub Sunday morning.

The shooting, committed by Omar Mateen, is thought to be the largest mass-shooting in United States history.

A deputy editor at the Think Progress Action Fund, former CNN host Piers Morgan, and current CNN host W. Kamau Bell led the charge against guns.

Read more: Liberals Quick To Blame Guns, Not The Killer, In Orlando Terrorist Attack

Put is on MSNBC right NOW!!!!!


Nothing, about the MUSLIM being responsible!!!!!

I hate being right ALL of time. I hate liberals.
Even in a tragedy, never pass up a chance to DIVIDE the country, right moron?

Yep, Obama is right on that with his speech writers. Stay tuned!
And another rightwing scumbag chimes in proving conservatives wish only to divide the American people and exploit a tragic event for some perceived partisan gain and ‘justify’ their bigotry and hate.

Is that why we have the tragedy at San Bernardino being used as a platform for gun control over concerns surrounding weaknesses in our national security terrorism efforts?

Incidentally, why is Obama the only president in recent history to be specifically told not to attend the site of a tragedy, if such tragedies were not used as more a political tool inciting division than genuine honest remorse towards the victims?

Tell us what law you want brought in that would have stopped this? This is a US Citizen killing other US Citizens...

This is a known Radical Islamist killing US Citizens.

Communism. Fascism. Islamism. All three are authoritarian political ideologies in which non-believers are deserving of death. Anyone who embraces one of these has ideologically rejected his American citizenship. The Gay Night Club Shooter puts Sharia law above The Constitution. That is treason.

Yet his ex-wife said he was mentally unstable... You have no real connection to ISIS... There is as much evidence that this was a nutjob as a religious fundamentalist... I truth I doubt we will ever know... Bu I do know at this present time you don't know...

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