Get ready for the "gun control" narrative and "but but Christians"

Thank's for proving once and for all your support of tyranny.

Next up, let's incarcerate people that make dumb ass comments online. No due process required.

When dumb shit said on line leaves 50 dead bodies on the floor, I'll seriously consider it.

33,000 gun deaths a year because you guys have a fetish. Enough is enough.

Thanks again Joey for proving once and for all the true tyranny of the left. Joe says no more due process, cause Joe says.

Great plan!
Yep, Obama is right on that with his speech writers. Stay tuned!
And another rightwing scumbag chimes in proving conservatives wish only to divide the American people and exploit a tragic event for some perceived partisan gain and ‘justify’ their bigotry and hate.

Is that why we have the tragedy at San Bernardino being used as a platform for gun control over concerns surrounding weaknesses in our national security terrorism efforts?

Incidentally, why is Obama the only president in recent history to be specifically told not to attend the site of a tragedy, if such tragedies were not used as more a political tool inciting division than genuine honest remorse towards the victims?

Tell us what law you want brought in that would have stopped this? This is a US Citizen killing other US Citizens...

This is a known Radical Islamist killing US Citizens.

Communism. Fascism. Islamism. All three are authoritarian political ideologies in which non-believers are deserving of death. Anyone who embraces one of these has ideologically rejected his American citizenship. The Gay Night Club Shooter puts Sharia law above The Constitution. That is treason.

Yet his ex-wife said he was mentally unstable... You have no real connection to ISIS... There is as much evidence that this was a nutjob as a religious fundamentalist... I truth I doubt we will ever know... Bu I do know at this present time you don't know...

Oh, I hope you loons keep spinning that narrative. It's freaking out normal people and driving them away from hiLIARy.

The Dowager Empress of Chappaqua is now vowing to go after Lone Wolves. Clearly, she's missing the point of what motivates said Lone Wolves.
Thanks again Joey for proving once and for all the true tyranny of the left. Joe says no more due process, cause Joe says.

Great plan!

Not a matter of "Due Process". "Well-Regulated Militia". Problem solved.
The left think I am "exploiting " a tragedy.


Please explain.

Am I running for some seat of power or making money?

Dear God I hate the left. God I hate them.
So did your bud who shot up Pulse.
Yeap, the losers are still brining up gun control, which is code for right white wing republicans, even though we keep showing the facts in regards to these smelly animals targeting SOFT TARGETS.

The left of course ignore the fact that SOFT TARGETS mean gun free zones.

That was the way it was in orlando, paris, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, on and on and on and on and on.

Liberal logic in light of those facts is we should make America an even softer target. This is what we are dealing with and I blame every ounce of misery on the entire left that gleefully and ignorantly and arrogantly enable the stink bombs of the middle east murdering countless numbers.

Can you believe it? They are still blaming the white right wing.

I hate them.
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Yeap, the losers are still brining up gun control, which is code for right white wing republicans, even though we keep showing the facts in regards to these smelly animals targeting SOFT TARGETS.

The left of course ignore the fact that SOFT TARGETS mean gun free zones.

That was the way it was in orlando, paris, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, on and on and on and on and on.

By your logic, an Army Fort is a "soft target"

Liberal logic in light of those facts is we should make America an even softer target. This is what we are dealing with and I blame every ounce of misery on the entire left that gleefully and ignorantly and arrogantly enable to stink bombs of middle east murdering countless numbers.

Can you believe it? They are still blaming the white right wing.

I hate them.

Yes, we understand you are full of hate and you probably should see someone about that.

But here's the thing. Orlando, San Bernado and Fort Hood were all mentally ill guys being able to access guns. Because that's what you right wingers wanted.
Yes, that is all we are going to hear from the left.

Get ready. They are such losers.

Well, obviously not, since he was a Muslim.

However, some of the reports I saw indicates the FBI already had this guy on a watch list.

And he was still able to buy a gun because being on a terror watch list isn't an impediment to buying an assault rifle.

Hillarys is the subject of a FBI criminal investigation and you think she should be President
Hillarys is the subject of a FBI criminal investigation and you think she should be President

YOu guys have been launching "Criminal investigations" on the Clinton's for 25 years now. It's getting a little tiresome, especially when the worst you've come up with so far is "Bill lied about a blow job.."
Thanks again Joey for proving once and for all the true tyranny of the left. Joe says no more due process, cause Joe says.

Great plan!

Not a matter of "Due Process". "Well-Regulated Militia". Problem solved.

Sorry, no takesee backsees. You said you want to suspend due process. Own it.

My little militia includes one member, me. And my weapons are in perfect working order with plenty of ammunition, so, well regulated. Thanks for asking.

God it's fun to watch you squirm. :laugh:
Sorry, no takesee backsees. You said you want to suspend due process. Own it.

My little militia includes one member, me. And my weapons are in perfect working order with plenty of ammunition, so, well regulated. Thanks for asking.

God it's fun to watch you squirm.

Thanks for letting us know that for when the ATF stops by.

The Second Amendemnt is not about ssholes who think they are "Militias".
Sorry, no takesee backsees. You said you want to suspend due process. Own it.

My little militia includes one member, me. And my weapons are in perfect working order with plenty of ammunition, so, well regulated. Thanks for asking.

God it's fun to watch you squirm.

Thanks for letting us know that for when the ATF stops by.

The Second Amendemnt is not about ssholes who think they are "Militias".

Still squirming little Joey? Aw, isn't that precious...precious that you think YOU what the 2nd is about. Like a little girl whose ignorance is "cute".

Anyway, you should stick with what you know: supporting tyranny. Get back to banning due process...cuz little Joey knows what's best! Really!!!

What's that, you going to call the AFT on me? Of course you are, that's what hall monitors do, even if they never actually where chosen hall monitor. That still sticks in your craw, doesn't it?

Bye bye little Joey.
Still squirming little Joey? Aw, isn't that precious...precious that you think YOU what the 2nd is about. Like a little girl whose ignorance is "cute".

Anyway, you should stick with what you know: supporting tyranny. Get back to banning due process...cuz little Joey knows what's best! Really!!!

What's that, you going to call the AFT on me? Of course you are, that's what hall monitors do, even if they never actually where chosen hall monitor. That still sticks in your craw, doesn't it?

Bye bye little Joey.

you're the one pissing himself over the thought the country might FINALLY get serious about gun control. Even your own candidate is flipflopping around trying to find a good position on this.
Still squirming little Joey? Aw, isn't that precious...precious that you think YOU what the 2nd is about. Like a little girl whose ignorance is "cute".

Anyway, you should stick with what you know: supporting tyranny. Get back to banning due process...cuz little Joey knows what's best! Really!!!

What's that, you going to call the AFT on me? Of course you are, that's what hall monitors do, even if they never actually where chosen hall monitor. That still sticks in your craw, doesn't it?

Bye bye little Joey.

you're the one pissing himself over the thought the country might FINALLY get serious about gun control. Even your own candidate is flipflopping around trying to find a good position on this.

If getting serious means suspending due process, I pass. Supporters of tyranny like yourself, I understand, will disagree. How ironic! It's people like you why we NEED a 2nd amendment.

Gary Johnson is flipflopping on the 2nd? Hmm, didn't know that.
If getting serious means suspending due process, I pass. Supporters of tyranny like yourself, I understand, will disagree. How ironic! It's people like you why we NEED a 2nd amendment.

Gary Johnson is flipflopping on the 2nd? Hmm, didn't know that.

You think Gary Johnson is a serious candidate? That explains much.

Not an issue of due process, guy, it's an issue of common sense. Common sense is you don't issue guns to crazy people.
If getting serious means suspending due process, I pass. Supporters of tyranny like yourself, I understand, will disagree. How ironic! It's people like you why we NEED a 2nd amendment.

Gary Johnson is flipflopping on the 2nd? Hmm, didn't know that.

You think Gary Johnson is a serious candidate? That explains much.

Not an issue of due process, guy, it's an issue of common sense. Common sense is you don't issue guns to crazy people.

Moving the goalposts again I see. A person that has been adjudicated "crazy", due process has been preserved. That's NOT what you advocated. You want citizens on a secret list to be denied their fundamental rights with no due process. You stated that clearly. That makes you in support of tyranny. Own it.
IT also says it can't.

one supreme court ruling. That's all we need to put htis madness to an end.
The judicial branch can't amend the constitution and it can't grant additional legislative powers to congress. Congress's legislative powers are enumerated in art I, section 8.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that.

Here's the thing. Islamic terrorists have figured our our weakness. It's way too easy to get guns in this country and you can do a lot of damage with one.
Still squirming little Joey? Aw, isn't that precious...precious that you think YOU what the 2nd is about. Like a little girl whose ignorance is "cute".

Anyway, you should stick with what you know: supporting tyranny. Get back to banning due process...cuz little Joey knows what's best! Really!!!

What's that, you going to call the AFT on me? Of course you are, that's what hall monitors do, even if they never actually where chosen hall monitor. That still sticks in your craw, doesn't it?

Bye bye little Joey.

you're the one pissing himself over the thought the country might FINALLY get serious about gun control. Even your own candidate is flipflopping around trying to find a good position on this.
Gun control does not work, we've proven that over and over in this country. More laws equal less freedoms and more violence…
Moving the goalposts again I see. A person that has been adjudicated "crazy", due process has been preserved. That's NOT what you advocated. You want citizens on a secret list to be denied their fundamental rights with no due process. You stated that clearly. That makes you in support of tyranny. Own it.

I have no problem making the "No Fly List" a public document. In fact, I think it would be beneficial.

I just think it's nuts to say "we won't let you on a plane bcause we t hink you might try something after you've gone through a metal detector and a strip search, but we will let you buy a gun." That's fucking crazy.

But crazy is what I've come to expect from the gun nuts.
Obama's FBI is "you guys"?

Um, yeah, given the FBI is only investigating this nonsense because if they didn't, you guys would be screaming coverup.

And when they come down with no indictments in a few weeks, as everyone who actually knows anything about the law on this says they will, you will scream that anyway.

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