Get ready for the "gun control" narrative and "but but Christians"

The core problem is that the Narrative is the focus. The focus should be the facts.
Yes, that is all we are going to hear from the left.

Get ready. They are such losers.

Even in a tragedy, never pass up a chance to DIVIDE the country, right moron?

Yep, Obama is right on that with his speech writers. Stay tuned!
And another rightwing scumbag chimes in proving conservatives wish only to divide the American people and exploit a tragic event for some perceived partisan gain and ‘justify’ their bigotry and hate.

Is that why we have the tragedy at San Bernardino being used as a platform for gun control over concerns surrounding weaknesses in our national security terrorism efforts?

Incidentally, why is Obama the only president in recent history to be specifically told not to attend the site of a tragedy, if such tragedies were not used as more a political tool inciting division than genuine honest remorse towards the victims?
Incidentally, why is Obama the only president in recent history to be specifically told not to attend the site of a tragedy, if such tragedies were not used as more a political tool inciting division than genuine honest remorse towards the victims?

Is the above one of the "facts" that you pulled out of your ass....or heard and directed to re-spew by FOX?

(BTW, if you want to show terrorists that they're being "effective" in their carnage....sure, have a president go visit each and everyone of those shooting sites.)
Incidentally, why is Obama the only president in recent history to be specifically told not to attend the site of a tragedy, if such tragedies were not used as more a political tool inciting division than genuine honest remorse towards the victims?

Is the above one of the "facts" that you pulled out of your ass....or heard and directed to re-spew by FOX?

(BTW, if you want to show terrorists that they're being "effective" in their carnage....sure, have a president go visit each and everyone of those shooting sites.)
President Obama not welcome in efforts to politicize a tragedy rather than showing true general remorse for the victims:

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Oregon Says Local Paper And Sheriff, This Is Why... ⋆ US Herald

Roseburg, Oregon to President Obama: "You're Not Welcome Here..." | Mobile


Roseburg, Oregon, Says Obama Not Welcome After College Shooting

With respect to the tragedy in San Bernardino, this administrations time ought to have been better spent focusing on its own weaknesses within our national security efforts against terrorism. You would think after Fort Hood and Benghazi, this administration would actually learn from its mistakes.
Perhaps the WORST mistake that the founding fathers made in that document......

...said the tyrant wanna be.

I'm sure that the shooter got his assault weapon because he was part "of a well-regulated militia"......right???

Doesn't matter if he was a member of the militia or not. Congress has no legislative power to restrict the acquisition or possession of arms by the people of the states. Check out the list of congress's powers in art I, section 8. Such a power is not listed there.
Doesn't matter if he was a member of the militia or not. Congress has no legislative power to restrict the acquisition or possession of arms by the people of the states. Check out the list of congress's powers in art I, section 8. Such a power is not listed there.

IT also says it can't.

one supreme court ruling. That's all we need to put htis madness to an end.
IT also says it can't.

one supreme court ruling. That's all we need to put htis madness to an end.
The judicial branch can't amend the constitution and it can't grant additional legislative powers to congress. Congress's legislative powers are enumerated in art I, section 8.
IT also says it can't.

one supreme court ruling. That's all we need to put htis madness to an end.
The judicial branch can't amend the constitution and it can't grant additional legislative powers to congress. Congress's legislative powers are enumerated in art I, section 8.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that.

Here's the thing. Islamic terrorists have figured our our weakness. It's way too easy to get guns in this country and you can do a lot of damage with one.
Okay, you keep telling yourself that.

Here's the thing. Islamic terrorists have figured our our weakness. It's way too easy to get guns in this country and you can do a lot of damage with one.

If that's the case, and enough people agree with you, then it should be fairly easy to amend the constitution and grant congress legislative authority to restrict the acquisition and possession of arms by the people of the several states.

Until then, congress has no such legislative authority.
If that's the case, and enough people agree with you, then it should be fairly easy to amend the constitution and grant congress legislative authority to restrict the acquisition and possession of arms by the people of the several states.

Until then, congress has no such legislative authority.

Okay, again, you keep telling yourself that.

Meanwhile, I think we need to go after whoever sold Mateen this gun with the full force of the Patriot Act. I hear Gitmo is nice this time of year.
If that's the case, and enough people agree with you, then it should be fairly easy to amend the constitution and grant congress legislative authority to restrict the acquisition and possession of arms by the people of the several states.

Until then, congress has no such legislative authority.

Okay, again, you keep telling yourself that.

Meanwhile, I think we need to go after whoever sold Mateen this gun with the full force of the Patriot Act. I hear Gitmo is nice this time of year.

On what grounds?
So what about the Indiana kid with all the guns going to the Cal. gay parade, arrested today. Another Moooslim? Not bloody likely...all fundies suq. All ignoramuses suq. and in fact, all far rightists suq. So do all far leftists, but they're commies and basically don't exist outside 4 commie countries, certainly not in the USA- but we have plenty of crypto-Nazis in the GOP.
Yes, that is all we are going to hear from the left.

Get ready. They are such losers.

Don't you understand that Christians commit terrorism too? Haven't you heard of that one abortion clinic massacre? Clearly the Christians are even worse! (Let's not even talk about libertarians - the most terrorizing group of all).

Damn leftists and their never ending false equivalencies. They just can't help themselves.
Don't have to. One ruling from the Supreme Court and your crazy interpretation of the Militia Amendment are done.

Thank you for acknowledging that the constitution contains language giving congress legislative authority to restrict the acquisition or possession of arms by the people of the several states.

Which was point point from the start.
Yes, that is all we are going to hear from the left.

Get ready. They are such losers.

Well, obviously not, since he was a Muslim.

However, some of the reports I saw indicates the FBI already had this guy on a watch list.

And he was still able to buy a gun because being on a terror watch list isn't an impediment to buying an assault rifle.

I'm sure you meant thank you constitution right! Are you advocating that people lose rights when they haven't been found guilty of a crime?
Don't have to. One ruling from the Supreme Court and your crazy interpretation of the Militia Amendment are done.

You seem confused. I am not talking about the 2nd amendment. Even without the 2nd amendment, congress would have no legislative authority to makes laws restricting the acquisition or possession of arms. You need to understand that congress only has the legislative powers enumerated in art I, section 8.

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