Get ready for the "gun control" narrative and "but but Christians"

Any other fundamental rights you wish to deny citizens because they're "on a list"? Or shall we simply do away with due process all together?

I'm all for well-regulated militias. You know, you can't join a well-regulated militia if you are a communist, a nazi or a Jihadist.
WTF?! 'We guys never stop incidents like this?" Are you drunk boy? This was another GUN FREE ZONE.. It's just too fucking bad that criminals and terrorists refuse to follow you Lefties LOONY laws, now isn't it? GFY

Do you have any evidence this was a "Gun free Zone", expecially since this happened in Florida, which has some of the most lax gun laws in the country?
You Are More Than 7 Times As Likely To Be Killed By A Right-Wing Extremist Than By Muslim Terrorists

Though terrorism perpetrated by Muslims receives a disproportionate amount of attention from politicians and reporters, the reality is that right-wing extremists pose a much greater threat to people in the United States than terrorists connected to ISIS or similar organizations. As UNC Professor Charles Kurzman and Duke Professor David Schanzer explained last June in the New York Times, Islam-inspired terror attacks “accounted for 50 fatalities over the past 13 and a half years.” Meanwhile, “right-wing extremists averaged 337 attacks per year in the decade after 9/11, causing a total of 254 fatalities.”

You Are More Than 7 Times As Likely To Be Killed By A Right-Wing Extremist Than By Muslim Terrorists
Yes, that is all we are going to hear from the left.

Get ready. They are such losers.


Get ready for the Muslim/terrorism narrative.

Get ready for the gay-hate narrative.

Get ready for all sides of the political spectrum to spin this event according to their pet ideologies.

Etc, etc

Stop worrying about how this tragedy will affect you and your gun ownership.

Worry about the people who died. Try to imagine what it must be like for the people who awoke this morning to discover that the person who they love most is gone. There will be plenty of time for you to spin this against liberals.
Yes, I know. When someone kills 20 people with a gun, my first reaction is to ask, "How the hell did THIS guy get a gun?"

I should also point out that no one "imported" Omar Mateen. He was born in the US in 1986 after his family emigrated here from Afghanistan when Ronnie Reagan was still calling Jihadists there "Freedom Fighters".
Wow JoeBlibtard when right past Bush to blame Reagan...:badgrin::lmao:
Right on que. Bernie the commie blames gun control or lack there of
I don't give a fuck where he was born.. He's a radical Islamic terrorist. End of story... Had someone been armed in that club, 50 people would not have died.. YOU FUCKING IDIOTS have been shown over and over that gun free zones are death traps

NO !!!!, you radical right winger (very much "related" to the scum bag shooter).......IF, as the founding fathers intended, the shooter was armed with a musket, FIFTY people would not be dead.
NO !!!!, you radical right winger (very much "related" to the scum bag shooter).......IF, as the founding fathers intended, the shooter was armed with a musket, FIFTY people would not be dead.

The founders, wisely, never gave congress the legislative authority to restrict the acquisition or possession of arms.
Yes, that is all we are going to hear from the left.

Get ready. They are such losers.

Well, obviously not, since he was a Muslim.

However, some of the reports I saw indicates the FBI already had this guy on a watch list.

And he was still able to buy a gun because being on a terror watch list isn't an impediment to buying an assault rifle.

An ar15 is just a sporting rifle...
And just where did he buy this supposed so called "assault weapon" from??
Stick to the facts… I see none in your post
I don't give a fuck where he was born.. He's a radical Islamic terrorist. End of story... Had someone been armed in that club, 50 people would not have died.. YOU FUCKING IDIOTS have been shown over and over that gun free zones are death traps

NO !!!!, you radical right winger (very much "related" to the scum bag shooter).......IF, as the founding fathers intended, the shooter was armed with a musket, FIFTY people would not be dead.
LMFAO Put away your crocodile tears Leftist. You morons never miss an opportunity to grab guns exploiting EVERY tragedy. Secondly, you can run but you can't hide. You Marxist NUTS own this, 1000%- importing terrorists.. Now lie in it.

Yes, I know. When someone kills 20 people with a gun, my first reaction is to ask, "How the hell did THIS guy get a gun?"

I should also point out that no one "imported" Omar Mateen. He was born in the US in 1986 after his family emigrated here from Afghanistan when Ronnie Reagan was still calling Jihadists there "Freedom Fighters".
The left think I am "exploiting " a tragedy.


Please explain.

Am I running for some seat of power or making money?

Dear God I hate the left. God I hate them.

We know. You hate your fellow Americans. We know.
NO !!!!, you radical right winger (very much "related" to the scum bag shooter).......IF, as the founding fathers intended, the shooter was armed with a musket, FIFTY people would not be dead.

The founders, wisely, never gave congress the legislative authority to restrict the acquisition or possession of arms.

Which is why Thomas Jefferson thought the Constitution should be re-written every 19 years. :0)
Yes, that is all we are going to hear from the left.

Get ready. They are such losers.

Yup. But in the end, all Bammer and his lap dog Hillary will do is sell a shit load of ammo and guns. Gotta hand it to these crooks, they have single handedly put more money in the hands of the gun makers then world War 2. I'm thinking Bammer and the Beast's anti gun blather will blow up in their faces.
I don't give a fuck where he was born.. He's a radical Islamic terrorist. End of story... Had someone been armed in that club, 50 people would not have died.. YOU FUCKING IDIOTS have been shown over and over that gun free zones are death traps.. that criminals don't give a damn about your loony gun laws.. Now get lost you damn idiot

But oddly, 350 million guns out there compensating for tiny peckers, and you guys never stop incidents like these.
There you go again with your penis talk, I think you have a unhealthy obsession. Be careful some Muslim might stick it to ya...
The founders, wisely, never gave congress the legislative authority to restrict the acquisition or possession of arms.

Perhaps the WORST mistake that the founding fathers made in that document......I'm sure that the shooter got his assault weapon because he was part "of a well-regulated militia"......right???
WTF?! 'We guys never stop incidents like this?" Are you drunk boy? This was another GUN FREE ZONE.. It's just too fucking bad that criminals and terrorists refuse to follow you Lefties LOONY laws, now isn't it? GFY

Do you have any evidence this was a "Gun free Zone", expecially since this happened in Florida, which has some of the most lax gun laws in the country?
Name a law that would've stopped this? It's not like a Muslim is going to obey any American law. Lol
The founders, wisely, never gave congress the legislative authority to restrict the acquisition or possession of arms.

Perhaps the WORST mistake that the founding fathers made in that document......I'm sure that the shooter got his assault weapon because he was part "of a well-regulated militia"......right???
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle... Military folk don't carry around sporting rifles. LOL

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