Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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yes!!! The jews rejected their savior but in these last days they will become believers and all israel shall confess jesus as their lord and savior and be saved!!! Ptl.

You don't know many Jews. Most would rather be tortured and killed than accept Jesus.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Why must you spread lies about Jews??

How many Jews become Christian every year?


Jews are very committed to their faith. Interesting how some find that to be an insult.
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GOD'S WORD TELLS US ""ALL"" ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED, GOD KNOWS! BELIEVE GOD!!!===YES!!! ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED!!! GOD'S WORD SAYS SO!! I BELIEVE GOD!!AND YOU???????? ==I want you to understand this mystery, dear brothers and sisters, so that you will not feel proud about yourselves. Some of the people of Israel have hard hearts, but this will last only until the full number of Gentiles comes to Christ. 26 And so """all Israel will be saved.""" As the Scriptures say,

“The one who rescues will come from Jerusalem,
and he will turn Israel away from ungodliness.
And this is my covenant with them,
that I will take away their sins.”
ROMANS 11:26-27
yes!!! The jews rejected their savior but in these last days they will become believers and all israel shall confess jesus as their lord and savior and be saved!!! Ptl.

You don't know many Jews. Most would rather be tortured and killed than accept Jesus.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Why must you spread lies about Jews??

What lies, tens of thousands of Spanish Jews were tortured because they would not convert to Christianity during the Inquisition or after La Riconquista in Spain. Most you Yanks are truly uneducated.
you don't know many jews. Most would rather be tortured and killed than accept jesus.

that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. Why must you spread lies about jews??

what lies, tens of thousands of spanish jews were tortured because they would not convert to christianity during the inquisition or after la riconquista in spain. Most you yanks are truly uneducated.

so you deny the truth of god's word? God says "all" israel will be saved by believing in jesus as therir lord and savior!!!
that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. Why must you spread lies about jews??

what lies, tens of thousands of spanish jews were tortured because they would not convert to christianity during the inquisition or after la riconquista in spain. Most you yanks are truly uneducated.

so you deny the truth of god's word? God says "all" israel will be saved by believing in jesus as therir lord and savior!!!

I deny the bullshit you are spreading.
that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. Why must you spread lies about jews??

what lies, tens of thousands of spanish jews were tortured because they would not convert to christianity during the inquisition or after la riconquista in spain. Most you yanks are truly uneducated.

so you deny the truth of god's word? God says "all" israel will be saved by believing in jesus as therir lord and savior!!!

The Jews would rather die than accept your jesus.
what lies, tens of thousands of spanish jews were tortured because they would not convert to christianity during the inquisition or after la riconquista in spain. Most you yanks are truly uneducated.

so you deny the truth of god's word? God says "all" israel will be saved by believing in jesus as therir lord and savior!!!

i deny the bullshit you are spreading.

no!!! You are trying to deny the truth of god's word!!! Best you count the cost!!!
If people already believe in god and the books of moses, why should salvation only be had if people accept another person as the son of god as the only way to god? Redundant and leads to polythesism as jesus is in competition with god.
We are all the children of god, should we all be the next salvation or subject of worship?
Is god the father or is the son the father/god?
Jesus did not come to invent a new religion of the followers of jesus did just that. So is what jesus taught correct or is what his followers followers taught correct?
One god, just god. no son, spirits, saints, etc, just one god in all his aspects. If we pray to a tree, it is still a part of god. If we choose to see god as female, it is still god. If we see god as the laws of science and nature, it is still god. If we see god as a neutral force, it is still god. the son as divinity is a church creation long after Jesus death.

When we die, we will all face god and if god is any god worthy of being god it will accept everyone off all faiths unconditionally. That after all is what love is about, unconditionally.
Jesus is god!!! Almighty god is father,son and holyspirit=god almighty!! Yes!!! God knows man's heart,no one fools or plays games with god!
jesus is god!!! Almighty god is father,son and holyspirit=god almighty!! Yes!!! God knows man's heart,no one fools or plays games with god!

i don't understand the trinity. Can you please explain it?

simple!!! Man too is three =one!!! Man is body,soul and spirit,god is god the father,god the son and god the holyspirit.

it is still god, so if people already believe in god and follow the laws given by god, why do they need a son to save them? A son who was declared divine by men of the new church not of the same religion that jesus taught.
Majority of Americans Say Palestinian State Will be Terrorist, Oppose Foreign Aid

February 18, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


In a poll conducted by McLaughlin Associates, there isn’t much support for Kerry’s peace plan or for the Palestinian Authority. Obama and other leftist politicians have complained that Congress has the same views as the Likud.

Apparently so do most Americans, which may be why Congress has those views. The poll is nearly evenly split between Democrats and Republicans and only included 3.6% of Jews. And it reflects views that are well to the right of the editorial page and Washington D.C.

47% of Americans believe that Israeli Jews should have the right to live in the West Bank in part for Israel to self-defend its borders, whereas only 14% of Americans believe only Palestinian Arabs should have the right to live there (over a 3 –– 1 ratio)

An overwhelming majority of 72% Americans oppose President Obama’s plan to give the Palestinian Authority (PA) $440 million, as opposed to 15% who believe that he should (almost a 5 –– 1 ratio).

A large majority 63% of Americans believe that the PA should recognize Israel as the sovereign state of the Jewish people, whereas only 11% believe it should not (almost a 6 –– 1 ratio).

Only 31% of Americans believe that President Barack Obama is a close and reliable friend of Israel, as opposed to 38% who believe that he is not. (This is a surprising result, given that the U.S. has always been known as Israel’s closest and most reliable friend).

A large majority of 59% of Americans believe that the U.S. should impose stronger sanctions on Iran to convince it to stop developing nuclear weapons, as opposed to 17% who believe the U.S. should weaken sanctions on Iran to convince it to stop developing nuclear weapons.


Majority of Americans Say Palestinian State Will be Terrorist, Oppose Foreign Aid | FrontPage Magazine
They used to say the USSR would be around forever.

They used to say Apartheid would be around forever.

They used to say Germany would be split forever.

Israel as a state may exist for more than a century, but its racist regime will not last another 50 years.
They used to say the USSR would be around forever.

They used to say Apartheid would be around forever.

They used to say Germany would be split forever.

Israel as a state may exist for more than a century, but its racist regime will not last another 50 years.
I saw Elvis at Walmart this morning.
They used to say the USSR would be around forever.

They used to say Apartheid would be around forever.

They used to say Germany would be split forever.

Israel as a state may exist for more than a century, but its racist regime will not last another 50 years.

66 years ago, they said Israel wouldn't exist. For the next 66 years, they will be saying the same thing
66 years ago, they said Israel wouldn't exist. For the next 66 years, they will be saying the same thing

Just as South Africa exists today, just in a very different form.

Israel will exist in 50 years but probably as a more equal and free society with no special rights for Jews.
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