Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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All mimsy were the borogoves, because Pope pharmaceuticals KKK.

Could very well be that extent of paid for intellectual dissonance in D.C. a year after 9/11 where crooks on Capitol Hill, in deeming Arab terrorists higher than one nation under God & on a level of Muhammad &/or Allah; as a Christian Nation Rehnquist made thieving US Constitution arsonists science fiction in an Islamidotocracy of Christianananlity pedophile mentality national religion.

Pope KKK pharmaceuticals mailbox libertarian Jewish conspiracy.

Seems this Papal-Christian-KKK pharmaceutical business as a Jewish conspiracy is about as far fetched as 2000 + years old Islam flying carpets delivering todays political psychology libertarian propaganda.
Aspiring inconsequential awareness begins flushly over zealous migrations of neo political thrashing openly debating politics of causation of reality in early mindset thought process opens many spacious aromas of debate.

Rancid aromas of debate in the Islamidiotocracy pyramid scheme where a supreme swastika up Uranus court neo political psychology of thieving US Constitution-old glory arsonists as being inconsequential due to a Fuhrer Brainwashing Inquistition where there's no evidence so all is one nation under God; just as Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 are also under God due to Federal Lynching churchstate of hate immaculate drug conceptions enforcement so aspirations in zealous goosestepping super ego legends in their own minds of higher than one nation under God causation in survival of the fittest fascists Christiananality pedophile mentality game.

Constition where also under God due to Federal Brainwasting under to 9/11 are also as of their own minds of the Islamidiotocracy pyramidiotocracy pyramid schementality game. Rancid schementalitical Lynching Inquists Christs the fittestepping in super Brainwashing Inquists that threaten drug cons in zealous goosest fascists Christs Christitutionstial Lynching super Brainwashing in there the fittestepping survival psychology of higher Fuhrer God; just fascists Christitical of debate drug churchstate
Could very well be that extent of paid for intellectual dissonance in D.C. a year after 9/11 where crooks on Capitol Hill, in deeming Arab terrorists higher than one nation under God & on a level of Muhammad &/or Allah; as a Christian Nation Rehnquist made thieving US Constitution arsonists science fiction in an Islamidotocracy of Christianananlity pedophile mentality national religion.

Pope KKK pharmaceuticals mailbox libertarian Jewish conspiracy.

Seems this Papal-Christian-KKK pharmaceutical business as a Jewish conspiracy is about as far fetched as 2000 + years old Islam flying carpets delivering todays political psychology libertarian propaganda.
Aspiring inconsequential awareness begins flushly over zealous migrations of neo political thrashing openly debating politics of causation of reality in early mindset thought process opens many spacious aromas of debate.

Rancid aromas of debate in the Islamidiotocracy pyramid scheme where a supreme swastika up Uranus court neo political psychology of thieving US Constitution-old glory arsonists as being inconsequential due to a Fuhrer Brainwashing Inquistition where there's no evidence so all is one nation under God; just as Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 are also under God due to Federal Lynching churchstate of hate immaculate drug conceptions enforcement so aspirations in zealous goosestepping super ego legends in their own minds of higher than one nation under God causation in survival of the fittest fascists Christiananality pedophile mentality game.

Constition where also under God due to Federal Brainwasting under to 9/11 are also as of their own minds of the Islamidiotocracy pyramidiotocracy pyramid schementality game. Rancid schementalitical Lynching Inquists Christs the fittestepping in super Brainwashing Inquists that threaten drug cons in zealous goosest fascists Christs Christitutionstial Lynching super Brainwashing in there the fittestepping survival psychology of higher Fuhrer God; just fascists Christitical of debate drug churchstate

This continuation creating a mass neurosis of fascism perpetrated by suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities as " man is God" in order to be higher than one nation under God with homicidal sociopsychopathic human farming tendencies satisfying pleasure principles is cognitive dissonance if it can't be rationalized where a mass psychosis of fascism has to be just like trying to fight one's way out of a paper bag for 9/11 correctness.
Constition where also under God due to Federal Brainwasting under to 9/11 are also as of their own minds of the Islamidiotocracy pyramidiotocracy pyramid schementality game. Rancid schementalitical Lynching Inquists Christs the fittestepping in super Brainwashing Inquists that threaten drug cons in zealous goosest fascists Christs Christitutionstial Lynching super Brainwashing in there the fittestepping survival psychology of higher Fuhrer God; just fascists Christitical of debate drug churchstate

As if there hasn't been enough "man is God" communism of Christianity where Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 became "man is God" courtesy of the Federal Lynching churchstate of hate immaculate drug conceptions just as thieving US Constitution arsonists became "man is God" due to the KKK churchstate & a supreme swastika up Uranus court of immaculate drug conceptions. Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality game of survival of the fittest fascists is so Islamo-nazi economically rigged in creation of what is under God.
Pope KKK pharmaceuticals mailbox libertarian Jewish conspiracy.

Seems this Papal-Christian-KKK pharmaceutical business as a Jewish conspiracy is about as far fetched as 2000 + years old Islam flying carpets delivering todays political psychology libertarian propaganda.
Aspiring inconsequential awareness begins flushly over zealous migrations of neo political thrashing openly debating politics of causation of reality in early mindset thought process opens many spacious aromas of debate.

Rancid aromas of debate in the Islamidiotocracy pyramid scheme where a supreme swastika up Uranus court neo political psychology of thieving US Constitution-old glory arsonists as being inconsequential due to a Fuhrer Brainwashing Inquistition where there's no evidence so all is one nation under God; just as Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 are also under God due to Federal Lynching churchstate of hate immaculate drug conceptions enforcement so aspirations in zealous goosestepping super ego legends in their own minds of higher than one nation under God causation in survival of the fittest fascists Christiananality pedophile mentality game.

Constition where also under God due to Federal Brainwasting under to 9/11 are also as of their own minds of the Islamidiotocracy pyramidiotocracy pyramid schementality game. Rancid schementalitical Lynching Inquists Christs the fittestepping in super Brainwashing Inquists that threaten drug cons in zealous goosest fascists Christs Christitutionstial Lynching super Brainwashing in there the fittestepping survival psychology of higher Fuhrer God; just fascists Christitical of debate drug churchstate

This continuation creating a mass neurosis of fascism perpetrated by suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities as " man is God" in order to be higher than one nation under God with homicidal sociopsychopathic human farming tendencies satisfying pleasure principles is cognitive dissonance if it can't be rationalized where a mass psychosis of fascism has to be just like trying to fight one's way out of a paper bag for 9/11 correctness.
Turkey sandwiches are good..
Pope KKK pharmaceuticals mailbox libertarian Jewish conspiracy.

Seems this Papal-Christian-KKK pharmaceutical business as a Jewish conspiracy is about as far fetched as 2000 + years old Islam flying carpets delivering todays political psychology libertarian propaganda.
Aspiring inconsequential awareness begins flushly over zealous migrations of neo political thrashing openly debating politics of causation of reality in early mindset thought process opens many spacious aromas of debate.

Rancid aromas of debate in the Islamidiotocracy pyramid scheme where a supreme swastika up Uranus court neo political psychology of thieving US Constitution-old glory arsonists as being inconsequential due to a Fuhrer Brainwashing Inquistition where there's no evidence so all is one nation under God; just as Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 are also under God due to Federal Lynching churchstate of hate immaculate drug conceptions enforcement so aspirations in zealous goosestepping super ego legends in their own minds of higher than one nation under God causation in survival of the fittest fascists Christiananality pedophile mentality game.

Constition where also under God due to Federal Brainwasting under to 9/11 are also as of their own minds of the Islamidiotocracy pyramidiotocracy pyramid schementality game. Rancid schementalitical Lynching Inquists Christs the fittestepping in super Brainwashing Inquists that threaten drug cons in zealous goosest fascists Christs Christitutionstial Lynching super Brainwashing in there the fittestepping survival psychology of higher Fuhrer God; just fascists Christitical of debate drug churchstate

This continuation creating a mass neurosis of fascism perpetrated by suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities as " man is God" in order to be higher than one nation under God with homicidal sociopsychopathic human farming tendencies satisfying pleasure principles is cognitive dissonance if it can't be rationalized where a mass psychosis of fascism has to be just like trying to fight one's way out of a paper bag for 9/11 correctness.

A moose once bit my sister.
Seems this Papal-Christian-KKK pharmaceutical business as a Jewish conspiracy is about as far fetched as 2000 + years old Islam flying carpets delivering todays political psychology libertarian propaganda.
Aspiring inconsequential awareness begins flushly over zealous migrations of neo political thrashing openly debating politics of causation of reality in early mindset thought process opens many spacious aromas of debate.

Rancid aromas of debate in the Islamidiotocracy pyramid scheme where a supreme swastika up Uranus court neo political psychology of thieving US Constitution-old glory arsonists as being inconsequential due to a Fuhrer Brainwashing Inquistition where there's no evidence so all is one nation under God; just as Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 are also under God due to Federal Lynching churchstate of hate immaculate drug conceptions enforcement so aspirations in zealous goosestepping super ego legends in their own minds of higher than one nation under God causation in survival of the fittest fascists Christiananality pedophile mentality game.

Constition where also under God due to Federal Brainwasting under to 9/11 are also as of their own minds of the Islamidiotocracy pyramidiotocracy pyramid schementality game. Rancid schementalitical Lynching Inquists Christs the fittestepping in super Brainwashing Inquists that threaten drug cons in zealous goosest fascists Christs Christitutionstial Lynching super Brainwashing in there the fittestepping survival psychology of higher Fuhrer God; just fascists Christitical of debate drug churchstate

This continuation creating a mass neurosis of fascism perpetrated by suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities as " man is God" in order to be higher than one nation under God with homicidal sociopsychopathic human farming tendencies satisfying pleasure principles is cognitive dissonance if it can't be rationalized where a mass psychosis of fascism has to be just like trying to fight one's way out of a paper bag for 9/11 correctness.

A moose once bit my sister.
Might it have been a bit at a Moose Lodge like election fixing run-on sentences by a supreme swastika up Uranus court set precedent for new testament burning Bush's patriot act of 9/11 dictating "man is God" with Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11; now deemed a religious standard holiness pedestal equivalent to Muhammad & Allah & higher than one nation under God. To understand this statistical improbability cognitive dissonance of Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality ChristHitlers would usually be impossible......
Derpity Derp DERP!!

That subconscious recognition where once is an accident, twice is coincidence while there are no coincidences & thrice is a conspiracy of the 21st century holy trinity Christian Nation's national religion Fourth Reich Islamo-Nazi economics of a supreme swastika up Uranus supreme court of election fixing thieving US Constitution arsonists, Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 to be paid 40 virgins & a reverent holiness of on level of Muhammad & Allah as Islam flying carpet kamikaze airplane hijackers & those new testament burning Bush's patriot act of "man is God" where, like a KKK churchstate of homicidal suicidal sociopsychopathic Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality super egos reveal themselves as little more than comical Star Bellied Sneeches with stars upon thars human farming technique failures from their survival of the fittest fascists pyramid scheme.
is proof that the Pentagon was hit by something other than AA-77?
Visual Proof is indisputable...

Trying to determine what is true and what is not true by watching CNN is not a particularly effective strategy...
Tell us again how a "757" made this hole...

That hole was made by what was left of the aircraft AFTER it had destroyed the entire outer ring.
By the way, if it was a cruise missile like some of you have said, how in the hell can an explosion make such a nice round hole? wouldn't.

Seems not only Florida still has it's excess share still fighting it's Civil War sportsman version where if they aren't shooting children in schools they're shooting gays in nightclubs or killing New Yorkers plus those from Washington, D.C. along with military utilized hijacked guns where people have to fly on the bullet video game.

You are still speaking nonsense. Try using commas and periods, try making complete sentences and finishing a thought before starting another one.
Again, none of it makes sense. For example, in the...3 frames of video we get of the object hitting the pentagon, nothing in those 3 frames looks like a 757. Whatever is in the image is much too small to be a 757

As far as the small hole in the inner ring, again, it doesn't make sense that that could have been done by a plane. A plane going through the outter ring, which is reinforced concrete, would have completely obliterated the structural integrity of the plane. Essentially, the plane should have folded up and flattened while traveling into the outter ring. There wouldn't have been anything left hard enough, or moving at the velocity needed to punch a hole like that.

What makes it more confusing is all the expert analysis that say there is no way it could have happened as the official story claimed. Then the official story believers say all of those experts are just Looney.

1. The hole in the inner ring was made by a large piece of the plane, not a miniature version of the plane, this piece still had the momentum to make the hole.

2. You are exactly incorrect, obviously there WAS a piece hard enough with velocity.

3. A cruise missile would have exploded on impact and definitely would NOT have had a piece large enough or hard enough to make the hole.

4. No, the experts say it was done by the plane. YOUR "experts" are not actually experts.

This is not hard.
Again, as we have seen in all of the truther nonsense everywhere, they are predominately concerned with poking holes in the various "official story" while contributing no credible alternative explanation. They dismiss the mountains of evidence that supports the official version and focus on some details that they think they can dispute for some reason. If pressed, they will offer an alternative that has far less logic or evidence behind it than the official version.

This is a special kind of insanity.
is proof that the Pentagon was hit by something other than AA-77?
Visual Proof is indisputable...

Trying to determine what is true and what is not true by watching CNN is not a particularly effective strategy...
Tell us again how a "757" made this hole...

That hole was made by what was left of the aircraft AFTER it had destroyed the entire outer ring.
By the way, if it was a cruise missile like some of you have said, how in the hell can an explosion make such a nice round hole? wouldn't.

Seems not only Florida still has it's excess share still fighting it's Civil War sportsman version where if they aren't shooting children in schools they're shooting gays in nightclubs or killing New Yorkers plus those from Washington, D.C. along with military utilized hijacked guns where people have to fly on the bullet video game.

You are still speaking nonsense. Try using commas and periods, try making complete sentences and finishing a thought before starting another one.
is proof that the Pentagon was hit by something other than AA-77?
Visual Proof is indisputable...

Trying to determine what is true and what is not true by watching CNN is not a particularly effective strategy...
Tell us again how a "757" made this hole...

That hole was made by what was left of the aircraft AFTER it had destroyed the entire outer ring.
By the way, if it was a cruise missile like some of you have said, how in the hell can an explosion make such a nice round hole? wouldn't.

Seems not only Florida still has it's excess share still fighting it's Civil War sportsman version where if they aren't shooting children in schools they're shooting gays in nightclubs or killing New Yorkers plus those from Washington, D.C. along with military utilized hijacked guns where people have to fly on the bullet video game.

You are still speaking nonsense. Try using commas and periods, try making complete sentences and finishing a thought before starting another one.

There's that "serve the Pope or die" totalitarian 9/11 patriot act & oh what an act it is. Cognitive dissonance seems to be the standard avoidance-acceptance of compulsive-obsessive 9/11 factual presentations.
is proof that the Pentagon was hit by something other than AA-77?
Visual Proof is indisputable...

Trying to determine what is true and what is not true by watching CNN is not a particularly effective strategy...
Tell us again how a "757" made this hole...

That hole was made by what was left of the aircraft AFTER it had destroyed the entire outer ring.
By the way, if it was a cruise missile like some of you have said, how in the hell can an explosion make such a nice round hole? wouldn't.

Seems not only Florida still has it's excess share still fighting it's Civil War sportsman version where if they aren't shooting children in schools they're shooting gays in nightclubs or killing New Yorkers plus those from Washington, D.C. along with military utilized hijacked guns where people have to fly on the bullet video game.

You are still speaking nonsense. Try using commas and periods, try making complete sentences and finishing a thought before starting another one.

There's that "serve the Pope or die" totalitarian 9/11 patriot act & oh what an act it is. Cognitive dissonance seems to be the standard avoidance-acceptance of compulsive-obsessive 9/11 factual presentations.

you should have read my post to you. No one can understand your ignorant babbling.
Visual Proof is indisputable...

Trying to determine what is true and what is not true by watching CNN is not a particularly effective strategy...
Tell us again how a "757" made this hole...

That hole was made by what was left of the aircraft AFTER it had destroyed the entire outer ring.
By the way, if it was a cruise missile like some of you have said, how in the hell can an explosion make such a nice round hole? wouldn't.

Seems not only Florida still has it's excess share still fighting it's Civil War sportsman version where if they aren't shooting children in schools they're shooting gays in nightclubs or killing New Yorkers plus those from Washington, D.C. along with military utilized hijacked guns where people have to fly on the bullet video game.

You are still speaking nonsense. Try using commas and periods, try making complete sentences and finishing a thought before starting another one.

There's that "serve the Pope or die" totalitarian 9/11 patriot act & oh what an act it is. Cognitive dissonance seems to be the standard avoidance-acceptance of compulsive-obsessive 9/11 factual presentations.

you should have read my post to you. No one can understand your ignorant babbling.

What a feeble attempt at brainwashing like those Federal Lynching churchstate of hate immaculate drug conception KKK cops attempting to baptize eyes by urinations before 9/11 to ensure Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & themselves would still be enforcing "serve the Pope or die" in Washington, D.C. .
Derpity Derp DERP!!

That subconscious recognition where once is an accident, twice is coincidence while there are no coincidences & thrice is a conspiracy of the 21st century holy trinity Christian Nation's national religion Fourth Reich Islamo-Nazi economics of a supreme swastika up Uranus supreme court of election fixing thieving US Constitution arsonists, Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 to be paid 40 virgins & a reverent holiness of on level of Muhammad & Allah as Islam flying carpet kamikaze airplane hijackers & those new testament burning Bush's patriot act of "man is God" where, like a KKK churchstate of homicidal suicidal sociopsychopathic Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality super egos reveal themselves as little more than comical Star Bellied Sneeches with stars upon thars human farming technique failures from their survival of the fittest fascists pyramid scheme.

I agree, because Derp the derp derp do.
And then Pope pharmaceuticals derp derp.
Because, obviously Church derp derp.
Derpity Derp DERP!!

That subconscious recognition where once is an accident, twice is coincidence while there are no coincidences & thrice is a conspiracy of the 21st century holy trinity Christian Nation's national religion Fourth Reich Islamo-Nazi economics of a supreme swastika up Uranus supreme court of election fixing thieving US Constitution arsonists, Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 to be paid 40 virgins & a reverent holiness of on level of Muhammad & Allah as Islam flying carpet kamikaze airplane hijackers & those new testament burning Bush's patriot act of "man is God" where, like a KKK churchstate of homicidal suicidal sociopsychopathic Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality super egos reveal themselves as little more than comical Star Bellied Sneeches with stars upon thars human farming technique failures from their survival of the fittest fascists pyramid scheme.

I agree, because Derp the derp derp do.
And then Pope pharmaceuticals derp derp.
Because, obviously Church derp derp.

Do-wop referring to that Pope pharmaceuticals baptize thine eyes by urinations as thieving bereavement memorial to JFK arsonists contingent just like those Federal Lynching churchsate of hate KKK cops attempts at baptising eyes by urinations as thieving 9/11 arsonists patriots, obviously.

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