Getting cancelled by Trump supporters

Not or ever all, but yes , many angry people filled with Nothing but Hate.
Agreed. Unfortunately, the sensible conservatives are not as vocal as the idiots.

It almost seems like they’re emulating their lord and savior Trump now. They’re loud, stupid, and obnoxious. We see it on this forum all the time.
And you’re still going. About nothing. Because you’re desperately seeking my attention.

What a sad, pathetic loser you are.
:itsok: If you wish to ask a question, you will need to phrase your “question” in the form of a legitimate.question.
:itsok: If you wish to ask a question, you will need to phrase your “question” in the form of a legitimate.question.
I asked you what made it illegitimate. You didn’t answer. You’re arguing about nothing because you’re a pathetic loser with nothing better to do and you’re STILL desperately seeking my attention.

Re-evaluate your decision here. You look like a fool and this isn’t getting any better for you.
You raise interesting points. A well thought out post. That said Where do you stand on BLM. I read through your whole post but correct me if I’m wrong I don’t think you talked about the racial issues that are being propagated by politicians in our country.

On the idea that America has a racist imperialist evil history which is propagated mostly by democrats but also by some Republicans like Adam Kinzinger and Liz cheny.

BLM was a legit movement initially. But then the radicals took over. Along with them came the violent destruction that brought out the racist in that movement. White folks like me couldn't stand with them under any circumstances. Especially when the left were overlooking the racism and destruction.
One thing that caught my eye early on in that movement, was how BLM could never seem to find an innocent, drug free, non-criminal to make it's martyr. They had to used druggy thugs like George Floyd to try and prove how bad the system was.
I am a lifelong Democrat and I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. But in my view the Democratic Party changed drastically from 2016 to 2020 by supporting anti-American ism the idea that we are specifically racist the idea that all white people including homeless white people are privileged. Now that on its face it’s not only false it is hurtful to the country and it is very dangerous.

The radical progressives pulled a fast one on you guys. Much like Trump has done to the GOP since 2015. I've never seen that white privilege. No one ever gave me a break just because I was white. One thing is for sure today, white males are the only demographic in the USA that are allowed to be discriminated against.
I will vote for Republicans who oppose racial division. Even if the same Republicans might not be speaking out in favor of unions as much as I like. Although Donald Trump has spoken in favor of unions so I like that.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I think the most critical thing in our country right now are how politicians and the left-wing media supporters are propping up racial division how they constantly talk about race put this stuff in our face. Who was it that brought us the mobs destroying statues in this country it ….was left-wing Democrats this was something that is an attack on history. The LGBT grooming all put in our face. The rise of pornography the rise of Pornography even on Instagram and social media this is such a huge issue it is affecting the youth of our country. The rise of single men the numbers of single men have gone up incredibly high. So these are critical issues for our country to address and it seems like Democrats none of them are doing the right thing on it and frankly not a lot of Republicans are either but the Republicans most especially Donald Trump seem to be the only hope to address these issues what do you think?

I don't trust Trump as far as I can throw him. But like you, I don't think he's racist. The rise of single men has come because us, the youths fathers, have been put through the ringers in divorce court. Always have been. But today, having to not only pay child support. But are also put on the hook for their health insurance and sometimes even college. Restricted visitations because it's so easy for the woman to lie and make it even harder on the father.
My two sons watched their mom cheat on me, and her next two husbands. They watch me and the next guy have to give up our homes to her. Their last step dad, a good guy, they watched his ex take him to court at least twice a year for more money or benefits.
They're both now in their mid 20's and don't think any woman is worth going through all that. Especially since 95% of their friends are already paying child support.
Being gay, or at least BI, is the easy route. They don't have to worry about giving birth to a son that's gonna wanna be a daughter when it's 10 years old.

Are you saying that if Donald Trump is the 2024 Republican nominee you won’t vote for him? Doesn’t that mean it’s a vote for Democrats?

No, that means it's not a vote for Trump. The left and the right use that same ploy. Democrats say If I don't vote for their candidate, then it's a vote for the republican. Republicans say the same exact opposite. So, if that's true, then my non voting cancels out each other.
Me personally, it's just a matter of voting for only those who "earn" my vote. I'm done with just being talked into it. And I'm done with voting out of fear. As in "voting for the lesser of two evils." That is simply voting out of fear. Fear that the other guy will be worse.
The way DeSantis is running FL, he's earning my vote.

Because I think that Democrats and Democrats on the US messageboard have no leg to stand on whatsoever simply bc slavery was a global issue ….and all of the things that the people like Christopher Columbus has been accused of so have Indians and Black people throughout history. So they have no leg to stand on whatsoever.

Democrats conveniently forget that there has been more white slaves in history, than any other race. So when they're spouting of their "history," they don't go any further back than the US slave trade. Nor do they mention that the first black US slave was owned by a black man. And that most of the slaves that were brought over from Africa, were slaves when they were bought. Slaves to black people in Africa.
They also tend to forget that it was the white man who freed the slaves, desegregated schools, passed the civil rights bill and ended Jim Crow laws.
Another very important aspect of all this, is the fact that the USA, even today, is still populated by 60% whites and only 13% blacks. So if things tend to leans towards whites, it's because we hold a HUGE majority of the population.

Are you saying you’re going to sit out an election and affectively give a vote to Democrats who stand for this type of anti-American ism. Which we have seen is destructive for the country it appears to be leading to violence it certainly appears to get into the heads of Americans who when they hear that from politicians and believe it ….they lose hope in the country they think to them selves what do I care about this country Ill go to rob this 7-Eleven or if I attack somebody ? I truly believe that there is a correlation between the rise of crime in America at least a correlation between people who rob stores who attack people and the rise of BLM.

If there's not a fiscal conservative on the ballot, I will sit this one out. Monetary issues like spending, the debt, the deficit, the borrowing, printing and the devaluation by over inflating the USD, is IMO the most important issue. Simply because the dollar and it's value touches almost every single aspect of our lives.
It's the reason why a jug of milk is $4 per gallon. It's the reason why so many American companies send US jobs to Mexico or China. It's the reason why our trade deficit with China is so high. Because with an average wage of $20hr, it's impossible for American companies to compete globally, and still pay their employee's such a high wage.

If our currency was more like China's, where $20K per year was a middle class wage, we'd have more manufacturing jobs. Have you noticed the amount of middle age people working fast food and convenient stores?
If our dollar was equal to the Yuan or the Peso, American companies would come back to the US in droves.
Equalizing the dollar with they Yuan or the Peso, would increase it buying power 75%. It's lost 75% of is buying power since the Reagan RINO's took over.
Trump is a monetary moron, who believes we can "just print more money." Regardless of the fact that doing that, is what has gotten us into this situation.
Agreed. Unfortunately, the sensible conservatives are not as vocal as the idiots.

It almost seems like they’re emulating their lord and savior Trump now. They’re loud, stupid, and obnoxious. We see it on this forum all the time.

They learned that from the radical progressives and Trump.
I asked you what made it illegitimate. You didn’t answer. You’re arguing about nothing because you’re a pathetic loser with nothing better to do and you’re STILL desperately seeking my attention.

Re-evaluate your decision here. You look like a fool and this isn’t getting any better for you.
You are the one clearly confirming that you are the fool, here, little x. We all see that the problem is you.

All you need to do is suck it up and phrase your putative question in the form of a legitimate question. Don’t be a sissy. Just do it.
If you're a fiscal & constitutional conservative, like myself, you've probably seen Trumps record of spending, increasing the size and scope of government and reauthorizing unconstitutional legislation. And you probably didn't like the idea of him assaulting our 2A with the bump stock ban. And you probably didn't like the idea of him either getting his butt kicked by Pelosi, or caving to her.
Not to mention all easily debunked lies that he told, just to get his uneducated followers to support him even more.
Things like:
Lock her up. Which he didn't even try
Make Mexico pay for the wall.... Not even possible.
Balance the budget in 4 years, that he didn't even try.
Get the national debt to zero in 8 years. Not even possible.

Just to name a few.

But if you're a die hard Trump supporter, all those lies were simply ignored. And why wouldn't they? Discussing them would mean they know Trump is lying and that they're overlooking those lies. And that in itself would cancel out all those things they said about Obama and Biden's lies being overlooked by their followers.

So where do FC/CC (fiscal and constitutional conservatives) go when there's no one to really support, except DeSantis. DeSantis has a good conservative record. But since the left and the Trump worshippers are aligned with each other now, one is surely to get cancelled by republican Trump supporters. Leaving us sort of standing alone, like the libertarian party.

I and many others have been treated like and called a liberal from Trumpbots, because we don't support someone as liberal as Trump. Trump has taken his supporters so far left of center, they don't even realize the whole "pot calling the kettle black."

And what does this do to the few conservatives congressmen and senators, who also don't support Trump? Well, I'll tell you.
What happens to them is the same thing that happened to the moderate democrats when the radical progressives took over in about 2019.
Trump supporters are telling us to shut up and sit down. Our voices don't matter. And if we speak up, their tribe will attack us and "cancel" us to the point that no one will even bother listening to reason.

The Trump tribe is the 2023 cancel culture. And it's going to be just as insane as the lefts version of it. Look at what they're doing to DeSantis. Calling him a groomer, a RINO, an establishment politician. Even with the record he has against the woke mob, Disney, the alphabet people and even the covid establishment.

BLM was a legit movement initially. But then the radicals took over. Along with them came the violent destruction that brought out the racist in that movement. White folks like me couldn't stand with them under any circumstances. Especially when the left were overlooking the racism and destruction.
One thing that caught my eye early on in that movement, was how BLM could never seem to find an innocent, drug free, non-criminal to make it's martyr. They had to used druggy thugs like George Floyd to try and prove how bad the system was.

The radical progressives pulled a fast one on you guys. Much like Trump has done to the GOP since 2015. I've never seen that white privilege. No one ever gave me a break just because I was white. One thing is for sure today, white males are the only demographic in the USA that are allowed to be discriminated against.

I don't trust Trump as far as I can throw him. But like you, I don't think he's racist. The rise of single men has come because us, the youths fathers, have been put through the ringers in divorce court. Always have been. But today, having to not only pay child support. But are also put on the hook for their health insurance and sometimes even college. Restricted visitations because it's so easy for the woman to lie and make it even harder on the father.
My two sons watched their mom cheat on me, and her next two husbands. They watch me and the next guy have to give up our homes to her. Their last step dad, a good guy, they watched his ex take him to court at least twice a year for more money or benefits.
They're both now in their mid 20's and don't think any woman is worth going through all that. Especially since 95% of their friends are already paying child support.
Being gay, or at least BI, is the easy route. They don't have to worry about giving birth to a son that's gonna wanna be a daughter when it's 10 years old.

No, that means it's not a vote for Trump. The left and the right use that same ploy. Democrats say If I don't vote for their candidate, then it's a vote for the republican. Republicans say the same exact opposite. So, if that's true, then my non voting cancels out each other.
Me personally, it's just a matter of voting for only those who "earn" my vote. I'm done with just being talked into it. And I'm done with voting out of fear. As in "voting for the lesser of two evils." That is simply voting out of fear. Fear that the other guy will be worse.
The way DeSantis is running FL, he's earning my vote.

Democrats conveniently forget that there has been more white slaves in history, than any other race. So when they're spouting of their "history," they don't go any further back than the US slave trade. Nor do they mention that the first black US slave was owned by a black man. And that most of the slaves that were brought over from Africa, were slaves when they were bought. Slaves to black people in Africa.
They also tend to forget that it was the white man who freed the slaves, desegregated schools, passed the civil rights bill and ended Jim Crow laws.
Another very important aspect of all this, is the fact that the USA, even today, is still populated by 60% whites and only 13% blacks. So if things tend to leans towards whites, it's because we hold a HUGE majority of the population.

If there's not a fiscal conservative on the ballot, I will sit this one out. Monetary issues like spending, the debt, the deficit, the borrowing, printing and the devaluation by over inflating the USD, is IMO the most important issue. Simply because the dollar and it's value touches almost every single aspect of our lives.
It's the reason why a jug of milk is $4 per gallon. It's the reason why so many American companies send US jobs to Mexico or China. It's the reason why our trade deficit with China is so high. Because with an average wage of $20hr, it's impossible for American companies to compete globally, and still pay their employee's such a high wage.

If our currency was more like China's, where $20K per year was a middle class wage, we'd have more manufacturing jobs. Have you noticed the amount of middle age people working fast food and convenient stores?
If our dollar was equal to the Yuan or the Peso, American companies would come back to the US in droves.
Equalizing the dollar with they Yuan or the Peso, would increase it buying power 75%. It's lost 75% of is buying power since the Reagan RINO's took over.
Trump is a monetary moron, who believes we can "just print more money." Regardless of the fact that doing that, is what has gotten us into this situation.
there’s a lot of points here I agree with so perhaps no need to respond to them. I appreciate your points on race in this country. I don’t agree with groups that have a name like Black Lives Matter or white lives matter but I certainly agree with any movement in this country that wants to help poor people or disenfranchised people whether they’re black or white.

I would add to that by saying as a lifelong fan of major league baseball I would actually be in favor of there being some kind of an asterisk next to the Hall of Fame that says hey you know before Jackie Robinson broke the color line in baseball… The MLB was missing a huge chunk of talent in Black people who are not allowed to play. Now by the way in the late 1800s A black man Moses Walker played in the major leagues but only for a short time… not many people know that, but after that it wasn’t until Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in 1947 that baseball became desegregated. But as you point out when the United States had race issues other countries of the world had race issues and slavery was always a global issue. And hundreds of thousands of white people as you know died in the US Civil War fighting to end slavery.

Maybe you can educate me a bit here on this spending issue with Donald Trump. Because I look at the totality of the economy in general under Mr. Trump compared to now. I look at the fact that under Trump the gas prices were much lower the home mortgage loan rate was about 2.5% where as right now it’s anywhere from 6.5 to 7% that makes things very difficult for a middle-class family to buy a house if not impossible. So many young families are priced out of buying a house. What about the inflation issue. I know that we had the coronavirus gov enforced shutdown starting in March 2020… I know that even under Mr. Trump there were government handouts given out but I understand the fact that most of the trillions of dollars that was given out during the coronavirus ….was done so during the Biden administration.

And you talk about how things are very tough for many men who have had to go through a divorce process. sorry to hear what has happened to you that is certainly an injustice ….reminds of One of my older poker friends he is a retired firefighter with a pretty good pension and retirement benefits…. his ex-wife who is a nurse and made more money than him was able to get $100,000 from his retirement pension as part of the divorce process. He got nothing obviously and she got $100,000. That’s a pretty flawed system of course…. I don’t understand why if we have women in the workforce now , we have things like female power and btw I admire strong women , strong business woman. But why are divorce laws so lopsided and what politicians are out there democrat or republican who say they’re going to do something about it? That’s an honest question to everyone here are there actually any politicians who want to make the divorce proceedings more equal?

By the way when it comes to the 2024 election I will gladly give my vote to Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump. So I’m with you I support Ron DeSantis and the types of things he’s been saying about opposing woke culture, opposing children being taught “gender studies”..

So when it comes to the 2024 election rather than sitting out would you consider voting perhaps for a green party candidate or a libertarian candidate. Like for example in 2012 I did not vote Democrat or Republican I voted for the libertarian Gary Johnson.

Or somehow by miracle if Joe Biden changes his ways and does some good things like oppose race division opposes the LGBT grooming of kids, stands up for the second amendment, stands up for the middle-class like so many Democrats in the middle of the 20th century used to do …. would you vote for him ? because if he does all of those things which might just be some kind of a dream… I would certainly vote for him

But it’s becoming crystal clear that more than likely my vote is going to go toward either Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump.
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You are the one clearly confirming that you are the fool, here, little x. We all see that the problem is you.

All you need to do is suck it up and phrase your putative question in the form of a legitimate question. Don’t be a sissy. Just do it.
Just like last time, you failed to explain what makes it illegitimate.

You initiated this nonsense with me and you have been going for DAYS now. Look at how fucking pathetic you are.
Just like last time, you failed to explain what makes it illegitimate.

You initiated this nonsense with me and you have been going for DAYS now. Look at how fucking pathetic you are.
Just as in all your previous times, you fail to even try. I understand. You’re afraid of exposing your own biases and lack of intelligence.

You initiated all of this.

All you’d have to do is at least try to phrase your so-called “question” in the form of a legitimate question.
Just as in all your previous times, you fail to even try.
There’s nothing to try. You’re making bullshit up for the sake of making bullshit up.

You’re sad, pathetic, and lonely. And you’re desperately seeking my attention about nothing.
There’s nothing to try. You’re making bullshit up for the sake of making bullshit up.

No. I don’t make bullshit up at all.
You’re sad, pathetic, and lonely. And you’re desperately seeking my attention about nothing.
You’re still stalking me! Sound the alarums, sirrah!

Dry your panties and focus on just the one important thing. Phrase your attempted question in the form of a legitimate question. 👍
I didn’t initiate this nonsense with you. You really want my attention. What a loser.
Stop stalking. Stop lying. We all see that you’re the liar little x.

The loser is the one who can’t even admit he was wrong. But you were wrong. And all it takes to fix it is to phrase your putative question in the form of a legitimate question.

Your next evasion and set of lies is just about due. Go!
You initiated this, liar. And you’re still going. :laugh:
No no, you lying liar. I responded to one of your posts. It’s not even debatable. So your lie is glaringly obvious.

Now then, phrase your putative question in the form of a legitimate question.
Correct. You initiated this nonsense with me.
Yes. If by “initiate” you include responses to what you had posted.
I didn’t actively go out of my way to talk to you.
Your keystrokes took place without your active participation? That’s very strange.
You’re following me around,

False. You’re following every one of my posts here with more of your lies and gibberish.
arguing about nothing,
No. I’m not arguing. I’m mocking tou. You claim you asked a “question.” I stand ready to answer as soon as you phrase your putative question in the form of a legitimate question.
like a pathetic loser with no life.
I understand how you view yourself. I agree you are a pathetic loser with no life. Well, at least one where you have no spine, no guts and no balls.
My posts weren’t directed at you. I wasn’t speaking to you. You initiated that. You desperately seek my attention.
This is a public message board. All posts are fair game for a reply. As you knew even as you posted your above quoted lie.

Since I was replying to your post, you initiated it. See? Simple.

You’re just stalking. I don’t know why you persist in trying to engage me when you can’t even be bothered to attempt to phrase your putative “question” in the form of a question.

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