Getting cancelled by Trump supporters

“As a die hard liberal, I simply can no longer support Biden or anybody in the DNC. THEREFORE, I urge all liberals to vote for Trump.”

I believe this captures the spirit of the OP.
there’s a lot of points here I agree with so perhaps no need to respond to them. I appreciate your points on race in this country. I don’t agree with groups that have a name like Black Lives Matter or white lives matter but I certainly agree with any movement in this country that wants to help poor people or disenfranchised people whether they’re black or white.

I would add to that by saying as a lifelong fan of major league baseball I would actually be in favor of there being some kind of an asterisk next to the Hall of Fame that says hey you know before Jackie Robinson broke the color line in baseball… The MLB was missing a huge chunk of talent in Black people who are not allowed to play. Now by the way in the late 1800s A black man Moses Walker played in the major leagues but only for a short time… not many people know that, but after that it wasn’t until Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in 1947 that baseball became desegregated. But as you point out when the United States had race issues other countries of the world had race issues and slavery was always a global issue. And hundreds of thousands of white people as you know died in the US Civil War fighting to end slavery.
We can't live in the past. Or change history. For a lot of folks, race just isn't an issue. As in the "first black_________." If we're all equal, the celebrating someone's achievements based on their race is still racism. It still creates a divide.

Maybe you can educate me a bit here on this spending issue with Donald Trump. Because I look at the totality of the economy in general under Mr. Trump compared to now. I look at the fact that under Trump the gas prices were much lower the home mortgage loan rate was about 2.5% where as right now it’s anywhere from 6.5 to 7% that makes things very difficult for a middle-class family to buy a house if not impossible. So many young families are priced out of buying a house. What about the inflation issue. I know that we had the coronavirus gov enforced shutdown starting in March 2020… I know that even under Mr. Trump there were government handouts given out but I understand the fact that most of the trillions of dollars that was given out during the coronavirus ….was done so during the Biden administration.

Trump inherited a recovering economy. We were getting used to the higher prices and the now higher wages. Russia and Saudi were in an oil price war, which drove the price of oil down and initiated the oil industries boom cycle.
Regardless of the fact that the US economy was looking good, it really wasn't. It had only adjusted itself. The value of the currency was still lower because of all the money that was borrowed during the Obama administration. Which caused even more jobs to be outsourced because of the higher wages it took for us to make those adjustments. So we lost more jobs and helped grow our trade deficit with countries like China and Mexico.
But here comes the big spending RINO (Trump. AKA Reagan Jr.) and borrowed a ton of money from the fed in his first two years. Then we were hit by covid and it's effects on our economy. $8 TRILLION in total by the time Trump left office. That's just a little shy of what Obama spent in 8 years. Obviously, no one can blame Trump too much for the covid money. Except for the fact that over 1/2 of that money went to things unrelated to covid. It was just disguised as covid related. This, along with the money Biden borrowed and spent his first year, brings us to an 8% inflation rate.

The inflation rate, higher interest rates & higher wages are just symptoms of the actual problem. They're merely the adjustments that have to be made to keep from going into a full blown depression and the USD completely crashing. The government screws things up, and we (the market) have to make the corrections and adjustments.

Us fiscal conservatives believe that the fed money should not be touched, and the government should live within it's means. The Fed should only be used in cases of actual emergencies. Things like Covid or natural disasters that span across several states.
If we only owed the Fed the $1 trillion that we owed when Reagan took office, $20K per year would still be a middle class wage. American manufacturers could still afford to manufacture here. We wouldn't need to import as much oil from countries like Saudi Arabia, where $20K per year is still a middle class wage. 1 SAR is worth .27cents USD. Which is about the same as Mexico. You can live comfy in SA for about $1,500 per month. Here, that's a poverty wage.

And you talk about how things are very tough for many men who have had to go through a divorce process. sorry to hear what has happened to you that is certainly an injustice ….reminds of One of my older poker friends he is a retired firefighter with a pretty good pension and retirement benefits…. his ex-wife who is a nurse and made more money than him was able to get $100,000 from his retirement pension as part of the divorce process. He got nothing obviously and she got $100,000. That’s a pretty flawed system of course…. I don’t understand why if we have women in the workforce now , we have things like female power and btw I admire strong women , strong business woman. But why are divorce laws so lopsided and what politicians are out there democrat or republican who say they’re going to do something about it? That’s an honest question to everyone here are there actually any politicians who want to make the divorce proceedings more equal?

No politician is going to say he's going to get tough on women. Even with all the advantages they have when it comes to divorce and custody issues. Hell, we can't even point out why female sports doesn't make money. It's because they don't sell tickets. Even the feminist don't support female sports.

By the way when it comes to the 2024 election I will gladly give my vote to Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump. So I’m with you I support Ron DeSantis and the types of things he’s been saying about opposing woke culture, opposing children being taught “gender studies”..

So when it comes to the 2024 election rather than sitting out would you consider voting perhaps for a green party candidate or a libertarian candidate. Like for example in 2012 I did not vote Democrat or Republican I voted for the libertarian Gary Johnson.

I'll support 3rd parties when they become viable. I've cast a lot of wasted votes on the LP. But since the R & D's have the election system locked in their favor, what's the use?
The elections are simply their game we play by their rules. If voting worked, they wouldn't let us do it.
I've seen first hand how the primaries are rigged. I once tried to become a delegate in the RNC. Meeting after meeting in 2012. Once the national parties leaders sent down their marching orders to support their chosen one, that year it was Romney, then if you supported someone other than that, you were ignored, shunned and sometimes removed by the local chairman.
Believe you me, if the RNC didn't want Trump in 2016 or 2020, Trump wouldn't have been the nominee. There are no trojan horses in the RNC or DNC. They want you to think it's possible. Because it creates drama, increases donations and sells TV advertising. Note the way they're making this Trump/DeSantis thing out to be some sort of sports competition. Using words like "race, fight, final turn, count down" and things of that nature.
It's all just a big charade to make people think they have some say so in it.
Or somehow by miracle if Joe Biden changes his ways and does some good things like oppose race division opposes the LGBT grooming of kids, stands up for the second amendment, stands up for the middle-class like so many Democrats in the middle of the 20th century used to do …. would you vote for him ? because if he does all of those things which might just be some kind of a dream… I would certainly vote for him

No. Because now I put more stock in what a politician does. Not what he says.
Example: When Biden said he was going to end fossil fuels in this country, I knew he was lying. For 1, he doesn't have the power to do that. 2. He knows the US depends on fossil fuels to keep our currency used by oil producing countries. It would crash our USD.
So that whole "war on fossil fuels" was a charade too.
Proof: When a commodity loses is demand, what happens to the price? It falls on it's face. Companies drop the prices just so they can keep selling it, right?
Historically, when the demand for oil went up (summer time) so the did the prices.
But what happened when Covid hit and the demand for oil fell on it's face? It sky rocketed. The XL pipeline was still years from completion, so it is irrelevant to the price of oil. The oil leases that Biden cancelled wasn't being used by the oil companies because they didn't need them. Plus throw in the fact that the geologist reports haven't even started on those leases. So they were all years away from even getting a drilling permit for. So they were irrelevant too.
But Biden played his part well. And so the end result was the oil companies made huge profits by producing record low amounts of oil. When it should've been just the opposite. Low demand has always meant lower prices.
But it’s becoming crystal clear that more than likely my vote is going to go toward either Ron DeSantis or Donald Trump.

I'm glad you've seen the fallacies of the DNC. Welcome to the RNC. Where they're really not much different. Just different talking points. Different ways of lying. But usually the same end result.
Maybe. I don’t see it but I’ll have to give that one more thought.

I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative. No where near a Republican. And I have Trumpbots trying to cancel me constantly. And for what? For bringing up the fact that Trump borrowed and spent way too much. Assaulted our 2A. Funded Planned Parenthood. And a few other liberal leaning facts about him.

Trump is just a Reagan on steroids.
Would you vote for Biden over Trump?

I hate to be blunt, but I'm baffled at how anyone can ask such a ridiculous question. Why would anyone who says that Trump is not a true conservative vote for Biden, who is obviously not a conservative at all? Not to mention a corrupt child-molesting senile idiotic globalist puppet?

ETA: I thought the original post was more than clear, but if it wasn't clear enough for some, he clearly stated in another post that he didn't vote for either.
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I'm a fiscal and constitutional conservative. No where near a Republican. And I have Trumpbots trying to cancel me constantly. And for what? For bringing up the fact that Trump borrowed and spent way too much. Assaulted our 2A. Funded Planned Parenthood. And a few other liberal leaning facts about him.

Trump is just a Reagan on steroids.
I can imagine it being difficult to be a fiscal and constitutional conservative. Seems like people like you are getting drowned out by the Trumpsters.

At some point, someone is going to need to take a serious stand on our fiscal situation. Currently, nobody in power actually cares about it. People just pretend to care about it when the other side is in power.
I hate to be blunt, but I'm baffled at how anyone can ask such a ridiculous question. Why would anyone who says that Trump is not a true conservative vote for Biden, who is obviously not a conservative at all? Not to mention a corrupt child-molesting senile idiotic globalist puppet?
It is because most democrat voters are fake.

Most Americans that vote for democrats have no idea they even voted.

Democrats launder money the same way. Democrats Use the identities of old people to push thousands of small donations Under the radar.
It is because most democrat voters are fake.

Most Americans that vote for democrats have no idea they even voted.

Democrats launder money the same way. Democrats Use the identities of old people to push thousands of small donations Under the radar.

I think you misunderstood my post. Because I'm not sure what your reply has to do with what I said. :) But it's OK. It's too early in the day (for me anyway) to talk about stuff like this. lol
I can imagine it being difficult to be a fiscal and constitutional conservative. Seems like people like you are getting drowned out by the Trumpsters.

At some point, someone is going to need to take a serious stand on our fiscal situation. Currently, nobody in power actually cares about it. People just pretend to care about it when the other side is in power.

We did, in 2007 with the creation of the tea party. But by the end of 2008, the CINO's (conservative in name only) republicans had infiltrated us and destroyed what we were trying to do. The conservative movement turned into the Ron Paul revolution, but the RNC, through the media, made us all out to be just a bunch of whacko's...
And all the time, their candidates, like Romney were running on the fiscal conservative issues. Cutting spending, balancing the budgets and keep us out of foreign entanglements.
They won. But they didn't cut spending or any of those things they ran on.
You’ve been going on about this for DAYS now, loser. And you’re STILL going. Clearly you desperately seek my attention. :laugh:
Stop whining and crying to her my attention, you pathetic twat.

Just sack up and finally phrase your putative question in the form of a question. 👍
Actually he gets most (or attempts to get most) of the things he said he was going to do.
What presidents accomplish themselves is almost always short lived because they use executive orders that disappear at the end their term. Lasting changes comes from congress. It was congress that passed Obamacare and congress that passed the Trump tax cuts and congress that passed Biden's healthcare and climate change reforms.

Yet with every presidential election we are subjected to all the things that "I will do when elected." Without capturing both houses of congress, there is little lasting change. The opposition party will make sure of that.
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We did, in 2007 with the creation of the tea party. But by the end of 2008, the CINO's (conservative in name only) republicans had infiltrated us and destroyed what we were trying to do. The conservative movement turned into the Ron Paul revolution, but the RNC, through the media, made us all out to be just a bunch of whacko's...
And all the time, their candidates, like Romney were running on the fiscal conservative issues. Cutting spending, balancing the budgets and keep us out of foreign entanglements.
They won. But they didn't cut spending or any of those things they ran on.
Yea. Seems like both sides are full of shit when it comes to fiscal responsibility.

I remember the Tea Party. Seems like both sides have significantly transformed since then.
I didn’t initiate this conversation with you.

You’re embarrassing yourself. :itsok:
You’ve already humiliated yourself with your ongoing but transparent lie.

You may continue. It’s ok.

We all see that you will never man up. Maybe you’re just not the man for the job.

If you were, maybe you’d be able to sack up and phrase your alleged question in the form of a question.
Yea. Seems like both sides are full of shit when it comes to fiscal responsibility.

I remember the Tea Party. Seems like both sides have significantly transformed since then.

Because we wouldn't support McCain or Romney, we were considered outcast. Then the GOP has the gall to use what we believed in, fiscal conservatism, to run for office.
We did get some legit politicians though. Mike Lee, Chip Roy, Thomas Massie and Justin Amash. But they've been told by the CINO's to either shut up or leave.

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