Getting Rid of RINOs is Very Important in 2022.

We need to stop the social justice movement for a while. Progs need to consolidate the victories. And they need to address the poverty that still exists even with massive programs. Your agendas though cannot do that. You would have to move the feminism back a bit to allow males the opportunity to get out of poverty. and that would improve traditional marriage which is a no no for Progs and to many feminists.
Yep, the pendulum swung to far. The good news is that pendulum is getting nearer to the middle. Shared custody of children is becoming much more common. Ya don't fix things by fucking a new group . Then some one is always getting fucked over. Kids are way better off with both mom and dad's eyes on them. Helicopter parents, split of families, neither is good. Gotta find balance between the two. Today we have one or the other and everyone gets hosed. Kids gotta be aloud to make mistakes and fend for themselves to a point. Then mom and dad come clean up the mess and show them the right way. Today either the kid is completely left to own devices or not allowed to do anything for themselves. Recipes for disaster.
Except that you are really eating YOUR own and don't realize it.
Lol, nope. Our party does not kick people out. Your a does and sooner or later enough will be called rino people will realize no good to be a repug. Keep it up keep finding your Rino's.

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